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Archon Hunt Disruption


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Took a break from Warframe and came back today.  I been playing years so have top forma gear, all frames except new ones and tried archon hunt disruption.  This was the worst warframe experience I ever had.  Horrible bullet sponges with no obvious counters.  I could only keep them in place using operator ability for a second or two and then it stops working.  Tried corrosive, viral, etc., nothing worked.  The public matches I played everyone kept dying and I ended up soloing it.  After about 30 minutes I just turned it off.  

Sure I could have kept trying and got through it, but who cares.  Games are supposed to be fun.  Either fantasy crazy strong or some sort of challenge, this was neither, just to much armor and health bullet sponges.  I just turned it off.  If this is all Warframe has to offer as new content, well I guess its been a good ride but I dont see how it continues.


Does anyone think this is fun?

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What weapon are you using? You have a lot of options for weapons that are capable of scaling all of the way to level cap in steel path. Archon disruption would be a cake walk by comparison.

The trick is to prime your target with another weapon then use your DPS of choice to take them down. Armor strip is also extremely useful. For me, I start by using operator CC to lock them down and use unairu armor strip, hit them several times with my viral primer, then finish them off with Phenmor which I specced into bleed procs.

Edited by Pizzarugi
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In a way, it amuses me how people turn any difficulty they encounter in the game into drama.
You have many ways to deal with wreckers: combining viral and slash, armor strip (tharros strike is ideal for removing them if you have a warframe that does not have armor strip, keep in mind that the wrecker can remove any armor strip that is temporary like Nekros), damage buffs, weapons with high base damage (plasmor, brakk, pyrana, etc.), gloom and the cold status effect are very useful to stop them.

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Disruption is one of my favorite game modes overall, but you need to have certain weapons to achieve your goals. You can't just take any potato weapon in and hope it'll work.

Having a slowdown frame helps. A LOT, like Sevagoth or any frame with Gloom helminthed onto it. When the demolyst activates their nullifier bubble it'll temporarily pause the slow, but as soon as it pops it'll slow back down (as long as you're not in the nullfier radius, then you have to recast)

As far as your weapons go, even a non-riven nukor can do it with enough time, but if you put Secondary Encumber (one of the ones you get from *shudders* crystal defense) you'll see that damage ramp up almost exponentially until they pop. Takes maybe 5 or 6 seconds depending on their damage reduction, some of them take a bit more...

However something like a heavy attack glaive prime or heavy attack Quassus will do a ton of damage quickly. Realistically I've used my Kuva Quartakk with hunter munitions viral build, Boltor prime incarnon, or  burston prime incarnon (even just a crit/corrosive/heat build) or any decent damage weapon to take them out quite effectively. I even use my Aeolak quite regularly (although I have a pretty solid riven for it) and it does corr/cold so it slows them down extra super slow so I can get headshots.


If you haven't experimented with heavy attack melees yet, the Quassus is an excellent one to dip your feet into. It fires ranged daggers on heavy attack that do slash damage, so you get multiple slash procs that bypass armor. I don't even have a riven on mine and it's a monster, takes a little bit of practice to time the shots and your point of aim kinda moves a bit, but it's simpler to use than a glaive heavy attack for example. Just get the blueprint from Necralisk bounties on Diemos, need a couple parts but it's a pretty simple grind to get it.

A standard heavy attack build with Amalgum organ shatter, killing blow, corrupt charge and sacrificial steel (it's kinda a nice crit buff to have sacrificial pressure as well, but you need to forma it a few times) as well as maybe viral damage to get your slash procs doing more damage. Tons of builds on Overframe you can check out, but again it's a monster and it'll get you into some fairly high level content.

Edited by FA22_RaptoR
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If you're struggling you're using the wrong gear or you're missing major upgrades.

Go run Arbitrations for Galvanized mods, SP for gun Arcanes, Zariman/Circuit for Incarnons, whatever strong Arcanes you might be missing, and/or whatever other strong guns/frames you might be missing then come back. As if you're missing most of those then you're effectively trying to skip from mid-game straight to end-game which is never fun in any game that isn't explicitly designed to allow for that.

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Archon hunts are towards the end of the current progression path. By the time you're there, you should have loadouts capable of killing enemies in those missions. Your inability to, isn't DE's fault. They even took care of one of the problems with it, and made Archons in general take little time to kill. Otherwise, all that's left in my opinion is deleting, or shortening, Defense.

Edited by Yamazuki
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I do sincerely have fun with Archon Disruption, not just that, its one of my favourite modes. That being said, if you aren't familiar with regular Disruption or Steel Path, have taken a break from the game, and are just jumping back into it and this is one of your returning missions? Thats a recipe for disaster, unless you really enjoy the kind of challenge it offers. 

So a few things... 1. Disruption was actually my least favourite mode in Warframe, initially, now its my favourite. I could elaborate and explain how that happened if you are curious. 2. Its your free time and energy. Totally valid and fair if you dislike the mode and don't want to do it. You encountered a wall/barrier, Warframe doesn't have. a lot of those, but many games do, and many people enjoy overcoming the wall/barrier, and many people don't and just bounce off them. Either are valid approaches. 3. Understanding yourself well enough to know which you are. Did you encounter a barrier that was unexpected, it made you feel bad/negative, and you just want to quit? Or if you knew ways to do better, would you rather pursue them? If the latter, read on, I can give you tips/hints if you would like. 

