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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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1 hour ago, Niinyy said:

is this your first time seeing stuff limited? it is a common thing, it is meant to be exclusive, legacy, something for supporters of the game, something you can show off. 

battlepasses in fortnite, overwatch, cod. those are exclusive and limited

gamersupps sell special edition limited with content creators imprints on them

youtooz sell limited figures of content creators

Its not something that D.E sudddenly made up

so stop crying your eyeballs out, they're becoming dry.

You do realize that a lot of the reason people love DE is because they've largely stayed AWAY from the same BS practices that other developers have embraced, right? 

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Thank you DE for the changes. I do think the addition of more plat makes it a fair price for what you are getting on return. Unfortunately its still at a price i cant pay when all i want is the skins and halos. So now that i know that wont be an option i can now buy Starfield without feeling guilty for spending 90 bucks on it knowing i'll get hundred of hours of satisfaction in return.

Cant deny i wont feel jellous when i see tennos on those fantastic looking skins but i'll get over it ✌️


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I actually set December 31 2023 in my calendar to have an event: "Last Day to get Warframe Heirloom pack". That was so I could make sure I had enough cash by the end of the year to make sure I had the chance to get it.

But as I watch DE's scramble and the discussions pan out, more and more I feel the greed and exploitative nature of the pack.

Really glad I decided to take some time to wait it out. I might have already been regretting my purchase otherwise.

As someone who doesn't have a lot of spare cash, I really wish DE would give affordable, non-exploitative deals good enough to make it even possible for me to consistently support them.

At this point I feel like you (DE) are only interested in the money of whales.

oh well. more power to you and your most-benevolent patrons/whales/saps i guess. i will suffer disappointment.

e: that last statement reflects more bitterness/resentment than I really have. I am disappointed, but I still want things to get better.

Edited by CatboyPrincess
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Sorry Tenc... I mean, DE, we gave you clear feedback on this skin bundle.
The available bundles are bloated with stuff people don't want and are offered at a way too high price - for real money.
The amount of included platinum was never a point of the criticsm.
Because your 'premium' currency looses attraction anyway when you can't buy the cool stuff with it.

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8 hours ago, Gladehart said:

You and who?

and everyone else who isn't dumb enough to spend the amount of money that is equivalent to a Triple-A game's full price on 2 skins and their respective cosmetics. (Before the low-effort added platinum contingency)

2 FREAKING skins, some shiny halos and color palette that contains colors that already have similar counterparts from other permanent color palettes in-game. 

You could buy game like Cyberpunk 2077 combined with its upcoming Phantom Liberty DLC for around $90.00 full price.

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*Hearing noises*

Pause BG3

Check what's going on...

New cosmetics? Cool, got some extra plat lying around... ugh, the deluxe skins look better than those... don't even play mag... What, real money only? Wait, how much?

Back to playing BG3

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1 hour ago, Arkrom said:

You just typed out the FOMO part yourself. If it is limited - it has FOMO, no matter how much or how little.
Warframe's always positioned itself as a no-FOMO allowed kind of game. From NW, to prime resurgence being core to the experience of "If not now you will have more chances later". These Heirloom skins go against what Warframe's been for a decade. It's like a plothole, lol. 
What are we 'funding' here, too? Prime releases exist. Game's been out for a decade, if this is to feed Soulframe, make a Soulframe founder's pack and make us ride the wave of "hopefully that works out".

Tencent is working its accursed magic again. It's gotta be them. I can feel it in my bones.

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I bought the packs because I value them in the same way as a Founder's pack should- more as me giving support and not buying skins. I don't regret buying it either because I trust you guys not to head into the Destiny-style FOMO and overpriced skin tactics despite these packs. With them being Founder-style packs, I can understand why they may be time-limited. However, I do feel like if you guys really value your community for the sake of supporting you and not just to get money from them, then way more options should be available to them. As others have already mentioned, having just the skins alone for a much cheaper price would be really, really nice. Alternatively, having other packs with various little things like JUST the plat + signas or JUST the accolade for a heavy discount would probably get a lot more players willing to spend money.

