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a better nidus than nidus?


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1 hour ago, cha0sWyrM said:

just did a quick survival arbi with nidus.

i said in the beginning that nidus is my favorite frame...and he still is. hes far more fun to play than inaros is, i still think inaros is the better tank. nidus has no answer for drones making everything immune....cant use larva or build stacks on those guys...and killing the drone also kills all the enemies it was protecting so....still no stacks. you gotta get kinda lucky with spawns and hope you get a nice group with no drones for your 4 (with the augment)....even then, squad steals your kills/stacks most of the time.

with inaros...you just run around on a kill crazy rampage...you dont have to worry about drones or really much of anything. but as i mentioned...not quite as "fun".

is it just me, or you're basically also saying Inaros also has no answer for the drones? Nidus also can go run around on a killing spree while making stacks on enemies that aren't protected by the drone, and i don't know what do you mean by the "Answer", but i also don't see how Inaros having it . Also you're now comparing them outside the "Inaros is the better nidus" topic since Larva is not even viable on the mentioned situation...

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5 hours ago, TheGuyver said:

Inaros is just a giant health pool with one redeeming skill that only serves the player and not the squad. He isn't a squad frame, it's a pretty selfish playstyle. 

Nidus offers support and CC with Larva, Parasitic Link and Ravenous, you don't even need to swap any of his skills out because he functions so well with his kit. It's more interactive than just spamming kronen prime or whatever the hot stuff melee is at that moment. For a quick mission, Inaros would be the better option and for longer runs you could easily have nidus in there decimating the map.

It's comparing apples and oranges really.

I dunno, being an unkillable tank has its uses in squad. I bring him to Profit Taker so I can revive team mates without issue while charging around and clearing all the mobs.

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1 hour ago, SargionMagara said:

is it just me, or you're basically also saying Inaros also has no answer for the drones? Nidus also can go run around on a killing spree while making stacks on enemies that aren't protected by the drone, and i don't know what do you mean by the "Answer", but i also don't see how Inaros having it . Also you're now comparing them outside the "Inaros is the better nidus" topic since Larva is not even viable on the mentioned situation...

lol....relax bro....this is supposed to be a fun kinda thing, not a legal debate.

inaros doesnt need an answer for the drones. the issue is that they prevent stacks. nidus needs stacks...on that we can agree yeah? how do we get those? we ball up baddies and stomp around. that only works if theres baddies to ball up....if theres enough baddies to grab...theyre protected by a drone. unprotected enemies arent ever close enough to get good groups. combine that will the issues with getting stacks in squads mentioned earlier....it can be a pita.

but look....obv nidus can handle it, no one is saying otherwise...its just i think inaros with larva does it better since his "immortality" isnt tied to a mechanic.


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9 minutes ago, cha0sWyrM said:

lol....relax bro....this is supposed to be a fun kinda thing, not a legal debate.

inaros doesnt need an answer for the drones. the issue is that they prevent stacks. nidus needs stacks...on that we can agree yeah? how do we get those? we ball up baddies and stomp around. that only works if theres baddies to ball up....if theres enough baddies to grab...theyre protected by a drone. unprotected enemies arent ever close enough to get good groups. combine that will the issues with getting stacks in squads mentioned earlier....it can be a pita.

but look....obv nidus can handle it, no one is saying otherwise...its just i think inaros with larva does it better since his "immortality" isnt tied to a mechanic.


I ain't upset or anything, i am just stating what i think after i've read the whole thread.

Sure, on arbi runs Nidus is on disadvantage since all those drone thingy prevents him to build up stacks efficiently, but Nidus's "Immortality" isn't entirely tied to his Undying...Parasitic Link does really, really good on keeping him alive. And to start benefiting from Parasitic Link all you need is a stack and a single enemy, preferably a beefy one, and that's it. In the given situation, gaining enough stacks to use Undying multiple times might seem hard to achieve, but surely gaining a few stacks to keep using Parasitic Link every time the linked victim dies isn't a hard feat.

Again, if my replies seemed to be aggressive or worse, felt like personal attacks i really apologize as i don't mean to, but i'm also a huge fan of Nidus (He's my 2nd fav after Ash) and comparing him on uneven grounds just doesn't feel right. And afterall, you wrote that you're pretty eager to hear different voices about the topic and be excited for Nidus again, so i'm just writing my insights on how Nidus is not weaker even now that Inaros can get Larva too.

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Inaros has diminishing returns on defense, that's why he loves taking something dynamic from another kit, higher damage and good enough survival is better objectively, and Nidus has higher damage and higher defensive variety. The big problem with Nidus teamwork is just something that borrowers don't struggle with, and something you have to decide whether you want or not on your own Nidus. Your Nidus can also be a better Nidus with some borrowed abilities. You could slow, fear, and strip armor with creeping terrify instead of the third or fourth ability, helping your abilities scale better in damage and reducing the amount of foes on you. Inaros can't take an inferior larva and another ability which will dramatically enhance it. 

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6 hours ago, cha0sWyrM said:

hmm....tbh, ive mostly ignored parasitic link. i mean...sure ill use it, but its mostly an afterthought, maybe i should look into utilizing it more.