Hints/Tips. Firstly, how familiar are you with Disruption in general? Like the normal star chart. Did you farm Gauss, Acceltra, Akarius? Did you ever do the Sortie missions and come across a Disruption that way? Ever farm Apollo Lua, aka the best mission for Axi Relics? If no? Jumping into Archon Disruption is going to be extremely difficult. Especially in a PUG/PUB, because Archon missions scale with players. Yes in most of Warframe, you don't really need to "practice" but Disruption is a mission where it actually helps to understand the mechanics of the mission and game better. So you might want to practice in easier versions. 

I'm also going to give you some Warframe recommendations, and I know you might not have them yet, especially if you took a break, but I'll also explain the reason behind each, to give you a sort of broad idea. Also in general? Any tanky Warframe can be good, especially at first, whilst your learning, because if you can try ignore most enemies, to sort of focus on learning to listen and predict where a Demolyst will come from, how Conduits work, how to move about maps and make decisions about how to backtrack fast or move to a new area, the better. Developing those skills is great. Warframe recommendations I would give, Citrine, Wukong, Nova, Khora, Mag, Mesa, Styanax, Ash (and a lot more, obviously). 

I consider Citrine good, because she is tanky, has decent CC, and her CC involves giving Cold procs, which can slow enemies, including Demolyst. Wukong is tanky, and can move around fast, which can help if you struggle a bit learning where Demos come from. Nova can slow Demos and enemies. Khora's Ensnare will work on Demolysts. As will Mags Magnetise. Styanax is tanky and can armour strip, Ash can armour strip and go invisible which is good for survival. Mesa has great crowd control and can use Peacemaker against Demolysts. For regular Disruption, armour strip isn't super vital, but for Steel Path Disruption and Archon Disruption, its way more important. So additionally, any Warframe that can armour strip Demolysts becomes a decent suggestion. Certain Warframe abilities that work really well normally, may also fall off, like Mesas Peacemakers (though she can still be a good choice otherwise because the CC/DR). 

There are also a few different things to consider. Like you can armour strip with Unairu, and Helminth abilities. Also certain weapon combinations with certain mods. Some useful abilities like Khoras Ensnare are also a Helminth. So in theory, you could run any Warframe, with Unairu to armour strip, Helminth version of Ensnare to CC, and thus if you only like playing your favourite Warframe... Or you might have Magus Lockdown, and Helminth an armour strip... Basically there are options available. 

Weapon recommendations. Note, the ability to armour strip opens up more possibilities. Personally, i really like the Epitaph since it comes with a forced Cold procc, which can help slow down Demolysts. Condition Overload set ups are decent too, and Epitaph is also a great Primer, as are many weapons, like Kuva Nukor, Atomos, Tenet Cycron. Cedo. I use to run a lot of Epitaph, Cedo and Stropha Disruption, use either Cedo or Epitaph as Primers then use Stropha to do the bulk of the damage/killing. In the Steel Path version of Disruption, once I would find the Demolyst, I would switch to Operator, Magus Lockdown to CC, use Unairu to armour strip, Prime with Epitaph and Cedo, then kill with Condition Overload modded Stropha. Extremely effective. 

However importantly... thats not the only way. There are many many ways, as others have already suggested. Arguably a lot of the fun is coming up with your own specific preference and style. Some Warframes and two handed Nikana have strong Heavy Attacks that are also very effective. I've also used Boar, Quellor, Laetum, Phenmor, Convectrix, Vasto Incarnon a lot recently. Many Incarnon weapons will also shred the Demolyst without any of the set up I mentioned... Even a Sentinel with Verglas can be a great Primer, a good CC via Cold proccs, to help you out. 

Returning back to Warframe recommendations but for the Steel Path/Archon version. Its why I have grown fond of Citrine. She is really tanky, plus a support so you cajn keep allies alive. He CC also comes with Priming enemies via her elemental application (Cold proccs included). If you aren't running Unairu, you will need some sort of armour strip though. I also really like Ash and Styanax here too, their armour strip abilities, plus general support and survivability... either via invisibility, overguard, shield regen, etc

I would definitely recommend playing on the regular versions of Disruption too, it will help. Try to enjoy yourself. Then try Steel Path version. By the time the next Archon Disruption rolls around, not only will you be able to solo it, but you'll be able to hard carry teams as well (which may be harder due to the scaling and having to baby sit, but it can feel fun to help people). 

Good luck either way, whether you decide to quit, or give it another chance/try. 

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3 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

Does anyone think this is fun?

Yes, disruption is one of my favorite gamemodes. Build correctly and it can be rewarding.

Worth mentioning that more players increase the hp and armor of enemies in archon missions (upto 300%), if you're having trouble try going solo.

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I guess you missed the event. Outside some of the exploits during that event. I found Ivara to make it incredibly easy. You just have to be patient.

