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List of bad systems in Warframe


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standing at a spot to defend stuff is what i am getting sick of lately, they turned the jupiter sabotage into that and i feel tricked every time i do the fissures to open relics. the game needs more active modes with multiple paths like the normal sabotage has (meltdown and cooling cell choice,etc) and less of "stand here for 3 minutes."


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4 hours ago, Xylena_Lazarow said:

they do their job of buffing janky weapons to usability.

They really don't.

400% extra damage on a weapon with low damage won't make it suddenly deal good damage.

Riven mods fail at what they were supposedly designed for because they are percent based increases, which only work when you have a good baseline, which is why weapons with good baselines have lower dispositions.

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5 hours ago, FLSH_BNG said:

Mouse and keyboard. It's antiquated and sluggish. The game should support neural interfacing so that we don't have to deal with the BS of pushing physical buttons and actually moving while sitting on our butts complaining about how we could make the game better if people just listened to our stupid cries for recognition.

I will pay a trillion Zimbabwean dollars if you can develop a neural interface game.

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4 hours ago, saghzs said:

Instead of just pointing out the obvious which has been done thousands of times already, come up with your own ideas on how to improve those systems.

Why so jelly. It's not like players and partners have given hundreds of fixes which never get incorporated 😂

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8 minutes ago, Aldain said:

400% extra damage on a weapon with low damage won't make it suddenly deal good damage. Riven mods fail at what they were supposedly designed for because they are percent based increases

Base damage isn't always the best riven stat, and some weapons are unfortunately beyond redemption, especially low-crit high-status ones. I wouldn't mind an additive riven buff system, but as-is it at least lets me feel pretty good about bringing my Burston Prime or Prisma Gorgon into a kuva flood.

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Just now, Xylena_Lazarow said:

and some weapons are unfortunately beyond redemption

I have an Aklato Riven, I know that all to well.

My issue with Riven mods is that they are commonly used as an excuse by either DE or players against actual weapon balancing, while players lose their mind whenever an objectively strong weapon that doesn't even need a Riven gets its Disposition reduced.

Pre-Melee 3.0 most melee weapons weren't usable even with a Riven because their stats were beyond awful (Dual Daggers in particular), if anything that overhaul showed the limits of Riven mods as a balancing tool all the more.

But most of my distaste for the Riven system stems from how it supposedly exists for balance purposes, but often only makes the issues worse.

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  1. Archwing. Or being more specific, archwing missions.
    AW isn't popular to begin with but I believe a major role on that is because of how they're handled. Some of its issues need more developer work but there are some that are just simple tweaks that don't require squeezing their brains for balance.
    Gearing up is usually an instant turn off for a lot of players because it takes forever to level up and get the basic mods. It's just discouraging players from using forma and having to re-level. Part of this is because there aren't good AW nodes to farm affinity efficiently at, except Salacia in Neptune.
  • Affinity gains:
    The only decent node to farm exp on being a mobile defense with stationary objectives. Affinity range is way too small and it doesn't help that squad mates spread around out of its range. Which brings me to my next point. Would require some work on new nodes or reworking missions.
  • Enemy spawns:
    Players have to look around for enemies and spread away from other player affinity range because enemies spawn way too far and move way way way too slow to the point most of them don't even make it to the defense objective in time before we move to a new one. Players have to go back and look for those enemies if they want exp, but the rest of the players in the squad miss on that exp. When you finish defending a drone, enemies stop being alerted and stop their already slow path until the next drone is active to defend. I've had to either run solo (which I don't enjoy) or basically hug my squad member without doing anything else, following them around waiting for their moves. I asked many times to try not to spread around so much, people don't even read and do as they please so I end up aborting because it's a waste of time. This has a relative easy solution with simple tweaks on enemy spawning closer and moving faster (they already did that in Railjack) and possibly in higher number of spawns.
  • Maps size and environment:
    Archwings move too fast and maps are usually too narrow, you just keep bumping into everything with that annoying stagger animation. I personally can never toggle turbo speed on without getting frustrated, let alone blink. Again would require some tileset rework and I very much doubt they would give priority to something as unpopular as AW if it took forever for Gas City and Corpus Ship ones.

