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PSA: Heirloom Collection Platinum Changes & Lessons


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8 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's only Fomo if you make it Fomo. 

Besides, companies have used the "Don't miss out before its gone!" strategy for decades. 

Two of Warframe's major pillars that support the game are multiplayer/socializing and customization. These are integral parts of the game. How your character/account looks and is perceived by others is important to the foundation of this game, whether you enjoy playing solo or not. The whole "cosmetics don't affect gameplay so it's okay" holds no water, because we are playing a video game, where the entire core of our experience is whether the game "looks cool/fun/enjoyable". If the game isn't visually pleasing, or you can't have something that looks cool, it can most definitely dampen your experience of the game.

Trying to dismiss this problem because the offerings are cosmetic is disingenuous. We're not shopping for a tool to work for specific equipment in a factory, we are playing a video game; keyword: video.

"This is now the industry norm" is why players speak up. I feel like you're the type of person to misunderstand why Horse Armor is relevant today.

8 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

You have to learn to control yourself.

You don't automatically lack control if you're encouraged to buy something because it will never be available again. The reason this hurts even more is because digital items have no manufacturing cost for duplication. This isn't a limited edition sports car, this is an infinitely transactional digital piece of media. The limitation is just unnecessary for most, and it becomes a chore for many when they need to pick what game they stick to, because every game is now full of these FOMO exclusives that you're encouraged to have, else you'll never get the chance later.

This pack is an easy decision for people who are already decided how they will treat anything offered this way. The pill is harder to swallow for a large number of players who are unsure if they really want this or not. The nature of bundles like these forces that demographic into an uncomfortable position with negative emotions often at play. This isn't even mentioning the fact that the live service model could encourage them to use the skins later on after a set of changes. What if Styanax Prime has a helmet that looks perfect with the Frost Heirloom Signa? What if Frost were to get some tweaks in 5 years that makes him super enjoyable for you to play personally and now you wish you had the skin? What if DE decides this package wasn't worth it, and now you never have a chance for a "10 Year Supporter Accolade"? There's many factors that push players into an uncomfortable buying position that isn't about self-control, but developer responsibility to make purchasing something that the customer feels like they wanted to do at the start, not encouraged to, pushed, or made to feel bad if they don't.

Edited by Voltage
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8 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's only Fomo if you make it Fomo. 

Besides, companies have used the "Don't miss out before its gone!" strategy for decades. 

You have to learn to control yourself.

Just because they've been doing it for a long time doesn't make it okay or acceptable. Not everyone is capable of exerting that self control and that's not necessarily their fault. Mental health conditions exist. It literally targets the same demographic of people scam call centers do. People too mentally unhealthy to be capable of recognizing they're being scammed. That's what makes it so awful.

Someone out there with a mental condition has bought this pack because of the fomo, and couldn't afford their medication or possibly even their rent this month because of it. And no amount of saying "just control your impulses" will prevent that from happening with business practices like this.

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19 minutes ago, Voltage said:

I feel like you're the type of person to misunderstand why Horse Armor is relevant today

Here's the difference though, the horse armor was just that, an over priced cosmetic with nothing else of value. I get that. I understand that.

The Heirloom pack has a lot more for the price they're asking for. Not everyone can afford that. I get that. I understand that.

I don't 100% agree that they should have done this, but with what comes with the pack the price imo is justified. I know people just want the skins, I hope they make it available for Regal Aya in the future or the next time they do their heirloom pack. For me, I save up so I'm able to get this pack. If I couldn't afford it, guess i won't buy it.

28 minutes ago, PollexMessier said:

Someone out there with a mental condition has bought this pack because of the fomo, and couldn't afford their medication or possibly even their rent this month because of it

I highly doubt this, but if that did happen I hope they get the help they need and have someone take over their finances for them because they obviously can't make a good decision. 

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40 minutes ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Here's the difference though, the horse armor was just that, an over priced cosmetic with nothing else of value. I get that. I understand that.

The Heirloom pack has a lot more for the price they're asking for. Not everyone can afford that. I get that. I understand that.

I don't 100% agree that they should have done this, but with what comes with the pack the price imo is justified. I know people just want the skins, I hope they make it available for Regal Aya in the future or the next time they do their heirloom pack. For me, I save up so I'm able to get this pack. If I couldn't afford it, guess i won't buy it.

Yeah, you've missed the point on why Horse Armor is relevant all these years later.