90%DR + Status Immunity and a second Virulence emanating from it(so potentially double Damage or cheeky things like Casting Virulence around corners or w/e). technically you're transferring it to the target but it makes the Enemy invulnerable so that's neither here nor there.
or a stupid mega memes way to increase someones' Power Strength.

Range is its main limitation, and since Nidus highly benefits from Range overall, you generally shouldn't have that limitation. should be easy to cover a full rooms' length whether on an Ally or Enemy, and for the cost of 1 point, if you do exceed the Range of your current Enemy, just pick a new one. doesn't matter which Enemy it is so in a panic situation, you can just pick something and then pick a more opportune target some other time.

4 hours ago, killerJoke66 said:

if nidus' 1 could ignore armor maybe he could be better but then it could also be too good considering it already does l o t s of damage (couple thousands at 100 stacks?) 

it is Puncture Damage so technically it bypasses some Armor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4 hours ago, cha0sWyrM said:

i still think inaros is the better tank. nidus has no answer for drones making everything immune....cant use larva or build stacks on those guys...and killing the drone also kills all the enemies it was protecting so....still no stacks.

though, if the Arbitration Drones Kills all of the Enemies (as they do tend to do, yeah), was there really a difference then? if there's no Enemies then what are we even trying to tank? :D

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8 hours ago, taiiat said:

though, if the Arbitration Drones Kills all of the Enemies (as they do tend to do, yeah), was there really a difference then? if there's no Enemies then what are we even trying to tank? :D

the issue is that theres still lots of enemies...but you cant build stacks from them. if youre kinda far into an arbi, and surrounded by drone protected bad guys...things get a little out of hand since youll get pounded from all sides with not much opportunity to build/maintain stacks....or use your best abilities.

but yeah...im not saying it cant be done...we all know nidus can hang around arbi survival for just about as long as he wants...but its no secret that inaros can stand around not doing anything at all and be pretty much fine....nidus has to work for it. all im saying is its more work with him than it is with inaros. it very well may be that doing that more work equates to more fun (i think it is), but for straight min/maxing...inaros wins out.

nidus can entirely negate getting one shot, an issue inaros still deals with on occasion...but inaros is far better at withstanding prolonged constant pressure. and a lot of the time...if nidus needs undying to save him in the first place...hes likely to need it again pretty soon...and eventually you just wont have enough time to build stacks again.

ignoring death just isnt as practical as not dying in the first place.

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17 hours ago, cha0sWyrM said:

hmm....tbh, ive mostly ignored parasitic link. i mean...sure ill use it, but its mostly an afterthought, maybe i should look into utilizing it more.

When he came out, I didn't understand how people built stacks so quickly

Parasitic Link is way better than you can expect

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  • 11 months later...

i personally agree with op, but i think inaros is better all around, nidus is good in fact i mained him for quite a while, however he is also incredibly selfish, but in a different way, nidus is selfish in this way "Oh sorry, I didn't realize you had dibs on every enemy just because you picked Nidus, let me stand around not killing enemies just so you can build stacks.", true not all nidus players are this entitled, but lets face it his entire kit encourages the inner karen to come out

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So... I am a Nidus main. And I know that this will sound to a lot of other Nidus mains as heresy but... I put Sevagoths gloom on it by replacing parasitic link. 
Yes, Parasitic link is amazing, especially with team mates if you want the damage or other wise just the added DMG reduction. So why to I use gloom instead?
The slow and life steal on any type of damage done to a target. I got a decent radius to make use of it and helps out slowing and getting a grip on a large group of enemies. 
It helps out a lot in just normal missions and even more so in Steel path. Just slowing all the enemies already takes care of a large amount of damage that you would otherwise take and you are mobile. 

That last part is the key on why I use that instead of Parasitic link; Mobility.
I know that in super long runs of SP parasitic is prob better, but so far I barely even die (and thus consuming stacks) in SP survival unless I kill myself because of the Acolyte that makes you deal damage to yourself (idk who it was anymore, but I hate that one!)

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Lavos is a better tank than Inaros, he has shield-gating, faster movement speed, no need for energy, and the potential to become stronger once his primed variant is released in 10 years.
I stopped using Inaros the moment a Kuva Lich one-shot me with the Kuva Hek, didn't even understand what happened at first, I thought I was invincible, but the lack of shield-gating became the death of me; you are always 1 hit away from death.
Oh and Nidus is trash...

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Nidus has a cool, exclusive mechanic and his entire kit is fantastic. He has no weak abilities. Inaros just has a S#&$ ton of hp and one ability that's actually worth using every now and then. He has nothing that helps the team (in fact, his ult does quite the opposite) and is just incredibly boring to play.

I'd take Nidus any day of the week.

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As mentioned, Lavos is a better tank than both of them, he also brings some massive and reliable AoE for such a tanky frame.  And with Helminth and the option to go insane on strength with Lavos you can also provide your group with a high range, good duration and good buff value budget Roar.

Right now my tank needs are split between Lavos and Revenant depending on my mood, then when I want damage and control gameplay it comes down to Saryn or Protea with gloom or Vauban with roar, gloom or thermal sunder.

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