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Dagath: the Headless Horse(wo)man... that has no horse?


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When I first heard about the "Headless Horse(wo)man": Dagath, I was super excited because I figured she would have a ridable Exalted Kaithe as one of her abilities, but that seems to not (currently) be the case... I really hope that this gets changed BEFORE her official release. Y'all already have the models for it, seeing as her really lame 4th ability just spawns five ghost-kaithes to run in a straight line 😐👎

I love the Warframe trend of y'all making usable vehicles, like the Archwing, K-Drive, Necramech, and Kaithe (all sadly limited to open-world areas), and then making Warframes that have Exalted versions of those vehicles that can be used ANYWHERE: Titania's Razorwing (Exalted Archwing), Yareli's Merulina (Exalted K-Drive), [Upcoming Unrevealed Warframe]'s Exalted Necramech, and lastly, Dagath's would-be Exalted Kaithe (which is MISSING😥).

It pains me to see that you guys completely missed the mark on your "Headless Horse(wo)man" Warframe... which apparently doesn't come with a ->HORSE<-.

I would be most grateful to have this issue remedied by giving Dagath a rideable exalted horse, to complete her theme. Please consider it.


(*Whisper*: also, I'll be absolutely pumped when you guys reveal the Warframe that can transform into a Necramech!)


Edit: I just noticed a moderator moved this to a different discussion topic, but this indeed is Warframe Feedback. I'm saying y'all missed the mark with Dagath, the supposed "Headless Horse(less)woman", and should fix the mistake of not giving her an Exalted Horse.


Another Edit: I just tested out Kaithe in multiple tilesets, and the only places that impede traversal are a few specific spots in infested tilesets, which happen to be the same spots that impede Yareli's Merulina. Other than that, all other locations work just fine, even the vents! It just works. And unlike a certain someone whose initials are TH, I'm not actually lying, it really does work. The main downside is that we can't use primaries or melee, which is something I would very much want to be able to do while playing as Dagath. And obviously, similar to Yareli, we'd still be able to use Dagath's original abilities while on the horse (though I wish subsumed abilities would work too). Can't really have a badass headless horseman without the ability to lop some heads off with a melee weapon while riding your mount!

Edited by BionicFreak
Topic was changed + Proving that Kaithes Work in all Tilesets
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4 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

While I love the Kaithes aesthetically, let's be honest: they do not feel good to ride.  They're clunky and stiff even in open-worlds with endless skies; I can't even imagine how awful they'd feel in tight quarters.

A proper point to make, DE does need to improve Kaithe-riding, but maybe they shouldn't have released a "Headless HORSE(wo)man" Warframe until doing so?

That being said, plenty of people still hate Yareli because they think K-Drives are too hard to operate. I, on the other hand, absolutely love playing as Yareli and using her K-Drive. It's some of the most fun I've had playing Warframe recently.

At the end of the day, my point is that DE shouldn't have made a Warframe based on the Headless Horseman (you know, the dude that RIDES a horse) without actually giving the Warframe an Exalted Horse to ride.

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Considering how unwell Yareli went for her forced K-Drive integration I doubt DE wants to intentionally tank Dagath's popularity by forcing Kaith integration into their kit. Which would happen considering how Kaith's are designed for an open world space and not the cramped and narrow corridors most of the game takes place in.

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48 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

Exalted Kaithe as one of her abilities,

dear lord no: one clunky exalted form of transportation is enough thanks, plus I'm certain most doorways won't fit someone riding a Kaithe, the same way they don't fit Necramechs.

I think you're taking her theme too literally: warframes don't have to, nor do they always, totally encompass their theme: she has "hooves" and summons spectral horses, has about as minimal neuroptics as is possible for a warframe and overall dark/paranormal themes, it's still fairly obvious what inspired her design. warframe's don't need post-it notes on their forehead saying "I am themed around X", just a few visual cues here and there, which Dagath has plenty of.

Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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it took yareli dozens of fixes, stat tweaks, buffs, a completely different maneuver system (which should really be given to every kdrive) and 2 years just to be decent. let's not try that again with a mount that's even worse as a starting point just so we can have the morbillionth exalted gimmick frame to throw on the dust-collecting pile

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Dagath has a lot of similarities with a Brazilian folklore myth called The Headless Mule. The myth tells about a woman who fell in love with a priest and was cursed to become a headless zombie monster with the appearance of a mule basically, she can't have a horse because she is the mule.

I would love for Dagath to be able to synergize with Kaithe; Voruna with Kubrows; Iarely with K-drives; Khora with Kavats...

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31 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I think you're taking her theme too literally. warframe's don't need post-it notes on their forehead saying "I am themed around X".

My response to that is this: Imagine Excalibur had NO sword ability. A Warframe that is literally named after a legendary sword, yet he has no sword as a part of his ability set. That would be a pretty massive letdown, would it not?

31 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

I'm certain most doorways won't fit someone riding a Kaithe, the same way they don't fit Necramechs.

DE fixed it so that Necramechs can now fit through almost any door, just not small vents. Yareli on Merulina still has some issues with certain areas, but you can always crouch and use the dodge mechanic to get through any and all tight spots. I wouldn't care about not being able to access a small number of spots while riding a horse, I just like having the option to bring open-world-only mechanics and gameplay into regular missions. If you don't like the ability, simply don't use it. That would also be the perfect ability for you to swap out with a helminth ability, if you dislike it so much.

A horse-riding Warframe should have a horse to ride.

Edited by BionicFreak
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46 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

While I love the Kaithes aesthetically, let's be honest: they do not feel good to ride.  They're clunky and stiff even in open-worlds with endless skies; I can't even imagine how awful they'd feel in tight quarters.

So true! The worst part about it for me is that no matter what you cannot be stopped in the air making it really difficult to access specific areas since you are forced to go at speed all the time and making a trick landing to get to an area only accessible by Kaithe.

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On the first part of the journey, I was looking at all the life. There were Oberons and Zephyrs and Atlases and things. There was Inaros and Wisps and Nezha rings.

The next thing I met was a Titania with a buzz. And the skybox with no clouds. The Ember was hot and Cetus was dry. But the air was full of Banshee! 

I've been through the desert on a horse with no name. Except it had a name, it just wasn't there. Dagath! She has a horse with a name, but you can't ride it anyway, cause its dead and its slain, Cause you forgot that this is Warframe, its not a game with no pain, La la la la la la...

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6 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

My response to that is this: Imagine Excalibur had NO sword ability. A Warframe that is literally named after a legendary sword, yet he has no sword as a part of his ability set. That would be a pretty massive letdown, would it not?

Not for me, no.  Not even a tiny letdown, assuming it was an equally good ability, that just didn't involve a literal sword.  I'm perfectly fine with frame names that are just flavor, like Mesa, Trinity, Ash, etc. 

As far as Dagath goes, I'm probably happier without one of her abilities being taken up by an exalted mount.  Certainly content without it.

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31 minutes ago, BionicFreak said:

My response to that is this: Imagine Excalibur had NO sword ability. A Warframe that is literally named after a legendary sword, yet he has no sword as a part of his ability set. That would be a pretty massive letdown, would it not?

And most advance player replace his exalted blade with other Helminth ability. 

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7 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Oh i'm sorry, Do you want another stupid mount that's not made for the mission tilesets ? do you want another yareli/merulina situation ? 

Yes. Absolutely. For variety. We already got 50ish Warframes with, normal Warframe parkour. More variety is not bad.

Bonus points if the horse can parkhourse and bullet jump and wallrun and whatnot 

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Dagath is a fairly accurate interpretation of the Dullahan who, despite what people may think, did not fight on horseback. The Dullahan's premise is that he brings death when he stops riding. From this perspective it can be justified that the horse is not part of the combat system.

Obviously this decision underlies a lot of collision problems that the horse would have and that will only be solved when DE reworks all the old mappings that are full of said problems.

In the future, DE may bring a warframe more suited to horseback combat.

