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Why I don't follow the meta

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1. Richer gameplay. By limiting my weapon power, I actually have to engage with my warframe and operator abilities in order to kill and survive. I can't nuke entire rooms with a few trigger presses, I need to press more buttons in order to keep myself alive. To me, this is more engaging, and it allows me to appreciate the qualities of individual warframes and focus schools.

2. Inventory becomes more meaningful. The obvious reason being that I can pick pretty much any weapon I want to use. Another one is that I sometimes need to bring, say, an arcane I otherwise wouldn't use, in order to make a specific weapon work.

3. Build variety. I can't necessarily rely on standard weapon builds, and I may need to choose weapons that compliment each other, with builds that work against different enemy types, in order to kill fast enough. I may need to put some thought into the IPS weighting and do loadout tests in the simulacrum.

4. I'm not chasing an illusory next high. I really can't imagine finding the Torid, Dual Toxocyst and/or the Dual Ichor and making these your main weapons at MR14, because what is there to chase after that, other than an increased mastery rank? I recently fell in love with the Perigale, and a few days ago I formaed my Aegrit multiple times. Unique weapons that have limitations you have to work around in order to be successful with them. But they are very much SP viable if you do. There are so many cool and unique-feeling weapons in this game.


Some will say that using whatever are the most powerful weapons and builds is the only real measure of "skill" in this game, since the gameplay itself isn't challenging. This is, besides really being an indication of the power creep and its consequences having been ingrained into the minds of the players, to some extent true. Mechanically it isn't a very complex game, but using non-meta weapons does make it more complex. I'm pretty sure few would appreciate the game if it had a completely minimalistic approach. I.e. if you could press a button to nuke the entire map (well, there are those who "enjoy" thermal sunder spam..).

I think that for most players, gameplay matters. I created this post because I'd like to see more variety in the game and to challenge the addictiveness of following the meta. The fact is that most of the weapons in the game can be brought to hour long SP runs, and if you do take on 5+ hour long runs, then wouldn't the incarnons be a more meaningful part of your arsenal if you equipped them specifically for those?

Edited by Anti-Incarnon
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Whatever floats your boat man. I play meta because I want easy life and I want my hands and wrists to survive. You go ahead though, thats what this game is about, people playing however the frig they want. The only thing I would warn you about though, is artificially setting obstacles for your own gameplay to make it fun, because it most often means that the game is boring for you otherwise. And for a boring game the solution is to stop playing it and go play a game that you actually like, without imagining and manifesting obstacles to keep your brain busy. It happened to me a lot of times in other MMOs. They were always fun for a few weeks/months, but then they became very boring unless I did ridiculous things, that I wouldnt have even thought about in other games. Thats when you need to take a break.

Edited by MaxTunnerX
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Meta is ever changing, I learned to stop caring rather than purposefully ignoring it. If I like something that just happens to be meta, it’s fun. I’ll still use it.

For example, anyone remember when incarnons weren’t meta? Referring to the original incarnons that were made to combat AOE (excluding you Laetum). Now, incarnons are all the rage in this day. 

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Isn’t it great that you can play how you want? Limiting your power can be fun playing solo or pre-made. But in pubs, nobody will appreciate your creativity if it means they have to wait for you before getting the shiny. 

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Everything you listed was a thing before they messed with Enemy Defense Scaling.

I used to do endurance runs all the time to actually make use of the power we have. Balancing Defense Vs Offense to get the most out of a combination of frame, weapons and play styles. My builds looked like nothing most the community used. Ember's WoF was CC not damage. Mesa capped quick around level 300 armored.

It was never about the time. In fact many asked to just start at level 200-300 or so in order to save time. Well, we sorta got that.

I don't think you can not play meta anymore because the belligerent power is there regardless what you pick with no real counter scaling.
Unless you want to just play the game with no mods on your frames. I guess that could work?


Edited by Xzorn
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1 hour ago, Anti-Incarnon said:

I need to press more buttons in order to keep myself alive

Yeah but this gets over complicated and clunky for me. Example, chroma should just seep elemental ward automatically and they should replace that ability with something else and make it a passive. It's based on emissive so it ahould always be present but no, you have to activate it every 20-30 seconds.

1 hour ago, Anti-Incarnon said:

arcane I otherwise wouldn't use, in order to make a specific weapon work

I appreciate this from you but again for me, I don't have all day to "play" in the orbiter at mod stations and arsenal. I actually just want to run missions. Glad the game offers discovery for those inclined though.

1 hour ago, Anti-Incarnon said:

I can't necessarily rely on standard weapon builds, and I may need to choose weapons that compliment each other, with builds that work against different enemy types

Agree. Wish WF would allow multiple of the same weapon but not use slots. Duplicate weapon slots shoukd be allowed or allow to expand beyond three build types.

