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Update 32.3: Citrine's Last Wish


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Sup DE, I notice  CITRINE does not have a void shell skin,when shes gonna get hers? because I find her textures to be ugly and it will be cool to have another options, also I have a criticism about the RHINO DEATHWATCH is too much to ask to add some kind of design of the iron skin because it looks like someone just throw a bucket of paint to the skin, and it kill the awesome design.


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  • Fixed weapons that formerly used Sniper ammo appearing when using the term “sniper” to search in the Arsenal despite not being categorized as a Sniper weapon. 
    • This would affect a weapon like the Lenz, which now uses Primary Ammo. It can still be found in the Arsenal when searching using the term “Bow”. You can still find your Rubico Prime using the term “Sniper”, so worry not!

Okay, this is a good change and all, but currently we cannot use sniper ammo mutation mods on primaries like the Kuva Ogris or Tenet Envoy, which is a huge nerf due to them already having serious ammo consumption issues! These mods literally just vanished from the exilus slots of a whole bunch of primary weapons without warning! There is currently NO AMMO MUTATION mods that can work on any primary that isn't categorized as a bow, sniper, shotgun or assault rifle, which includes a whole bunch of weapons that needed this mod to make them usable, and now we're stuck with the significantly less effective Vigilante Armaments as our only option.

I don't know if there's an easy code fix to this issue but I'd like to see at least this particular mod compatibility turned back.AiKp7OJ.png

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3 hours ago, Dicuss. said:

They say they added a kuva limit to stop certain players from buying large amounts of it at once but they didn't even bother to change the vitus shop to be the same. Basically if you want to actually farm kuva now you need to do arbitrations, great job DE.



I can see the pattern.

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8 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Note that Mirror Defense will not apply to the ‘Defense’ Nightwave Act as its Waves are different from a typical defense mission, and would take far longer than a regular Defense mission to complete. 

Now try comparing it to solo excavation or corpus ship defense mission. They can easily run past 2 minutes to complete a single wave because of the horrible AI pathing that is in place. Or lack of spawns when you need enemies.

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39 minutes ago, Maryph said:

Internal Bleeding is no longer working on Ivara's exalted bow Artemis.

Confirming this.  Really easy to see with Concentrated Arrow.  But even without the the augment and its forced impact, natural impact procs don't appear to be causing slash at all.

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6 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:
  • Valkyr’s Prolonged Paralysis stun duration now causes a knockdown on affected enemies instead of a standing stun.
    • In the Lua’s Prey Update, we re-worked the Prolonged Paralysis Augment Mod so that pull distance didn’t scale with Ability Strength, and the enemies were stunned standing instead of a grounded stun. We thought players would prefer standing finishers due to synergies with other Arcanes and modifiers, but in response to feedback, we are changing it back to a knockdown for grounded finishers outputting raw damage.


I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

Oh God. Well, we'll see how it looks when I get home. I am very worried now.

Well. It's half fixed.

It now properly increases the base duration by 200% instead of 100%.

It doesn't, however, seem to be benefitting properly from power strength still.


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9 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:
  • The Steel Path Honors store now has a limit of 25 per week for each of the 10,000 Kuva and the Relic Pack offerings. 
    • We have made this change to Teshins store as it is an unlimited source of Kuva and Void Relics in-game. We took a careful look at Steel Path and decided this would be the best method to ensure a small handful of players couldn’t buy absurdly large quantities of these resources at once, without making changes that would affect all Players on the Steel Path. 

Wow, you've time gated the only evergreen resource worth buying from Teshin. That kind of removes the need to buy resource boosters since you can't even spend SE after a certain point. 

How about dealing with the handful of players that buy an absurd quantity of kuva instead of limiting everyone else. I'm probably in that small handful of players that buys an absurd quantity of kuva. I only play SP, always run a booster so SE kind of just piles up. I'll hoard SE until I find a weapon I like and spend several thousand SE on kuva to roll rivens for it. 

Also, Kompressa has been bugged and does not work in Mag's bubble since the weapon was released. It would be really cool if this could get looked at.