Additional plat is nice, thanks for that, but I and many others don't equate any value to in-game currency- it's not a skin or content that people slaved over to make. I may be able to afford the packs and I love supporting you guys and your vision, but there are others who want to support you but don't have the money to. There are also people who just want the skins and don't really think about or care about supporting you directly, which is fine. Please add cheaper packs of some kind, just the skins would be great. I know you guys really care about these packs and they're special 10-year anniversary stuff, and tons of people in the community also want them.

Alternatively, if asking isn't working out, keep in mind that tons of popular content creators have been sharing their (mostly negative) opinions regarding these packs and telling people not to buy them. Making cheaper packs would at least put you on the right track again with these people and get them to promote spending money on you during this season.

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Some days ago - months after I my last run -  I started Vampire Survivors and got hooked again. Played hours and I'm having more fun than ever with the new stuff that got implemented (and more fun than with Warframe I have to admit).
This game builds onto and expands its main game loop. No pile of deserted development islands.
Oh, and currently it's at 3,47 € on Steam. No priced DLCs. Free updates.

Sometimes you just have to compare apples and oranges to get a clear view again.

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Im glad to see such a quick change all things considered, while im sure plenty of others would like to see other changes like separated packs or the skins not being limited time (im quite partial to an idea Brozime mentioned of them returning briefly around tennocon each year) i think this is great to see and while the cost is steep they do have good value to them now.

Also to note on what everyone else is saying about FOMO, i would have to agree that locking the skins behind a limited time thing isnt great i do think locking the other things like the accolade, sigil and emote would be 100% acceptable.

Another small note but uh, any chance at a Valk heirloom sometime in the future? maybe? maybe a rework with it, please?

Edited by Spaz_Taz
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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

We do not feel it would be fair to those who purchased an Heirloom Collection already with the understanding that they were time-limited to now remove that element. Those who have purchased simply get more, and ultimately they are now a good Platinum deal with exclusive Cosmetics.

As someone who purchased the Zenith pack because I truly love this game. I honestly do not care about these skins staying exclusive. 

Maybe the accolade that you get on your account and all the other goodies in the pack should be exclusive but now the skins. Everyone should have a shot at buying and or earning this skins. 

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Better. The glaring issue that remains is that there is not prestige in whale purchasing. Why would I be proud of spending a bunch of money on skins? Tell me where's the pride in that? I want to wear these cosmetics since they're beautiful, but it's honestly a little embbaressing to.

Edited by (XBOX)Architect Prime
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9 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

We truly appreciate your feedback

You do not value or appreciate outer feedback because you HAVE NOT ADRESED OUR FEEDBACK almost everyone hear didn't ask for MORE PLATINUM  we asked for a pack with just the cosmetics for maby 20 to 30 dollars thats not inflated with platinum and regal aya. Because  if someone just wants one of the skins they half to pay 90 dollars for it 


This is extremely greedy (your tencent is showing) everyone likes the old de not the new tencent version of de that constantly pushes there player base with crapy stunts like this sooner or later its going to be to much and your going to lose a lot of people making your game finally start to die out 

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4 hours ago, Kokogumi said:

What I don't understand is why people are complaining about FOMO now. There have been many supporter packs over the years with exclusive skins, like the Deimos Hive Supporter Pack. That one also contained exclusive skins and nobody cared. Why is the FOMO part of this current pack suddenly a thing people bring up?

You might wanna go check those supporter packs again. The Deimos one is the only one that actually had a real collection of exclusive skins, and they were weapon skins, a syandana, and a roomba, and yet still cheaper than this. Every other supporter pack had no exclusive skins other than a sentient gunblade skin in The New War pack. The sentient volt and mesa skins, and even evolving armor set are separately available in the market for platinum. The only FOMO in previous packs aside from what I mentioned is sigils and glyphs, so that'd be why nobody cared. This is just overall not a nice way to "celebrate your players".

