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Warframe Time To Farm Comparison - Are some warframes too grindy to get?

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I sometimes find getting regular frames extremely frustrating and thought I would make a list and total the estimated time to get each warframe. The information was taken from the wiki and I used the expected amount of runs to get each part.

Calculation example: Chassis takes an expected 8 runs, the mission takes 10 minutes: 8 * 10 = 80 minutes.

These numbers are based on averages and sometimes an estimation for the mission times. Real time could be better or worse. The numbers represent minutes of farming time:

  • Ash            BP: 0, Neu: 70, Cha: 70, Sys: 70, Total: 210
  • Atlas          BP: 0, Neu: 20, Cha: 20, Sys: 40, Total: 80
  • Banshee    Clan Research
  • Baruuk      Requires Vox Solaris standing and rank
  • Caliban     BP: 0, Neu: 105, Cha: 105, Sys: 105, Total: 315 - requires farming narmer bounties, narmer isoplasts and Anomolies in railjack
  • Chroma     Junction rewards
  • Citrine       BP: 200, Neu: 320, Cha: 320, Sys: 320, Total: 1160* - if you buy it with fragments: 516 regular, 352 minutes on steel path.
  • Dagath      BP: 0, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 90 - Requires clan research
  • Ember       BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Equinox     BP: 80, Neu: 70, Cha: 70, Sys: 70, Total: 290 - each part is two parts
  • Excalibur    BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Frost          BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Gara          BP: 0, Neu: 55, Cha: 35, Sys: 70, Total: 160 - requires mining resources as well
  • Garuda      BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 65, Sys: 65, Total: 210 - requires toroids
  • Gauss        BP: 0, Neu: 180, Cha: 180, Sys: 180, Total: 540   
  • Grendel     BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 75, Sys: 80, Total: 235 - the missions suck, requires 25 vitus essence from arbitrations for each part
  • Gyre           BP: 70, Neu: 100, Cha: 190, Sys: 110, Total: 470 - requires Thrax Plasm
  • Harrow       BP: 0, Neu: 50, Cha: 30, Sys: 120, Total: 200 - 120 minutes in Defection missions feels like about 3 times as long
  • Hildryn       BP: 0, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 80, Total: 160 - requires rank 5 in Vox Solaris rank
  • Hydroid      BP: 0, Neu: 10, Cha: 10, Sys: 20, Total: 40 - used to be 10 times worse because you needed beacons to fight the boss
  • Inaros         Quest
  • Ivara           BP: 40, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 40, Total: 160
  • Khora         BP: 120, Neu: 110, Cha: 60, Sys: 120, Total: 410* - As you farm these parts together in the same mission the total time is probably about half of this, required kavat genetic codes
  • Kullervo     BP: 105, Neu: 90, Cha: 90, Sys: 90, Total: 285 - requires a lot of Duviri resources
  • Lavos         Requires Entrati standing and rank - requires 550 hexanon
  • Limbo        Quest
  • Loki           BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Mag          BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Mesa         BP: 0, Neu: 38, Cha: 38, Sys: 76, Total: 152 - Requires nav coordinates from invasions
  • Mirage      Quest
  • Nekros      BP: 0, Neu: 15, Cha: 15, Sys: 15, Total: 45
  • Nezha       Clan Tech
  • Nidus        BP: 0, Neu: 90, Cha: 90, Sys: 90, Total: 270
  • Nova         BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Nyx            BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24 - Not always available
  • Oberon      BP: 0, Neu: 100, Cha: 100, Sys: 100, Total: 300
  • Octavia      BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 10, Sys: 40, Total: 130
  • Protea       BP: 0, Neu: 90, Cha: 90, Sys: 90, Total: 270
  • Qorvex      BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 180
  • Revenant    BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 180 
  • Rhino         BP: 0, Neu: 12, Cha: 12, Sys: 24, Total: 48
  • Saryn         BP: 0, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 80, Total: 160 - Requires judgement points to access the mission
  • Sevagoth   BP: 0, Neu: 100, Cha: 100, Sys: 100, Total: 300
  • Styanax      Kahl missions
  • Titania       BP: 0, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 90 - Requires flower resources
  • Trinity        BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 240 - Requires animo nav beacons
  • Valkyr        BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Vauban      Nightwave
  • Volt            Clan Tech
  • Voruna       BP: 160, Neu: 240, Cha: 240, Sys: 240, Total: 880* - 291 if bought with Lua Thrax Plasm.
  • Wisp          BP: 40, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 130
  • Wukong     Clan Tech
  • Xaku           BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 110, Sys: 80, Total: 270
  • Yarelli         Clan Tech, quest
  • Zephyr       Clan Tech

