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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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23 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

Help me, and tell me EXACTLY what is your stance on this.

Why should I? Whatever I say will be colored. Also you spend past 30 minutes being unpleasant to me.


I am not doing this to defend myself, but because you are wrong about me and you enjoy harassing me and I will not surrender.

- Warframe skins shouldn't be time-restricted.
- The price of the heirloom packs is objectively correct. The math checks out.
- The packs are unnecessarily inflated with plat and aya.
- There should be pack only with the skins.
- There is nothing wrong about monetizing warframe skins.
- There is nothing wrong about buying the pack in it's current state.
- There is nothing wrong about not buying it.


12 minutes ago, (XBOX)sinamanthediva said:

So technically anyone who buys the Heirloom Pack is giving them Carte Blanche to do it again and again.  There is no neutral ground,

Hi. Glad to see you again. I mostly agree, but I want to react to this. I don't agree with that. I hate that most people seem to think that you have to pick a side. I hate that it's "us" and "them". I hate that we think like that. I hate that I cannot agree with both sides about certain aspects without sounding ridiculus. The world used to be about dialogue. Now it's just about who screams louder. 

There is always neutral ground. I am standing on it right now.

Edited by Cerikus
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3 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

Why should I? Whatever I say will be colored

Oh it was colored because until then you were more than happy to keep the image that I said would have colored my interactions.

5 minutes ago, Cerikus said:

am not doing this to defend myself, but because you are wrong about me and you enjoy harassing me and I will not surrender.

- Warframe skins shouldn't be time-restricted.
- The price of the heirloom packs is objectively correct. The math checks out.
- The packs are unnecessarily inflated with plat and aya.
- There should be pack only with the skins.
- There is nothing wrong about monetizing warframe skins.
- There is nothing wrong about buying the pack in it's current state.
- There is nothing wrong about not buying it.

It's also funny, because none of these points actually say anything against you supporting people falling for manipulative practices and that it's good that they did.

So yeah, despite your efforts to 'Nit Want to Defend Yourself' you're still the guy who admitted that you were okay with people who fell for manipulative monetary practices and that they deserve it.


Like DE all you had to say was "I don't ACTUALLY support and celebrate people falling for predatory business practices", instead you say all this and ignore the issue that I had and is now coloring my view of you as someone that is happy that people fell for FOMO.


Just as a reminder, my interactions with you are colored as someone who not only celebrates when people fall for these practices, but when trying to 'Defend yourself' or 'Tell.me who you actually are because I'm wrong', none of the points you gave act countered the fact that you are happy fell for the practice that you yourself admit is not good.

So uh good job. If you hadn't had said that you weren't okay with the FOMo I could have believed that you thought that they were morally right, but now that you know that they were wrong and didn't even try to refute that you're happy that people fell for a bad business practices, you made yourself look worse.

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10 hours ago, Lion said:

Do not condone or empathize with people being vicious to one another.

Honestly? Considering I go into a mission and find the most OBNOXIOUS kits that I have to play around?
I just leave, but apparently THAT'S being "hurtful" enough for them to lose their mind.

Like... I'm not playing with a liability guys.
If a person is using a kit that is actively a detriment, I'm not gonna sugar-coat it.
I'm just gonna leave at best. At worst? Probably find the closest source of Radiation to finish them off myself.
It's not like they're that far off from doing the same anyway. Wouldn't be the first time I've had it tried on me anyway!


People getting vehement over skins is honestly not surprising to me.
I'd probably scoff at them myself for being incredibly blind to the issues, but run with 'em anyway because I got bigger fish to fry.

Besides, most of the people using the skins I have to hurl a few bullets are usually the ones who flaunt their money like it's a health bar.
... or worse, the kinds that use Frost's Snowglobe all over the place. At that point, I don't care WHAT skin you have-- you're in my way. Enter bleedout immediately.