"Justified" is a fascinating word. It's often used when you know you've done something wrong and people can take issue with, but you've already thought of excuses and examples to ensure your behavior wasn't "incorrect". Sure, Regal Aya justifies the higher price, but it's bloat, and everyone can see that. You can justify just about anything when you make the rules, but people can still point out when it's in poor taste. The Accolade and riding the wave of "10 years" is poor taste. Again, everyone can see that.

Nobody is questioning whether DE is allowed to do what they are doing, they're questioning whether it's ethical and treats people fairly for what it is.

Also, as I've stated in previous comments, I purchased this bundle. I'd be pretty stupid not to considering how much I play this game and what my goals are with it. I can afford the cost, and I like the exclusives. I'll still point out though that this was done in poor taste. I should have the Accolade already from my multiple Prime and Vault Access purchases over the years, not because I bought this. The same goes for everyone else.

Edited by Voltage
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On 2023-09-14 at 4:38 AM, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well considering it's not even out yet I can't believe that you know for a fact that that is the case.

Well I believe they are just being paranoid. Only reason people hated void sling is cause they were super used to void dash and just needed time to adjust.

Are you THAT short-sighted? Are you ABSOLUTELY INCAPABLE of making comparisons or correlations between two or more similar things? Because it's either that, or you're just a troll. 

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10 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's only Fomo if you make it Fomo. 

I... can't tell if you're serious or not.

Whether people do or don't fall for it... that doesn't make the practice subjective. The intentions behind the practice are the same regardless if it's unsuccessful in baiting people.

And the folks that aren't falling for it... are the ones calling it out as being Fomo... what is your logic here exactly?

How do you "not make it Fomo"?
I can't win here. If I refuse to support it, I'm acknowledging it's an egregious business practice. If I do buy it, that means I caved in.

You cannot change my mind that there are bloatings like extra plat and regal aya in these packs that I don't consider worth spending the money on. But I also really want those skins. And I do not have the luxury to hold on this decision without stress. Because even if the prices never change, so long as I always had the option to purchase it forever (or as long as warframe is still around), then I don't lose, even if I never buy it.
But with it's exclusivity, whether or not I end up getting it, I lose either way.

The Heirloom pack is just a S#&$show. If it was more fairly priced, the Fomo would still suck, but it would be more tolerable at the very least.

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20 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Well considering it's not even out yet I can't believe that you know for a fact that that is the case.

Play Warframe in it's current state with half your screen visibility, about 80% less control of your character (regardless of WHAT or WHO it is) and using the same- if not less- amount of processing as a Nintendo Switch.

That alone should tell you that it's a bad idea. Warframe MIGHT be possible on consoles, but hardly a mobile device.

And that's not even accounting for the demographic itself being the easiest objects to rob on the planet.
It baffles me that we still even HAVE such a demographic.

20 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Only reason people hated void sling is cause they were super used to void dash and just needed time to adjust.

It's clunkier without actually fixing any issues it may have presented.

DE just wanted to slow down Void Dashing for whatever reason they saw fit and everyone said "Okay, but why?"
If they gave a reason? It probably isn't too far off.

I may have adjusted by now, I still think it's stupid.

18 hours ago, (XBOX)Lady Ukita said:

There was no reason to arbitrarily replace void dash, which has been perfectly fine and functionable for over five years

I can see them removing Void Blast in favor of just making those dedicated perks outright abilities.
They were already effectively a similar idea. A "cast" of an ability.
If anything, I wouldn't be opposed to DE adding more Focus School abilities like with a third one.
We have the slots after all.

It's just... did they REALLY have to break Void Dash like that?

15 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

Almost every time someone says "wait till it comes out" it comes out just as if not worse than the person they were saying it to was concerned about.

Funnily enough, when people say "What's your opinions on [UPCOMING UPDATE]?"
I often reply:

"I don't know enough about it, so we'll see.
I can give some rudimentary ideas on it, but you're either gonna take them as gospel or judge me for it."
... and I really don't feel like either of them are suitable.

... in situations like these? It's not even subtle.
Warframe 1999? We can speculate until our tinfoil hats come off, it's still a ways away with only enough footage for a proof of concept.
Here? Eugh, you can SEE how obtuse it is.

15 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

got rid of reviving with platinum

I completely forgot that was a thing, HAH!

In some cases, I kinda wish they removed the revives entirely in modes like Steel Path.
Only allowing whatever revives can happen from Arcanes if all else.

Revives in standard mode at least allow for an easier, less panicked time.
Steel Path just enables the idea of "Oh, it won't matter if I die. I got like 6 more up and at 'ems"
That's assuming the player even dies at all, considering Last Gasp allows us to get ourselves back up from bleedout.
Which in my opinion? Far better system.