1 hour ago, Anti-Incarnon said:

I formaed my Aegrit multiple times

Aegrit is one of the few I still don't have. Need to get that one.

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I personally just use whatever I like at the time and so should everyone else , 

whether or not that is meta is usually not something I bother with.

There are a few instances of course where I choose a combination of things considered meta cause it makes sense (as in I couldn't do it without them after multiple tries ) like beating the 60 eyes solo. 

So I am not anti meta , I just like to use things that work and doesn't feel boring.


Edited by 0_The_F00l
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The point of everything is in the end to have fun. I'm running a mixed bag of weapons and frames, and I run them because I love their mechanics. I would never pick a weapon or frame based on if it was considered meta or not by someone else. I have no interest in being mainstream or underground, I enjoy what I enjoy because I enjoy it.

A big part for me in this game and others like it is to try and make farming as efficient as possible. That doesnt mean I follow the meta, it just means I'll use items that allow me to achieve high efficiency in farming while also being enjoyable. Right now that is practically any decent to good melee with Melee Influence along with the Grimoire and Torid, with a few exceptions where I run my good old Contagion Zaw.

The reason I use Torid is because I'm a huge beam/lance fan, have always been, no matter if it is sci-fi, fantasy or superhero stuff, it has always been appealing. I would have likely used Boar Prime Incarnon more if the beam interaction with certain things wasnt clunky as hell. Grimoire is used because it is simply cool and a very nice utility item. My Contagion is used because I've always been a fan of throwing "magical" weapons, especially massive #*!%ing hammers. I mean who doesnt wanna Thor things up right? I mainly use Dual Ichor at the moment as my melee since I love the mechanics. Sure it was bonkers prior to the "nerf", but now it allows for some tactical setups on maps, locking down bottlenecks with clouds in survival as you go kill elsewhere. The frame of choice mostly is Kullervo, since he just adds that oomph! to melee. Even if he didnt get crit chance from his teleport I'd likely still use him since there is just something with the combination of teleporting and unleashing daggers to keep defenses up as you wade through enemies in some berserker manner.

But then at the same time I also enjoy playing builds that practically dont use any weapons at all, like when I play my Dagath, that is built like a full caster, practically only using the Grimoire and the occasional hammer throw when/if I use a weapon in a mission at all.

The three frames I enjoy most atm are Kullervo, Dagath and Frost.

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Meta conspiracy theories haven't been funny for ages.

dry facts:

  • I can play almost all of the content in public SOLO with the warframes/weapons from 2013.
  • Solo players who have extremely long runs in missions like Surv usually get a ban.


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In my opinion meta is only relevant if you're doing endurance runs, which most people are not doing. SP and Archon Hunts are the only things I can think of on the spot where having a significantly well prepared build is truly important, maybe also the Deep Arcamedia when it drops. So outside of literal hard mode and the current highest level activity in the game I see no reason not to just play with what you like as long as you're not dying every 2 minutes.

And if other players who rely only on meta builds complain that you're slowing them down, they should chill out. Just because they found a way to trivialize the game doesn't mean everyone else should be required to play the same way. 

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1 hour ago, Venus-Venera said:


  • Solo players who have extremely long runs in missions like Surv usually get a ban.

Man, this warning always scares me.  I love a good endless horde mode and nothing sounds better than coming home from work, grabbing a cold drink, and soloing until I die or it's 4am.  I don't want my account nuked because I enjoyed a particular game mode a little too much, lol.  

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vor einer Stunde schrieb MetalMechabolic:

Man, this warning always scares me.  I love a good endless horde mode and nothing sounds better than coming home from work, grabbing a cold drink, and soloing until I die or it's 4am.  I don't want my account nuked because I enjoyed a particular game mode a little too much, lol.  

me too! Because it's a special thrill to push yourself to the limits. But unfortunately I know too many examples where people were banned unfairly. In solo mode you can often take breaks and even go to sleep while playing. That's why after x-xx hours there are already very good extra drops for mats.
just... the company's policy is that it is "supposedly" (blatant lie) not possible??? even if it is streamed live...

That's why I don't play longer than 25 minutes. no desire for this clown show

Edited by Venus-Venera
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*shrugs* Cool. Glad you're enjoying the game. 

The unfortunate truth is that people will always take the path of least resistance. So while I admire your conviction and desire to encourage folks to see why not playing the Meta can be more thrilling and enjoyable....

You're talking to a blind wall with no ears.

The bulk of gamers want easy and quick gameplay, especially in grinding games with crap drop rates, and thus they let the meta dictate the game for them. They won't dare humor anything outside of it. 

I myself ignore the meta. Always have, always will, I play with what I enjoy. (I truly am an Ash Main...)

I use to get made when weapons I liked became Meta.


When the Arca Plasmor first came out. I got called trash for using it. As the meta said it was MR Fodder.