9 hours ago, Lion said:

I know it's crazy people get so riled up for optional cosmetics but just get mildly upset when actual gameplay things suck (archon time gates, magnetic procs, enemy eximus unit over health etc) 


  • Archon Tau-Forged Shards had me look at this way:
    • We have like... 50 Warframes when Veilbreaker dropped.
    • Each Warframe has 5 slots.
    • Yes, Tau-Forged WOULD be nice.
    • ... but I am at no point getting 250 Shards anytime soon.
    • That being said? I was perfectly fine with having the CURRENT system added. That just makes everyone happy.
  • Magnetic Procs are VERY dangerous to Tenno, but very weak to enemies.
    • I'mma be real here, it's not the enemies are using Corrosive or Viral. THAN you'd have some concern.
    • Removing some energy sucks, yes.
    • But realistically? It's just another condition to work around.
    • I'd be more annoyed when it's hard to dodge. Like a hitscan bullet proc'ing it. THAT'S annoying.
  • Eximus Overguard
    • I'm not gonna say it's "perfect".
    • ... but there could be FAR worse.
    • At least it gives enemies a SLIGHT reason to pay attention.
    • Look at it realistically folks, we ALL know why Nullifiers exist.
    • We got a LITTLE too comfy spamming the same abilities over and over.
    • Though, I would like more consistency.

Don't get me wrong, there's a LOT of aspects in this game that are absolutely obtuse.
Unfortunately, things like "Removing/Fixing Jackal" only stay relevant if we can make a big enough fuss out the gate.

... but I also realize that it takes SOME dev time to address that. People have to code that in. It should be a priority, but I can only do so much.
Here though? There's none of that. It's outright malicious marketing and it shows.
We've had a few examples of how they can fix this (I've sent several of my own), but they won't until we make a big enough fuss.

3 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

because if players start to blame DE they get reprimanded for doing so even though it is technically there fault for not planing ahead thinking of there loyal fans 

Welcome to "How to Rule the World 101".

Step 1: In any event people try to rise up against, make them fight each other.
Step 2: Grab popcorn. It's no longer your problem.
Step 3: In the event a stray person rises up anyway with shining morals. Tell them they suck and have your guards perforate them like swiss cheese.
Step 4: Resume popcorn.

3 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

Argue for the removal of the exclusivity creating this division in the first place!

That was the original intent of all these posts, yes.
Than it got derailed.
See why I like keeping it on topic when I can?

2 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

Why they like the pack and buy it, why would you compare it to X.

Because it's about the same tier of novelty.
In more ways than you think too!

2 hours ago, Slayer-. said:

do you check everyone's profile that you play with to even come to that conclusion

To be fair, you can tell a LOT about someone by their most-used gear.
Won't be 100% accurate, but it tells a LOT more than you'd think.


Here's my most-used Primaries.
Say what ya will, they're a lot more interesting than most picks.

2 hours ago, Cerikus said:

At that point came people who turned it into cesspool and started blaming eachother

Shame too, I've been brainstorming other methods since the ones thus far aren't good enough for DE it seems.
Though to be fair, I'm also aware this is WARFRAME. A lot of players I've run into are about as bright as a coal mine with just as much hazards to everyone near them.

That is to say that I don't exactly have a lot of faith in DE or the community to begin with.
And if you've seen what I've seen? You'd be inclined to agree.

2 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

For me it is already very clear that they are not going to do anything for now... perhaps on December 25? or a later date?

The inevitable "sale" period is going to be a grand case of "I told you so" to the whales.
... and at that point? It's not even saying it with malice. It's just being blunt.

"We told you to wait, but ya didn't listen."

The amount of times I've told people "I told so" in my life would give most people a god complex.
I just know they're just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.
Such ignorance gets nobody anything in the long run, but I can safely say I warned 'em.

2 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

besides the fact that it is tiring and stressful.

I agree with you there, but unfortunately that's the nature of the beast.

Gotta keep the flame going if you want change to happen.
Nobody wants to be the one to do it, but it's the requirement DE set.

Rest assured, if a peaceful letter would've solved it? That would've been my first go-to.

1 hour ago, Lionsheart89 said:

To be fair, everyone just got back to the office today

Pardon the other game analogy, but I'm just imagining DE walking into the office and they get hit with a damage equal to a 47-chain Puyo.
For those who don't know the game Puyo Puyo, that's basically the equal of getting hit with 100 Glaive Explosions at 500% Critical Chance with a x8 Crit Multiplier.
... While using Furious Javelin.