Warframes in order of release with total times:

Here are the warframes and their farm time in order of release:

  • Spoiler
    • Excalibur - 24
    • Trinity - Total: 240 - Requires animo nav beacons, 24 before update
    • Ember - 24
    • Loki - 24
    • Mag - 24
    • Volt - Clan Tech
    • Rhino - 48
    • Ash - 210
    • Frost - 24
    • Nyx - 24 - Not always available
    • Banshee - Clan Tech
    • Saryn - 160 - Requires judgement points to access the mission, 24 before update
    • Vauban - Nightwave
    • Nova - 24
    • Nekros - 45
    • Valkyr - 24
    • Oberon - 300
    • Zephyr - Clan Tech
    • Hydroid - 40, before update 200+
    • Mirage - Quest
    • Limbo - Quest
    • Mesa - 152 - Requires nav coordinates from invasions
    • Chroma - Junction Rewards 
    • Equinox - 290
    • Atlas - 80
    • Wukong - Clan Tech
    • Ivara - 160 
    • Nezha - Clan Tech
    • Inaros - Quest
    • Titania - 90
    • Nidus - 270
    • Octavia - 130
    • Harrow - 200
    • Gara - 160
    • Khora - 410*, probably half
    • Revenant - 180
    • Garuda - 210
    • Baruuk - Vox Solaris standing, roughly 180
    • Hildryn - 160
    • Wisp - 130
    • Gauss - 540
    • Grendel - 235
    • Protea - 270
    • Xaku - 270
    • Lavos - Entrati standing - requires 550 hexanon
    • Sevagoth - 300
    • Yareli - Quest
    • Caliban - 315
    • Gyre - 470 - requires Thrax Plasm
    • Styanax - Kahl Missions
    • Voruna - 880*, 291 with Thrax Plasm
    • Citrine - 1160*, 516 regular or 352 steel path when bought with fragments
    • Kullervo - 285 - requires a lot of Duviri resources
    • Dagath - 90 - Requires clan research
    • Qorvex - 180


What do you think is the worst frame to farm?

In my experience the worst was Caliban. Having to do the narmer bounties, on top of getting 9 anomoly shards.

Also the only frame I ever bought was Harrow because you couldn't pay me to do a defection mission.

Edited by HardcoreSalmon
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Firstly, I appreciate the effort you undertook putting this together. 

Secondly, if such subjects find your interest in general, TheKengineer, a Warframe content creator on Youtube, did a few different videos, with a similar question, and really good break downs, and answers and other sort of relevant info. Worth a check out if you are interested. Video titles are Which frame takes the LONGEST to farm? and How long is EVERY Warframe farm in 2023?

It wasn't my worst farm, but I was an outlier for the Wisp farm experience. I think, based on the odds and how many runs i had to do, I was in an 0.01 percent of players. As far as "bad luck" and having to repeat. Over 60 runs. On the other hand, I was also quite "lucky" with Khora and Equinox. Its also... see Styanax I got for free, from the game, just for logging in, otherwise, I might think his farm is the worst. Gauss farm was frustrating at the time, but I actually started to enjoy Disruption and now its one of my fav modes. Maybe Caliban as well. I was bored of those bounties, one of them would consistently glitch a lot, I also was annoyed, none of the BP's were dropping, and I kept on getting something called "Narmer Isoplast" and then when the BP's did drop, I realised I now had to farm Narmer Isoplasts... and then wasn't getting them at all... 

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Nova for me. Took 32 runs, thanks to the RNG and DE's decision to make 1 part a 1/5th drop chance.

Defection, Disruption and even Infested Salvage were all missions I avoided past the 1 time to unlock the node. When I went back to farm the frames with more knowledge and better equipment, turns out those missions are the most fun. Maybe not defection that much though. Getting the final Harrow part for the squad I was with did result in cheers and whoops from the team though.

The worst frame was Protea though, took a long time to figure out how to beat those spectres. Sure now I can cheese them, but back then it was a different matter for the hardest part.

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Ash and Oberon are probably in the worst places as they're in railjack, which many players don't have any interest in and/or don't know what to do. I suppose Sevagoth is up there too, but prior to him being given away for free recently, there seemed to be an increase in people farming him (probably because of the Augment). 

