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Relics interface is getting ridiculous (+ Inventory in general) - We need better inventory filters/sort


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There are 557 different relics in the game right now... granted you can split them into the eras (lith, meso, neo, axi [honorable mention to requiem]) and sort by quantity owned, and whether or not they are upgraded... But we need some better sorting options. Particularly when it comes to selecting relics during endurance mission types where we only have a few seconds to select what we want to run.

I'd love to see a filtering option to show only vaulted/unvaulted relics when looking at the interface. This is particularly important during the in-mission selection where hitting tab doesn't let you see if the relic is vaulted or not. I'd personally rather not run vaulted relics when i'm just farming traces and ducats.

I think we also need a "favorite" flag on relics, that we can filter by hide/show favorites, or even expanding on this, give us a marking system with like 4 options to mark and filter relics, or even ALL items by. So we can start to control our ever expanding inventories of items and wrangle in the mess that it has become.

Honestly I just want to be able to quickly identify the relics that are less valuable to me for random relic farming as opposed to the higher value ones that are vaulted or temporarily available from things like resurgence and baro. But other inventory management features like being able to mark items with a semi-unique identifier that can be used to filter/sort items would be amazing, like if we could do a "quick sell" of all items given a particular indicator from our inventory for credits, like the 1000's of harrow chassis and other random drop blueprints we get. Or mark prime parts in the inventory as important, or quick sell, to make selling stuff at the void trader simpler. Even sorting by "items that are sellable" (i.e. have a credit value and can be sold from the inventory interface) would be nice, as opposed to scrolling through dozens of pages of little squares looking for all of the menial garbage that I don't need anymore.


Anywho, those are just some thoughts I've had over the last few months getting back into the game...

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Personally I just want the search option to be able to omit the word "Prime" from items. It's a waste of time to have to type the whole thing out every time when every component and BP in the system has Prime in the name.

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Since I didn't see you mention it... We also need to be able to COMBINE filter options. If I currently filter by Refinement to see my rad relics at the top, the default sorting is still by name even if I'd like it to be by quantity. So I have to constantly skim through to see which one's I have the most of.

And yea... big +1 on being able to amot the word "Prime" from stuff or rather and more specifically the search should ne be exact but instead should search every keyxword you put in individually and condense the results.

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First of OP. I read your first sentence in a Sarah Conner "bones in your body" voice from T2.

Second of, yes, we really need better inventory management overall. For relics I wouldnt mind a "personal vault" thing where we can place relics we have no interest in, like a relic stash seperate from the relic inventory. Or a way to hide relics in my inventory, so they and up below everything not hidden within the inventory. Your "favorite" or sorting option would work to solve that.

Would love a marking option aswell that the game remembers. So all basic blueprints from Harrow or Ash to Boar or Rhino could be tagged with a "trash" tag once, and after that you could just hit the "sell trash" button and all those items would be added to the sell window automatically, followed by hitting the sell button to confirm it. Color coordination would also be neat if it can fullfil the same purpose. Green, Blue, Purple and Orange categories, that we can then use to sell items quickly. I'd also like a lock feature we can add to things we dont wanna accidentally sell (though it is already hard to accidentally sell something in WF).

1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

What we need is a damn relic kiosk for relic transmuting, converting to traces etc. Arcanes are literally getting this when WitW drops, so why not relics as well? I hope that it makes them consider doing it finally so that i can FINALLY deal with this relentless invasion of gilded cabbages!!

Yes to that aswell.

This makes me think of those people that feel handing over Aya for ducats is a rip off at Varzia, as if they'll ever get around to actually opening those relics in the first place since they likely have thousands upon thousands of other relics they'll never get around to open either. Heck if I could turn any relic into Varzia for ducats I'd turn in plenty.


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The Inventory and UI in warframe is rather outdated,

There is too much stuff and not an easy means to access it,

It really needs to be updated , it really feels like DE is not too interested in maikng things convenient so i am not too hopeful , but some changes are definitely in order.

I mean , look at how nightwave , duviri and railjack are accessed - it looks so cheap , like a placeholder that they forgot to update,

Pretty soon the navigation map will look like a website without an adblocker.

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Just in case you don't know, the Search option allows you to filter not just by the name of the relic, but by any item it can possibly drop.  For example, you can enter "Wisp" or "Wisp Prime Chassis" and it will only show relics containing Wisp parts or the chassis, respectively.


9 hours ago, Aleadis said:

I'd love to see a filtering option to show only vaulted/unvaulted relics when looking at the interface.

You can use the above filtering method to quickly access unvaulted relics by simply searching for any of the newest Prime Access items.  For example, right now if you search for Zylok, Masseter, or Grendel, it will only show relics containing those items, and hence you will only be shown unvaulted relics.  It takes a bit more effort than the solutions you're requesting, but the upside is this technique will get you where you're wanting to go even if DE never makes any of those improvements.

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7 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

Just in case you don't know, the Search option allows you to filter not just by the name of the relic, but by any item it can possibly drop.  For example, you can enter "Wisp" or "Wisp Prime Chassis" and it will only show relics containing Wisp parts or the chassis, respectively.


You can use the above filtering method to quickly access unvaulted relics by simply searching for any of the newest Prime Access items.  For example, right now if you search for Zylok, Masseter, or Grendel, it will only show relics containing those items, and hence you will only be shown unvaulted relics.  It takes a bit more effort than the solutions you're requesting, but the upside is this technique will get you where you're wanting to go even if DE never makes any of those improvements.

