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Underutilised characters.


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Warframe is full of cool characters but sometimes we don't see as much of them as I like. Sometimes we don't even see them at all!

Whatever the reason for the lack of usage be it getting a voice actor in, dev time or plain forgetfulness that they exist here are my top 10 underutilised characters,

1. Doctor Tengus, last seen in the Warframe Fragment comic 'The Ascension'


2. Varzia

Despite her being part of the Erra cinematic she is now stuffed into Maroo's Bazaar, which at the best of times tends to not be visited much.


3. Maroo

Good old Maroo, eternally of the Bazaar, not seen in anything major for a long, long time.


4. Vala Glarios

Creates sisters yes but could do with a bit more usage in the lore as a driven character.


5. Parvos Granum

Has much to offer and is an interesting character who is a bit different from other Corpus.


6. Frohd_Bek

Last seen 6 years ago in Ambulas Reborn, chairman of the Corpus, I wonder what interaction there is between him and Parvos.


7. Darvo

Speaking of Bek, his son Darvo hasn't really done anything of note for the last few years.


8. General Sargas Ruk

A soldier yet also a philosopher and collector.


9. Aria

From the Styanax anime, seems very sure of herself.


10. Quinn

I feel that the Zariman characters don't quite get their due, so i'll include the Zariman captain in this.







Edited by Ascythian
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I would love to have more character-driven scenarios. Something to help me understand more thoroughly why I’m doing the things I’m doing aside from “Just because I feel like it”.

I get that little popups in the corner of the screen in mission are a cheap and re-usable option, but I want… something more. It doesn’t need to be another huge cinematic event, but… hm.

I’m kind of not sure what I want knowing the limits of the game and how much time and effort is required to fully flesh out a world of characters in a game where we do things repeatedly because otherwise it’s just way too much to design linear content that keeps us around as long, but I know I want it. I want to feel like I’m having an impact and a reason to care about characters aside from listening to their Bossfight dialogue until I can quote it by heart

Edited by (NSW)Greybones
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1 hour ago, Ascythian said:

10. Quinn

I feel that the Zariman characters don't quite get their due, so i'll include the Zariman captain in this.


I have a suspicion that the Zariman characters might become relevant again in Whispers in the Walls. There's been some low key things happening on the Zariman, if you stop speedrunning around and pay attention.

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This game has a huge rotation of chapters and I think DE would need to quadruple in size and create more side projects in order for us to get close to seeing everything unfold within the next 10 years.

I freaking love that...but hate that at the same time. Love it because there's a decade plus more content to deliver but hate it because my kids will be adults by the time we see it.......and my wife won't stand for it. She still doesn't trust the Lotus and thinks Teshin works for Wally.😂

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8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

1. Doctor Tengus,

Tengus definitely needs to make an in-game appearance, dude is a big player in the Grineer lore, and the creator of the Grustrag Three, the Manics and also the one who augmented Vay Hek. IIRC he's also the reason why half of Mercury's entire fleet is infested.

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

2. Varzia

probably could have had a role in New War, were it not rushed. don't think she's ever commented on Teshin's "death" or even knows what happened to him, no real motivations other than helping Tenno get prime gear, no real purpose other than being a vendor. 

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:


personally I don't really like Maroo, but she has been stuck in the Bazaar for a while now. 

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

Vala Glarios

she still has a lot of potential, especially if we can finally get that inter-Corpus conflict going (more on that below). she's still fiercely loyal to Parvos Granum and hates the Tenno for helping to save Sevagoth and the Tempestarii after it killed all her sisters.

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

Parvos Granum

Parvos was a true chad in Deadlock Protocol and it's clear that he's back and ready to make waves: he sees the Corpus for the corrupt bureaucracy it is and wants to reclaim his place at the top, but Nef Anyo is standing in his way, and Nef will do anythign to cling to power, which means the only possible outcome is a corpus civil war, pitting Parvos' factions against those still loyal to Nef. I don't know who'd actually win but I'm backing the old man, because while Parvos is still by no means a "good" guy, he at least has integrity. I'm mostly curious what Alad V would make of it all, and whether he'd team up with one, play both sides, or just ignore it and not get involved; I highly doubt that last one though.

