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Heart of Deimos: Prime Vault: 29.2.0


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Il y a 2 heures, [DE]Megan a dit :

A perfect script is not possible, but a generous grab bag is! If you meet the criteria, you will receive the Resources via Inbox after the Hotfix date

Wasn't it possible to make a script to not give this amount of RJ ressources to players like me who did not need to use a single RJ ressources to reach Helminth level 10 ? Honestly I did not need it, but it's a gift, so I can only smile and thanks DE for it 😉

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2 hours ago, kuryux said:

DE, plz consider taking a look on the following issues:
1. Fetch/vacuum/other pet mods not working while in mech
2. Amps self knockdown
3. A way to check cycles BEFORE entering HoD

Doubling down on these issues. Please DE....

1. Why is vacuum/fetch disabled while in our mechs? Haven't you seen enough backlash around universal vacuum/default pickup ranges to not miss this kind of problem in QC?

2. Shraksun... You physically cannot prevent self-stagger without retreating shots.This scaffold is unusable in its current state. For how much of an investment in can be to make an amp just to find out it's unusable is incredibly frustrating.

3. Not being able to check the cycle from the hub is a huge downer. Not a game breaking issue by any means, but a big QoL change we really would like.

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hey, thanks for resources, i never used railjack resources, so essentially this gave me free resources, in some cases, 200% or more of what i already had (like having 500 of a resource and the script giving me 1000)

I apreciate the free resources DE, it certainly saves me alot of time. Cheers

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23 minutes ago, DoveCannon said:

27.5.4 - 29.2.0 Garuda's Talons are still unaffected by Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds, and the Gladiator set bonus. All of these are still equippable with no effect or set effect. Exalted melee weapons are still unaffected by the Gladiator set bonus. These set mods are still equippable with no set effect.  

Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't all set mod bonuses not work with exalted weapons? Or is it only certain ones (ex. regulators)?

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13 minutes ago, Tempvirage said:

Forgive me if I'm wrong but don't all set mod bonuses not work with exalted weapons? Or is it only certain ones (ex. regulators)?

They are in a strange place as is. Equipping the set mods on an exalted weapon doesn't increase the set counter. DE has stated that this is intended. However, if the set mods are equipped on a different piece of equipment they still count for the exalted weapon (the one exception to this is the Sacrificial set, it and only it works by being on an exalted melee). This can easily be seen with Vigilant set bonus. Get the 6 set from other equipment, use an exalted primary, and see the improved crits. I don't have any of the new set mods that could effect exalted weapons as I just can't bring myself to play after being ignored about this but for several months, so I can't actually test if those work the same or not. As a Valkyr main I can confirm that the Gladiator set bonus applied to exalted melees prior to patch 27.5.4, where it stopped working with nothing in the patch notes stating this change.

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1 hour ago, KIREEK said:

You know what's funny, i have been selecting other resources instead, you do have a choice remember?

I don't even farm Cryotic, there are situations where i get cryotic by just logging in.


That doesn't invalidate the fact that its not balanced correctly...
Seriously, why does the need to sound smart override common sense so much when people use the internet....

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1 минуту назад, junior2436 сказал:

update stuck at: CHECKING FOR NEW CONTENT..  249.4 MB

what can i do ?

If you wait forever and a little bit it will unstuck. It does some work without showing progress.

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1 hour ago, Maganar said:

Cost was never an issue.  Most of these things made a laughably small dent in my supply, even for Bile.  One exception would be Argon, since you would need to get three in one day before they start decaying to feed it that, which isn't likely outside of deliberately farming them (and as I understood it, Helminth was always meant as a way to sink our excess resources, not a new source of farming).

The issue with Bile was that you had so few options you were forced to feed it the same few things repeatedly until it hated them, and among the only options were some of the only resources you actually didn't want to throw at the wall (literally) like Diluted Thermia that is needed as a mission key.  Come to think of it that's another one I wouldn't mind seeing the cost reduced.  But you honestly shouldn't even need to worry about Argon or Diluted Thermia at all anymore with the new options, so it's a moot point.

In summary, the only ones that could stand to be reduced are Argon and Diluted Thermia (but even then that risks making them too easy so the point they become a solid Bile power farm to opt out of actually using it as intended - a resource sink), and that's a minimal problem with more issues.  I contest adding more options was always the correct fix, and the only one needed.

I wholeheartedly disagree with this.

Crytotic and the railjack resources are disproportionately expensive. Crytotic is exceptionally slow to farm. It should not take 30 excavations to feed helminth one time.

Your own logic, Argon being too expensive, is laughable when you can pretty consistently get enough Argon to feed helminth in less time than it would take to do 30 excavations. 


I do agree that adding more options is a nice change.

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Thx for at least trying to buff M4D
But. I still feel it's not enough since the only way to do the thing it is useful for takes way longer and is still much harder to kill enemies than it is to just shoot them with an AoE weapon a few times or worse yet have a Saryn/equinox/volt/literally any meta nuke frame kill well beyond your ability range before your DoTs even get a chance to tick enough times (if they don't nuke before you even damage the enemy you cast it on that is) add that to the fact that Ash (yk that one Warframe that has been waiting for a buff for so long but somehow was finally peeking back into the realm of competing with current meta) can only use the ability in a semi-viable way with Rapiers which really limits the choices and playstyle of this or any warframe you choose to apply a M4D finisher build on (that doesn't have a crazy finisher dmg buff augment like radiant finish).so for how difficult this skill is to aquire already and the fact that you wanted the helminth system to be something for "veteran" players who already have lots of more convenient and powerful options I think the ability needs to be given something a little extra to make it worth using (at least IMO)

Uh.... so maybe just give us more weapons that apply bleed on finishers like maybe Nikanas or even Daggers I guess  :)

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