But yeah, it doesn't seem that far off to expect "platinum for revives" to come back in Warframe Mobile.
... given the Heirloom Packs vomiting over any sense of morality DE has left already

15 hours ago, Lion said:

TBH I don't mind matchmaking with mobile

The connection would be awful as is.
Y'know, along with my first reply in this bit to show why they'll lag behind even WITH perfect connection.

11 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

It's only Fomo if you make it Fomo.

Shills about to eat their words, circa 2024.

I'm certainly not going to beat myself up too badly over these skins.
Doesn't make them any less FOMO.

But since it doesn't get through the thickest of skulls until we dedicate a whole essay to them discussing why, I'm going to say this simply:

Just because you don't INITIALLY feel "fear" behind the "fear of missing out" doesn't make it a good thing... let alone acceptable.
Not everyone will feel EXACTLY fear. Some will feel frustration. Some will feel depressed. Some will feel a visceral revulsion as some other people had the AUDACITY TO DO THIS.
No matter what emotion you feel, it's not designed to be a FAIR deal. FOMO is a tactic to make a bad deal look slightly better, regardless if you agree or not.

DE should be better than that.
This is proving otherwise.

That is final.

6 hours ago, PublikDomain said:

But it doesn't seem to affect Shodian so it must not be real. 🤔

Asking other people to feel the most rudimentary of empathy on the Internet these days is viewed as a sin.

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Huh, there was more that dropped. Just a sec...

2 hours ago, (XBOX)Shodian said:

Here's the difference though, the horse armor was just that, an over priced cosmetic with nothing else of value.

No, there is no difference from the way you put it.

It's a cosmetic. Therefore "it has no relevance and can be priced to whatever the seller wishes".
... or are you telling us that's NOT that case when it's done by someone else?

1 hour ago, Darkbring said:

Are you THAT short-sighted?

... unfortunately, I can believe they are.
That's the nature of the beast in these years.

50 minutes ago, Shadedraxe said:

If it was more fairly priced, the Fomo would still suck, but it would be more tolerable at the very least.

I could deal with price myself.
It's the fact that it will never come back again. All in the name of profit.
Avarice for the sake of it, be it that divine act against human decency "Tencent" or their own will-- it's reflecting on them as a whole.

I thought DE was a company in 2023, not the Corpus in some far-flung year.

"Profit numbs the feeling" I suppose.
A quote directly from one of their own characters.
A grimey, unkillable and universally detested character known as Alad V.
Who would rather sell out the entire system to invaders for profit.

If it's profit DE wants, it's profit DE shall become.
Profit is only as good as the practices behind it though.

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15 minutes ago, Binket_ said:

Asking other people to feel the most rudimentary of empathy on the Internet these days is viewed as a sin.

The lack of empathy is shockingly common around here :( So many things get immediately shot down and bickered to death because "well I don't think it's a problem". It's like... ok? Do you want a trophy? Get out of the way for the people who do think it's a problem, and when it gets fixed you're welcome. Like idk Tau Shard RNG which was talked down over I don't even remember how long with an endless stream of "you're just entitled" and "it's not a big deal" and "it's just some stats" and "well I think it's fine" yet lo and behold, we got RNG protection anyways. Same with Prime Resurgence plat, Lich Ephemera drop rates, UniVac, you name it. Pick a topic, any topic, and it's the same story. Worse, there are some who take it to an extreme. It's not a "DE can do no wrong" form of white-knighting, it's a poisonous "the community can do no right" that treats any request, no matter how minor, like it's some evil plot conjured by entitled whining babies who just want to have everything their way. And not, y'know, like genuine concern or feedback from paying customers who want to keep being treated as fairly as they've always been treated.

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Huh... I saw the packs, the skins look great but there's no way in hell that i'll be paying 70-90 usd to get them along some plat and regal aya i don't need.

If the devs try to push nonsense practices, we can play a similar game.