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:


assuming he wasn't killed when his ship blew up, the loss of Animo and the destruction of the Ambulas project will have been a major setback, and it's possible that other Corpus board members will have used that against him, so his power might be a little weakened. If the Corpus War happens, I reckon he'll side with Parvos as well: he's never portrayed any love for Nef as far as I know. 

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

Speaking of Bek, his son Darvo hasn't really done anything of note for the last few years.

Darvo spends much of his time running his own business enterprises, looking after Clem, and if the inbox messages are anything to go by, he keeps getting scammed. he's also never commented on his father, but then the two aren't exactly close, you'd just think that if Frohd Bek WAS killed, Darvo might have something to say to the Tenno who did it, even if it's "we're still cool, Don't worry about it, he made his choice etc."

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:

General Sargas Ruk

we never really get to see Sargas doing anything intelligent though: the main reason he got promoted was because he brutally executed a huge amount of insubordinate Grineer, and Vay Hek took notice. then he chased after the Kavor Defectors, and hasn't really done anything else since.

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:


I honestly didn't even remember she existed, I only remembered Styanax and some giant monster he killed in that animation. 

8 hours ago, Ascythian said:


possible spoilers ahead:

Zariman Characters sort of already had their own Arc in their quest: the cutscenes when you rank up the Holdfasts show them reconciling and talking about the past. for those who don't know, Quinn was basically the equivalent of a court Judge in Orokin Society and was picked by Executor Tuvul (who was a major -blam-, as nearly all Orokin were) to uphold the law and settle disputes aboard the Zariman during it's journey: in actuality, he was given the Crystal Index and told to Glass anyone who broke the rules. he died at the hands of the children who he was trying to help.

meanwhile, Cavalero tried to blow himself up, Hombask shut down the Bio-Spheres so people would starve to death, and then got killed by the feral adults, and Archimedian Yonta just said "screw this" and gave herself the Jade Light. Grandmother may tell Naberus stories, but these guys LIVED one (and technically always will because of how they are conceptually embodied.)

in conclusion: there's a lot of characters in warframe that should get more screentime, but because there's so many, each individual one is less likely to be picked. 

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Basically all bosses or major characters with nothing but few lines could get some love and improved options even do syndicate esque mission for them.

Also the free colonies, factions and their background could be improved upon a bit more, neutral characters, Leverian, Semi bosses, even liches could get some option to play major roles in the story since they can interact with the player and with few modification they could give quests or take quests and tell backstories of their past life or even remember what you did with them like a real nemesis system.

There are also places on the starchart which could be more than a simple node and could be an own world like the jupiter and saturn major moons. 

Also open world factions like ostrons and solaris united is underused and since their creation they do not play too much role. Just like Ordis got some extra voice lines most chatacters in the game could do or at least give them a lot of texts. 

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7 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:
15 hours ago, Ascythian said:

Parvos Granum

Parvos was a true chad in Deadlock Protocol and it's clear that he's back and ready to make waves: he sees the Corpus for the corrupt bureaucracy it is and wants to reclaim his place at the top, but Nef Anyo is standing in his way, and Nef will do anythign to cling to power, which means the only possible outcome is a corpus civil war, pitting Parvos' factions against those still loyal to Nef. I don't know who'd actually win but I'm backing the old man, because while Parvos is still by no means a "good" guy, he at least has integrity. I'm mostly curious what Alad V would make of it all, and whether he'd team up with one, play both sides, or just ignore it and not get involved; I highly doubt that last one though.

Remember the first TennoCon reveal of Railjack, where Ordis came down to pick us up and we headed to space to fight Nef? I still think that was an intentional move by DE to set up your scenario. Parvos vs Nef vs Solaris, in an all out war for Fortuna, Nef's fleet and the third Orb. 

I can never stop thinking about how DE's trailers never match where we begin and end our playthrough of the quests. While some may think this is DE being off, I actually think they are setting up some sort of "alternate perspective" quests that follow those trailers: Railjack, New War, Duviri and even the new new player experience that starts in Duviri.

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21 hours ago, (XBOX)Upl0rdYT said:

Doesn't he die at the end of the ambulas mission? Like he tries to fly away on his ship, and then all the hacked ambulas make the ship self destruct.

He says to "eject the bridge module" shortly before the ship blows up, leaving his fate ambiguous. However, Alad V complains later (in the Partnership fragments) that Nef Anyo has won Frohd Bek's favour. The timeline is not clarified but I take this as an indication that Frohd Bek survived.

