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PSA: Operation Plague Star Bounty Standing Changes


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28 minutes ago, lamagama159 said:

Maybe instead of changing the standing you make it so that we don't have to wait for 10 minutes doing nothing and remove the 2nd and 3rd steps of the event so we can get to the fun part? Following the drone and waiting for the toxin are some of the most mind numbing things we can do, why can't we speed up the bounties like in orb vallis? 90% of the event is waiting for something to happen (wait for the toxin to boil, wait for the drone to slowly make its way accross the entire map, wait for the hemocyte to slowly walk out 4 times in a row, wait for the hemocyte to open its flaps) when without these things we could do it in less than 5 minutes. The only reason anyone likes the event is the free forma and if that got removed no one would farm it.

I really wish that Nova could actually portal a drone ... believe me i've been trying. it paths AROUND and literally THROUGH the portals sometimes and then it wants to go back to where it was. It's like if we do something to try and speed any of this up it grinds to a halt. The rank 2 mission ( not sp just not the basic one ) has literally four of the hemocyte???? when we got to 99% we discovered that we had to fight the FOURTH dude. Like that one boss is 1%?? It was pretty frustrating. Sure older players can come back with their load outs. we can look up videos on how to get good but as an event this was painfully boring =( which is sad to say. It is the bounties that you HOPE to NOT get =( which are drone, mobile d, and time gated boss battles..... =( I'm glad that most of the resources can be found other places. I'm really sad I just formed a weapon 6 times to literally unmod it because it didn't make anything better and just made things worse. =D I would rather buy forma for plat.... These rank 2 missions take my squad 20 minutes to run. Basic ones are 5 minutes. :/ It's not worth it for me personally to fight the hemocyte. Sure my dojo would look cool with a golden trophy of a boss I absolutely am coming to hate. Dunno what the story is behind this event because honestly was super excited to get into playing it then immediately remembered why I don't usually grind events....... I'm happy enough with the two mods I was missing and the emblem. Guess we will see what the future holds =D I literally cannot imagine running this event ( 20 minutes for me .... ) for a single forma.... ^^; like. I can sell mods and other things faster to get the plat to buy the forma.. I'm glad for everyone out there that doesn't have access to those things ( yall do but I get it ) so they can have forma but this isn't the way for me to get enough forma for every weapon I would forma... have fun with the event everyone! I will be looking forward to the next one and the new story updates ^^; 

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1 minute ago, -AoN-CanoLathra- said:

We always tolerated this even because of the free forma. the same way we tolerated Scarlet Spear because of free arcanes. Both events suffer greatly from the "hurry up and wait" gameplay loops within them. DE should look at the quit farming and realize that the only reason players even do this event at all is for the rewards, not because the event is well-designed.

People will do whatever is the most efficient. People doing the most efficient thing isn't a sign of anything. Warframe players famously hate playing Warframe.


1 minute ago, Crackensan said:

It's not so much that, it's that the part 2 defense cannot be accelerated.  At all.  Zero player input.  The drone in P3? Nova, Loki, and a few others have the ability to make it move faster.
P1? Titania.

P4? Incarnon Guns.

P2?  Literally $&*^ all the player can do to interact and make it more interesting.
IT USED TO; (*note I could be mis-remembering this) but that was changed when the Phylaxis and Catalyst are now no longer required to be on the gear wheel and are just taken automatically from your inventory.


Plague Star has always had an unmodifiable 3 minute defense. It is the same event as always with the exception of the drone being easier to speed up.


And I mean... fair enough to criticize the design of the event. But the "how dare you" attitude is just... ugh. The whole "of course they nerfed..." as if it is a sign of DE's incompetence, when this specific decision corrects an obvious oversight, it just isn't a good look. Like... guys/gals, this isn't how you give feedback. You don't advocate for a bad system of quitting out of a Bounty because you have problems with the design of the event. You will not convince someone to listen to you by misrepresenting their actions.

And I'm serious about the part of suggesting things that also take the same amount of time. Every suggestion to "just reduce it" or even "let us reduce it with gameplay" are missing the reality that Plague Star is already insanely rewarding. It doesn't need to be faster, it makes the complaints about the event look like a thinly veiled attempt to get more reward faster when that isn't addressed.


Basically, I'm not disagreeing with you, I'm mostly just pointing out that using quit-farming and its removal as a sign of anything is silly.

