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Warframe speculation: Joe mad's werewolf


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16 hours ago, (PSN)Claudija said:

They did it with Khora. Khora was released before Garuda yet knowing all the buzz and anticipation for her- Khora was moved to the Tennocon reveal and Garuda was Primed first. It's just this time Hildryn was released before Wisp so her being out in Spring then Wisp as the Summer release is following the regular pattern- just lucky that Tennocon happens to be in Wisp's window

It's not hard to predict it. Hildryn/Wisp are the next Primes up and they won't have to flip the order. And having Wisp available before that time won't stop players who will buy her Prime Access. They can still show Wisp Prime Access at Tennocon while she's released AND have the next Prime teased. Because the Fall frame will have some hype considering its Gauss Prime. 

Wisp/Gauss is a great release order to have in 2023. 

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8 hours ago, (XBOX)RelsWhisper said:

It's not hard to predict it. Hildryn/Wisp are the next Primes up and they won't have to flip the order. And having Wisp available before that time won't stop players who will buy her Prime Access. They can still show Wisp Prime Access at Tennocon while she's released AND have the next Prime teased. Because the Fall frame will have some hype considering its Gauss Prime. 

Wisp/Gauss is a great release order to have in 2023. 

that is exactly what I said before you posted... Hildryn is first as she released first, Wisp second. Wisp being around Tennocon means she automatically hypes it. This year Garuda was released before Khora, before... which whilst many of us, me included as her initial release would be March when I'd have had my favorite Warframe for my birthday; were annoyed we learned how tactical the move was. Garuda, whilst originally released -after- Khora, is not as popular so Priming her first leaving Khora at Tennocon made sense.

But that does not apply next year as Hildryn was originally released -before- Wisp meaning she will be roughly Spring's Prime after Baruuk. Tennocon is in July, Summer for most of us in the Northern Hemisphere; being in her natural release window, works out for DE as they can hold Wisp Prime until the con itself.

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4 minutes ago, Pakaku said:

Sniper rifle... that sounds cool to me, I'm into snipers

Sniper arch-guns... egh, guess I'm passing on yet another new weapon

The Pack’s Heart bundle offers immediate access to the base Warframe Voruna, her signature Sarofang melee weapon and Perigale revolving sniper, an Alternative Helmet, plus the Okuri Tails Ephemera and Voruna’s Voidshell Skin.


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Just now, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:

The Pack’s Heart bundle offers immediate access to the base Warframe Voruna, her signature Sarofang melee weapon and Perigale revolving sniper, an Alternative Helmet, plus the Okuri Tails Ephemera and Voruna’s Voidshell Skin.


Great to know, but it still doesn't change the fact that I think archguns are extremely flawed. Plus I'm not gambling plat on anything I'm not sure I'll like.

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24 minutes ago, L3512 said:

Am I missing something? Where is any mention of it being an archgun?

I don't remember anything about that either. Also, unless the picture is showing a mistake, it looks like the off-hand position is under the barrel like a regular rifle, not to the side like archguns are held

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14 hours ago, (XBOX)YoungGunn82 said:


“Call Upon the She-Wolf Incarnadine, Voruna, and Her Loyal Wolf Pack” 


No Way Abandon Thread GIF

K, pulled up the first pic of the Perigale for comparison 👍 first off IMO Perigale to me sounds like perddy-gale as in pretty-girl

Next, ya'll I think it my be a GAT Sniper  \0u0/  why? because of the way the barrel looks attached (where her left hand is) like its going to spin from there.

Also, I my be wrong but I believe Perigale is a energy sniper no? 

Then there was something about Voruna the goddess her name comes from (the one that starts with the letter Z) that had something to do with moon beams?

Well, we will all know by tomorrow's Dev stream (longest hours of my life)




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7 hours ago, (XBOX)DragonMan 2700 said:

K, pulled up the first pic of the Perigale for comparison 👍 first off IMO Perigale to me sounds like perddy-gale as in pretty-girl

Next, ya'll I think it my be a GAT Sniper  \0u0/  why? because of the way the barrel looks attached (where her left hand is) like its going to spin from there.

Also, I my be wrong but I believe Perigale is a energy sniper no? 

Then there was something about Voruna the goddess her name comes from (the one that starts with the letter Z) that had something to do with moon beams?

Well, we will all know by tomorrow's Dev stream (longest hours of my life)




"Revolving sniper", huh? Sounds like the 4 "barrels" on the front are gonna rotate around as you shoot.

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"Are you a sniper who is just tired of putting holes in your enemies and would rather make their entire upper bodies explode?  Then boy oh boy, have we got the gun for you!"

It does look cool, but it does feel like the words "I'm compensating" are spray-painted somewhere on the barrel.

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Perigale does look fairly interesting, though Snipers are still a very niche category of weapon in warframe, where most combat is close quarters against multiple opponents: the polar opposite of where a precision weapon shines. it might have AoE or a decent fire rate to compensate, but I don't really see it being a meta weapon.

if the barrels rotate though, It will automatically be an 8/10 at the lowest, regardless of performance. 

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