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Extermination bug again?


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EDIT: To my esteemed, yet a bit smooth on top, community members who are easy on the "blame" trigger - The entire group got the the ext as per green marker direction and the counter was on 136/139, I went back to look for more corpus and got two. Then I stayed to take the screenshot.
And then waited for a crewman to spawn 50m away from me - of which my returning teammates dispatched. 
This is a bug that was fixed on different maps.

If the counter goes to 139, spawns should be close to 200 and more frequent.
Please eat more fish and point fingers less, it's a great source for brain food and greasy fingers aren't nice. :P



Edited by Tuxu_Holyland
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Didn't kill all the enemies before reaching extraction, also enemy spawns is dependent on all players so I think you too also have to get off extraction and do some walking around. Most common place this type of issue occurs is in railjack, can find plenty of reports of it happening there. Also the reason why enemies always run towards extraction so that even if you do reach extraction before killing all enemies it doesn't cause you to backtrack all the way to spawn.

And do be careful that you don't trip lockdowns at extraction since there are some extraction titles that don't contain a console to lift lockdowns, that was an experience to learn for sure.

Edited by XHADgaming
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I have never done an extermination on the tile without this happening.  Absolutely love having to go back and forth between extraction and 200m away from extraction for 5 minutes to spawn enough enemies.

I always figured it was a solo issue since DE always has to little spawns when playing solo but I guess it happens in groups also.

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24 minutes ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

All the enemies were killed and you have to wait for new enemies to spawn. OP didn't miss any enemies. This has been an issue for yours I'm surprised so many of you don't realize that and are just making excuses for some odd reason.

Maybe that's an issue for ya'll on console with your lower spawn volumes (seriously, it's almost like nothing spawns in your lobbies), but here on PC the situation shown in OP is not a spawning problem. They simply rushed straight to the exit, likely leaving many enemies alive behind them (which then lost their aggro, going back to being passive in their tiles) or just outright ignoring entire branching tiles (which will contain many enemies which count towards the extermination target).

Edited by Hexerin
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4 hours ago, XHADgaming said:

this type of issue occurs is in railjack

Railjack if fighters aren't spawning it's because spawn limit which is caused if you leave enemies inside derelict or enemy facilities. You need to go defeat those enemies and fighters starts to spawn again.

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5 hours ago, Hello said:

I have never done an extermination on the tile without this happening.  Absolutely love having to go back and forth between extraction and 200m away from extraction for 5 minutes to spawn enough enemies.

I always figured it was a solo issue since DE always has to little spawns when playing solo but I guess it happens in groups also.

Yes, that's true. If I do the mission solo on that tile set, it happens all the time. There are not enough enemies, the game will spawn another group at the far end of that huge last tile, and the marker will jump back and forth between the extraction zone and the tile entrance. Annoying.

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Its not a bug, its a feature. Your KPM outpaced that maps Corpus birthrate. A cruel but realistic consequence of Corpus structured Capitalism. When the perversion of the pursuit of Grofit, is too strong, birth rate go down. Map density suffers and you end up with frustrated Tenno. Thus you can't just keep killing Corpus thinking nothing will change, you need to infiltrate the hegemony and change things from the inside, to bolster Corpus fertility, and usher in a new age of Corpus numbers, so no map will ever suffer from a lack of Corpus to kill! 

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annoying bug but backtrack a bit, more will spawn. if you missed any enemies they should teleport to you as you backtrack. but this isn't consistent, so I understand the pain.

amazing how it still happens today. Tradition indeed.

Edited by Skoomaseller
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Do note that the game has a tendency to spawn enemies ahead of you, or in other words, the game knows what is the path to extraction or to objectives, so it places enemies along that path.

If you reach extraction, your best bet would be to go back (you and your squadmates) so there's a portion of the map AHEAD of you where the game can place new enemies, if you remain at extraction (or someone else for that matter) the game may sinply ignore placing more enemies as it doesn't have room.

This isn't to say they won't spawn while other players are moving towards extraction and you have a bonus on that room where enemies can appear via Drop Ship, but this isn't garanteed and as such instead of waiting and idling, simply ask the squad to go back, the faster you type and do this, the faster the mission can end.

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this issue has been around for a while, I find it's most prevalent on the Sealab Tiles since it rarley spawns enoguh enemies before you reach extraction, even if you're taking it slowly and making sure to clear every room. we need more spawns, that would solve the issue immediately, but DE insist on the game running on potatoes, so we probably aren't gonna get more spawns. 