*Changes steam market region to Argentina where the zenith tier bundle is 4660ARS (~14 USD)*

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There are now 85 pages in this thread of mostly hate twords this pack and there had been no major discussion from the developers about it on any media besides Megan who put out the developers message (not blaming her for putting the message out)of what is basicly bandaid on a 40 caliber bullet wound 

Still waiting to see if they address it on the devstream on what there going to do with the pack and packs in the future (hopefully there will be no packs if this is how there going to treat them) 

Im just going to say this hear to keep it alive we want a 4th pack without the filler that makes the packs 70 to 90 dollars packs with just the cosmetics and skins for around 25 to 30 dollars

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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

There are now 85 pages in this thread of mostly hate twords this pack and there had been no major discussion from the developers about it on any media besides Megan who put out the developers message (not blaming her for putting the message out)of what is basicly bandaid on a 40 caliber bullet wound 

Still waiting to see if they address it on the devstream on what there going to do with the pack and packs in the future (hopefully there will be no packs if this is how there going to treat them) 

Im just going to say this hear to keep it alive we want a 4th pack without the filler that makes the packs 70 to 90 dollars packs with just the cosmetics and skins for around 25 to 30 dollars

Hopefully they just don't do Heirloom packs anymore after this one because limited times items are stupid, imo. One of the things Warframe did right was bringing back event mods and adding ways in the game to get them again. Now let me finish before you warriors start typing...

One of Warframe's best features is the amount of customization it has, while not directly affecting gameplay it sucks that they have started making limited time cosmetics. Things like Prime cosmetics were eventually brought back, granted you still need cash to get them. I do not understand why they felt the need to make this bundle limited time, why they felt they had to add a silly "10 Year Supporter" accolade to it that you only get if you buy this package, even if you supported the game for 10 years... my account is 10 years old for example.

Then the packs are inflated with fluff on top of it, granted the platinum/regal aya combo is now a better deal but there are people who still don't need or do not want these items. The whole thing feels like a hit and miss but maybe this is the "future of Warframe" they were talking about? Who knows, all we can do ourselves is wait and see. I'm sure they have managed to make plenty of money out of this deal, like I said one of Warframe's main features is the cosmetics, heck we even joke that FashionFrame is the true end game.

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56 minutes ago, (XBOX)toughdragon17 said:

There are now 85 pages in this thread of mostly hate twords this pack and there had been no major discussion from the developers about it on any media besides Megan who put out the developers message (not blaming her for putting the message out)of what is basicly bandaid on a 40 caliber bullet wound 

Still waiting to see if they address it on the devstream on what there going to do with the pack and packs in the future (hopefully there will be no packs if this is how there going to treat them) 

Im just going to say this hear to keep it alive we want a 4th pack without the filler that makes the packs 70 to 90 dollars packs with just the cosmetics and skins for around 25 to 30 dollars

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Just because you WANT something doesn't make it a reasonable demand, nor does it grant you the right to have it so.

NONE of us, yourself included, have any idea what went into the contracts that commissioned these skins, much less what DE plans to do with income from said sales...

For all you know, they're using it to hire more people and ease burden on their staff or accelerate the pace at which content is produced over time...  Maybe they're using it to pay back loans, perhaps they're just banking it for a rainy day...

Who knows?  THAT'S THE POINT. Y'all DON'T know, but yet people come out here so confidently declaring "foul play" just because they *simply don't like the price of something*

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

This isn't some essential service.. they're not gatekeeping housing or food or healthcare... they're just charging for a digital product THEY provide for THEIR game (which they DON'T charge access for).  That's entirely within their rights to do so, and moreover, they've made the entire transaction completely transparent, so there's nobody "getting ripped off", because you get EXACTLY what you pay for.

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Good grief...  the only greedy people I see here thus far are not DE, but the ones getting EVERYTHING for free, and STILL demanding DE give them MORE for free/less  (and YES, I am AWARE some of you aren't asking "for free, just cheaper", but that's essentially the same thing because at the end of the day, YOU'RE demanding you pay what you WANT and not what is being asked by the creator/artists who are making and delivering the work ... That isn't how things work in the real world in ANY business, kiddos)

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17 minutes ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Just because you WANT something doesn't make it a reasonable demand, nor does it grant you the right to have it so.

NONE of us, yourself included, have any idea what went into the contracts that commissioned these skins, much less what DE plans to do with income from said sales...

For all you know, they're using it to hire more people and ease burden on their staff or accelerate the pace at which content is produced over time...  Maybe they're using it to pay back loans, perhaps they're just banking it for a rainy day...

Who knows?  THAT'S THE POINT. Y'all DON'T know, but yet people come out here so confidently declaring "foul play" just because they *simply don't like the price of something*

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

This isn't some essential service.. they're not gatekeeping housing or food or healthcare... they're just charging for a digital product THEY provide for THEIR game (which they DON'T charge access for).  That's entirely within their rights to do so, and moreover, they've made the entire transaction completely transparent, so there's nobody "getting ripped off", because you get EXACTLY what you pay for.

