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Heart of Deimos: Prime Vault: 29.2.0


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3 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed issues with missing Granum Void portals when a certain spawn tile is used in the Remastered Corpus Ship. 

Thank you DE! Will make farming Protea easier now without having to reset when that tile popped up!
Time to grind'er up and feed to Audrey!


5 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

Fixed the interaction of Limbo’s Cataclysm and Tesla Nervos (via Helminth Subsumed) dealing more than the normal amount of damage.

Not too sure I like this change as this combo is only really useful against Infested Units on Steel Path and really nothing else. However I understand it had to go due to it being (I assume at least) an unintentional oversight.

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Ty for the changes on helmith values for railjack resources

Friendly reminder:

Look link is broken, quite broken i must say, for k-drives, necramech and companion it does not work properly. The necramech looks like a pile of twisted metal, k-drives look like a box with 2 tiny boxed glued to its sides, and companions like kubrows, it only shows the colors, in a "basic" model of the kubrow, not being accurate with the physic of it.

Zymos swarm of bees from time to time keeps doing grey damage equal to 0 damage, only proccing status with no actual damage (kind of redundant, sorry) i have not found how to replicate it reliable, but keeps happening from time to time

Also, can someone in DE pls have a look on this?

New infested companions are a WONDERFUL step into making companions worth its actual utility, also Moas were a great step, but i have not tested all of them for now.


All in all, thank you for keeping an eye on community feedback, please keep hearing what we have to say.

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9 minutes ago, ElectKesh said:

I still think that bile resources should have been reduced cost rather than adding new ones

I rather do both, especially with reducing Cryotic and adding new options for Bile. The choices for Bile is too limited, but newly added resources that has been here for years now have a secondary usage.

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I've done a bit of testing on the Marked for Death changes. It's a step in the right direction, but it's still not good enough. the damage output is still tied to CURRENT enemy health instead of max enemy health or damage inflicted. At the very least, it can kill 2 of the same unit again, but it still needs to be better before I begin using it again.

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vor 16 Minuten schrieb [DE]Megan:

Marked For Death Changes:

(Original Dev Workshop can be found here: 

https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227741-marked-for-death-where-we%E2%80%99ve-been-and-changes-to-come/?tab=comments#comment-11868546 )

We are changing Marked for Death to start its base Damage at 75%, which will cap at 150% with Mods. Since the ‘Damage Type In = Damage Type Out’, this will scale well with certain Damage types, specifically ones with DOTS which is what we envision. 

Simply put: We’re bringing the damage back up!

Revert it to damage dealt, not health removed. Otherwise it's still S#&$. Why are you so adamant about making the ability worthless? The ability was never overpowered, not even with double mod stacking. As long as it is about health removed instead of damage dealt you will always run at the mercy of allies damaging your target before you can pull of the entire MfD combo and just waste your time and energy on an ability that by all means should be powerful. This is a nothing change. Thanks for nothing.

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"Marked For Death Changes:

(Original Dev Workshop can be found here: 

https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227741-marked-for-death-where-we%E2%80%99ve-been-and-changes-to-come/?tab=comments#comment-11868546 )

We are changing Marked for Death to start its base Damage at 75%, which will cap at 150% with Mods. Since the ‘Damage Type In = Damage Type Out’, this will scale well with certain Damage types, specifically ones with DOTS which is what we envision. 

Simply put: We’re bringing the damage back up!"

"Marked For Death Changes:

(Original Dev Workshop can be found here: 

https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1227741-marked-for-death-where-we%E2%80%99ve-been-and-changes-to-come/?tab=comments#comment-11868546 )

We are changing Marked for Death to start its base Damage at 75%, which will cap at 150% with Mods. Since the ‘Damage Type In = Damage Type Out’, this will scale well with certain Damage types, specifically ones with DOTS which is what we envision. 

Simply put: We’re bringing the damage back up!"

Since it only applies to the next damage input to be spread this appears to only benefit heavy attack slash damage and finishing attacks. Would be interesting if it took a portion of damage done over X amount of seconds and distributed a % of that damage making more damage types viable to spread around instead of relying on heavy attack slash procs or finishers to be spread damage around.

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