Also also, you can't toggle off void dash on double jump. Well, you can, it just doesn't work and toggles back on when you log in.


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Personally, I don't buy kuva every day, only when I get a good riven or want to test a weapon, now I won't be able to buy enough kuva to roll it. Limiting the store is a mistake, especially in a pve game. 

My negative comment is that I have made larger, more dynamic and interactive maps in portal 2 and cs better than this update, so much time for this is something... strange seeing that you have to put hype for duriviri, it has been lost.  Any adventure like harrow or inaros one day?  Even kitter repeats himself consecutively, it seems that he also makes the updates.

Note: you have to farm hours and hours to get arcanes and parts too, so...It's not very healthy either, and if the famous 'bots' abuse with sp shop, why won't they do it with the arcanes for example?

We well see what happens.

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Il y a 8 heures, DeViL711 a dit :

my pc is lag so bad after the update and the same settings didn't change i went to 15-20 fps hardly in the new map! in my first try to it also lag in each mission i play for no reason! the game wasn't like that and it was fine before the update all the day before 

I've experienced several lag spikes latelly as well. It's most likely not on my end, i've got a good connection and my gpu/cpu usage is barely reaching 50% most of the time. Seems like something is pretty mest up in the servers. Don't know if it's related to crossplay or the new updates.

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8 hours ago, ShogunGunshow said:

I... it never scaled range with strength, it scaled duration with strength. And the issue was that the augment was bugged and not increasing duration with strength, and had the wrong initial value (was only increasing by 100% instead of 200%).

RE: this is correct
Ability Strength would slow Enemies more. so they would get knocked down, and pulled towards you, and more Strength would make it take longer before they could stand back up again.


8 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The range isn't scaling with strength--although more about that in a second.  The duration is, although I haven't attempted yet to see if it's doing so properly.

well, good, that's what it's supposed to do. Ability Range is for the, well, Range.

8 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

The thing that seems a lot different now is the knockback.  Just to copy what I said earlier in the thread about it:

I do have an observation:  If it was reapplied to targets before they'd started to get up off the ground, the old knockdown version would often ragdoll them away.    It's doing this again, but -I think- it's even more extreme than it was.    It's super noticeable with high strength, as this lengthens the window during which they'll be flung and increases the distance they'll go.

It's super-comical and fun with really high strength...but  if this could get addressed the augment would be more practical.   (And soothe some of the complaints from people who didn't like the original version at all.)  If its technically difficult or undesirable to remove the ragdoll entirely, even just changing it so that it the distance was smaller and/or didn't scale with  strength, that would be a big improvement.

definitely happening, and uh, is indeed both amusing and "well that's silly, but that's also not helpful".
that'd be the one point of contention, there. in practice, that'll screw things up and Enemies will go flying off across the Map.


i'd probably say the "knockdown pull" is working about the best it ever has. Enemies getting consistently pulled right to you, in a pile surrounding you.
other than throwing Enemies into Orbit if they're hit again while in the Animation, working about as expected.

seems like the +200% that comes with the Mod is probably working.
i couldn't say if the exact amount of Slow with increased Strength is how it historically would've been, i don't remember exactly what that was like in the past.

Edited by taiiat
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The new mission has zero grace period to let you kill the acolyte on Steel Path before the next round starts. 15 minutes wasted because the other objective was getting dunked on while we were still trying to kill the acolyte from the previous round!!! Thanks, DE (/s).

In another attempt, the acolyte kept teleporting me back to him while I was trying to leave him/defend the next objective. I don't want to think of the rage I'd feel if that happened in the first situation. Can't get to the objective cause he keeps teleporting us back to him...

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13 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

Tauforged Archon Shards are hotly pursued items, understandably so! We made this change to create a healthy reward cycle and expectation for the players interacting with the Archon Shard system and putting in the effort to play through Archon Hunts. Thank you for your patience while we worked on a solution to improve access to the Tauforged Shards.


Tauforged are yes indeed hotly pursued items because of the reward they give not because of the challenge they present.