Kinda archwing rant because of the recent affinity boost event that gave me finally an incentive to go and level up all the AWs and weapons I've been crafting these past weeks. And it was still terribly bad and couldn't even be bothered to do more than 3 Salacia runs in a row, didn't even level up all of the stuff and I don't even regret it. 😕

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5 hours ago, Nehra96 said:

Maybe energy isn't the problem, but a symptom of another problem. Take most mission types in game. There is no incentive to "kill one enemy with your primary gun, empty your secondary into two other blokes and them jump to the roof of the tile and harpoon the fourth enemy Assassin's Creed style"... When all you are gonna get is a bronze mod or 100 endo or lith relic, you are better going with "Press 4, nuke everything, repeat the mission 6.9 times". 

Chicken or egg?

The two problems are innately intertwined.

Players aren't encouraged by either mechanical pushes or pulls - they are neither pushed there by mechanical limitations, nor pulled by extrinsic goals.

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Unpopular opinion i believe but i prefer the void tower keys to the relics. just seemed like there was something to spend time in that wasnt an endless kuva floor or arbitration and get something that was a rewards, relics arent the same since everyone needs to have enough relics to do a long run and its constantly interupted every 5 mins.

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I can fully agree on rivens. I wouldn't mind if DE would remove rivens from my account one day and fix the weapons for realzies instead, but i know that a lot of people are going to lose their sh-t if they do that and DE in unwilling to balance their game, so in short: rivens were a mistake.

Can also agree on Eudolons. Some people say it's the best boss and this make me realize how bad bosses in this game are. Let be real, people are coming to Warframe for warframes, not for tickling a giant sponge with your tickling device, and this mechanic of exiting/entering your warframe is very disruptive and not fluid. Also that sponge is starting to run away when time is out, so you've spend time putting damage into that sponge, but it's running and all your effort is wasted and mission is failed and all you get is disappointment. Eudolon is like a collection of bad mechanics. But wait, it's the best boss in the game. *Sigh*.

You have the point about other stuff too. I've enjoyed arbitrations a lot, but over time it degrades into a vitus and endo farming, i probably have like 2k vitus and 500k endo at this point , what do i need this for? I mean it's convenient that i already have mats if i want to max a prime mod, but how does that help arbitrations?

I think the biggest problem with all those systems is that they were abandoned, there are no improvements to them and they are not really sustainable. So i played all of them, now what? I still can go and enjoy survivals sometimes, especially in void, and maybe in another tilesets when hard mode is out, but what do i do with arbitrations at this point? Do i need another 900 endo? No. Do i need another 3 f-ing vitus essence? No.

And it's similar situation with other systems that you've listed. It feels like they keep pumping out more and more useless stuff for the sake of it being new instead of reiterating on what they have. I don't know, i hope this will turn out well so i can return to Warframe after a while and enjoy it again, but by that time i probably will be kicked out of clan already, and there is no dry dock for me, so another useless system for me, geez.

I really wish they can fix what they made somehow, but let's be real, they are designers of Warframe, it's not reasonable to expect us to design the game for them, it's not our job to modify the game, neither we have the means to do so. We expressed our concerns and suggested what we could, now someone from DE has to consider all this and ideally take action. Or not, and everything is going to stay as it is. I hope this will turn out well, love the game, best f2p game out there, best developer, something too look up to, don't f. it up, DE.


Edited by 32768
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2020/6/20 PM7点34分 , adek183 说:


Hello and welcome to my list of bad systems in Warframe. To start off I'm fully aware that this list will most likely get ignored but I just wanted to make it for personal enjoyment. Who knows maybe someone will learn something.


The list

1. The Foundry

"What is that? A mobile game?" That's probably the first reaction of many new players once introduced to the ridiculous crafting times of the foundry. This especially stings the newbies because these people are in the biggest need of new equipment to get the mastery required to unlock more content. Advanced players usually don't mind these crafting times because they already have their favorite setups and are just crafting new things either for mastery or collection purposes. These timers need to go. DE is no longer a "small indie studio" and that is one of the main reasons why mainly the "bitter veterans" remain in the game long enough to gather a reasonable arsenal.

