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All This Hate On Mutalist Osprey, Analysis On People Reactions To New Difficulty


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"Those Gas clouds are OP", "They are too tough to take down", "I cant kill em with melee" Is all i hear now holy dam guys. Makes me feel like:




Did you forgot to use that Gold Rhino skin of yours? or is your Soma not accurate enough to shoot em down?

Maybe standing on that poisonous cloud wasnt such a good idea.





Now the Mutalist Ospreys, this little buggers:



They are causing quite the QQ burst with only like what 2 days? Must be a record.

For those who havent Experienced a fight with this guys basically they carry crawlers around and then rush at you leaving a trail of toxic damage.


Now the bigest complain i heard is that the cloud deals too much damage, since it deals Toxic damage so it bypass shields. You complain that Drones spread Toxic damage clouds and complain about a lack of real dificulty on the game yet when something that actually requires you to think rather than blindly shoot then "THATS OP"


On the meantime we have Warframes that can bend space time (Booben Vortex), Create firestorms out of thin air (Ember) and break all laws of logic and stomp the ground so hard that Time stops, only for our enemies. Not to mention Machineguns with insane damage output (Soma), Yet powered Hammers (Yat Kitten), Lightning storm rifles (Amprex), Technically unlimited ammo explosives (Penta) and @(*()$ flamethrowers.


But hey THEY are the OP ones for DARING to update their arsenal with TOXIC WEAPONS! and im reading too much Frank Miller.... DAMMIT FRANK!


the source of the QQ

I got to say is pretty sad when the mayor complain about a new enemy is that its op cause its methot of attack is apparently too complicated for the players to figure out how to evade. This is all caused due to how players are used to have everything with such ease. Before this Infested Drones the most complex thread we had was a Shield osprey shielding that 2 HP Crewmen right when we where about to nail a Headshot or, of course, the $&*^ head Disruptor Ancients sapping our energy on the worst moments.


But even then we didnt have anything that would catch us by surprice, that required us to actually think before shooting. But unlike those This is a smart infested using the Warframe's worst nightmares: Toxic Damage.


Not just that but this is an Agile enemy that can also take a few more hits before death, they are not tanks but their speed, coupled with their small frame and rather resistant skin (for a small unit) make this new Ospreys quite the challenge, and unlike the T4 Enemies this is a fair one at that.


I have fought them quite often now and i got to say they never really dash unless they drop their Crawler and even then is rare for the to dash more than once and the cloud is not that big either, is long but not that with.


Final notes

Guys this is a new Challenge, the kind of challenge we needed on this game and coupled with the new badass hive ships and the upcoming fan units (like the Juggernaut that im sure will be the first of them to appear) marks a step on the right direction for warframe and i cant wait to see what other new plans DE has.


Just one thing, that Poison cloud dissapear sometimes, if you guys could fix that thanks. My only complain on them, and its not directly on them but just a minor bug that may &!$$ off some people.


Hope this reading helped some of you to open your mind. Warframe is not just Somas and Rhinos guys, there are many other creative weapons and strategies you can use to engage on a mission. Turn on your brains, embrace the challenge and whine when something deserves it. Like the Broken Lights that thankfully are gone.



Legit Player Suggestions

Heres a good growing thread with Suggestions for the osprey: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/249651-infested-osprey-suggestion/


Here are some ideas i have collected through the comments on this thread that may help this little buggers be improved the right way:

- Their hitboxes are smaller than their actualy size, i agree that they only seem to take damage on the center.

- Many players have reported that they tent to get stuck on terrain on defence mission, i know that happens alot but i hate to break it to ya people ITS NOT THE OSPREY'S FAULT thats a pathing issue that has been affecting various units on defence missions, specially the infested who tent to get stuck on spawn or terrain. ITS AN AI ISSUE THAT AFFECTS OTHER CREATURES NOT JUST THE OSPREY, DONT BLAME THE OSPREY FOR AN OLD PROBLEM. Though i hope DE figures out how to fix that pathing problem.

Edited by The_Sharp_Demonologist
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If you don't have a high base-health, you die. Mag/Loki die almost instantly to them.

If you encounter a swarm of these guys, you die

they need their hitboxes increased in size.


not only do you have to worry about these guys, you have all kinds of infested that can overwhelm you and easily leave you downed wthin seconds.

Edited by Towermice
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From what I've heard it's not so much that they deal toxin damage but they deal a lot more toxin damage than they comparatively should be, such that Toxic Ancients are like a mild allergic reaction in comparison on similar levels, and lack a distinct audio warning like Oxium Ospreys do. 


