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Cross-Play & Cross-Save Megathread - The Soonening(TM)/Public Test Edition


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On 2021-12-05 at 8:26 PM, AcromatyX said:

I heard that crossplay would come out in 2021, but as we can see the year is coming to a close, but i didn't hear anything about crossplay coming with the new war. did i miss out on the announcement or will we finally get the feature in 2022?

They said it's going to be early 2022. January/February, within this ball park. They originally wanted to release it at the same time as New War, but getting the game work on phones was taking a bit longer than what originally was intended. Instead of delaying everything, they decided to release the quest first and then move to crossplay/cross-save. Also Steve said there will likely be a test cluster for crossplay at first, they may let players run a test server on different platforms to see how things work before releasing it.

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i have been waiting for this day for a long time, i havent really played warframe for years cause i find it hard to get back into on pc from my ps4 days, i had epic build that i bet still kick some major butt, but for me its not the plat or the slots, the reason i cant let go is my helmets, i have them all.  when i found out they were changing them i started trading like a mad man to get them all and i did, and they are an important part for alot of my builds

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I mainly played on Xbox for years, I also have a decent amount of progress on PC (started on PC before it was on consoles, then moved to Xbox when it did) NOW I'm on PlayStation because my friends wanted to get that over the series X. I know we don't have info on it, but for a situation where I have different progress across multiple accounts, I'd like to know if I can instead merge all those accounts, so all those hours and (slightly more importantly) purchases can be utilized and not put to waste.

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Before I got a PC I used alot of money to buy stuff on my PS4 warframe account and now that I want to pass my ps4 waframe account to my pC I cant and this makes alll the money I spend useless, so I m asking will the warframe allowed migrate account one day? or all my money will be for nothing?

Thx for hearong to my complain and I hope that you can let migrate my account so that I can use and buy alot more stuff on warframe WITH MY PC to play with.

Pls accept migrate accounts again.

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6 minutes ago, --21st-- said:

Remember that was said back in the summer for the end of the year but I couldn't find anything about it for the update.

They never said anything about "end of the year" aside from "hopefully with New War" which doesnt mean "Yes, end of the year" the only thing we have on is "Coming 2022".

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