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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Abyssinal_Roy said:

What I want to know is can I finally merge my pc account and ps4 account as one? I do not at all play on pc anymore and I don't like all my stuff just being there, I don't care about the mastery rank I just want my frames and weapons.

you will be able to but that will come "after" crossplay not with crossplay

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1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

And the one after that...


50 minutes ago, Shad0wWatcher said:

Haha yeah, should know better at this point.


56 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

ah, there's your problem. 

I would not expect this to happen this year, or even the next. 

you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

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28 minutes ago, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

I dont know about the other 2.

But I was going full jester mode.

Btw, Crossave in 2035.

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39 minutes ago, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

Oh i know that very well, I'm just overdramatizing it. I don't really rush the devs or anything, I was just curious about it's development progress.

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cross-play? sure....but i will believe cross-save when i see it.

i will say though...i look forward to jumping on another platform to buy tennogen items with plat and then having it on pc when i actually play the game.
Cracking Up Lol GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

Edited by cha0sWyrM
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They actually have been working on it, at least sometime before Tennocon 2021, considering it was shown not only with (At the time) Live gameplay, but simultaneously alongside another camera showing them grab different controllers, etc.; It doesn't get much more authentic than that.



I'm definitely looking forward to it, but I'm looking forward to the New War just as much, if not more so.

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On 2021-11-17 at 6:08 PM, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

Cross PLAY don't really take that much dev. Lawyers though, lots of those

Merge is another story

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18 hours ago, Cbunn said:

Cross PLAY don't really take that much dev. Lawyers though, lots of those

Merge is another story

Cross Save (without merge) shouldn't be too much of a barrier either... well except for the clan and world state stuff. 🤔

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35 minutes ago, (NSW)mrEkli said:

Cross Save (without merge) shouldn't be too much of a barrier either... well except for the clan and world state stuff. 🤔

I hope you are only forgetting the vastly different economy between PC and Consoles. You guys buy a lot of stuff with platinum (like tennogen) and we have to only use steam on PC and pay real money for that... Or how on PC we have discounts on platinum but on consoles those coupons doesn't exist. 

Those are veryr eal issues that needs to be addressed before cross-save even without merging.

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On 2021-11-17 at 4:08 PM, (NSW)OphiTheVioletKeeper said:



you all realize development takes time right? like, as in not something we can get in the snap of a finger or whenever we want? they are trying their best, they've already said New War is coming first, bugs happen, code is not perfect, and if it takes time then fine. Love the community but everyone's so impatient sometimes.

Y'see, you say that, but when I tried to get Loki Prime in the most recent Live Stream that offered it on my PS4 account, which I confirmed was the only account linked to my Twitch, somehow it ended up on my PC account.

So progression on all platforms, to at least the most base degree, is recorded into the same database.

And in that regard it would INDEED be as simple as flipping a switch.


And yes, I'm salty about it because to be honest I would've rather had Loki on my PS4 account in the event the whole account-merge prospect becomes an impossibility and we have to choose what account to keep, a la Destiny 2.

Edited by Menetius
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After not being able to play warframe for 2 years or more makes me feel like something is missing, warframe was the very first game i played when i got my xbox one. After some time when it started to malfuntioned I haven't see a game more fun than this one to be honest, I have learned so much from this game, including builds play style and general knowledge on how to do this. Helping players was what i wanted to do when I first started and I cannot say it hasn't come true, I have helped a good amount of players during my time on this game and those people even became friends and after I lost my xbox I just didn't do much after that. Now I know what you are saying ''why not just buy another one?'' well to be honest that is not possible on such a time of events seems like my only thing is to play on pc but that is a issue to me because I have everything, countless builds and weaponry and frames to literally not asked for anything else. I love this game and I know cross save might not happen or it might because of the trailer but all I am asking to just get back my warframe account because to be honest it means alot to me and not being able to even see any of my old frames just makes me not even want to do much sadly, but if and when I can or even other players can get a account transfer it will honestly mean everything to me. Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this and have a good day everyone.

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I have started games on PC and consoles and it's like playing 4 different games.   I'd rather have my character playable on all playforms.    What is the problem with making this happen?      Also, please give us some sort of way to skip all the old, boring planet content and get to the new stuff.   I would even pay for that.    Doing all the planet quests, especially when all your friends have quit, is such a slog.   

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