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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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On 2021-07-18 at 5:41 AM, The_Bearshare said:

It will probably for the better. Apart from rivens, xbox market asks for a fortune for something not worth it.

And the Switch market has everything marked up quite a bit. I'm excited to play with an equalized market. This will get me back into WF because I don't have to play on 240p 10fps on my Switch anymore. And since my long break, I have a lot of content to do.

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This new element of account continuity is extremely valuable to me. My wife works from home during the summer with an alternating schedule and our home office contains her work computer and my gaming computer. She works Monday through Friday and I work Thursday through Monday. So when her schedule puts her on day time hours, I cannot be in the computer room on my days off playing Warframe - BUT we also have a PS4 on a big screen in the living room where I can continue my progress on those days with the cross-save feature.

My opinion is DE needs to find a way to merge all applicable elements between platforms. I can understand platform specific cosmetics, but if I purchase a skin from PS4, I should be able to use it on PC and vice versa.

Platinum should also stay in a kind of wallet that a player can carry through all platforms. I don't want to buy more platinum to purchase a skin on PS4 when I already have platinum - especially when there is a cross save feature. 

An idea I had is that DE needs to create a sort of Warframe market place that houses all available products that can be purchased with platinum. For instance, a PC player can purchase PS4 skins on their PC if they have a verifiable playstation account, and vice versa on all platforms. There should be some way to link all accounts into one master account where which access on what platform can be verified and saved.

In regard to the mobile platform, I dont find this as interesting, but it does have value beyond the app that Warframe currently offers. Personally, I would prefer a more intuitive companion app that is linked in with the priceless amount of data on the wiki. Either way, this is an exciting thing to think about.

I have high Hope's that this feature arrives sooner than later 

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It'd be nice if they allowed us to merge accounts. I only see this as a plus for people who played on multiple platforms (I out a lot of time on PS4... a LOT), and around 100 hours on PC I think. It'd suck for 100 hours to just go to waste, not to mention the real money spent on both platforms)


As for the person saying that it'd make buying and selling accounts more of a problem. Well, if that was an actual worry, they wouldn't allow cross platform/saving at all, because that alone will probably raise the amount of account buying/selling due to platform exclusives. I don't see how merging would raise that possibility much higher, honestly. 

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2 hours ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:



This is good news to me lol


5 minutes ago, (NSW)FatSanta said:

I'm not sure what the issue with double purchases is. Do people expect a refund for one? Seems unrealistic IMO.


A refund would be odd, I agree, but I don't see why reimbursement in the form of platinum would be too bad  

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4 hours ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:


Pretty neat news. Surprised that's the route they're attempting, especially since I imagine it's the more technically difficult one to implement. Going to quote you on the first post with these images!

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2 hours ago, Sanktai said:


This is good news to me lol



A refund would be odd, I agree, but I don't see why reimbursement in the form of platinum would be too bad  

I think on login you should have to pick an account to prioritise, transfer everything to that account and refund forma/catalysts/reactors on the secondary account for any doubled gear and replace any double purchases with platinum. Not that I know how this works and all. But, it would be one of the fairest ways to combine accounts without straight up refunding purchases in my opinion (and i only have one account so I have nothing to gain from this). 

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7 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

Pretty neat news. Surprised that's the route they're attempting, especially since I imagine it's the more technically difficult one to implement. Going to quote you on the first post with these images!

I was a bit surprised too, seems like the more complex option but a welcome challenge I'm sure.

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Personally, I'm so happy to see the whole cross save, crossplay, account merge thing happening in the first place, I'd still be perfectly happy with zero refunds, reimbursements or whatever to double purchases at all. Obviously, I'd like it even better if they could reimburse double purchases in some way, but right now I'm just happy about the idea of being able to play my main account whilst lazing around on the sofa with my Switch.

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16 hours ago, Sanktai said:

A refund would be odd, I agree, but I don't see why reimbursement in the form of platinum would be too bad  

But isnt the reimbursement there automatically in the whole dev time/cost to make future cross-play, cross-save, cross-progress and merger possible? It isnt like people bought the things with a promise of future cross-whatever.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

But isnt the reimbursement there automatically in the whole dev time/cost to make future cross-play, cross-save, cross-progress and merger possible? It isnt like people bought the things with a promise of future cross-whatever.

I don't think that's how reimbursement works because it would imply everyone is getting reimbursed regardless of whether they actually bought anything or not, which doesn't really make much sense. That's just general supporting of the company via purchases. 


15 hours ago, NecroPed said:

I think on login you should have to pick an account to prioritize, transfer everything to that account and refund forma/catalysts/reactors on the secondary account for any doubled gear and replace any double purchases with platinum. Not that I know how this works and all. But, it would be one of the fairest ways to combine accounts without straight up refunding purchases in my opinion (and i only have one account so I have nothing to gain from this). 