"That's gonna be hard to recover from."


Welp, only a few days left until DE is caught up!
Your move, DE. Make it a good one.


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20 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Pardon the other game analogy, but I'm just imagining DE walking into the office and they get hit with a damage equal to a 47-chain Puyo.
For those who don't know the game Puyo Puyo, that's basically the equal of getting hit with 100 Glaive Explosions at 500% Critical Chance with a x8 Crit Multiplier.
... While using Furious Javelin.

"That's gonna be hard to recover from."


Welp, only a few days left until DE is caught up!
Your move, DE. Make it a good one.




I mean...you're probably not wrong.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

It IS irrelevant, unless it had something to do with you initially celebrating people falling for FOMO and pulling it back when the image of such is now in your face.

So not sure why you're saying this other than to emotionally manipulate me in feeling bad for calling you out for supporting FOMO.

It IS relevant because @Cerikus is KEEPING IT REAL. It's ok to feel bad for being a bit harsh and misjudging someone.  You know it's a bit too much if I am calling someone out for their words! 

Group Hug!

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7 hours ago, Cerikus said:

Maybe if you wouldn't view people you don't agree with as zombies, but as people, you would have much better experience debating these topics. If I went and tried to explain why some of these systems are good or needed in this game, you would automaticaly default to me being a zombie and you wouldn't care about wheter the arguments do have some value.

Sorry but I will never respect a person that goes against their own interests. If you want to support the game, fine, send the company some money, or buy platinum or whatever, nobody is stopping you, Its totally ridiculous to fight for the opposition. The interest of the consumer is to have the best quality for the lowest price, yet some people are raging about the idea that something should be more accessible than before as if they were working for that company rather than consuming their products.
I really dont know what makes people like this, if its just VIP elitism or ego or whatever, but I will never respect people like this and they deserve what I said about them.
By purchasing paywalled things theyre just encouraging it and ruining the game for everyone else and even for themselves. However, like I said, theres good news that some of these wallet zombies have started becoming humans thanks to this pack. Better late than never.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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38 minutes ago, (XBOX)LadyWinterstorm said:

i just wish it was $30 instead of $90. I'd have already picked it up if it was.

I would like that if they would add a 4th pack without the filler platinum and regal aya with only the skins and cosmetics  for around 25 to 30 dollars  I think many people that couldn't afford the 90 dollars  or just wanted the skins and cosmetics would easily buy this and it would solve a lot of the problems

Edited by (XBOX)toughdragon17
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2 hours ago, Binket_ said:

Honestly? Considering I go into a mission and find the most OBNOXIOUS kits that I have to play around?
I just leave, but apparently THAT'S being "hurtful" enough for them to lose their mind.

Like... I'm not playing with a liability guys.
If a person is using a kit that is actively a detriment, I'm not gonna sugar-coat it.
I'm just gonna leave at best. At worst? Probably find the closest source of Radiation to finish them off myself.
It's not like they're that far off from doing the same anyway. Wouldn't be the first time I've had it tried on me anyway!


People getting vehement over skins is honestly not surprising to me.
I'd probably scoff at them myself for being incredibly blind to the issues, but run with 'em anyway because I got bigger fish to fry.

Besides, most of the people using the skins I have to hurl a few bullets are usually the ones who flaunt their money like it's a health bar.
... or worse, the kinds that use Frost's Snowglobe all over the place. At that point, I don't care WHAT skin you have-- you're in my way. Enter bleedout immediately.


  • Archon Tau-Forged Shards had me look at this way:
    • We have like... 50 Warframes when Veilbreaker dropped.
    • Each Warframe has 5 slots.
    • Yes, Tau-Forged WOULD be nice.
    • ... but I am at no point getting 250 Shards anytime soon.
    • That being said? I was perfectly fine with having the CURRENT system added. That just makes everyone happy.
  • Magnetic Procs are VERY dangerous to Tenno, but very weak to enemies.
    • I'mma be real here, it's not the enemies are using Corrosive or Viral. THAN you'd have some concern.
    • Removing some energy sucks, yes.
    • But realistically? It's just another condition to work around.
    • I'd be more annoyed when it's hard to dodge. Like a hitscan bullet proc'ing it. THAT'S annoying.
  • Eximus Overguard
    • I'm not gonna say it's "perfect".
    • ... but there could be FAR worse.
    • At least it gives enemies a SLIGHT reason to pay attention.
    • Look at it realistically folks, we ALL know why Nullifiers exist.
    • We got a LITTLE too comfy spamming the same abilities over and over.
    • Though, I would like more consistency.

