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i feel like dante is too good ?


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1 hour ago, phantasmalWordsmith said:

Just gotten out of a run of sanctuary onslaught where a Dante which jacked up Casting Speed - looked like he was using Madurai, who knows about the mods - was able to spam abilities so quickly that it actually caused framerate issues

1 hour ago, phantasmalWordsmith said:

I'm also certain there was a Macro involved cause it was rediculous how quickly he was casting Dark Verse.

Using "inhuman" macros is already a bannable offense that can get you "perma" banned. If you think that's the case, it's better to report the individual instead of asking for a nerf that affects everyone.

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2x Tau casting speed (75%). 2x Corrosive stacks for my phantasma corrosive build. 1x energy orb booster.



No natural talent. I considered it, but it was not needed. Also no madurai. Avid Vazarin devout.

I have equilibrium and nourish for energy sustain with a pet with both mods to generate orbs for my energy economy. I cant run out of energy even with 45% eff.

Im not joking, i can SPAM as many verses i -want- as fast as i want by simply having one finger on W. To run around. Using my mouse to move. And the other finger one 3. 

No macro is involved. Just spamming 3. 


I duno who you encoutered in ESO. But i know i ran it ALOT with this build testing and forma'ing my dante. So i feel i at least -could- be the target here. So i thought i'd share the build and show just how easy it is to accomplish what you are saying.



Ps, uppgrade potato computer or at least lower the settings after the lighting uppdate. Alot of ppl are having performance issues BECAUSE of the lighting. 

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42 minutes ago, -ShadowRadiance- said:

Ps, uppgrade potato computer or at least lower the settings after the lighting uppdate. Alot of ppl are having performance issues BECAUSE of the lighting. 

THIS, my pc is also on the lower end so i was also affected by this, it sucks but it's what it is

I had to lower my graphics settings to the lowest and still getting lower fps than what i did before the update

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Ok , so after testing and investing 5 forma in him (dante + noctua) , I have to say he is pretty powerful.

Dante by himself is amazing support for with emphasis on survival, thanks to almost always on overguard , with cheap casting over a large range that can last a very long time even with moderate duration.

He can also do some serious damage with his abilities that debuff and bleed enemies, but like all  abilities that don't have scaling components they will eventually fall off, so I am not sure why players are comparing him to equinox. They are rather different, excellent damage but more effective as a debuffer than a dps after a certain point.

But what sets him apart and makes him a lot more versatile is noctua (0v0) , having slash damage as primary (which pairs well with his passive)  , with decent crit and status and a long range arca plasmor as secondary attack with nearly 100k damage - with moderate investment - is no joke. And the icing on the cake is the grimoires mods that can make it into a much more powerful support if you don't want to use it for damage.

The downside is the minor inconvenience of having to prep your spells that may feel wasted or take a little time to cast (cast speed really helps) ,

There may be some number changes that may happen , but overall dante has a solid kit. Needs if any would likely be for the overguard numbers, similar to the nourish changes the rest felt pretty balanced.

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Every Youtuber's Thumbnail on Dante nowadays: "PLEASE DON'T NERF THIS DE"
Plus, all these people asking for Dante nerfs, and complaining about how he's "too strong".

Now let me ask you a few things:

  • Do you press one button to do everything Dante can do? or by being completely AFK?
  • Do you manage to keep your overguard up all the time at very high levels?
  • Did you encounter a bug with Dante that causes massive frame rate drops?
  • Is your "OP" Dante capable of killing all enemies without any long set ups?

Most of these questions, I am 100% certain they will be a no, This Community man, like...where were you when Kullervo got his buff? Bro can clear entire rows with a 1, 3 combo...and Dante can't even fully benefit from the radial aoe on Tragedy.


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It happens with all frames Prof (Hi Qorvex99)

People either scream for a Nerf to cause trolling or harassment or think he's too strong because it overshadows their favourite frame, but look at any other frame in the tier list, Rev, Mesa, Saryn, Voruna and now Nezha, etc

If DE do nerf him, they'll prob only knock a few pegs down and that's that, but even if they somewhat nerf him, he'll still be a very strong frame regardless

Edited by Circle_of_Psi
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24 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Do you press one button to do everything Dante can do? or by being completely AFK?

Your spell management isn't hard at all with base 45sec duration on your buffs and natural talent or amber shards for casting speed.

23 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Do you manage to keep your overguard up all the time at very high levels?


23 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Did you encounter a bug with Dante that causes massive frame rate drops?

???? Excuse me sir, but this is quite a silly question.

24 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

Is your "OP" Dante capable of killing all enemies without any long set ups?


Dante kinda has everything you can dream of in his kit and works so well that it would be lying to pretend he is not "OP". He's only lacking CC, but that's definitely not an issue for him. Anyways, I don't remember DE ever nerfing a Warframe directly apart from some side effect of a fix on some broken code. So I'm not sure that you should be worried about a nerf tbh.

Although I think these people, just like me to some extent, fear a bit the powercreep gap that Warframe can create. And the issue I can see coming is that new content that DE will continue making will powercreep to oblivion too and then force players to play with the newest Warframes in a way. Which would be a shame since your arsenal diversity in this game is one of its strongest points imo.