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Good grief...  the only greedy people I see here thus far are not DE, but the ones getting EVERYTHING for free, and STILL demanding DE give them MORE for free/less  (and YES, I am AWARE some of you aren't asking "for free, just cheaper", but that's essentially the same thing because at the end of the day, YOU'RE demanding you pay what you WANT and not what is being asked by the creator/artists who are making and delivering the work ... That isn't how things work in the real world in ANY business, kiddos)


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1 hour ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Just because you WANT something doesn't make it a reasonable demand, nor does it grant you the right to have it so.

NONE of us, yourself included, have any idea what went into the contracts that commissioned these skins, much less what DE plans to do with income from said sales...

For all you know, they're using it to hire more people and ease burden on their staff or accelerate the pace at which content is produced over time...  Maybe they're using it to pay back loans, perhaps they're just banking it for a rainy day...

Who knows?  THAT'S THE POINT. Y'all DON'T know, but yet people come out here so confidently declaring "foul play" just because they *simply don't like the price of something*

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

This isn't some essential service.. they're not gatekeeping housing or food or healthcare... they're just charging for a digital product THEY provide for THEIR game (which they DON'T charge access for).  That's entirely within their rights to do so, and moreover, they've made the entire transaction completely transparent, so there's nobody "getting ripped off", because you get EXACTLY what you pay for.

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Good grief...  the only greedy people I see here thus far are not DE, but the ones getting EVERYTHING for free, and STILL demanding DE give them MORE for free/less  (and YES, I am AWARE some of you aren't asking "for free, just cheaper", but that's essentially the same thing because at the end of the day, YOU'RE demanding you pay what you WANT and not what is being asked by the creator/artists who are making and delivering the work ... That isn't how things work in the real world in ANY business, kiddos)

i think you missed the entire issue, its not about free aside from that joke of an accolade. Its not even about cheaper,its about the fact that everyone here complaining doesnt want the aya or plat entirely and take issue with a countdown arbitrarily slapped on this to get you to buy it now or "Oh No! i missed my chance!" that they promised never to do again and have course corrected on a number of actual gameplay affecting weapons in game that were formerly other get it or its gone for good items before the community did this exact thing to get them to back down on the bad decisions. Can i afford the heirloom pack? Yes. Do i want the skins? again Yes. do i want regal aya that will rot on my account or pad another few k of plat onto my account that i might never get around to spending due to how much i already have? Hell NO. That is not me wanting a "Cheaper" pack, its wanting a pack that doesnt have stacks of currency i dont want/need or even have a use for in the case of regal aya.

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1 hour ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Just because you WANT something doesn't make it a reasonable demand, nor does it grant you the right to have it so.

NONE of us, yourself included, have any idea what went into the contracts that commissioned these skins, much less what DE plans to do with income from said sales...

For all you know, they're using it to hire more people and ease burden on their staff or accelerate the pace at which content is produced over time...  Maybe they're using it to pay back loans, perhaps they're just banking it for a rainy day...

Who knows?  THAT'S THE POINT. Y'all DON'T know, but yet people come out here so confidently declaring "foul play" just because they *simply don't like the price of something*

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

This isn't some essential service.. they're not gatekeeping housing or food or healthcare... they're just charging for a digital product THEY provide for THEIR game (which they DON'T charge access for).  That's entirely within their rights to do so, and moreover, they've made the entire transaction completely transparent, so there's nobody "getting ripped off", because you get EXACTLY what you pay for.

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Good grief...  the only greedy people I see here thus far are not DE, but the ones getting EVERYTHING for free, and STILL demanding DE give them MORE for free/less  (and YES, I am AWARE some of you aren't asking "for free, just cheaper", but that's essentially the same thing because at the end of the day, YOU'RE demanding you pay what you WANT and not what is being asked by the creator/artists who are making and delivering the work ... That isn't how things work in the real world in ANY business, kiddos)

Yeah, we know they are skins. But what if this spills onto gameplay impacting items in the future? Would you still say this? Would you want to see WF going the way of a lazy nameless cashgrab mobile game that's chock full of these types of deals?

I'm pretty sure that even if you said you understand that no one wanted the skins for free you missed the point by many miles. And since you're talking about free market, people can complain, not buy items and send feedback about. That's also part and parcel of the free market. That's why negotiation and haggling is a thing in the first place. 

Edited by Stafelund
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12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Are you really trying to compare physical goods were each unit is built individually (with its own costs in terms of materials, time and labor) to digital goods (were time and labor are only spent once and then endless copies can be created) despite it being a blatant false equivalence?