Don't get me wrong, there's a LOT of aspects in this game that are absolutely obtuse.
Unfortunately, things like "Removing/Fixing Jackal" only stay relevant if we can make a big enough fuss out the gate.

... but I also realize that it takes SOME dev time to address that. People have to code that in. It should be a priority, but I can only do so much.
Here though? There's none of that. It's outright malicious marketing and it shows.
We've had a few examples of how they can fix this (I've sent several of my own), but they won't until we make a big enough fuss.

Welcome to "How to Rule the World 101".

Step 1: In any event people try to rise up against, make them fight each other.
Step 2: Grab popcorn. It's no longer your problem.
Step 3: In the event a stray person rises up anyway with shining morals. Tell them they suck and have your guards perforate them like swiss cheese.
Step 4: Resume popcorn.

That was the original intent of all these posts, yes.
Than it got derailed.
See why I like keeping it on topic when I can?

Because it's about the same tier of novelty.
In more ways than you think too!

To be fair, you can tell a LOT about someone by their most-used gear.
Won't be 100% accurate, but it tells a LOT more than you'd think.


Here's my most-used Primaries.
Say what ya will, they're a lot more interesting than most picks.

Shame too, I've been brainstorming other methods since the ones thus far aren't good enough for DE it seems.
Though to be fair, I'm also aware this is WARFRAME. A lot of players I've run into are about as bright as a coal mine with just as much hazards to everyone near them.

That is to say that I don't exactly have a lot of faith in DE or the community to begin with.
And if you've seen what I've seen? You'd be inclined to agree.

The inevitable "sale" period is going to be a grand case of "I told you so" to the whales.
... and at that point? It's not even saying it with malice. It's just being blunt.

"We told you to wait, but ya didn't listen."

The amount of times I've told people "I told so" in my life would give most people a god complex.
I just know they're just being stubborn for the sake of being stubborn.
Such ignorance gets nobody anything in the long run, but I can safely say I warned 'em.

I agree with you there, but unfortunately that's the nature of the beast.

Gotta keep the flame going if you want change to happen.
Nobody wants to be the one to do it, but it's the requirement DE set.

Rest assured, if a peaceful letter would've solved it? That would've been my first go-to.

Pardon the other game analogy, but I'm just imagining DE walking into the office and they get hit with a damage equal to a 47-chain Puyo.
For those who don't know the game Puyo Puyo, that's basically the equal of getting hit with 100 Glaive Explosions at 500% Critical Chance with a x8 Crit Multiplier.
... While using Furious Javelin.

"That's gonna be hard to recover from."


Welp, only a few days left until DE is caught up!
Your move, DE. Make it a good one.


Lol this hits as hard as this one xD


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4 hours ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:

Welp, looks like they're refusing to do anything about it, GGs, everyone, it was good while it lasted.

But granted, most of us knew this was coming from miles away, it just takes a while for garbage to rot.


I myself, can not tell the future. Its entirely possible that nothing is changed, but I think its worth considering the following. We don't the internal structure for how decision making processes within DE operate. Sometimes people at this Forum and Reddit often believe the DE staff member whose name appears in the title, is the person that writes up each post, not realising that often, the very same message can be posted by different individuals at DE. The easiest way to demonstrate this, amongst many is by looking at platform specific patch notes. 95% of them tend to be the same, with small sections that may be platform specific. I don't think some players realise, DE employees can't really just randomly say stuff, so casually, especially about situations of this weight (as opposed to some of the more informal comments they may post time to time, here and Reddit). 

DE isn't a monolith, for such decisions you may have to have several different people in different departments conversing and discussing courses of actions, possible solutions, justifying past decisions, justifying possible future actions, and there is probably some push and pull, and having to look at and make guesswork of assumptions and certain ideas/principals, again, including different types of people who may specialise in some areas but not others, just to come to conclusions, which then need to be refined into an easy, casual, concise format for us the players and consumers, either in a thread/PSA or potentially even the next Dev Stream. 

