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What are some removed features that you miss?


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34 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Squad Link was dumb and I'm glad it never made it past Scarlet Spear, but the Squad Reinforcement terminal was a great idea. You could activate it from the relay for Credits to help a random team in the field by healing their objective.

The idea of bugging a squad doing a mission was a cool idea. 

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14 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

it may sound silly to some, but I miss the Scarlet Spear relays: they looked a LOT cooler than the regular ones and it gave me a sense of unity, that the entire warframe fanbase was coming together to kick some Sentient a$$.

For three days Warframe felt like an MMO.

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  • Liches are stuck on one planet now.
  • You can't break the glass anymore.
  • You can self-revive in general (I noticed, but thought it was a Duviri thing) 
  • Void blast is gone. (I should have noticed this .. but there's so much visual clutter I assumed it just wasn't doing much, or failed to fire for some reason) 

I miss the old alert system, before they copied the battle pass/FOMO trend, and warframe's monetization was called "pay to sleep" 



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1. Pre-nerf ammo. If you want AOE weapons to be extremely limited. Fine. But then you add AOE incarnon weapons that do what old AOE weapons did but without the ammo issues? Bruh. Hope they revert the ammo nerf for something either more targeted to the big offenders instead of buck-shot nerfing a bunch of weapons that just existed. Something like self-damage so you can properly build around the downsides of AOE.
2. Void-dash. I don't think the new one really improved much, and where it did improve there was always some trade off, doesn't feel better at high ping, the control is a minor improvement for a huge loss in speed, etc etc. Just feels more clunky.
3. Scarlet Spear was interesting in concept. Just needed better execution. Hope it comes back in some form or other.
4. Frame reworks. I know technically it's not gone forever, might come back to it in the future, but there are a couple of frames that could really use the touch-ups that likely won't ever see that care.

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This is more of a mechanic change than removal, but I miss Nullifier bubbles being dome-shields instead of the absorption fields they are now. I liked being able to dash into a nullie bubble and kill them while it was still up. Now it seems they've made it a field you have to deplete before you can attack anything in its radius, even if you're inside. At least, that's been my experience. Not a fan of that change.

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On 2023-05-03 at 10:52 AM, FadeToNull said:

The old archwing flight model with inertia. Also you could do loops & barrel rolls. Why on Earth did they remove that?

After open worlds got introduced the archwing got major attention from community for becoming mount and because of that inertia got removed from archwing because people hated realistic flight model archwing had .

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10 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

After open worlds got introduced the archwing got major attention from community for becoming mount and because of that inertia got removed from archwing because people hated realistic flight model archwing had .

Why did they hate it?

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13 hours ago, stormy505 said:

4. Frame reworks. I know technically it's not gone forever, might come back to it in the future, but there are a couple of frames that could really use the touch-ups that likely won't ever see that care.

They are still doing frame reworks. They just have a lot of frames to rework, and for some reason my brain is saying they are going down the list alphabetically? Anyway, Pablo has a list, it's just taking awhile. I mean, Grendel had a whole kit overhaul.

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13 hours ago, FadeToNull said:

Why did they hate it?

My best guess is that not many people here played any kind of flight simulator or space sim type of games , one other thing would be that the slippery floaty flight model got into the way of efficient farming or people were just annoyed that Archwing didn't have tight controls because of inertia .

Edited by bad4youLT
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I kinda miss some of the old meta. They were stupid and absolutely ridiculous now but they were fun till they last. It's more of nostalgia than actual good gameplay mechanics.

The memeing strike meta, afk zenistar, wukong nuke, trinity self damage nuke, old banshee resonating quake, cutscene ash's ult. So on and so on, there are many OP abilities and mechanics that people either loved or hated to death.

Also I definitely miss 8 player raid and old corpus ship tileset.

Edited by Julian083
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On 2023-05-03 at 12:52 AM, FadeToNull said:

The old archwing flight model with inertia. Also you could do loops & barrel rolls. Why on Earth did they remove that?