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If you don't have a high base-health, you die. Mag dies almost instantly to them.

If you encounter a swarm of these guys, you die

they need their hitboxes increased in size.


1: don't go into the toxic cloud.

2: again, mobility is key.

3: shoot more accurately.

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Guns work, when you can actually hit them, and when 10 of them spawn in a defense and you need to hit all of them, you're going to have a room full of toxic gas with a 75% chance of toxic proc.


1: don't go into the toxic cloud.

2: again, mobility is key.

3: shoot more accurately.

Ohey xethier :p


Gonna have to disagree with you, the toxic cloud comes to YOU, it has a very high chance to proc toxic, and their hit box is literally smaller then they are.

Edited by rapt0rman
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They aren't a problem for me.


Now, what I think is funny is people will start bleeding out in those gas clouds, and just sit there and expect me to revive them. Yeah, no. You can crawl your &#! out of that cloud first. =__=

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I like them.  My hate for them is more of.  "Oh you little SOB, I'll get you for that"

the sounds they make, the gas they spray (looks cooler after the hotfix)

and that unlike most of the Infested, they take more than a few shots to take down.

makes fighting the Infested more fun.  I can't wait for the MOAs.  jump-flipping little buggers

Edited by OniDarkClown
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1: don't go into the toxic cloud.

2: again, mobility is key.

3: shoot more accurately.

1. This ties into 2, if you move as a group (which is encouraged) their attacks are going to be more spread out meaning that you HAVE to run into them. If you don't move as a group than the ospreys are so small that you have to stop to aim at them and shoot, leaving you vulnerable to ambushes and getting "clouded".


2. If one of your team-mates are downed after taking a cluster of clouds from like 10 different ospreys to the face, what do you think is going to happen.


3.that's not a solution at all, that's like if we had a bullet-sponge boss (which we have many of) and you said "do more damage".

Edited by Towermice
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i don't know what to tell you, i really enjoy the additions.

i like the fact that there is something challenging again.


it's like going back to u10 or so with the toxic ancients that would flatten you in seconds with their toxic cloud.

except these are harder to dodge. ;)

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1: don't go into the toxic cloud.

2: again, mobility is key.

3: shoot more accurately.

When you're swarmed by tons of infested, it's easy to lose track of the ones that fly. Not to mention that they often get stuck on edges due to improper pathing and will manage to dump their load without you ever knowing that they're there (though that's clearly something that just needs fixed). And, as someone else said, they don't have any audio cue as to when they're about to release poison so it's fairly difficult to get out of the way if you don't see them (if you hear an Oxium osprey chirp you can at least run around a corner quickly).


On top of that, getting an instant 8 Toxin stacks is just brutal, especially for non-tank frames. Even with a high rank Vitality, maxed Antitoxin, AND Rejuvenation on my Ember Prime, I'd almost die to those 8 Toxin stacks (and usually would die to another osprey). I don't even dare use a less offensive caster frame in this event mission because it'll just be hell.

Edited by Ailith
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I remember when people brought shotguns to fight infested because of reasons like this <3


Oh, sweet, young Tenno... I bring you gifts:




Or my personal favorite:




Can kill them before they launch their poison trail - Check


Doesn't care about hitbox size - Check


Enough damage to take them out in 1-2 shots - Check

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I like the little buggers. They're like Nova; they're fast, fragile, and deadly. If you aren't careful, you'll go down, but if you keep your distance, bring the proper equipment and fight well, you'll be fine. The hitbox could be corrected, but no more than the size of the Osprey itself. They're supposed to be hard to hit. They force you to use an ability, an AoE weapon, or hone your sharpshooting skills.


The rage is a little justified, though. After all, it's hard not to be ambushed by one of these buttholes.

Edited by AlchemistMute
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They aren't a problem for me.


Now, what I think is funny is people will start bleeding out in those gas clouds, and just sit there and expect me to revive them. Yeah, no. You can crawl your @$$ out of that cloud first. =__=


LMFAO ditto to this


I've been doing Sechura, Pluto for a while this morning. My teammates kept getting downed by those Osprey, following some sort of random yet hilarious complaint. I've been playing so poorly because I can't even stop laughing at it. I feel pretty bad for laughing though. I'm still generous enough to wait for the fart clouds to dissipate before reviving them


I wanna say people forgot how to actually play a game, but then again I can agree that the hitbox is way too small for how much wild movement it makes.

Edited by Trowicia
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