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9 hours ago, Hexerin said:

They simply rushed straight to the exit, likely leaving many enemies alive behind them

Personally I've encountered this bug solo while killing all enemies I see. The game just can't keep up sometimes. It's not like I'm Titania Thermal Sunder deleting entire rooms the instant I enter, either; I'm just meleeing them and not dawdling.

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sometimes in the nonendless Fissures where idiots rush at way too quick of a pace and nuke all, same occurs with not enough reactant and spawns for corrupting

 in almost every incident of this:


1) STAY OFF EXTRACTION -- everybody.  can still hang out at the end, but not the part that tells how many are ready to go

2) backtrack and go to every side area. nearly every time, there's a mob or so just lingering doing nothing in a room.  killing these will nudge the mission code and  ---

3) spawn new instant Corrputed somewhere else in the map, often near the host or people near extraction

4) if all straggler mobs were got, then there should be a new period of spawns, even at the end, enough for maybe 4 more reactants

but sometimes screwed is screwed, and usually for those doing the earth exterminates/captures  :P  rape-nuking fissures of lowest level with group of others is not impressing anybody  -..-

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On 2023-10-03 at 2:22 AM, Hexerin said:

Backtrack and explore the areas of the map you skipped in your speedrun to the end.

Thanks for posting this to benefit new players. :)

Another thing that can help is for host to go in and out of kid-mode - for some reason it tends to refresh some other script bugs as well.


8 hours ago, Jylon said:

sometimes in the nonendless Fissures where idiots rush at way too quick of a pace and nuke all, same occurs with not enough reactant and spawns for corrupting

 in almost every incident of this:


1) STAY OFF EXTRACTION -- everybody.  can still hang out at the end, but not the part that tells how many are ready to go

2) backtrack and go to every side area. nearly every time, there's a mob or so just lingering doing nothing in a room.  killing these will nudge the mission code and  ---

3) spawn new instant Corrputed somewhere else in the map, often near the host or people near extraction

4) if all straggler mobs were got, then there should be a new period of spawns, even at the end, enough for maybe 4 more reactants

but sometimes screwed is screwed, and usually for those doing the earth exterminates/captures  :P  rape-nuking fissures of lowest level with group of others is not impressing anybody  -..-

That can be depressing, especially when you do SP exter and they don't even wait for the Acolytes... I mean, what's the point of doing the SP mission if you're don't get the goods? EVAH?(lil'duck)

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This is definitely a persistent bug. I've been in squads that kill everything in the level and we all get to the end waiting like this with 100 enemies left. Stop making up excuses for this bullS#&$. They don't spawn consistently even when you backtrack.

Even worse are the relic missions and none of them spawn reactants even after waiting. 

Edited by (PSN)Tactless_Ninja
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On 2023-10-02 at 11:12 PM, Hexerin said:

Maybe that's an issue for ya'll on console with your lower spawn volumes (seriously, it's almost like nothing spawns in your lobbies), but here on PC the situation shown in OP is not a spawning problem. They simply rushed straight to the exit, likely leaving many enemies alive behind them (which then lost their aggro, going back to being passive in their tiles) or just outright ignoring entire branching tiles (which will contain many enemies which count towards the extermination target).

No, this can still happen on PC. If you move through rooms quickly and wipe enemies out soon as they spawn, you can very easily reach the end without enough enemies appearing. They aren’t sitting around in side rooms somewhere- the game just never spawned them. You can trick the game into spawning them by leaving extraction, but this takes time and exterminates are supposed to be fast. So I will often just abort the mission. 

Slightly off topic, but if anyone thinks exterminate spawns are perfectly operational, play Lua exterminate a few times.

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49 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Not really seeing any issues, and never have.

You've never had enemies spawn on top of you or behind you?  Normally the game spawns enemies out of view or in areas inaccessible to players (most visible on the derelict tileset).  Lua exterminate throws this all out, and just plops enemies out of the ether right in front of you on a regular basis.

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27 minutes ago, sunderthefirmament said:

You've never had enemies spawn on top of you or behind you?  Normally the game spawns enemies out of view or in areas inaccessible to players (most visible on the derelict tileset).  Lua exterminate throws this all out, and just plops enemies out of the ether right in front of you on a regular basis.

That's normal. Most noticeable in any mode that has waves of enemies coming at you (like Survival, and both types of Defense, etc).

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