Then...one...cursed day...it became meta. (I assume some streamer used it and liked it...) and now "I" was being accused of bowing to the Meta. And man it used to PISS me off.

Now I just don't care. 

I solo Netracells with my Tenet Plasmor, Aklex, and Syam or my Corinth, Aegrit, and Rattleguts. 

Or...cause its fun as hell. I do the ultimate blasphemy...

I Solo em as my Necramech. *Audience loudly gasps, multiple people faint, some have heart attacks, thebheads of some explode, others have strokes and die*

I also chose the Operator (not Drifter) *phone blows up in some reader's hand*  and use a custom Amp that suits my play style. *A reader's PC blows up, blasting them out of their window*

Hell, I even managed to take down The Fragmented One with a Tenet Plasmor, Laetum (renamed Maestum), and Syam. Wasn't easy admittedly but very doable. 

*Random guy turns around in his chair: "Now you've done it. You mad me turn around in my chair."*

In other words..I'm right there with ya OP. =]

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Sounds like you still use the meta though. You mention weapon power? Using weapons and guns in a game like Warframe sounds pretty effective and optimal to me. You know who actually doesn't follow the meta? Me, myself and I. I'm different like that, I'm built different, I ain't normal. Sometimes at the beginning of the mission? I just quit right away. Most people would try to complete the mission, but I am unexpected like that, keep the enemies on their toes. I don't follow the rules, I make the rules. I don't follow the meta, I exist outside the meta. If I don't quit? Well why shoot the enemy...? Meta players kill the enemy, but I don't follow the meta. I play the game with my elbows, because using my hands is too conventional and efficient! I jump into the enemies, and nudge them with rolls. I do wall latches, most people don't even know what a wall latch is, but I am out here, doing that! 

Some people do blindfolded speed runs? Thats too mundane and normal for me, I do slow runs, with my blindfold around my neck instead. I'm not like other gamers, or players, or meta chasers. Sometimes I tape a book in a language I can't understand, upside down on my screen when I am playing Warframe, to ensure I use the most anti meta way of playing the game. Its more thought provoking and deep that way. Playing the game without playing the game or understanding anything. Thats a new level of humility and intellectual prowess most humans can't even comprehend. I'm unique. 

(I get what you mean though OP, just that well, the meta can be a pretty... Different people can use the term more strictly or loosely depending on context. Meta still also often relies on certain variables though, and that can create complexity which can create nuance. Like one could argue there are meta Warframes in general, because of their utility and potential across a range of different mission types, broadly speaking, but then for some more specific activities, whats meta will be more specific in return. Like comparing Eidolon hunting metas with speed running Capture missions. Is someone off meta for using one of the strongest shotguns outside Incarnons? Just by virtue of it not being Incarnon or the best? Or is it still a meta weapon for its category? What if you mod that weapon using meta mods? What about the roll of fun and coincidence? Also challenge and opposition. In Warframe, there is certain content that even using the weakest weapons in the game, is still mindlessly easy. So, there can be a lot more involved with an individuals selection of tools within any given moment, even if only compared to themselves. I personally don't care much for the meta, but I also don't let it dictate how I play either, sometimes weapons I enjoy, can overlap with perceptions of the meta. The reason can vary too.)

So I don't really disagree with you, and I do generally think some people can sometimes act counter productively to their own enjoyment and general experiences, by trying to stick too rigidly to the "meta" as they perceive it, but... you always want to be careful about framing the issue, since for some people, thats there legit preference or what they enjoy, or its more nuanced or complicated. I personally like more variety and my favs, but sometimes my own selection addresses different variables around different content. 

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The irony is that by being explicitly anti-meta, you're still letting the meta define your gameplay just like players who chase the meta.  Whether you only use meta or never use meta, both standpoints let the meta determine what options you engage with.

In my opinion, the far better choice is to simply not care about the meta.  Use what's fun for you, let others use what's fun for them, and don't waste a single bit of your energy on thinking about whether anything is meta or not.

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8 hours ago, MetalMechabolic said:

Man, this warning always scares me.  I love a good endless horde mode and nothing sounds better than coming home from work, grabbing a cold drink, and soloing until I die or it's 4am.  I don't want my account nuked because I enjoyed a particular game mode a little too much, lol.  

I've never heard of anyone getting an actual account banned from running endurance. I have gotten more than a few 2 week trade bans for for running endurance but that has not happened to me in like 3 years. I don't think anyone else has gotten a trade ban in that time either, if they heave I haven't heard about it. 

Play whatever you want for however long you want and don't worry about it. 

People get their accounts locked for going into negative plat though. If you get bad plat from someone that bought it from a 3rd party site or bought it then canceled their payment DE will remove the at from your account and put you in the negative until you buy enough to go positive again. I'd be more worried about this honestly..

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