Equinox's farm is pure trash, literally double the chance of NOT getting what you want. 

Baruuk and Hildryn, you gotta get Vox standing, which means goign through the Medical Bond farm for SU, Toroid farming AND Atmo/Gyro system farming, all of which are considered some of the worst grinds in the game. Garuda also requires Toroids, but her parts are easier to get.

Nidus is another farm I didn't like, not a fan of Infested Salvage.

Protea, I planned on farming again to feed to helminth, then quickly realized why I should give up on that idea (bad RNG that would rather give me a shoulder guard I already have 10 of than a Protea part), and did. guess I'll wait for her prime and subsume mine when the time comes.

Styanax is another one that could suck if you don't like Kahl missions.

Titania requires flower scanning, not the worst grind in terms of efficiency, but definitely one of the most boring.

Yareli, because horrible K-Drive quest, and vent kids, who thanks to her, are now forever in my Dojo. I'll chalk this one up to being just me and my dislike of her, but still.. awful.

every other farm is either bearable, not too bad, or has a token system. RNG will always do it's thing and screw us over, but at least nowadays there's a visible end to the grind for a newer frame, instead of it being down to pot luck. 


Edited by (PSN)robotwars7
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With Citrine and Voruna, did you account for the potential of getting BPs while you farm for the currency? Like with the 352 mins on SP for Citrine, is that an avarage based on getting some BPs while obtaining currency to buy the rest or is it only based on farming the currency and buying all BPs with it?

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

With Citrine and Voruna, did you account for the potential of getting BPs while you farm for the currency? Like with the 352 mins on SP for Citrine, is that an avarage based on getting some BPs while obtaining currency to buy the rest or is it only based on farming the currency and buying all BPs with it?

352 is simply the amount minutes it takes if you never get a drop and buy it.

5 minutes per wave as an average. 22 crystal fragments per wave on steel path. 1550 fragments required to buy everything.

(1550 / 22) * 5 = 352

To take the potential drops into account:

22 fragments per wave and 1550 required to buy. 1550 / 22 = 70.45 waves required
Rotation c takes 4 waves, so: 70.45 / 4 = 17.61 rotation Cs

Citrine expected rotation c rewards: BP - 10, parts - 16

So you are expected to get one drop when you have enough to buy every part. For Citrine I think, unless you're really lucky, you will have enough to buy it before you get a drop. 


For Voruna things are more complicated because Lua Thrax Plasm are affected by resource boosters and they drop from enemies as well as at the end of rotations. I think it was 5 per rotation and 1 drop per enemy.

350 required Lua Thrax Plasm, 6 per rotation on the tier 2 survival. 350 / 6 = 58.3 rotations required, so: 58.3 * 5 = 291.6 minutes.
With a resource booster it goes down to 50 rotations.

The Voruna expected drop chances: BP - 8 rotation Cs, parts - 12 rotation Cs

58.3 / 4 =14. 14 rotation C rewards for the whole time it takes to farm the thrax plasm. So you will probably get one drop in the time it takes to farm all the resources required. This wouldn't save you time if you get a drop, just gives you more resources to buy a weapon part instead.


I think when I got Voruna and Citrine I didn't get a single part drop and had to buy it all with the resources, so I think it doesn't really affect it.

Edited by HardcoreSalmon
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Poor Ash keeps getting put in the weirdest places.

I still don't have Gauss, Citrine or Caliban. After a 5 year break I blew through all the content in a month and all that's left are those horrible grinds.
It's a shame all the content DE makes ends up in a dead end instead of integrating it into the game as a whole. Rep hubs just suck.

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1 hour ago, Xzorn said:

I still don't have Gauss, Citrine or Caliban.

I didn't find Gauss or Citrine to be bad, but I enjoyed the game modes, and wasn't exactly focused on grind.  Disruption especially; Mirror Defense somewhat less so, but Citrine parts  have a pity system.  Caliban I bought, so I can't comment on that.

Gauss Prime will be coming this month, if you don't care about the base frame.

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Personally, I don't think the number of time it takes or runs involved is that important unless we hit an egregious threshold.  For my money, the worst frames to farm are the ones in content I don't like.

That's why I have yet to earn Caliban, because on most days the prospect of doing bounties in the Plains of Eidolon makes me feel physical discomfort.