Personally? I'd at the very least wait until the next Dev Stream. A PSA for a PSA isn't the best look, and will potentially just spark more frustration, controversy and so on. Then may even just want people wanting them to address that as well.. Plus such processes whilst they can seem to many, like they should be "quick" again, unless they specifically know more about DE's internal structure and processes, bit of an assumption. Its all a bit of an assumption, but yeah, may be a bit of a tangle behind the scenes. Using the next Dev Stream might be a good call. Or maybe they do or say something tomorrow. Like I said, I am not a fortune teller or anything. 

Still may be nothing, and doesn't take away how frustrating such experiences are, but good criticism is good, and can have influences on the future, even if it can seem like it didn't. There was some good discussion and arguments through much of the thread, granted not all of it was that, but eh. 

GG all the same! (TL; DR, don't feel too discouraged, many efforts did bring some change, and good criticism can be important, even if changes may not be exactly what a person may have desired. Process is still important to undertake.) All the best.

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13 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

I know but the players are divided right now in to two groups the people who own the skins and flex about it thinking there elite for owning it and the people who don't own the skins because of the price or because of the injustice of the price. 

Eather way there is division in the players 

I know but I can see why some people do do this against the people who just sit there and are toxic about owning the skins they sit there and flex on others 

13 hours ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

A lot and I mean a lot of people are extremely mad right now so it's probably going to take a while before this stuff stops happening

13 hours ago, Lionsheart89 said:

I know. I even stated that DE created the issue to start with.

14 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

It's also entirely predictable and stems from a completely unnecessary situation. If you divide people into groups of course the groups are gonna fight. Some people who have the packs are taking this as an opportunity to flex some perceived superiority and punch down at the poors, and some people who don't have the packs are punching up at the perceived unfairness and elitism.


While I don't ever condone the people who buy the pack just to have some perceived superiority or to praise, what other players are doing is purely unacceptable and fighting each other is pointless, but at the end of the day, DE created the issue/mess to start with and now it's on them to clean it up.

People are rightfully angry and some are more than that since they are going to the point where people are attacking each other over it and that just isn't right. No one deserves to be harassed as some of the people on Reddit have brought up.

We're fighting the Symptoms, not the Sickness here and taking it out on each other, why?

4 hours ago, Lionsheart89 said:

To be fair, everyone just got back to the office today, though I'd be surprised if they weren't aware of the situation all weekend. I'll wait a few more days and see what happens. It might take that long to come up with another response of any sort, much like it did last time.

Very unlikely, DE aren to robots that just shut down and then wake up again when it's time to work, they have access to the Net, so they have access to Reddit and this Forum, don't be silly.


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1 hour ago, Kaziroh said:

Lol this hits as hard as this one xD

1 hour ago, Lionsheart89 said:

That was equal parts brutal and an honor to watch.

Puyo Puyo can get evil at times, yeah.
That's how you do overkill, with enough focus and planning to make people say "OKAY, WOW DUDE."

Otherwise, you get Warframe. Overkill is what we do on the daily.


Coincidentally, I find the "overkill" tends to extend to asking for the bare minimum to change in DE's approach on things.
... that's just no fun at all, is it?

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35 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:


While I don't ever condone the people who buy the pack just to have some perceived superiority or to praise, what other players are doing is purely unacceptable and fighting each other is pointless, but at the end of the day, DE created the issue/mess to start with and now it's on them to clean it up.

People are rightfully angry and some are more than that since they are going to the point where people are attacking each other over it and that just isn't right. No one deserves to be harassed as some of the people on Reddit have brought up.

We're fighting the Symptoms, not the Sickness here and taking it out on each other, why?

Very unlikely, DE aren to robots that just shut down and then wake up again when it's time to work, they have access to the Net, so they have access to Reddit and this Forum, don't be silly.


...As I said, it's very unlikely that they weren't aware. I think Megan even checked in on Saturday at some point.

