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Gauss Prime is a visual downgrade


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Default Gauss: made of stainless steel, chrome-plated, beautiful shiny piece of metal, smooth, streamlined...


Gauss Prime: not only the entire skin look like chinese plastic, but the helmet like nekro-bunny, and the "feet" look the worst here - the stilts,
I have the impression they were made by Inuzuka (as well as the rest of the skin)





Prime: same colors

Seriously... I'm going back to regular skin with Mag helmet...




Just to be clear...



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Ohhhh you’re that guy with the builds on overframe

Sorry if you got tired of being known for that, it sticks

Anyways, I disagree simply because golden Gauss is beautiful with the golden orokin look, and the flaps… those beautiful flaps on the ankles…

I will say this though, it’ll look fire on his graxx style. It’s already smooth to begin with, adding the prime details should be a good combination. 

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18 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

Trying to slap the same colors on two different appearances is not going to work most of the time.

Maybe try some different combinations instead of what you already use, or just keep using the default if you like it more

Tbh, applying any other color than black, super dark red or blue on those exposed leggings will look ridiculous.

The Prime skin also looks tinted, I can tell by the white parts - they are dirty. That is SUPER bad and needs to stop as a practice, because final colors will be altered.

Edited by Hayrack
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IMO, Gauss isn't the best looking prime we've ever had, but he sure isn't the worst, that title falls to Oberon Prime.

generally speaking though, you usually have to fashion the primes differently to suit your tastes, as the colour channels are totally different. I have a couple ideas for my own Gauss Prime once I've built him, though one of my configs will still be using the Agito Skin (Tennogen), because I like it a lot. 

fashionframe is endgame, but also subjective, so nobody can ever truly win at it. 


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5 hours ago, THeMooN85 said:

Prime colour Palette


Even with almost the same colours, default skin looks way better xD




You're simply reveling in the beauty that is Gauss
His Prime is probably too beautiful for your senses to handle right now, don't worry, it's normal for lesser beings to witness a being of higher power that is Gauss Prime
My first glance changed me forever, join us

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6 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

IMO, Gauss isn't the best looking prime we've ever had, but he sure isn't the worst, that title falls to Oberon Prime.

generally speaking though, you usually have to fashion the primes differently to suit your tastes, as the colour channels are totally different. I have a couple ideas for my own Gauss Prime once I've built him, though one of my configs will still be using the Agito Skin (Tennogen), because I like it a lot. 

fashionframe is endgame, but also subjective, so nobody can ever truly win at it. 


You left off Vauban Prime, :tongue: it's a butugly prime skin, the first thing I did was get the Knight-style skin, it looks way better IMO.


Fashion frame is subjective to the eye of the beholder, I don't have GAUS Prime yet but so far I like my old frame look going on screenshots above, time will tell how I colour him.

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you need to look at both of them as completely different designs.

meaning, approach Gauss prime with a new mindset for what color schemes to use, giving the new textures...all Primes have plastic or cloth textures for a more regal look.

Edited by Qorvex99
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Yeah its just another generic 'details for details sake' prime design, loosing distinct style and coherency of the original Gauss, and the helment is particularly bad, put another helmet on prime and it starts to look better.

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This is the case for me regarding many primes versus their regular versions.

Garuda, Rev and Saryn are 3 frames I far prefer the basic looks of, and in Saryn's case the Voidshell due to texture options (Alien Queen Saryn!).

And with Gauss, the whole aerodynamic aestethics of the basic skin kinda went away with the prime. 

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1 minute ago, Ace-Bounty-Hunter said:

It's ugly in your subjective opinion. Also, your Overframe builds suck.

I’d rather toxic Overframe players stay in Overframe… 

That is all I will say

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I won't say Gauss Prime looks fantastic, probably because I'm not a fan of the helmet - looks like a bunny, but also I don't think it's awful. At least the body was not overdone / polluted. For those who want to invest some money, the two Tennogen skins look really good IMO. My Gauss Prime is still in the foundry. Once I have him, I'll give him the Hexis armor and colors and see how he looks.

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I kinda agree.. it was one of my fears TBH. "How to prime an already mostly metallic frame". 

Thankfully we can use the normal skin on him, while sad, it's an option.

I'll continue to give it time, but so far, for me, it's the least appealing visuals on a prime. Which is a first. 

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Whilst I don't personally think Prime version looks ugly, I can see why some consider it a downgrade. Personally, I wish, the Prime version held on to a bit more of the exact metallic texturing the original embodied, it still seems fine, and may require a different approach as far as colour theory and fashioning. I mean as far as subjective desires and all that, I also wish Voidshell technology was more integrated into more of Warframe by default, as opposed the current approach, since that would effectively bypass such situations, and fix the colour channels issues many Primes have had (certain textures struggle to get certain white or black saturation/aesthetics). 


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