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31 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

I didn't find Gauss or Citrine to be bad, but I enjoyed the game modes, and wasn't exactly focused on grind.  Disruption especially; Mirror Defense somewhat less so, but Citrine parts  have a pity system.  Caliban I bought, so I can't comment on that.

Gauss Prime will be coming this month, if you don't care about the base frame.


I did the event for Disruption so I could do with never seeing that game mode again =D
It's the same with Ambulas. I see that model and part of my soul hurts.

Usually I avoid buying anything I can farm just for something to do but I don't live Warframe anymore.
The new frames have been rather lack luster compared to old ones also.

Voruna would probably be in better shape with more Range on her 2nd. She feels confused.
Kullervo I like the kit but he's not good as other frames who aren't locked to melee.
Most the others just don't really tick on my radar.

I used to meme Gauss before I took a break.


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Back in the day, I just grind stuff casually until I eventually get it. Nowadays, if I see some grind that doesn't have a pity system or it comes from game modes I have zero interest in? Plat spending time. 

At this point in the game, it's faster and way less stressful to sell off excess stuff you accumulated to get enough platinum to buy them.

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On 2024-01-04 at 7:33 PM, (PSN)Unstar said:

Personally, I don't think the number of time it takes or runs involved is that important unless we hit an egregious threshold.  For my money, the worst frames to farm are the ones in content I don't like.

That's why I have yet to earn Caliban, because on most days the prospect of doing bounties in the Plains of Eidolon makes me feel physical discomfort.

I think usually the worst grinds are the ones where you wouldn't play the mission anyway.

Missions people play normally: Void Fissures, Kuva Siphons, Sortie, Eidolon Hunts, Disruption etc.

When you have a mission that the only reason to play it is for one or two frames or weapons you have a problem. Especially if there are no extra rewards.

Best examples are: 

Arum Spinosa - Arcana bounties that no one would play otherwise and tedious as hell
Korrudo - Whose idea was it to put this on Tusk Thumpers?
Ambassador - Rotation c of a Railjack survival. The only real reason to play this survival and stay long otherwise is for necramech affinity.
Nidus - I don't think anyone plays infested salvage unless they want Nidus.
Dagath - An exterminate where you can't even use matchmaking that has nothing but a resource.

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There is definitely a trend of long grinds seemingly from certain era but it seems that is slowly changing with Dagger and Qorvex being fairly fast farms. Im currently grinding Caliban and holy damn that is one hell of a grind, multiple phases of long grinds just for one frame 😩

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On 2024-01-04 at 1:35 AM, HardcoreSalmon said:

I sometimes find getting regular frames extremely frustrating and thought I would make a list and total the estimated time to get each warframe. The information was taken from the wiki and I used the expected amount of runs to get each part.

Calculation example: Chassis takes an expected 8 runs, the mission takes 10 minutes: 8 * 10 = 80 minutes.

These numbers are based on averages and sometimes an estimation for the mission times. Real time could be better or worse. The numbers represent minutes of farming time:

  • Ash            BP: 0, Neu: 70, Cha: 70, Sys: 70, Total: 210
  • Atlas          BP: 0, Neu: 20, Cha: 20, Sys: 40, Total: 80
  • Banshee    Clan Research
  • Baruuk      Requires Vox Solaris standing and rank
  • Caliban     BP: 0, Neu: 105, Cha: 105, Sys: 105, Total: 315 - requires farming narmer bounties, narmer isoplasts and Anomolies in railjack
  • Chroma     Junction rewards
  • Citrine       BP: 200, Neu: 320, Cha: 320, Sys: 320, Total: 1160* - if you buy it with fragments: 516 regular, 352 minutes on steel path.
  • Dagath      BP: 0, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 90
  • Ember       BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Equinox     BP: 80, Neu: 70, Cha: 70, Sys: 70, Total: 290 - each part is two parts
  • Excalibur    BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Frost          BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Gara          BP: 0, Neu: 55, Cha: 35, Sys: 70, Total: 160 - requires mining resources as well
  • Garuda      BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 65, Sys: 65, Total: 210 - requires toroids
  • Gauss        BP: 0, Neu: 180, Cha: 180, Sys: 180, Total: 540   
  • Grendel     BP: 0, Neu: 20, Cha: 15, Sys: 20, Total: 55 - the missions suck
  • Gyre           BP: 70, Neu: 100, Cha: 190, Sys: 110, Total: 470 - requires Thrax Plasm
  • Harrow       BP: 0, Neu: 50, Cha: 30, Sys: 120, Total: 200 - 120 minutes in Defection missions feels like about 3 times as long
  • Hildryn       BP: 0, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 80, Total: 160 - requires rank 5 in Vox Solaris rank
  • Hydroid      BP: 0, Neu: 10, Cha: 10, Sys: 20, Total: 40 - used to be 10 times worse because you needed beacons to fight the boss
  • Inaros         Quest
  • Ivara           BP: 40, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 40, Total: 160
  • Khora         BP: 120, Neu: 110, Cha: 60, Sys: 120, Total: 410* - As you farm these parts together in the same mission the total time is probably about half of this, required kavat genetic codes
  • Kullervo     BP: 45, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 135
  • Lavos         Requires Entrati standing and rank - requires 550 hexanon
  • Limbo        Quest
  • Loki           BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Mag          BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Mesa         BP: 0, Neu: 38, Cha: 38, Sys: 76, Total: 152 - Requires nav coordinates from invasions
  • Mirage      Quest
  • Nekros      BP: 0, Neu: 15, Cha: 15, Sys: 15, Total: 45
  • Nezha       Clan Tech
  • Nidus        BP: 0, Neu: 90, Cha: 90, Sys: 90, Total: 270
  • Nova         BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Nyx            BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24 - Not always available
  • Oberon      BP: 0, Neu: 100, Cha: 100, Sys: 100, Total: 300
  • Octavia      BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 10, Sys: 40, Total: 130
  • Protea       BP: 0, Neu: 90, Cha: 90, Sys: 90, Total: 270
  • Qorvex      BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 180
  • Revenant    BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 180 
  • Rhino         BP: 0, Neu: 12, Cha: 12, Sys: 24, Total: 48
  • Saryn         BP: 0, Neu: 40, Cha: 40, Sys: 80, Total: 160 - Requires judgement points to access the mission
  • Sevagoth   BP: 0, Neu: 100, Cha: 100, Sys: 100, Total: 300
  • Styanax      Kahl missions
  • Titania       BP: 0, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 90 - Requires flower resources
  • Trinity        BP: 0, Neu: 60, Cha: 60, Sys: 60, Total: 240 - Requires animo nav beacons
  • Valkyr        BP: 0, Neu: 6, Cha: 6, Sys: 12, Total: 24
  • Vauban      Nightwave
  • Volt            Clan Tech
  • Voruna       BP: 160, Neu: 240, Cha: 240, Sys: 240, Total: 880* - Can be bought with Lua Thrax Plasm to significantly reduce farming time.
  • Wisp          BP: 40, Neu: 30, Cha: 30, Sys: 30, Total: 130
  • Wukong     Clan Tech
  • Xaku           BP: 0, Neu: 80, Cha: 110, Sys: 80, Total: 270
  • Yarelli         Clan Tech, quest
  • Zephyr       Clan Tech

What do you think is the worst frame to farm?

In my experience the worst was Caliban. Having to do the narmer bounties, on top of getting 9 anomoly shards.

Also the only frame I ever bought was Harrow because you couldn't pay me to do a defection mission.

Welcome to GrindFrame dude !! That's the game. If you're crying about the grinding and resourcing and getting resources to make secondary or tertiatry reources to get parts to get secondary parts to make a thing in this game and how something is way too grindy because it took you 200-800 minutes of gameplay ... You are playing the wrong game.

The game is about collecting things long term or dropping a sh*t ton of cash on to collect things faster. That's it. There is no special reward at the end - there is no end game. You either like it for a while and get bored and leave or you are a lifer because it's something to do in your spare time over the long term.

ALSO OF NOTE - You Are Not the First to Cry About Grinding in a Grinding Game. This is a cyclical topic that resurfaces every once ina while.

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On 2024-01-04 at 1:35 AM, HardcoreSalmon said:

I sometimes find getting regular frames extremely frustrating and thought I would make a list and total the estimated time to get each warframe. The information was taken from the wiki and I used the expected amount of runs to get each part.

Calculation example: Chassis takes an expected 8 runs, the mission takes 10 minutes: 8 * 10 = 80 minutes.

These numbers are based on averages and sometimes an estimation for the mission times. Real time could be better or worse. The numbers represent minutes of farming time:


What do you think is the worst frame to farm?

In my experience the worst was Caliban. Having to do the narmer bounties, on top of getting 9 anomoly shards.

Also the only frame I ever bought was Harrow because you couldn't pay me to do a defection mission.