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35 minutes ago, AsaltShak3r said:

I never ran into that surprisingly. And for the people saying mobile defense sucks use volt to speed it up. Totally worth it. portals work too BUT its super buggy and will go backwards so volt seems to be the play!


34 minutes ago, EmacGG said:

"use volt to speed it up" so Volt speed affects timers now? That must've been an undocumented buff.

They probably meant the drone defense part, since that is a moving(mobile) objective you need to defend. Not sure if Volt can actually speed up the drones but it is at least a logical possiblity and something that someone could placebo into existence for their play sessions even if it wasn't factually happening.

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31 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

Isn't the point of multiple difficulty levels to reward people who have better builds or invest more effort?

I am also finding the "how could you do this? DE you are so dumb!" hilarious as Plague Star has always been most efficient when running the full bounty. We get a moment where there is a clear oversight and suddenly DE is doing the "typical" thing and "nerfing fun" or something. Come on guys, this ain't the hill to die on, it is just making you look silly. Of course players prefer to do the more efficient thing, this isn't some grandiose philosophical take about the state of DE.

This is objectively an incredibly rewarding event for your time, it doesn't need to be faster. If you actually cared about gameplay and design you would suggest things to replace that time that take a similar amount of time, not give a "please give more rewards faster".

Yep. I saw this oversight right when it launched while I was at work, and I'm glad it was fixed this fast and in a proper way. Hopefully DE has time later on to restructure bounties in general to prevent this from happening again (for the nth time). 

It would be neat if the Steel Path Bounty gave like, 3x SE as a bonus or something, or just spawned in an Acolyte. I also miss the feature of chaining runs using the tents, but I understand that this was probably removed because of how the consumables were changed. Other than those really small things, I really can't complain though.

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15 minutes ago, DrBorris said:

People will do whatever is the most efficient. People doing the most efficient thing isn't a sign of anything. Warframe players famously hate playing Warframe.

This isn't true at all. What they hate is playing the boring parts of Warframe. Literally standing still for 3 minutes for no reason whatsoever is not fun, it's not interesting, it's not difficult, it's not challenging. It's tedious, pointless, boring.

I'm not playing the video game to NOT play the video game. I want to do something, and I want that thing to be worthwhile.

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21 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Yep. I saw this oversight right when it launched while I was at work, and I'm glad it was fixed this fast and in a proper way. Hopefully DE has time later on to restructure bounties in general to prevent this from happening again (for the nth time). 

It would be neat if the Steel Path Bounty gave like, 3x SE as a bonus or something, or just spawned in an Acolyte. I also miss the feature of chaining runs using the tents, but I understand that this was probably removed because of how the consumables were changed. Other than those really small things, I really can't complain though.

I like how you squeezed it a little before you snitched lol, jk jk lol

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I want to echo the feedback about the second stage of the bounty. I ran the SP variant through on my own once today just to remind myself of the mission and it felt like the game was not respecting my time during the second stage, and since I'm lucky enough to already have the unique rewards from previous iterations and there are no clan leaderboards, I don't feel like I have a reason to participate anymore.

I don't feel like simply shortening the duration you have to defend is a particularly good or interesting solution. A smaller uninteresting time-padding is still an uninteresting time-padding. Please give us some activating way to impact the duration you have to defend the thing and consider applying the same or similar to the mobile defence mode in the rest of the game.

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My 2-nd run was SP, and i did all objectives with bonuses. So, i got more standing than needed for up 2-nd rank, but stading over 2k just wasted in outcome. Well, standing cap 2 000 for operation rank, when you can do SP bounty for more than 3k standing - what sense? Why i must do 3 or more usual runs just for increasing operation standing cap, if i can do SP directly after 1-st usual run? Sorry, but it looks like forsing us to play for numbers of runs without attention to well rewarding us for quality of runs.

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@[DE]Megan, I know it’s late and all, but could you please at least say if you guys know *why* quit farming was being used? You guys have to know that Mobile Defense is one of the least enjoyed game modes in this video game, right? Nobody like this mission type, nobody. 

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1 hour ago, Salbeira said:

Love the return, hate the mobile defense part.

This might be the best place to add speed up mechanics into a game mode that people dislike for its fixed time spent waiting. Don't we already have something like that in Orb Vallis? Pickups that simply speed up the process? Player power needs to be rewarded in ANY game mode with an increase of speed. Survival, Defense, Mobile Defense, Interception ... all these game modes need a way to speed up the process. Why not Excarvation? Because being able to solo defend a drill and having your team be able to split up and do several at once already speeds up the game mode. Disruption is sped up by proper communication and storing of duplicate keys, as well as sparing of elite units inbetween waves.

