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Hildryn Prime: Hotfix 32.3.7


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Hildryn Prime: Hotfix 32.3.7


  • Improved launcher performance on Windows 7 and improved workarounds for misconfigured networks. 


  • Fixed several of yesterday’s hotfix Riven Disposition changes not applying as intended/announced in the March 2023 Riven Dispositions post: 
    • Afentis: 0.85 (from 0.8) 
    • Afuris Prime: 0.7 (from 0.5)
    • Aegrit: 0.65 (from 0.6) 
    • Tatsu Prime: 0.7 (from 0.65) 
  • Fixed Hildryn Prime using the base version of her shoulder shields during Pillage casts. 
  • Fixed the Prime Surator Syandana’s outer flames not applying selected energy colors. 

For a list of known issues, visit the official Citrine’s Last Wish Known Issues thread.  

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Much faster than previous riven dispo issues we've had the in past. Thanks for the quick fix!


Is there a chance we can see improvements to melee stances for many melee weapon classes? The Two-Handed Nikanas melee weapon class in which the Tatsu and Tatsu prime contains Wise Razor as its lone stance which is not that great. It isn't just limited to that one stance in that one class though, there are many others that also need improvements, both stances and melee weapon classes.

The Tatsu Prime can actually become a good weapon and may not require a riven dispo increase if instead it had a good stance.

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14 hours ago, Tazfull said:

Last update, 2x crash game on menu mods change.


All 3 of the crashes you've submitted indicate an issue with your video driver. You should first try updating to the latest stable driver, and if that doesn't help, try turning off any overlays or "graphical enhancements" that you have running.

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Please make it so that we can use Soul Punch in one of the Shadows of The Dead so that we can kill that shadow/get rid of it. As a necromancer we should be able to decide which of our minions we want alive, after all, we are the ones that summoned them.


As of now, the only way to kill a shadow is to wait for their lifes to run out, but sometimes that never happens (such if the shadows are low level and they get the life regen from Wisp mots, or if you get a Leech eximus on your shadow squad), or can take a long while. Also, in a normal situation, all shadows will die at the same time, which means that if you have 6 butchers and 1 eximus, there is no way (built in the warframe) for you to keep that eximus and let the butchers die, which means that you basically have no control over your 7 shadow squad once they have been summoned. Another thing is that, let's say, you just summoned your shadows (they usually last for 1min with an average build and without healing them), and right after that an eximus, that you wanted on your squad, spawned too. Now your only option is to 1) somehow keep that eximus alive until your shadows expire and then try to kill it with the Soul Punch effect or 2) Kill that eximus so that it will stay in your summoning pool, but not kill any other enemy in the following 1minute so that your pool dont get overridden. That is such a bad experience, because it makes you not ever want to summon your minions because a cool enemy that you want on your squad might spawn right after you do that, and if you already have your 7 shadows there, your only option will be one of the 2 mentioned before, which both are terrible.


If not, then at least fix the workarounds that should allow us to have some control over our shadows, such as the Vazarin Protective Sling that in theory heals an ally when you void sling through them, but that doesn't work on Eximus shadows (it works on shadows that don't have overguard) because of their overguard effect, even though they are allies. Being able to heal/kill shadows individually gives us control over which ones stay alive.


At the moment, the only way to be able to decide which shadows live and which die is to subsume Banish on nekros and use the Rift Haven augment, which heals banished allies. With this we can banish the shadows that we want to live, and let the other ones die by life decay. But, in order to have such a basic functionality we need to sacrifice one of our 4 abilities AND a mod slot, this is awful, please add the Soul Punch interaction or fix Protective Sling.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after some months break I've decided to came back to Warframe and obviously came across some weird and infuriating bugs.

When getting invisible with Loki Prime equipped with the Stalker Syandana, sometimes the Syandana rolls itself upwards, looking like a scorpion ready to poke something.

The Parazon Mod Swift Mercy doesn't work for Hounds or Thralls and sometimes even normal enemies getting executed on normal speed, rendering the mod useless and undependable.

When doing Kahl Mission to sabotage the veil facility, the first password is invisible sometimes, the third on the box disappears after alarm is set and the fourth disappeares when you get the other 3.

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Please for the love of god declutter the Iso Vault bounty rewards, 6-7 hours of repeatedly farming Isolation Vault 2 and getting no Arum Spinosa Rivet or Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver, but almost always getting an arcane. The chances are not balanced at all and there are so many rewards for it to pick between.

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6 minutes ago, BrendanatorX said:

Please for the love of god declutter the Iso Vault bounty rewards, 6-7 hours of repeatedly farming Isolation Vault 2 and getting no Arum Spinosa Rivet or Damaged Necramech Weapon Receiver, but almost always getting an arcane. The chances are not balanced at all and there are so many rewards for it to pick between.

I feel your pain, it took me months to get all those weapons and parts.

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DE it's the second week in a Row where Kahls Junk Run has glitched/bugged out and failed to do one of the Challenges. [Complete Without Dying] second time this challenge got borked.

It happened while fighting Sprag I got her down to activating the first Mine to get her to target me and then break her drones after activating the Mine, my camera changed to show me away from where the Mine circle was over to where she was in the other part of the map and I ended up glitched under her and died, it's not part of the fight. :facepalm:

Added it into the bug Report area.


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