2. Arbitrations and Elite Sanctuary Onslaught

Advertised as the "endgame content" turned out to just be a glorified endo and relic/focus farms. These modes are in a heavy need of a rework both in functionality and droptables.

3. Eidolon Hunts

Extremely tedious, time gated boss rush. Do I need to say anything else?

4. Rivens

Oh boy rivens. The biggest mistake DE ever made and now they refuse to do anything with it to ease the grind and make it into a functional system instead of a gambling machine that it is right now. Speaking of which DE once removed an option to "roll" your pet's fur patterns/colors for a small fee of platinum due to it "becoming a gambling machine" such an irony they added it back in form of gambling for mods. Except you don't pay with platinum instead you pay with the most valuable thing in life, your time.

5. Void Relics

Basically it boils down to glorified lootboxes which you open not by paying but by doing an alert-style mission called "void fissure". The catch is you can only open one at a time and the missions you get to choose from are entirely random so the most time efficient way to open them is rushing capture missions. Wow such engaging content.

6. Timers, timers everywhere

Daily syndicate standing cap, 5 minutes each for what usually is a 2000 credits cache in survival missions, 1 hour of idle wait for each kuva flood, 2 hours of wait for arbitration mission and many more timers that i've probably missed.



That's it for now. Feel free to throw in your 5 cents to the list if you want to.

7. Loot tables

Can DE just stop making credit caches in loot tables already? I mean, people can do index for like 100x more money so why does it even need a "2000 CREDITS CACHE" for a cache in a sabotage mission? Also some of them has very low drop chance, like seriously look at Harrow systems and Protea parts.

"I gET tHe hArROw SyStEM iN 2 RuNs sO iTs oK"

Ok that is some people's good luck, but what about xiphos parts? Around 1% chance to appear upon opening all caches in low level sabotage missions? Just no, just no

8. Kuva Lich

You get your lich holding the weapon you want after 3 hours of larving farm. Then you get a 28% radiation Kuva Chakkhurr (I assume that is the weapon you want), and you have to spend at least 2 hours just because you have to get your requiem mods needed which is RNG. Yeah also RNG orders of mods.

Now that you get all of your weapons, lets get all the ephemeras. Then you have to spend 2-3 hours for each kuva lich until you get the ephemeras you want. RNG suck so that it doesn't even want to give you any ephemeras lol.

9. Sorties

Basically three "I don't know why people can't pass this" missions and some "rewards" out there, like seriously ANASA SCULPTURE. What is the point of that sh*t. And despite the fact that you could get great rewards like rivens, boosters, kuva and reactor/catalyst bp, you get anasa 90% of the time because there is a desire sensor in this game, which means RNG FU*KING SUCK.

Just seriously sorties are getting boring and unrewarding. It really deserves a rework.

10. Archwing

Archwing leveling spots SUCK. Just no. Salacia is the only spot that is viable but it still SUCK MAJOR A*S. Like seriously who would use a MOBILE DEFENSE node for leveling up stuff. Also archmelee is a joke and nothing but a joke. Did someone ever put a catalyst on archmelee? I leveled up a bronze tier archmelee mod before someone told me not to bother modding it.

Archgun could be used for profit taker fights, archwing missions and railjack. Its purpose is okay but what the heck is going on about the drop rate of the multishot mod, Dual Rounds? 2% in Uranus interception A rotation? This is a lot worse than Harrow. Just please remake the drop tables. And on top of that I use Phaedra in railjack because it could be used to proc cold to crewships but ALL THE ARCHGUNS ARE PROJECTILE WEAPONS. What in the actual f*ck is DE thinking, making it a projectile weapon when the enemy is like 1km away and not even a single one of your bullets doesn't hit the fighters.

Archwing itself are okay, except for Elytron failed to serve its purpose in high leveled railjack missions. The only thing I like is that they didn't make a lot of useless or boring archwings.