Sure that might work for the relics containing the frame and weapons that literally just released as primes for the first time. But there are relics with other parts that have both vaulted and unvaulted relics. For example, there are 6 unvaulted relics that contain afuris parts, there are 7 vaulted relics that also contain afuris parts.

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18 hours ago, Aleadis said:

Sure that might work for the relics containing the frame and weapons that literally just released as primes for the first time. But there are relics with other parts that have both vaulted and unvaulted relics. For example, there are 6 unvaulted relics that contain afuris parts, there are 7 vaulted relics that also contain afuris parts.

I think you're misunderstanding me; the technique I listed above is not intended to find you relics that have specific parts; it is just intended to find you relics that are unvaulted.

17 hours ago, Marvelous_A said:

"Search by prime part" and "match by desired prime part" options need to be a thing.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, this is already a thing; just type in the name of the part you want in the Search bar, and it will show you only relics that contain that part.

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3 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

Agreed. This is already annoying on PC. On consoles it's got to be a nightmare

I can only speak for myself, but surprisingly, it's not too bad on PS4/5.  The first time you type anything is a chore, but the "autocomplete(?)" feature of the PS5 basically remembers words you've previously strung together, so now once I type "w" it immediately suggests Wisp, and if I accept Wisp it will immediately suggest Prime, etc.

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15 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

I think you're misunderstanding me; the technique I listed above is not intended to find you relics that have specific parts; it is just intended to find you relics that are unvaulted.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, this is already a thing; just type in the name of the part you want in the Search bar, and it will show you only relics that contain that part.

Naw you're missing something. If I search for "wisp" to find "unvaulted relics" it will pull up vaulted relics as well, because there are relics that contain wisp parts, that ALSO contain vaulted parts for other things... but there's no way to differentiate unless you have memorized what's in the vault and what isn't.

For example:

I'm running a Meso void fissure. I type just "wisp" because I don't remember which part comes from the Meso relics.

2 relics will show in the filter - Meso W3, and Meso K6

Meso W3 is unvaulted, it can currently be obtained through normal mission rewards and all of the other parts that can be found through this relic are also unvaulted.

Meso K6 is vaulted, because it contains a part for the Knell Prime, which is currently vaulted.

In this example, I want to run Meso W3 because it's a relic I can easily obtain still, and I want to save Meso K6 for later, so that I can upgrade it with traces to have a better chance at the Knell Prime part. But there's no way to distinguish between the vaulted relic, and the unvaulted relic, without knowing that beforehand, WHILE IN AN ENDLESS MISSION relic selection screen.

Another, yet more extreme example is Orthos Prime... It's currently unvaulted, but only 4 relics that contain it are "unvaulted", yet there are like 50 different relics that contain that part, and all of them (within the type of fissure you are doing) will show up if you type "orthos" in the search bar. so if I want to identify only "unvaulted" relics to run as intacts, then I still can't find that out without knowing or tabbing out to look it up.

So the only way your method works to find unvaulted relics, is if there are NO OTHER vaulted relics that ALSO contain the parts that match the term you are searching for (I.e. Newly released prime items).

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Specifically for Survival/Defence relic missions, I'd kinda wanna see the ability to preload a sequence or queue of relics before you go in. 

As in, You select the one to open first and then you get an option to add a "next in queue" relic that gets prefilled as your selection per each rotation and you'd add in as many as you wanted in that queue. 
If you wanted to open 20 relics, just make the queue, load the mission and start blasting. Relics get cracked in the order you put them into the queue. When the queue runs out, You'd just go back to the normal selection. 

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4 hours ago, Aleadis said:

Naw you're missing something. If I search for "wisp" to find "unvaulted relics" it will pull up vaulted relics as well, because there are relics that contain wisp parts, that ALSO contain vaulted parts for other things... but there's no way to differentiate unless you have memorized what's in the vault and what isn't.

Ah, this clarifies that you've misunderstood me.  As I mentioned in my initial post, you need to search for the most recent Prime Access items.  Wisp is not the most recent Prime Access; Grendel is.  Give my post another read with that in mind and I'm hoping that'll clear things up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We basically need to have a dedicated filter UI, where you can add specific items, and give each item in that filter a priority. Then make it so one of the drop downs while in the relic selection is "filter" which makes it so that all of the first relics that are shown contain your #1 prioritized item, then your #2 item, then #3 item, etc.

We also need a "mastery" drop down option, where the first relics that are shown have the most amount of items that you currently dont own, but you need in order to build something you haven't mastered yet. Basically, if I have a relic that contains 4 components that I need in order to build unmastered items, then show me that first. Then the next one should be a relic that has 3 components I need, etc.

Overwolf has a very good warframe companion app/ overlay called AlecaFrame that shows all this stuff for you in game, as well as tells you during the relic reward selection which item is best to take. But I shouldn't have to rely on an external app to make relic unlocking actually enjoyable. 

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  • 1 month later...

I would also appreciate if you bring back the option to see if you have crafted specific item once presented with the reward screen, or better yet, once you hoover over part, show the blueprint with all the parts you have and if you have crafted/mastered the item/blueprint.


The interface is abysmal as is right now and i assume it on purpose. Its so bad pc community use another app to manage inventory... Crazy!

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