I highly suggest that DE goes back and look at the challenge of obtaining the shards, specifically if doing excavation with horrible solo spawn rates or the awful damage attenuation nerfing all moderate to high-end damage sources equally with a couple of notable exceptions that quite frankly shouldn't be a consideration in the first place in order to find a roundabout way of avoid the awful systems in place to begin with is considered to be a healthy challenge.


This change also means good riddance to Kahl for me. I hate playing him. While yes it has a fairly consistent reward cycle, turning it into a glorified walking simulator is not healthy for a time gated item for something that isn't even an tau forged archon shard.

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6 hours ago, gamingchair1121 said:

uhh... its still good... ??

alt fire still one shots anything and primary fire was unaffected

I like it, it makes for a fun side to it that kills.

5 hours ago, Maryph said:

Internal Bleeding is no longer working on Ivara's exalted bow Artemis.

What No oh well it'll get fixed eventually. 

4 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Confirming this.  Really easy to see with Concentrated Arrow.  But even without the the augment and its forced impact, natural impact procs don't appear to be causing slash at all.

Damn, I will have to give it a go.

Thanks for the hotfix DE keep them coming.

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Let's take it in order:

1. Revenant Reinforcement is a class, because it wasn't the easiest frame before. And if you think that I will allocate a whole slot in mods for this augment mod, it's a bad joke. Or if we assume that I will do it anyway, then should I think about the affected area in the direction of increase? lol

2. Restrictions on the purchase of "kuva". O - Optimization. I wish you to replace your coffee beans with instant coffee, because caffeine clearly harms your creative process. Steve was drinking beer and everything was great. Do you understand the hint?

3. A new warframe. Oh, I will definitely knock it out, pump it and feed it to the Helminth. Some of my comrades made a mistake and bought it. They are upset, but there is a way out - Steve's favorite drink (a couple of gallons).

4. "New" game mode. Not interesting. A mixture of two unloved game modes. This is not math, minus times minus will not give a plus.

And so, my comment will be deleted 100%. And here are the reasons:

1. I'm from the "wrong" country

2. My dissatisfaction with innovations

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I was quite happy with what I was reading about this patch, until I went and looked at the drop rates of Citrine component blueprints. 4.5% each, just like with Voruna. I almost gave up farming Voruna at one point, and now that I have her I have zero desire to touch Conjunction for a long, long time. And then there's that lovely DE message on a previous page saying that Mirror Defense will take "far longer" than regular Defense, where 20 waves easily run over half an hour.

I'm not sure I even want to start on this content.

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I play WF in one way since few month: SP to farm steel essence for teshin's kuva. I don't care about selling riven. I just want roll my favorite weapons riven to obtain absurd numbers (essentially on the roll counter for now XD). 

Since SP kuva farming I quit arbitration. Maybe DE want SP late players come back to this game mode.

Are we really going in an era where founders tryharder after hours of survival mission deserved no more than an MR1 doing the first extermination?

I hope you listen your players.

Thanks a lot for the update (but not this point)

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After all this years, all the content there is and the constant addition to more content to work on, I find it dissapointing and frustrating that they continue to implement timegates even on content where we will literally have no use for the great amounts of Steel essence that can be produced while playing in The Steel Path.
I honestly find it disrespectful to the players that dedicate time on playing the higher difficulty level of the game, to limit them on the acquisition of relics, which do not affect other players...
Actually, now that I mention it, in a way it does affect, because they produce huge amount of relics they can open easily without having to dedicate time to farm for relics, which affects the economy in the end...
I, as a player that still cant consistently play on Steel Path still find it a wrong move.

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On 2/15/2023 at 10:00 AM, [DE]Connor said:

Optimized foliage in the Orb Vallis.

Has anyone else notice since the patch that Orb Vallis no longer gets to a "day"/warm state? The state you see on the orbiter/navigator (e.g., 3min to cold") does not match what you see and experience in the vallis (e.g., only cold/"night" fish and it always says "13min to warm")

(even hotfix .2 does not address this...)


(Edit: This is not just cosmetic; I need the "day"-only servofish for my hoverboard and kitgun recipes today. I'm glad I got the day fish i needed for the MOA companions I made earlier this week...) Thanks!

Edited by RangerAurelien
Clarify significance of bug
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