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Let's talk about Forma!


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So the grind is real.  I really think it's time to implement a change to increase amount of Forma's.  It is used A LOT! It's even more costly to work in Dojo's with.  Here is my Forma idea.

Firstly, I would like to reduce the craft timer from 24 hours to 6 hours.  Secondly, I would add an option to auto-craft at the cost of extra resources per craft.  I would also like to add a multi-forma craft-able package where you can craft 3 forma's in 15 hours, at the extra cost of credits and more resources, also more plat to rush.

Then, I would add more formas to higher leveled endless missions as a 'staple' reward for reaching certain waves or a certain time.  For example, every half hour of a survival has a chance to obtain an already built forma, chances increase dramatically after every half hour.  We could also include other options to these reward pools as well (like catalysts, reactors, weapon and warframe adapters, and Kuva).  I think this is a good idea because I think it would encourage longer play and we'd have a bit more of a reason to play longer than 20 minutes or waves. (not saying that anyone doesn't, but more probably would play longer). 

Lastly, I would add a forma bundle to several purchases in the plat market (like Prime Access, some warframe or weapon bundles, a lot of the more expensive non-cosmetic item bundles).


Well, that is my idea. What would your thoughts be for the forma process?

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Forma market is fine, it's not intended to be acquired quickly, part of the free to play part of the game. Many relics have forma blueprint in them, and if you don't get the forma you get a prime part, that you can sell for Platinum, then buy Forma bundle on the market for only 35 Platinum. It's very cheap.

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Or players who're lacking Forma/need it right away can do what everyone else does and farm plat to buy it off the market.


As for the suggestions being made here I'd say the option to queue up/bulk craft would be a better option than reducing the crafting time since there's many things in the Foundry that'd benefit from such a change. Like being able to queue up multiple mining resources, restores, or things like Dragon Keys.

Adding prebuilts to endless missions in such a manner will simply never happen. DE doesn't want to encourage long missions plus it would exacerbate issues with connection drops/host migrations and players leaving missions "early".

And I don't see the point in adding Forma to other bundles when the 3x bundle is already there for anyone who wants it.

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23 minutes ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

Firstly, I would like to reduce the craft timer from 24 hours to 6 hours. 

It's 23 hours for forma, and it only took DE 7 years to make that concession from the original 24.

So, not to be a debbie downer GIF about it, but I expect it might get down to 6 hours in, oh ... 2135 or so. :P

(That is, unless DE finds some other source of monetization / grinditization / loginization that can take on that role just as well as forma do.  No doubt we'll find the process of producing this mystery item at least equally annoying.)


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1 hour ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

Firstly, I would like to reduce the craft timer from 24 hours to 6 hours. 

Spider Man Lol GIF

ain't no way of that happening even if you upped rush prices: it's not about the exact amoutn of plat to rush, it's the fact that you HAVE to rush if you don't want to wait the entire 23 hours for it to craft. (yes, they actually already reduced it by one hour). the amount of plat itself is arbitrary, it's the fact you HAVE to rush it if you don't want to wait the entire time, and your suggestion removes that urge to rush, so it's not gonna happen.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

hen, I would add more formas to higher leveled endless missions as a 'staple' reward for reaching certain waves or a certain time. 

yeesh. way to kill what's left of the endurance crowd: after half an hour it needs to be a truly evergreen reward, so a decent amount of Kuva, or a riven mod or something. the vast majority of people who can even be bothered to go that long (a rapidly dwindling number might I add) won't do 30 mins for anything less. we also just had Plague Star not that long ago, so I don't think too many people who farm hard and often are actually needing Forma right now, it won't be until their stock depletes some time after the update (putting formas into Qorvex, new weapons etc,) that they might value Forma again.

1 hour ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

Lastly, I would add a forma bundle to several purchases in the plat market (like Prime Access, some warframe or weapon bundles, a lot of the more expensive non-cosmetic item bundles).

this *could* be a thing, but it would mean raising the price of PA packs, to reflect the additional value. if you think they'll throw a forma bundle in there and NOT raise the price, you'd be very much mistaken. I doubt many people who buy PA want to spend more on it than they currently do.

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We literally just had Plague Star, and Forma has been rather trivial since the addition of the Forma Bundle for 35 Platinum. Sure, the sheer amount needed may look daunting when first applying Forma, but it's just a patience game. Like any resource, you will end up with more than you can use if you're reasonably active. If you're a completionist or an addict, farming specifically for Forma is also quite easy (farm Platinum or just daily Fissures to keep the streak of crafting going).

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Eventually formas won't be an issue anymore. I have a 100 forma Gara, have pretty much built my entire dojo (almost hitting max room count) and I think I have over 90 formas built with 80+ weapons (Including ever single Kuva and Tenet weapon with 5 formas) all maxed out after doing a bunch more for all the Incarnon weapons that I wanted (that I didn't already have)

Like I said, eventually you'll reach a point where it's not an issue anymore, I'd personally focus on weapons you'll keep rather than ones you'll garbage when your MR rank gets high enough.