14 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

the creator of the […] Manics

You mean the ghouls. Tengus is not stated to be involved in the development of Manics. If anything, they come from Tyl Regor's tubemen research (especially seeing as Regor exhibits similar combat abilities).

5 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Almost certainly dead of old age by now

Aria's story definitely happened fairly recently. Drusus Leverian says that it happened "surprisingly recently", contrasting it with his usual warframe stories from the Orokin Era or the Collapse.

6 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

I can never stop thinking about how DE's trailers never match where we begin and end our playthrough of the quests.

This is certainly true of the 2018 and 2019 TennoCon demos, which DE later acknowledged as mistakes that projected a future too distant to deliver quickly. After that, the TennoCon demos have all consisted of the first chapter of the next new big quest:

  • 2020: Heart of Deimos, 1st mission; no changes to final release
  • 2021: The New War, 1st mission, part of 2nd mission, and part of 3rd mission (interspersed for dramatic effect); no substantive changes to final release
  • 2022: The Duviri Paradox, most of 1st mission; significant dialogue changes and a few mechanical changes on final release.
  • 2023: Whispers in the Walls, (appears to be) 1st mission; not yet released.

The last several TennoCon demos have shown no real difference in what was shown and what was released. They begin at the start of the quest, including introductory cutscenes, and end after the first mission. The Duviri Paradox is an exception, but is 90% the same as the final product, and the introductory cinematic was apparently produced by a third party (which I learned, like, yesterday) and probably wasn't ready to show by TennoCon.

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1 hour ago, GrayArchon said:

Aria's story definitely happened fairly recently. Drusus Leverian says that it happened "surprisingly recently", contrasting it with his usual warframe stories from the Orokin Era or the Collapse.

He also ends the story with "took over the cult and made it a community instead. They still thrive to this day, or so it is claimed."

"Surprisingly recently" is relative

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1 hour ago, GrayArchon said:

He says to "eject the bridge module" shortly before the ship blows up, leaving his fate ambiguous. However, Alad V complains later (in the Partnership fragments) that Nef Anyo has won Frohd Bek's favour. The timeline is not clarified but I take this as an indication that Frohd Bek survived.

You mean the ghouls. Tengus is not stated to be involved in the development of Manics. If anything, they come from Tyl Regor's tubemen research (especially seeing as Regor exhibits similar combat abilities).

Aria's story definitely happened fairly recently. Drusus Leverian says that it happened "surprisingly recently", contrasting it with his usual warframe stories from the Orokin Era or the Collapse.

This is certainly true of the 2018 and 2019 TennoCon demos, which DE later acknowledged as mistakes that projected a future too distant to deliver quickly. After that, the TennoCon demos have all consisted of the first chapter of the next new big quest:

  • 2020: Heart of Deimos, 1st mission; no changes to final release
  • 2021: The New War, 1st mission, part of 2nd mission, and part of 3rd mission (interspersed for dramatic effect); no substantive changes to final release
  • 2022: The Duviri Paradox, most of 1st mission; significant dialogue changes and a few mechanical changes on final release.
  • 2023: Whispers in the Walls, (appears to be) 1st mission; not yet released.

The last several TennoCon demos have shown no real difference in what was shown and what was released. They begin at the start of the quest, including introductory cutscenes, and end after the first mission. The Duviri Paradox is an exception, but is 90% the same as the final product, and the introductory cinematic was apparently produced by a third party (which I learned, like, yesterday) and probably wasn't ready to show by TennoCon.

Sorry. To clarify:

The New War trailer showed the female tenno facing of against Natah.

The TennoCon Railjack demo was the big Nef fight.


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2 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

Speaking of Alad, when did he get better after the whole mutalist thing?  Never bothered with the fight as I got Mesa from Circuit.

Alad's story is very disjointed these days. The way it worked out is that Alad was cured of the Infestation in Operation: Tubemen of Regor, where he asked the Tenno to steal Tyl Regor's gene research. His current form shows him healed but with purple scars remaining on his face, appearing this way in The Second Dream, Operation: Shadow Debt, and his Jovian Concord appearances. Strangely, this means that a new player can see the healed Alad before they even see the pre-Infested Alad, and well before you actually fight Mutalist Alad V at Eris.

55 minutes ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

The New War trailer showed the female tenno facing of against Natah.

Ah yes, the trailer was a bit of a misdirect.

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