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38 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

It happens with all frames Prof (Hi Qorvex99)

People either scream for a Nerf to cause trolling or harassment or think he's too strong because it overshadows their favourite frame, but look at any other frame in the tier list, Rev, Mesa, Saryn, Voruna and now Nezha, etc

If DE do nerf him, they'll prob only knock a few pegs down and that's that, but even if they somewhat nerf him, he'll still be a very strong frame regardless

Hello! (I'm so happy with my new name lol!)

to be honest he's perfect the way he is, I don't see any reason for him to be nerfed.


for example, I think Lavos Valence formation is too strong, and it definitely overshadows any other elemental infusion augments, but I thought about it for a second and realized...
with this augment equipped, Lavos has to either focus on weapon damage or ability damage...while Others with these augments can have the buff active and still being able to use abilities and the buff won't go away...

there is a reason for why everything is the way it is.
Dante has to be this decent for how much you're wasting time casting abilities.


12 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

???? Excuse me sir, but this is quite a silly question.

Why so? you answered it yourself here: 

12 minutes ago, Rathalio said:

I don't remember DE ever nerfing a Warframe directly apart from some side effect of a fix on some broken code.

Do you remember When Gyre was very strong on release, but it turned out that her lightning shocks caused massive frame rate drops and were completely broken? that's the type of overpowered DE nerfs, that's why I am asking.

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Just now, Prof-Dante said:

Why so? you answered it yourself here: 

Do you remember When Gyre was very strong on release, but it turned out that her lightning shocks caused massive frame rate drops and were completely broken? that's the type of overpowered DE nerfs, that's why I am asking.

Tbh I didn't really give that much of an extended try to Gyre before they got their first augment mod.

Also I was referring for example to Chroma's vex armor being "nerfed" by some code fix because the math were just wrong.

But comparable to Gyre I guess there is also Mirage trap build that was capped to prevent crashes. Although it's still largely strong enough to work well.

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But you don't need to be a room nuker frame to be broken... and objectively speaking this warframe is too strong.

Not counting the fact that it has 7 abilities which you can use without any disadvantage, the warframe is so good that I could see 3-4 Dante in a squad frequently. Why? because it literally has almost everything. It does the work of 10 warframes alone.

I'm not a balance expert or anything but it's obvious that a nerf is coming.

Edited by CosoMalvadoNG
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On 2024-03-31 at 6:52 PM, CosoMalvadoNG said:

I could see 3-4 Dante in a squad frequently.

Uh, same with Wisp? Revenant? I don't see why "I see x Frame in every squad" is considered a valid argument for how strong that frame is...Like, come on man. 


On 2024-03-31 at 7:01 PM, trst said:

Yeah I hope DE doesn't just nerf Dante. I hope they nerf all overperforming/gamebreaking frames.

but here's the thing, Dante isn't game breaking...

I guess that's what DE gets when they add high effectiveness to a frame that requires more than 2 button presses...

If I do all that effort and don't expect at least some good results then why am I even playing him?

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hace 4 minutos, Prof-Dante dijo:

Uh, same with Wisp? Revenant? I don't see why "I see x Frame in every squad" is considered a valid argument for how strong that frame is...Like, come on man. 

No matter your arguments, it is obvious that a nerf is coming.

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It's funny, I'm sure some people would say the opposite: that most of the comments are about things being useless or needing major buffs.  And then some people will think it's mostly about features people want or grousing about lack of content, or whatever.    Maybe what we see depends on where we tend to stand.

People have opinions, and more of than not they're not going to to match up with yours exactly.  Almost all of what we say here is just noise that will never affect the game, so personally I try to let most of it just roll by without affecting me much, and just read and reply to conversations that interest me.

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With respect, let people have their bad opinions.  Or respond to their bad opinions with your good opinions.  But it seems unhelpful to make an entirely new meta-thread about how some people on the internet have opinions you disagree with.

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11 minutes ago, UnstarPrime said:

With respect, let people have their bad opinions.  Or respond to their bad opinions with your good opinions.  But it seems unhelpful to make an entirely new meta-thread about how some people on the internet have opinions you disagree with.

i guess it's not about opinions he's disagree with, rather about behavioral pattern kinda "if i dont' like it - it deserves nerf. no matter what"

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It's funny cause that's not the crowd I usually see. I see this irritating group of people that CONSTANTLY beg, ask and demand changes, additions and everything else between Lua and the bloody void. It's not just Nerfing that they want it's a constant whining about something not being to their personal bloody liking. In the downtimes between updates and hotfixes is when it's at its worst.

Come with cool suggestions sure, but anyone who comes with suggestions based on their own inability to adapt, read the abilities, wiki or forums, build their warframes and weapons properly to their own playstyle and so on can just stop whining. The best response I ever give to those people is "no" and "Git Gud" or "Read the wiki", "Do some testing" and so on...

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12 minutes ago, EternaldrkMako said:

what are people gonna ask to nerf now? 

Nerf the Forma forges times!

Nerf those chance of me not getting an Archon Shard

And most importantly nerf any Warframe that someone else can play and make me feel irritated!

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I'm going to take this line of logic a little further: I don't see people asking for nerfs in-game, but I don't see them asking for buffs either. In-game is not the place for feedback. These here forums, are the place

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Absurdity is not a crime, it's just distasteful. Let the absurd be absurd. The absurd likely have little self awareness of the absurdity that they exhibit. Those of rational minds don't or should not give into the demands of absurdity rather, to learn simply to observe it for what it is and possibly try to reason...yet when that fails, simply go on about their day. There will be other opportunities for learning and growth and we are not solely responsible for another's process of incremental change or stagnation. That will always be one's personal choice.

The whole notion that something should be changed for a small vocal minority's liking when it has mostly net positive benefit for the majority is absurd. Especially when the vocal minority can adapt. This type of non-concession is actually beneficial in that it spurns growth, albeit with some kicking and screaming. 

Teshin says "Adapt and overcome! Steel sharpens steel." 



Edited by NeDesitVirtus
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