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Its not that you are a lone wolf, I think your ideas are decent enough, just that in the context of this situation, they... imagine a high school student, who takes their first lesson in economics, walking into a supermarket and trying to teach the owner who may have been in the business for 30 years, that if they make everyone in the store half price, its better, because you can get more food for cheaper, and it will be good long term, because that store would become extremely popular overnight and thus get more people visiting... its foolproof right? Possibly the best idea ever? Well... maybe not, not because there aren't some elements of truth present... That supermarket would get incredibly popular and get far more visitors if all the prices were cut in half permanently... but in all likelihood and realistically, they won't be able to sustain that, go bankrupt and have to let go a lot of staff... so good idea still? 

I mean, personally... since I would like more food to be accessible for less... but thats a large complex problem to do with logistics, politics, transport, government...

Also its not meant to be a perfect comparison either. Warframe is a digital video game, (granted many people overestimate the issue of food as a "limited" resource versus the issue of logistics around economic models, but like I said, complex problem), but similar pressures also apply even for digital goods, in the sense, DE has to try not only be competitive, but profitable enough to sustain itself and make the people who own it, happy with it, in order to invest in it and support it. 

So your ideas around forma, as far as realistic implementation? Carry inherent risk by default. Forma is one of the most consistent and thus best ways DE makes money. As an established fact. We are talking about peoples careers and livelihoods too, so think about that context with your reasoning. You think its "a good idea because it would encourage longer play and" which... maybe, but thats still just an idea and assumption. Its still a risk, and thats assuming you are right. What if you are wrong? Are you also telling me, an idea you came up with in an afternoon, is more likely to be accurate than a team full of people who think about this sort of thing for years as a part of their career? Not only would you need to have some sort of insight into FTP models that would require years of first hand experience, as well as some stats, data to support points you might have, you'd probably also want to become more intimate with DE's internal data and structure as well before making such a change. 

Again, technically... you may be right. In the sense, that next year DE might make massive changes to how Forma is earned, used etc but in such situations, it isn't done whimsically. Its also not so personal either. Most of our (as in the player bases) best suggestions, just tend to be the ones that we give from our perspective, and then its DE's position to take that and try to accommodate that with the practical side of business/games. 

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5 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:

Its not that you are a lone wolf, I think your ideas are decent enough, just that in the context of this situation, they... imagine a high school student, who takes their first lesson in economics, walking into a supermarket and trying to teach the owner who may have been in the business for 30 years, that if they make everyone in the store half price, its better, because you can get more food for cheaper, and it will be good long term, because that store would become extremely popular overnight and thus get more people visiting... its foolproof right? Possibly the best idea ever? Well... maybe not, not because there aren't some elements of truth present... That supermarket would get incredibly popular and get far more visitors if all the prices were cut in half permanently... but in all likelihood and realistically, they won't be able to sustain that, go bankrupt and have to let go a lot of staff... so good idea still? 

I mean, personally... since I would like more food to be accessible for less... but thats a large complex problem to do with logistics, politics, transport, government...

Also its not meant to be a perfect comparison either. Warframe is a digital video game, (granted many people overestimate the issue of food as a "limited" resource versus the issue of logistics around economic models, but like I said, complex problem), but similar pressures also apply even for digital goods, in the sense, DE has to try not only be competitive, but profitable enough to sustain itself and make the people who own it, happy with it, in order to invest in it and support it. 

So your ideas around forma, as far as realistic implementation? Carry inherent risk by default. Forma is one of the most consistent and thus best ways DE makes money. As an established fact. We are talking about peoples careers and livelihoods too, so think about that context with your reasoning. You think its "a good idea because it would encourage longer play and" which... maybe, but thats still just an idea and assumption. Its still a risk, and thats assuming you are right. What if you are wrong? Are you also telling me, an idea you came up with in an afternoon, is more likely to be accurate than a team full of people who think about this sort of thing for years as a part of their career? Not only would you need to have some sort of insight into FTP models that would require years of first hand experience, as well as some stats, data to support points you might have, you'd probably also want to become more intimate with DE's internal data and structure as well before making such a change. 

Again, technically... you may be right. In the sense, that next year DE might make massive changes to how Forma is earned, used etc but in such situations, it isn't done whimsically. Its also not so personal either. Most of our (as in the player bases) best suggestions, just tend to be the ones that we give from our perspective, and then its DE's position to take that and try to accommodate that with the practical side of business/games. 