Because it was glitched and the momentum was completely wrong

You could go from "500 miles-an hour north" to "500 miles-an-hour south" in the blink of an eye, you could redirect all your momentum instantly. But to go from "500 miles-an hour north" to "hovering in place" took FOREVER, a slow and painful process that usually left you running into the ground or a wall.

This also meant you usually couldn't aim at anything without just crashing into it

On 2023-05-04 at 1:37 AM, bad4youLT said:

After open worlds got introduced the archwing got major attention from community for becoming mount and because of that inertia got removed from archwing because people hated realistic flight model archwing had .

It was glitched and not at all realistic, see my above post

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15 hours ago, bad4youLT said:

My best guess is that not many people here played any kind of flight simulator or space sim type of games , one other thing would be that the slippery floaty flight model got into the way of efficient farming or people were just annoyed that Archwing didn't have tight controls because of inertia .

Ah ok. Thx.

Yeah since you mention it, I used to play a Star Wars game on XBox 360 that had "flight" gameplay. Maybe that influenced how I perceived the old AW model idk.

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On 2023-05-03 at 9:33 PM, KIREEK said:

I miss the actual Permadeath on arbitrations.

I miss warframe when reviving was actually necessary to bring back a teammate back up, nowadays players can just self revive a few times.

There used to be a limited number of revives per day and it cost platinum to buy more. During this time permadeath was everywhere.


On 2023-05-03 at 10:13 PM, Geargoyle42 said:

Silly little thing, but I miss the reinforced glass in the old Corpus ships. It was kinda fun when one of those got popped by a stray bullet and you had to run to break lockdown before you could continue. I am sure a lot of folks hated the disruption to their mission, but it was a fun reminder that space is dangerous, even when you are a walking warcrime.

It got annoying because it just took a single bullet, so it would happen almost every time someone went into that room. It got to a point where people would recognise that room and think "Oh great, it's the window room again" and sometimes shoot the window on purpose just so they could get it over with. It would have been more interesting if it required a certain amount of blast damage only (for example), and actually sucked enemies out into space as a way of clearing the room faster.


On 2023-05-04 at 3:12 AM, Yakhul said:

Remember when you could create a pixelated abomination of kubrow+kavat? please give us that again, even if it was a bug XD

This was a hilarious bug. For anyone who didn't see it, you could combine Kubrow and Kavat genetic codes and they would flip out and make weird creatures - see this thread for different pics


I kind of miss the look of old wall running, but the old version of wall jumping was very slow and most of the videos you see where people did special parkour to skip elevators can be achieved with a single bullet jump today.

I miss some of the weapons, like Soma used to be very popular, and Penta (I think it used to be explode on contact).

Edited by TheMostFrench
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  • 5 months later...
On 2023-05-03 at 3:23 PM, Zahnny said:

I know to some players it was annoying to lose their Sortie grofits due to the Liches but I always found it a pretty great and immersive feature. Neglecting your Lich or Sister would come back to bite you if they robbed you of something you actually wanted.

Back when I got my first lich in day1 patch, I let it steal my stuff for over 2 months of active gameplays. When I decided to kill it and take back my stuff my game froze for more than 10 seconds before the reward screen loads all the stuffs dropped by the lich. I almost thought the game crashed. And for your reference I got back like 2k Steel Essence, and 4pages of 4~7 figures resources.


It was fun.

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Yes yes it was trash, yes yes it was a meme, but it was my trashy meme

Oldest memory of Warframe was my friend (who quit) saying “Guess what,” then turning into a puddle with yellow energy. “You wet yourself”

Sweet old stupid nostalgia 

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I miss pre-FOMO when if you took a break from the game you could come back and farm up just about all the content you missed.  Sure, there were vaulted primes, but they can be bought with plat and plat is farmable.

Now, if you take a break you miss out on shards, incarnon, umbra forma, etc. that you can never recover.

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They were far more rewarding than Nightwave and made the game feel alive. There were always new hot spots of activity, and it felt like being a ninja, taking on mission contracts from the Lotus... giving a purpose to playing beyond personal goals.

The flaws in the system could have been mitigated (I made several suggestion posts in the past on the topic.) I'm not suggesting the return of the system as it was... but with a few adjustments to make it less time-window sensitive.

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