That'd be nice, but that seems way too generous for me to believe they'd do it lol. They're a business after all. While I hope they do it the way you're implying, I don't think they'll give us any slots for doubled items. I just think they'll have said items overwritten or something instead. 


I hope they do it your way though, that'd be awesome lol. 

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12 minutes ago, Sanktai said:

That'd be nice, but that seems way too generous for me to believe they'd do it lol. They're a business after all.

You're right. It wouldn't surprise me if they dealt with it the same way as uploading Clan Emblems. I would be willing to pay plat to merge my accounts.

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20 minutes ago, Sanktai said:

I don't think that's how reimbursement works because it would imply everyone is getting reimbursed regardless of whether they actually bought anything or not, which doesn't really make much sense. That's just general supporting of the company via purchases. 

I'm more thinking about if they actually need to reimburse anyone given that they spend massive resources to make cross-play and so on available? It isnt like DE takes anything away or that you own less than you did prior, it is just that you access it in a different way. The merging is also free (most likely), so that aswell is a big thing they give.

And how would it really work if they reimburse people for prime access? Which of the two prime frames should be removed from your arsenal? Because obviously if you are reimbursed one of those primes need to go aswell. What happens with the plat that was tied to those prime access packages? Or the boosters tied to the prime cosmetic packs etc? People have obviously made use of alot of those things and if DE are to reimburse them, then arent DE also allowed to get something in return for the things that have been used?

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9 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm more thinking about if they actually need to reimburse anyone given that they spend massive resources to make cross-play and so on available? It isnt like DE takes anything away or that you own less than you did prior, it is just that you access it in a different way. The merging is also free (most likely), so that aswell is a big thing they give.

And how would it really work if they reimburse people for prime access? Which of the two prime frames should be removed from your arsenal? Because obviously if you are reimbursed one of those primes need to go aswell. What happens with the plat that was tied to those prime access packages? Or the boosters tied to the prime cosmetic packs etc? People have obviously made use of alot of those things and if DE are to reimburse them, then arent DE also allowed to get something in return for the things that have been used?


I don't think anyone is assuming they're going to do a 100% reimbursement for absolutely everything. 

In the first post of mine that you quoted, I said it'd probably be a platinum reimbursement of some kind. I think they'll add whatever items you have across your accounts to your "primary" account, and then if you bought packaged on another account you'll probably get some sort of platinum in return (as that account will no longer exits). They won't need to get rid of your primes or anything outside of duplicates, and if the plat was used from those packages it obviously won't be transferred. I don't see why boosters couldn't be transferred, but it'd probably be low priority. 


Also I don't think you know how reimbursement works. It's a one way street. What would we be giving DE in return for them giving us items from a package that we bought at one time? 

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16 minutes ago, Sanktai said:


I don't think anyone is assuming they're going to do a 100% reimbursement for absolutely everything. 

In the first post of mine that you quoted, I said it'd probably be a platinum reimbursement of some kind. 

I can see reimbursement working for cosmetics since you can never use more than one and the ways to obtain them is limited. With frames and everything else it can get very messy since there are so many variables. Quest frames being a main issue since if you bought one you'd also have a free riven, but if you wanna get reimbursed for that bought frame since you got it from the quest on the other platform, then the riven should in reality be removed too. 

edit: If I was DE I'd simply say no and just motivate it with "you've willingly payed for and enjoyed those items during your time on the different platforms. If you wanna keep it as is, do not merge". And then hand out a fee for each dupe cosmetic and call it a day.

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2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

I'm more thinking about if they actually need to reimburse anyone given that they spend massive resources to make cross-play and so on available? It isnt like DE takes anything away or that you own less than you did prior, it is just that you access it in a different way. The merging is also free (most likely), so that aswell is a big thing they give.

And how would it really work if they reimburse people for prime access? Which of the two prime frames should be removed from your arsenal? Because obviously if you are reimbursed one of those primes need to go aswell. What happens with the plat that was tied to those prime access packages? Or the boosters tied to the prime cosmetic packs etc? People have obviously made use of alot of those things and if DE are to reimburse them, then arent DE also allowed to get something in return for the things that have been used?

But even if DE delete one of your frames, what are they actually “getting in return”?


Still nothing. It would just be an arbitrary punishment for the sake of it.

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5 minutes ago, _R_o_g_u_e_ said:

But even if DE delete one of your frames, what are they actually “getting in return”?


Still nothing. It would just be an arbitrary punishment for the sake of it.

Nothing, but you are also not getting something that you no longer have payed for.

And there is no punishment with it, if they remove it you get reimbursed in plat instead in this scenario.

So it feels more like players just arent satisfied with the great gift that is cross-whatever and just want more more more ontop of it. I fully agree that cosmetics should be reimbursed since effectively you can only ever have one. But frames and weapons are imo too far fetched and wonky to reimburse in a correct and fair way, and the free rivens that come with quest frames doesnt help one bit.

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