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1 hour ago, BionicFreak said:

When I first heard about the "Headless Horse(wo)man": Dagath, I was super excited because I figured she would have a ridable Exalted Kaithe as one of her abilities, but that seems to not (currently) be the case... I really hope that this gets changed BEFORE her official release. Y'all already have the models for it, seeing as her really lame 4th ability just spawns five ghost-kaithes to run in a straight line 😐👎

I love the Warframe trend of y'all making usable vehicles, like the Archwing, K-Drive, Necramech, and Kaithe (all sadly limited to open-world areas), and then making Warframes that have Exalted versions of those vehicles that can be used ANYWHERE: Titania's Razorwing (Exalted Archwing), Yareli's Merulina (Exalted K-Drive), [Upcoming Unrevealed Warframe]'s Exalted Necramech, and lastly, Dagath's would-be Exalted Kaithe (which is MISSING😥).

It pains me to see that you guys completely missed the mark on your "Headless Horse(wo)man" Warframe... which apparently doesn't come with a ->HORSE<-.

I would be most grateful to have this issue remedied by giving Dagath a rideable exalted horse, to complete her theme. Please consider it.


(*Whisper*: also, I'll be absolutely pumped when you guys reveal the Warframe that can transform into a Necramech!)


Edit: I just noticed a moderator moved this to a different discussion topic, but this indeed is Warframe Feedback. I'm saying y'all missed the mark with Dagath, the supposed "Headless Horse(less)woman", and should fix the mistake of not giving her an Exalted Horse.

There wasn't a lot of thought put into this, was there...

If Nechramechs can't fit in Normal Maps, then neither can a Warframe atop a Kaithe. Also, the Kaithes main feature is the ability to fly, which would be absolutely useless in maps you're scraping your head on the ceiling in. Plus we don't even have Kaithe Melee combat or Kaithe Primary Weapon combat yet, so you summon your Kaithe, get on, and now can only use 1 of 3 weapons. Great.

Someone certainly did miss the mark alright, but its not who you think.

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1 minute ago, (XBOX)CaligulaTwily said:

Yes. Absolutely. For variety. We already got 50ish Warframes with, normal Warframe parkour. More variety is not bad.

Bonus points if the horse can parkhourse and bullet jump and wallrun and whatnot 

Horse wall-latch would make my life complete.


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1 hour ago, BionicFreak said:

A proper point to make, DE does need to improve Kaithe-riding, but maybe they shouldn't have released a "Headless HORSE(wo)man" Warframe until doing so?

That being said, plenty of people still hate Yareli because they think K-Drives are too hard to operate. I, on the other hand, absolutely love playing as Yareli and using her K-Drive. It's some of the most fun I've had playing Warframe recently.

At the end of the day, my point is that DE shouldn't have made a Warframe based on the Headless Horseman (you know, the dude that RIDES a horse) without actually giving the Warframe an Exalted Horse to ride.

I fully agree with everything you've said. I think any new movement ability is a learned-over-time skill, and one that has a curve. The problem with Merulina is that people just won't put the time into learning how to ride it. Once you DO know how to ride it well, it's SO fast in normal missions.

Please please, PLEASE reconsider Dagath not having a Kaithe, DE. If people don't like riding a Kaithe, they'll have 53 other Warframes to choose from. 

17 minutes ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Her 4 has horses so not exactly horseless, indoors Kaithe would be pretty bad there's not even enough space for it in most tilesets

A lot of people have tested out in Captura, and it does work in indoor tilesets!

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58 minutes ago, Waeleto said:

Oh i'm sorry, Do you want another stupid mount that's not made for the mission tilesets ? do you want another yareli/merulina situation ? 

Merulina is good when you know how to use it. It's REALLY fast. 

It's SO frustrating to see people who never even took the time to learn how to ride Merulina insult it so hard, when it's 100% just takes practice. This is why we don't get super unique frames anymore, because people throw a fit when they can't handle something and ruin it for everyone else.

Edited by PorpitaPorpita
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36 minutes ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

Merulina is good when you know how to use it. It's REALLY fast. 

It's SO frustrating to see people who never even took the time to learn how to ride Merulina insult it so hard, when it's 100% just takes practice. This is why we don't get super unique frames anymore, because people throw a fit when they can't handle something and ruin it for everyone else.

The mission tilesets are literally not designed for kdrives and nothing you say will change that or make merulina more comfortable

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