Just speed it up or let us speed it up and I think this will be a great return to Operation Free Forma.

Defense is sped up by killing the enemies faster. Wave duration is based on how fast you can find and kill all enemies, which is why nuking the entire map is often the most efficient way to play those missions.

Interception is sped up by maintaining control of all 4 towers. Sure, there's a minimum time because there's no faster way to generate points, but you do influence how long a round takes. 

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2 hours ago, LadyAnime said:

I really wish that Nova could actually portal a drone ... believe me i've been trying. it paths AROUND and literally THROUGH the portals sometimes and then it wants to go back to where it was. It's like if we do something to try and speed any of this up it grinds to a halt. The rank 2 mission ( not sp just not the basic one ) has literally four of the hemocyte???? when we got to 99% we discovered that we had to fight the FOURTH dude. Like that one boss is 1%?? It was pretty frustrating. Sure older players can come back with their load outs. we can look up videos on how to get good but as an event this was painfully boring =( which is sad to say. It is the bounties that you HOPE to NOT get =( which are drone, mobile d, and time gated boss battles..... =( I'm glad that most of the resources can be found other places. I'm really sad I just formed a weapon 6 times to literally unmod it because it didn't make anything better and just made things worse. =D I would rather buy forma for plat.... These rank 2 missions take my squad 20 minutes to run. Basic ones are 5 minutes. :/ It's not worth it for me personally to fight the hemocyte. Sure my dojo would look cool with a golden trophy of a boss I absolutely am coming to hate. Dunno what the story is behind this event because honestly was super excited to get into playing it then immediately remembered why I don't usually grind events....... I'm happy enough with the two mods I was missing and the emblem. Guess we will see what the future holds =D I literally cannot imagine running this event ( 20 minutes for me .... ) for a single forma.... ^^; like. I can sell mods and other things faster to get the plat to buy the forma.. I'm glad for everyone out there that doesn't have access to those things ( yall do but I get it ) so they can have forma but this isn't the way for me to get enough forma for every weapon I would forma... have fun with the event everyone! I will be looking forward to the next one and the new story updates ^^; 

Nova has to place her portals slightly higher than ground level for the drone. It works fine, just takes some practice.

If you're taking 20 minutes to do the T2 missions, you really need to look at your loadouts. It shouldn't really take more than 12-15 mins each time. A fastest runs are 7-8 mins, averages are about 12.

The dojo decos aren't why people run Plague Star, it's the fully built forma every run that does it. If you're doing the runs every 10 mins (SP runs only take 10 mins if you build for it properly), then you're swimming in forma!

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1 hour ago, Bossman252621 said:

Defense is sped up by killing the enemies faster. Wave duration is based on how fast you can find and kill all enemies, which is why nuking the entire map is often the most efficient way to play those missions.

Interception is sped up by maintaining control of all 4 towers. Sure, there's a minimum time because there's no faster way to generate points, but you do influence how long a round takes. 

Defence and Interception artificually lengthen the timers with staggered spawning. You could nuke the entire map every round, you'll still be slower than a Disruption, and average about 4-5 mins 5 waves.

Interceptions do this as well via the counter, artifically lengthening rounds by forcing you to sit and wait.

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4 hours ago, EmacGG said:

Can we not just remove 2 minutes off of the mobile defense part of the mission? That would solve the quit farming being a problem and make the event itself more fun. 60% of the mission time is just sitting around waiting.

Unfortunately, that *is* the point. That part exists for the explicit purpose to waste your time.

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First time playing plague star and i don’t understand why y’all are baby raging at a 3 minute defense timer, id MUCH rather wait 3 minutes for a COMPLETELY BUILT FORMA rather than wait 24 hours. I think y’all should thank DE for bringin the event back rather than slanderin them for making you wait 3 minutes…. Like really?

the 600 (or however much) standing for the SP plague star is super awesome, because you get a ANOTHER free forma (after 5 runs) so if ur planning on grinding the event SP its DEFINITELY worth it

The only think I have to say is forget about the defense timer, fix the final part of the bounty where infested don’t spawn, I just did 10 “runs” and 6 of the 10 runs were bugged and didn’t spawn anything. Unless this is fixed I’d consider it borderline unplayable, I read if you do it solo the infested will spawn, tried that didn’t work, tried not speeding up the drone, didn’t work. Idk at this point.