Edited by Lionsheart89
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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

DE apparently. 👍

Because it's more unfair to the few people who bought specifically to have something exclusive other people aren't allowed to have than it is to all the people who won't be able to get the skins just because they didn't play for the correct 4 months in 2023. Totally the correct unfairness for DE to focus on. What, you guys don't have time machines?

And, let me remind, that this "unfairness" angle is the exact same thing DE said the day before Prime Resurgence's launch:


Update - Nov. 15th, 3:30 - Response for Updating Platinum

A. The reality is that for this inaugural launch we are unable at this time (right before launch) to add Platinum to the packs due to technical and compliance limitations across all Warframe’s platforms. We want to avoid doing any changes midway through the event as well, with it becoming a logistical challenge on the backend setup and unfair to the players who were early participants. While it is not possible for this first run, we have pages upon pages of feedback here that will be considered alongside the data we’ll be reviewing once the event has finished. Rest assured the importance of bonus Platinum in the value proposition is noted for next time. 

And then two days later, less than 24 hours after Prime Resurgence was out:


Platinum will be included in Regal Aya Packs. It will be retroactively given to those who have already purchased and added in as soon as possible for future purchases. A timeline for this will be provided shortly.

Guess it wasn't that unfair after all?

Edited by PublikDomain
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8 hours ago, Thunderlord_Zinogre said:



Damn imagine hating a part of the community so much.


I swear every time this conversation starts to become civil / respectful, the "eat the rich" types come out attacking heirloom buyers as if we were actually part of "the rich". Majority of heirloom buyers are just regular people who bought it to support the game and didn't think about the potential controversy. Hell the avg Warframe player probably doesn't even know there's controversy, of these 1.9k replies I'd wager a quarter of which are coming from a handful of frequent posters, this is literally the smallest and loudest droplet of Warframe's player base.

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48 minutes ago, Lion said:

Majority of heirloom buyers are just regular people who bought it to support the game and didn't think about the potential controversy.

Exactly, and that's why it shouldn't be such an issue making these skins non-exclusive. DE's "unfairness" stated in the OP isn't a realistic concern. There's nothing "unfortunate" about making an inherently unfair system more fair.

48 minutes ago, Lion said:

this is literally the smallest and loudest droplet of Warframe's player base.

And the same can be said about the small few who keep posting in defense of these packs.

Meanwhile, the subreddit's pinned post of this PSA still has negative karma. Many of the critical replies on the first page of this thread have more likes than the PSA. Content creators are increasingly negative towards the packs. Heck, even Warframe's Facebook page has a negative reaction to this PSA and the pack announcements. It doesn't get more average than that! No matter how you spin it the general consensus of the community has not been positive. We wouldn't be on page 75 now otherwise.

Edited by PublikDomain
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46 minutes ago, Lion said:

Majority of heirloom buyers are just regular people

I get what ya saying and all...

But the concept of "We're people too" kinda loses it's merit when the suits use that exact phrase to justify horrible thing.
Just thought I'd point that out.

5 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Heck, even Warframe's Facebook page has a negative reaction to this PSA and the pack announcements.

You know what it's bad when Facebook of all things is mad at you.
The second-last place I'd expect any controversy to be discussed on, really.
The absolute last place is Tumblr, but mainly because they got better things to discuss.

Most of the few common commenters here (yes, I'm in that batch. I know who I am.) are mainly adding to already existing commentary or trying to find different points to bring up.
Excluding the unproductive ones, of course. Those can come from frequents or one-times either way.

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1 hour ago, Lion said:

Damn imagine hating a part of the community so much.

I don't hate anyone who already bought one of these packs. That would be dumb. However, I can't really sympathize with them. Their money, their life, and whether they realize it or not, they contributed to one of the biggest problems in modern day gaming.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Lion:

Damn imagine hating a part of the community so much.

You buy an ice cream cone for two dollars, and you are happy with it.

I go to the same vendor, ask if I can get it a bit cheaper, I don't need the sprinkles or the sirup on top - otherwise I won't buy anything. So I get it for a dollar fifty cents.

Does that mean I hate you? You made a poor decision, I made a better one, but I don't have to care that you got a worse deal. You were happy with what you got for what you paid, and the ice cream cone you got hasn't changed in the slightest from the fact that I got mine cheaper.

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