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On 2020-06-20 at 11:26 AM, (PS4)lumen2ne1 said:
  1. Archwing. Or being more specific, archwing missions.
    AW isn't popular to begin with but I believe a major role on that is because of how they're handled. Some of its issues need more developer work but there are some that are just simple tweaks that don't require squeezing their brains for balance.
    Gearing up is usually an instant turn off for a lot of players because it takes forever to level up and get the basic mods. It's just discouraging players from using forma and having to re-level. Part of this is because there aren't good AW nodes to farm affinity efficiently at, except Salacia in Neptune.
  • Affinity gains:
    The only decent node to farm exp on being a mobile defense with stationary objectives. Affinity range is way too small and it doesn't help that squad mates spread around out of its range. Which brings me to my next point. Would require some work on new nodes or reworking missions.
  • Enemy spawns:
    Players have to look around for enemies and spread away from other player affinity range because enemies spawn way too far and move way way way too slow to the point most of them don't even make it to the defense objective in time before we move to a new one. Players have to go back and look for those enemies if they want exp, but the rest of the players in the squad miss on that exp. When you finish defending a drone, enemies stop being alerted and stop their already slow path until the next drone is active to defend. I've had to either run solo (which I don't enjoy) or basically hug my squad member without doing anything else, following them around waiting for their moves. I asked many times to try not to spread around so much, people don't even read and do as they please so I end up aborting because it's a waste of time. This has a relative easy solution with simple tweaks on enemy spawning closer and moving faster (they already did that in Railjack) and possibly in higher number of spawns.
  • Maps size and environment:
    Archwings move too fast and maps are usually too narrow, you just keep bumping into everything with that annoying stagger animation. I personally can never toggle turbo speed on without getting frustrated, let alone blink. Again would require some tileset rework and I very much doubt they would give priority to something as unpopular as AW if it took forever for Gas City and Corpus Ship ones.

Kinda archwing rant because of the recent affinity boost event that gave me finally an incentive to go and level up all the AWs and weapons I've been crafting these past weeks. And it was still terribly bad and couldn't even be bothered to do more than 3 Salacia runs in a row, didn't even level up all of the stuff and I don't even regret it. 😕

That was a good review and I agree with it but this part bothers me: 

I personally can never toggle turbo speed on without getting frustrated, let alone blink.

That's not really DEs issue. As a player, pushing a button is kinda your responsibility. You're gonna have to to work on your own button configuration until you find something suitable.


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On 2020-06-20 at 3:10 AM, Xylena_Lazarow said:

There's absolutely zero content that requires rivens. Pure opt-in, and they do their job of buffing janky weapons to usability.

If we're talking redundant parasitic garbage systems... hard to think of anything worse than operator combat.

Fishing and mining also remain an insult to my time and brain.

Yeah but nobody generally uses those rivened badd gunz because rivens ALSO exist for already top tier guns that turn them into planet killing superweapons.

Why use the inferior buffed to mediocre, when you can used the strong buffed to ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Kaiga said:

Yeah but nobody generally uses those rivened badd gunz because rivens ALSO exist for already top tier guns that turn them into planet killing superweapons.

Why use the inferior buffed to mediocre, when you can used the strong buffed to ridiculous.

Either way, it's a far better system than what we had before Rivens, when you saw the exact same loadout for almost every mission. 

Rivens give options. I'm attached to my braton P and can take it and be effective because of it's riven. 

Rivens are one of the best systems ever implemented in the game. Things were better stale before them. 

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11 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

That was a good review and I agree with it but this part bothers me: 

I personally can never toggle turbo speed on without getting frustrated, let alone blink.

That's not really DEs issue. As a player, pushing a button is kinda your responsibility. You're gonna have to to work on your own button configuration until you find something suitable.


I agree, that's why I colored it different to state my own personal opinion on it.

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In the context of wf the foundry and timegates are perfectly viable.I agree with the arbie/sortie argument.Rivens...this is a lost cause, I don't want to touch this.
The most annoying system imo is the forma one - you level every time from 0 (doesn't matter if you are mr28-29 and you can put your mods in, you still have to level from 0 like an mr0), but even it is in sync with the way wf works - it keeps you playing for more time. And if you want to make it bearable you need a booster - this is plat.It doesn't matter if you pay for it (money) or grind the plat(more time in game) it's still keeps you playing and paying one way or the other.

Edited by vegetosayajin
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