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i feel like you could have preserved exclusivity without making these permanently unavailable.

could have made them a yearly or even less common aniversarry pack. plenty stuff ingame shows up perhaps once a year and some content only every few years

permanently gone away content FOMO cosmetics or not is really bad. it could be an ugly sticker, the fact that it is permanently gone after some time will pressure some people in genuinely stressing about buying it.

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3 minutes ago, Schrimmseschrammse666 said:

i feel like you could have preserved exclusivity without making these permanently unavailable.

could have made them a yearly or even less common aniversarry pack. plenty stuff ingame shows up perhaps once a year and some content only every few years

permanently gone away content FOMO cosmetics or not is really bad. it could be an ugly sticker, the fact that it is permanently gone after some time will pressure some people in genuinely stressing about buying it.

Fully agree. Having it only be available for anniversaries is I think a perfect compromise.
NO game should have timed exclusive content in it. It's one of the most disgusting and frustrating sales tactics out there for stuff that costs literally nothing to make more of once it exists. It amounts to little more than a single 1 or 0 on someone's account determining if they can access it or not.

It feels like such a god awful waste of the talent that went into creating them. I hope the artist and modelers of those skins disapprove of what marketing did with them as much as the players do.

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We don't want things to go away forever for digital purchases.

We want to buy in-game with money and/or earn in-game. 

We do not like it when things are removed from the game permanently.

Please make things come back seasonally and/or yearly. 

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Adding plat to the packs and nothing else tells me that DE learned little/willfully ignored most of the community backlash regarding the collection. The main complaints were the awfully expensive pricing, the extras thrown into it to justify said pricing, and the lack of options to buy the skins without said extras for cheaper. Hardly anybody asked for more platinum; most people were asking for an option WITHOUT the bloat.

People do want to support the game and many have been doing so through buying tennogen/PA/regal aya/previous supporter packs, but the problem is we want to buy the skins without also paying for the garbage they threw in to drive the price higher. If anything the fact that you're not given an option to pay less makes me feel that they're less concerned about giving players an opportunity to support them and more concerned about finding excuses to squeeze every last penny out of FOMO-affected players.

I can understand that they can't change the time-limited aspect if they wanted to because it was advertised as such from the start (honestly though, players wanting to things to stay exclusive to gatekeep virtual items is absolutely pathetic), but this shouldn't have been time-limited in the first place. I can let it slide since it's the 10th anniversary but I REALLY hope deals this expensive don't become a regular occurrence.
A big part of the reason why I (and many others) love and support Warframe is because of the fair monetization system and it really disappoints me to see that DE seems to be moving away from that. As cool as the skins Mynki designed are, I'm not happy with the precedent this sets and I don't want to support/reward you guys going the way of Acti-Blizz/Bungie and normalizing these kinds of deals lol.

Edited by Noirrelite
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i think DE has to choose between "throwing people who bought it under the bus" but maintaining their integrity.

or keeping the exclusive FOMO stuff and loosing some respect and integrity.

honestly i think that in the long run the first option is preferable. a bad precedent for future content i believe will have a more harmful impact than the unfairness to the people who bought your product (a situation for which DE is at fault for in the first place). to compensate those who bought the pack under the threat of FOMO DE could just shower those players in forma, equipment slots or some other universally useful stuff. that does not make up for FOMO'ing people into buying it of course. i suppose a token effort is better than no effort at all. maybe give them a hundred roller floofs. i'd like a hundred roller floofs

how many of the people who bought the pack really want the pack to stay time exclusive anyway? it seems like a logical fallacy to stick to something bad because people used to have it bad so people in the future should continue to experience bad for it would be unfair for those who had it bad before. any of that make sense? i feel quite tired

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