Go get some help.

12 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

Are you serious? In an optimal "free market" prices are naturally regulated by supply and demand.

Digital goods are endless in terms of supply, so DE arbitrarily making the item "one time offer, never coming back" is an attempt to artificially reduce supply in order to inflate prices; that's called "market manipulation" and is intended to vitiate free market.

Yet here you are talking about "free market" while defending a practice meant to go against it. Get your facts straight.


Edited by ----Legacy----
Why did i write "offering" instead of supply. Just corrected it anyways.
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6 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Except it's not just skins. That's the point. We WANT a bundle that's priced appropriately for JUST being the SKINS. (And Signa, I assume, for most people).

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6 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

And I want a Maserati for $10, a 3 story house on the beach for $5, and FREE pizzas for life...

Just because you WANT something doesn't make it a reasonable demand, nor does it grant you the right to have it so.

NONE of us, yourself included, have any idea what went into the contracts that commissioned these skins, much less what DE plans to do with income from said sales...

For all you know, they're using it to hire more people and ease burden on their staff or accelerate the pace at which content is produced over time...  Maybe they're using it to pay back loans, perhaps they're just banking it for a rainy day...

Who knows?  THAT'S THE POINT. Y'all DON'T know, but yet people come out here so confidently declaring "foul play" just because they *simply don't like the price of something*

You don't HAVE to like it.  The price simply is what it is.  That's how a free market works.

This isn't some essential service.. they're not gatekeeping housing or food or healthcare... they're just charging for a digital product THEY provide for THEIR game (which they DON'T charge access for).  That's entirely within their rights to do so, and moreover, they've made the entire transaction completely transparent, so there's nobody "getting ripped off", because you get EXACTLY what you pay for.

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023 and explain to people like children that JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT IT, DOESNT ENTITLE YOU TO IT".  

Good grief...  the only greedy people I see here thus far are not DE, but the ones getting EVERYTHING for free, and STILL demanding DE give them MORE for free/less  (and YES, I am AWARE some of you aren't asking "for free, just cheaper", but that's essentially the same thing because at the end of the day, YOU'RE demanding you pay what you WANT and not what is being asked by the creator/artists who are making and delivering the work ... That isn't how things work in the real world in ANY business, kiddos)

You totally missed a point. People want to buy this but they don't want Regal Aya and Plat that inflates bundles. It's not a problem to afford it for most of us but for players that has already 4+ years of playtime (I play this game for 7 years) those are useless because they already have both Mag and Frost and don't need Aya to buy them directly. They also can get platinum by trading or wait for plat discount to get platinum at better value. Even if by any chance they don't have Mag/Frost their parts are tradeable. And guess what? It's cheaper to buy those parts with platinum rather than getting it with Regal Aya. So yeah people are mad and for good reason.

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2 hours ago, Grav_Starstrider said:

Tell us "tough nuts, get over it"

Please don't get me wrong, I don't get your answer, isn't the first post of this very thread not this? They literally said they adjusted platinum to adjust the packs value to not change the current deals in favor of people who purchased first. What's ambigous here? What's the silence? They literally told us?

Edited by NightmareT12
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Il y a 13 heures, (XBOX)Shodian a dit :

And that is why I think that they went the route that they did with the Heirloom skins.

The thing is they are currently doing sale on platinum. But nobody forced them to do so. It’s their call. And anyway, what’s the point to buy reduced plats if some skins are locked behind real currency wall?

Edited by (PSN)HeartCoreGamer
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10 hours ago, (PSN)JustJoshinEnt said:

It's JUST SKINS, for Ordis' sake!   I seriously cannot believe we STILL have to have this conversation in 2023. 

Bud if it were just skins we wouldn't be having this conversation but instead were having this conversations because its skins and cosmetics inflated by 90 dollars worth of filler platinum and regal aya many people do not want 

What they do want is a 4th pack without the filler platinum and regal aya with just the cosmetics and skins for maby 25 to 30 dollars so everyone can basically afford it it would also gain the company more money because of the fact basically everyone can afford it more than 90 dollars thats what they didn't think of when puting out these packs 

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2 hours ago, NightmareT12 said:

Please don't get me wrong, I don't get your answer, isn't the first post of this very thread not this? They literally said they adjusted platinum to adjust the packs value to not change the current deals in favor of people who purchased first. What's ambigous here? What's the silence? They literally told us?

The "silence" is the response to the following 86 pages of people saying "we still really don't like this".

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