Anyways you can say hot take, etc, etc….. but I’m ecstatic for a 3 min defense timer… THAT GIVES A FULL PREBUILT FORMAAAAA…. That you can play over and over again…. Just when it decides to work completely haha.

anyways GOODLUCK farmin everyone <3



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11 minutes ago, (XBOX)ZzzDayDream said:

First time playing plague star and i don’t understand why y’all are baby raging at a 3 minute defense timer, id MUCH rather wait 3 minutes for a COMPLETELY BUILT FORMA rather than wait 24 hours. I think y’all should thank DE for bringin the event back rather than slanderin them for making you wait 3 minutes…. Like really?

the 600 (or however much) standing for the SP plague star is super awesome, because you get a ANOTHER free forma (after 5 runs) so if ur planning on grinding the event SP its DEFINITELY worth it

The only think I have to say is forget about the defense timer, fix the final part of the bounty where infested don’t spawn, I just did 10 “runs” and 6 of the 10 runs were bugged and didn’t spawn anything. Unless this is fixed I’d consider it borderline unplayable, I read if you do it solo the infested will spawn, tried that didn’t work, tried not speeding up the drone, didn’t work. Idk at this point.

Anyways you can say hot take, etc, etc….. but I’m ecstatic for a 3 min defense timer… THAT GIVES A FULL PREBUILT FORMAAAAA…. That you can play over and over again…. Just when it decides to work completely haha.

anyways GOODLUCK farmin everyone <3



People already said why they don't like the 3 minute defense if you would've just read what people wrote. I personally don't like waiting for the drone either. The 2nd and 3rd stages of the bounty are BORING, you sit there for 3 minutes while nothing happens and then you have to follow a drone that is excruciatingly slow, I can go trough the entire open world of POE from one corner to another and come back (on foot, no archwing) and the drone would still be going to the boil. This guy puts it very simply:

3 hours ago, Synitare said:

This isn't true at all. What they hate is playing the boring parts of Warframe. Literally standing still for 3 minutes for no reason whatsoever is not fun, it's not interesting, it's not difficult, it's not challenging. It's tedious, pointless, boring.

I'm not playing the video game to NOT play the video game. I want to do something, and I want that thing to be worthwhile.

Warframe is a fast paced game where speed is integral to the game itself, so adding a mechanic that completely makes you stop and wait for no reason goes against the entire point of the game. There's a reason people don't like playing defense and mobile defense, the enemies spawn too slowly and there's no way to speed it up but people like survival because there's a constant stream of things to kill even though that has a forced timer as well and the entire gamemode is based off of you killing things fast since if you don't you run out of life support and fail the mission.

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Yall focus on the wrong thing - they say they rebalanced standing cause ppl dont wanna do escort and defence but looking at the new standing what ppl rly isnt doing is the Lephantis fight

In any case this makes it even worse as u gotta get through 3 boring and bearly rewarding stages to the fight ppl used to skip anyway

There goes the hype for Plague Star lol
(im a bit distanced since i still get close to 200 forma from initial PS)

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This is something that could be iterated upon further:

With the most problematic thing being the defense portion being too long and boring,
an appropriate path of remediation that requires no code changes could be:


Decrease the amount Mixer Defense to 45 seconds (and reduce the standing for it to prevent quit farming)
Increase the amount of Infested kills necessary in Stage 4 (and have most of the standing reward be in that stage)

That way, quit farming is discouraged while also improving engagement :)

Edited by Her_Lovely_Tentacles
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The event is completely bugged on xbox dont know if its bugging out on any other consoles but the 2nd and steel path bountys are bugging out when you get to the final stage you cant complete it because no infested spawn and the percentage stays at 0% iv done the steel path bountys 10 times and they've all ended up being bugged

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14 hours ago, (XBOX)DeltaShadow48 said:

Excellent change but is it possible to make Steel Path actually worth the much longer time or is it staying a waste of time?

it takes exactly as long as the normal mode bounty with the right gear.

13 hours ago, QuesoKnight said:

Steel Essence coming soon for this ~10 min steel path mission ?   any way we can get the bad guys (acolytes) to show up and try to disrupt the fight also? 

SE from Hemocytes would be a nice addition too tbh...

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