Ok, yes this makes sense, and I didn't think of that.  Yeah, I can tell it earns a lot of money this way (it's already taken a LOT from me, more than I care to know- kind of become a big problem for me now.)  I was kind of frustrated with myself for continuously buying plat just for forma's...when I shouldn't be.  It is very problematic, and I need to get that situation under control.  I've spent a lot on this game, granted it's pretty much the only game I play, still too much.  I'm sure even if the hours was reduced to 6, I'd still spend the plat to buy or rush, but I guess that's just me.

I will have to say I like the idea of having the option to auto-craft forma's, at cost of extra resources and credits, and maybe either a craft-able forma pack or ability to craft 3 forma's at one time instead of just 1... But then again, I don't know how much that would impact them... so it's only a brief idea, and I'm not expecting any changes. I can only hope it gets slightly less grindy/expensive.  Either way, I will have to figure out how to continuously keep the forma crafting consistent, I can't keep buying plat just to get forma's.

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Always found it pretty bad they use it as a requirement in most dojo rooms + a prequisite in crafting tons of clantech weapons + an essential thing for essentially all weapons and frames to reach their full potential + as a requirement for alot of mostery since all the Kuva / Tenet / Necramechs require you wasting five per weapon to get max mastery out of them.

Seriously, at the very least remove them as requirements for building.

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2 hours ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

Ok, yes this makes sense, and I didn't think of that.  Yeah, I can tell it earns a lot of money this way (it's already taken a LOT from me, more than I care to know- kind of become a big problem for me now.)  I was kind of frustrated with myself for continuously buying plat just for forma's...when I shouldn't be.  It is very problematic, and I need to get that situation under control.  I've spent a lot on this game, granted it's pretty much the only game I play, still too much.  I'm sure even if the hours was reduced to 6, I'd still spend the plat to buy or rush, but I guess that's just me.

I will have to say I like the idea of having the option to auto-craft forma's, at cost of extra resources and credits, and maybe either a craft-able forma pack or ability to craft 3 forma's at one time instead of just 1... But then again, I don't know how much that would impact them... so it's only a brief idea, and I'm not expecting any changes. I can only hope it gets slightly less grindy/expensive.  Either way, I will have to figure out how to continuously keep the forma crafting consistent, I can't keep buying plat just to get forma's.


I definitely sympathise with you too, especially when i started the game. Forma is designed to be a bottleneck. Frustrate you enough that you might even consider buying it with Plat... they even encourage you by giving you a discount if you buy the 3 pack bundle... Its also not just you, in some ways its actually cheaper to rush, provided you have enough blueprints (I think lol), but yeah... I am fortunate in that I have played the game long enough, I have stockpiles of things and even Plat to buy more plus stuff to sell to get more Plat, hence its bottleneck nature. 

I also play other games, when Warframe frustrates me too much (or I start to feel like I am burning out), but usually I encourage myself to take breaks and come back for updates, like next weeks, that helps me personally enjoy the game more. 

Did you participate in Plague Star? Its a noce way to get built Forma from the game itself, was about a month ago, but is usually an annual event. Good event to try look out for (I don't really like it, too grindy, but for those that really want to stock up om Forma, its good.)

All the best to you. 

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4 hours ago, (XBOX)TokyoDreamer91 said:

Yeah, I can tell it earns a lot of money this way (it's already taken a LOT from me, more than I care to know- kind of become a big problem for me now.)  I was kind of frustrated with myself for continuously buying plat just for forma's...when I shouldn't be.  It is very problematic, and I need to get that situation under control.  I've spent a lot on this game, granted it's pretty much the only game I play, still too much.  I'm sure even if the hours was reduced to 6, I'd still spend the plat to buy or rush, but I guess that's just me.

You need to walk away from the game for a while. Quit cold turkey for at least a couple months. Now.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


I definitely sympathise with you too, especially when i started the game. Forma is designed to be a bottleneck. Frustrate you enough that you might even consider buying it with Plat... they even encourage you by giving you a discount if you buy the 3 pack bundle... Its also not just you, in some ways its actually cheaper to rush, provided you have enough blueprints (I think lol), but yeah... I am fortunate in that I have played the game long enough, I have stockpiles of things and even Plat to buy more plus stuff to sell to get more Plat, hence its bottleneck nature. 

I also play other games, when Warframe frustrates me too much (or I start to feel like I am burning out), but usually I encourage myself to take breaks and come back for updates, like next weeks, that helps me personally enjoy the game more. 

Did you participate in Plague Star? Its a noce way to get built Forma from the game itself, was about a month ago, but is usually an annual event. Good event to try look out for (I don't really like it, too grindy, but for those that really want to stock up om Forma, its good.)

All the best to you. 

Yeah unfortunately I dont really play much else.


As for plague star, I wish I would have.  I recently opened up a plague kripath riven to find out I can only obtain the part through plague star.  Didn't realize it had so much forma though.  Hopefully next event is earlier in the year.  Kinda wish now they make it twice a year... but I guess might be a lot. Idk.

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