ALSO OF NOTE - It depends on when you vs someone else started the game. Folks that have been around since the early Betas had a much different starting point grinding out certain warframes. Others that came along a few years later had a bit easier access to some of the early starts. 

Around 2018 or so they changed drop locations for Frost Excal and Trinity. For example Excal used to be dropped from missions from Pluto and is now available on Mars.

So Excal (unless you chose that Frame during the game intro) was more difficult to get for newer players for several years then it wasn't.

Trinity for example was easier to get then it was more difficult to get - and it's been super easy to get as they've had at least 2 Free Frame drops for Trinity for watching a stream or two.

Styanax if you logged into the game at a certain point after release you got it for free. They gave out a 2nd one for some other reason that eludes me atm.

Sevagoth was passed out 2 times for free back in December 2023 for watching some video game awards thingy - which in turn F'ed up and DE just gave everyone that tuned in a free sevagoth. Then as an apology they added an in game "get sevagoth because the stream F'ed up" opportunity by completing a few easy missions to get the parts and build it.

Frost prime was passed out for Free 2 times over the past few years (Prime frame grinding can sometimes be a PITA as well - RNG is not always your friend).

I think Khora or Garuda also got pushed out for free at some point.

The state of the game play itself has also drastically changed over time - adding and removing certain features like we used to be able to self-kill suicide by ricocheting shots off the ground or nearby walls. It was also a thing to power up Chroma before his nerf was implemented. That was changed to a stagger effect and tweaked again later a 3rd time. Sheild Gating is another example. Although the overall gameplay concept is not directly tied to acquiring a Frame - it does however affect the ability to acqurie any given Frame regarding grinding for them if/when the state of gameplay differs for someone that started in 2014 vs 2018 vs 2022.

And in December patches, DE eliminated MR rank requirements for a ton of content that has been locked behind MR for 10 years that all longer term players had to grind through. They also recently revamped the entire game intro to make it easier for new players to get into the game. ALSO adding Duviri as an alternate starting point for new players instead of the traditional mainline starting point.

Point is - easy vs hard grind for Frames is relative to when a given player joined the game - what extra-game activities they paid attention to and were aware of - what game change happened when- money spent (yes people spend money on base Frames) and which other Frames they acquire first.

Getting ahold of Saryn - Volt - Gauss - Nezha - Mesa super early would help a newer player over time than starting with Mag. Not that Mag is a bad Frame just that Mag is a bit long in the tooth.

Mods are RNG as well. So it also depends on which mods a player gets a hold of - if they figure out and acqurie Riven mods sooner than later. And for example - for the first time I can remember DE currently has a promotional for the month of January literally giving away Corrupted Mods that some of us had to spend time grinding for.

So yeah, difficulty grinding for Frames or weapons or whatnot is relative to many factors.

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1 hour ago, uberfu said:

Welcome to GrindFrame dude !! That's the game. If you're crying about the grinding and resourcing and getting resources to make secondary or tertiatry reources to get parts to get secondary parts to make a thing in this game and how something is way too grindy because it took you 200-800 minutes of gameplay ... You are playing the wrong game.

The game is about collecting things long term or dropping a sh*t ton of cash on to collect things faster. That's it. There is no special reward at the end - there is no end game. You either like it for a while and get bored and leave or you are a lifer because it's something to do in your spare time over the long term.

ALSO OF NOTE - You Are Not the First to Cry About Grinding in a Grinding Game. This is a cyclical topic that resurfaces every once ina while.

I don't have a problem with grind and I understand it's necessary.

My problem is when getting a frame/weapon is absolutely ridiculous, like Caliban for example. There have been many times when the grind was way too annoying and then DE later reduces it a lot.

For example:

Hydroid - required a Frequency Triangulator to fight Vay Hek which dropped from Prosecutors. You needed 2, 4, 8 and 12 of different kinds. You farmed these prosecutors for hours to build one key for a chance to get a hydroid part.

Then they removed this entirely and made the boss fight available all the time.

Zephyr - required 600 oxium which dropped on a specific corpus defence. Oxium ospreys dropped significantly less oxium and couldn't be desecrated.

Then they increased the oxium dropped per osprey and made desecrate work on them.

If ridiculous grind is the point of this game then why would DE make these changes?
I don't have a problem with grind, I have a problem with ridiculous grinds that are way overtuned.

Take the Shedu for example. This is completely ridiculous and should be reduced and it was even worse at the start because the anomolies weren't always available.

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