She can literally do it forever if you're willing to sit there and sleep arrow perfectly. I took it to around level 1,000 old scaling during the event.

The Amalgams were actually more annoying than the Demolist in the event since popping into Operator caused crossfire.

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Would help if we knew what equipment you use in your loadout. 

There are plenty of frames that completely trivialize them either through defense stripping or scaling damage.

Easiest is mostly Unairu along with Garuda. That gives you armor strip and guaranteed slash procs on everything while also briefly stunning the target. Slap on Gloom to trivialize it further since you have access to infinite energy. Then a heavy hitting weapon. I used to use Laetum, then Duviri released and we got access to Incarnon for Furis, Burston, Dual Toxocyst and Torid, all making extremely quick work of any demo. Or you can always 1HK them with a contagion from a well modded zaw.

You can always test your builds in Steel Path Lua Disruption, if your build can handle that you shouldnt have any issues with Archon Disruption.

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7 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

Sure I could have kept trying and got through it, but who cares.  Games are supposed to be fun.  Either fantasy crazy strong or some sort of challenge, this was neither, just to much armor and health bullet sponges.  I just turned it off.

You ran one mission for 30 and turned it off? Perhaps take it as an opportunity to learn? Then imagine the newly discovered "fantasy crazy strong" techniques you have just learned.

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7 hours ago, Educated_Beast said:

Does anyone think this is fun?

I do. I do archon hunts every Monday, every week, no exceptions and Disruption is one of my favourites besides the Archon Fight itself. it sounds to me like you're not bringing anything for armor stripping, which you really should for Steel Path/Archon Disruption, since powers are less effective against Demolysts, but armor strip works as it's supposed to. a Polarize Mag, Hydroid or even Caliban's 4 can make a world of difference by turning Demolysts from tanks into tissue paper. "once their bar goes red, they'll end up dead"!

powers *can* work to a degree, but most people don't realize/forget that Demolysts emit a pulse that works like a nullifier bubble. it's red in colour and it goes off once every few seconds. if you get the timing right you can hit them with CC or single target lockdown abilities like Ensnare - which can also be applied to any frame via helminth subsuming - and it will stop them for a couple of seconds, enough time to armor strip and land some headshots or melee combos, depending on which weapons/methods you prefer.

bringing decent weaponry helps as well. make sure you have the Galvanized mod set from Arbitrations because that's where a lot of weapon damage scaling comes from now. Kuva/Tenet weapons or Incarnon Weapons are great choices for archon hunts, cold procs from Frost or the Epitpah are also more useful in this mode than anywhere else, it's all about slowing the demolyst down and stripping that armor so you can gank it quickly.

a few other Disruption tips:

- only do one conduit at a time. it's easier that way and you won't risk spreading the squad out. 

- have one person as a "last line of defense": most people who reckon they know the tilesets will hunt for the Demolyst across rooms but if they screw up, there's nobody else near the conduit, and you have a couple of seconds before the Demolyst explodes if it reaches the conduit: this is your last opportunity to kill it, so it pays to have someone wait by the conduit just in case. 

- some Demolysts are much tougher than others (Bailiffs come to mind), again, armor strip helps tremendously, especially at Steel Path/ Archon levels, they have a LOT of armor there.

- another thing is marking the Demolyst with a waypoint. I usually do this after I've CCd the Demolyst so it's easier to waypoint, and then everybody knows exactly where it is. very helpful on Kuva Fortress and for people who don't know the tiles so well.

- always listen for the beeping. headphones or changing your settings might help, but either way make sure you can hear it. 

hope some of this advice helps, and that you might learn to enjoy Disruption.


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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Educated_Beast:

Took a break from Warframe and came back today.  I been playing years so have top forma gear, all frames except new ones and tried archon hunt disruption.  This was the worst warframe experience I ever had.  Horrible bullet sponges with no obvious counters.  I could only keep them in place using operator ability for a second or two and then it stops working.  Tried corrosive, viral, etc., nothing worked.  The public matches I played everyone kept dying and I ended up soloing it.  After about 30 minutes I just turned it off.  

Sure I could have kept trying and got through it, but who cares.  Games are supposed to be fun.  Either fantasy crazy strong or some sort of challenge, this was neither, just to much armor and health bullet sponges.  I just turned it off.  If this is all Warframe has to offer as new content, well I guess its been a good ride but I dont see how it continues.


Does anyone think this is fun?

There are even people who “apparently” really enjoy Duviri??? Maybe there is internet on the planet with pink ponies... I can't explain it any other way............

And when it comes to embarrassing missions or content, I prefer to take a break. I'm not logging in to get frustrated!

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You don't necessarily even need to do very much damage yourself.  Plenty of good tips above, but the most important thing afaic is just locking the thing down.

Step 1:  Helminth Khora's ensnare ability on something you like.
Step 2:  Drop energy pad while hacking the entrance so you have plenty of energy.
Step 3:  Find and ensnare the demo, repeating as necessary (much more reliable than operator Magus Lockdown).
Step 4:  Mark the demo so your teammates can come bum rush him.



Disruption is one of the easiest and fastest archon endless.

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