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Coming Soon: Devstream #74!


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*cough* Limbo QOL changes *cough*

*cough* More viable stealth play 

*cough*Wrym prime*cough*


*cough*Cheese pizza/burnout*cough*


*cough*Umbra excal*cough*

*cough*Sniper issues*cough*


*COUGH* notice me sepai!*COUGH*



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My questions:

- A long time ago, when Wyrm and Shade were the only Sentinels, there was mention ( during Devstreams ) of Sentinels possibly hacking things for us. Has this been abandoned, forgotten, or just a low priority?

- Why do we give samples of Orokin technology ( Forma, Potatoes, Prime parts ) to Syndicates/Baro Ki'Teer? How does this maintain the Balance?
Please give me a lore-related reason to do this, even if only a little ingame queue of the Lotus giving me the OK to help out these Syndicates and/or Baro Ki'Teer.

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Hello friends ^.^ I'll try to just toss up an unordered list of questions that hopefully aren't invasive (such as the obviously quest related infested growth) or otherwise inconvenient to answer.

  • Obligatory Umbra request. At least some lore hints?
  • Replayable quests? Please?
  • Is there even any interest at DE in the melee/sniper combo system and "bandaid mods" in general?
  • Is there any consideration being given to removing or changing so many "required" mods, such as base damage mods, multishot mods, or elemental/IPS damage mods?
  • Any plans for unvaulting primes?
  • Whenever more discussion is had regarding star chart 3.0, could information about accessing the void accompany it as well?
  • What prospects are there for the game leaving open beta to a full release? Though reworks have been coming out reliably, the steady stream of new items with no fixes to old ones (deception missions still being a thing, constant influx of new frames without enough bosses for even the current number, limitations in modding, less than stellar new player experience, missing information that requires wiki checks like item drop locations and ability interactions, and so on).
  • Are there any thoughts on alternative and more interesting mission types AND methods of loot/affinity acquisition, such as an entirely movement based mission with required advanced parkour usage?
  • Any interest in making stealth with non-invisible frames feasible? Maybe while undetected introducing a minimum distance between enemies / more intelligent pathing, possibly using predetermined patrol routes? Otherwise, even just making stealth finishers less detrimental to stealth?
  • Oberon rework? Banshee rework? Ember consideration?
  • Any thoughts on power creep, such as Dakra Prime being currently very uncommon but also matched or significantly outclassed in every regard by the guaranteed quest reward, Broken War?

Thank you so much. I didn't even get to touch on syndicates, focus, or companions, but I'm sure others will and I hope to see many more valuable changes and less miscellaneous mastery fodder.

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You've said recently that inventory slots are here to stay, at least for the foreseeable future; are there any plans to at least make them less of a barrier for new players? Expanding the number of starting slots, awarding slots for mastery rank-ups (or alerts, like potatoes), and/or providing some way to demo weapons/frames before building them (be it hands-on or just short video clips) so players can more easily learn what they want are a few ideas that have come up in recent discussions; any of them would go a long way towards making arsenal management feel less restrictive early on.

Any chance that stances with only one or two extra combos will get some attention soon? Both polearm stances come to immediate mind, but a few others like Coiling Viper and Pointed Wind could use help as well.

Can we get excavators to scale up their health by mission level like defense/mobile defense objectives do? It's really frustrating playing high-level excavations (especially alerts and sorties) if you're not running one of the handful of frames that can keep the drills from being destroyed in a few seconds.

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The gap between usefulness of sentinels and kubrows continues to grow, recently with the addition of Medi-Ray mod. Are there any plans on somehow closing or at least making the gap smaller? With AI improvements, mods and mechanics ([referably all of those)? Ie, there is no reason for Chesa not so simply "suck" loot around it like the Carrier does.

That said, do you, guys, plan to give in to community's desire, or do you even recognise it, to make Vacuum universal precept rather than Carrier-exclusive mod, while making Carrier useful in other ways, like for example, a literal additional ammo carrier?

What about other sentinels, that are sub-par to the most commonly used? Wyrm, Deathcube, Diriga and I believe the least used one: Djinn. Are there any plans on re-designing those?

Edited by Lijka
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Several questions;

1)You've mentioned on several occasions that The Second Dream was just the tip of the iceberg when it came to ideas for Warframe, so (and while I hate to sound pushy), what do you guys have planned in the future, post-War-Within? Archwing content, lore, general ideas?

2)On the topic of Archwing, aside from the movement overhaul, did you have anything major planned to improve and/or alter it? It feels like it has a lot of potential, but it seems to have just been set aside in favor of cinematic gameplay and such. 

3)Now that all classic frames have been Primed, what's next for the ancient Orokin? Are we just gonna continue priming the newer frames and weapons, or will we move on to Umbra? And on that topic, do you think we'll be seeing anything in terms of lore, story, or meaning behind the Ancient Orokin, i.e. what they are and how they got here?

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Just picking one of these would make my day Rebecca :3


Any time frame on when Ceres, Earth, or Jupiter Tileset will get some PBR/expansion love?


Also, can we please have 3 more slots for appearance customizations? Fashion Frame neeeeeeds it :3


Yo Geoff! Any chance of Sydon getting its own stance? With proper poking action? The polearm stance is a bit awkward with it being a trident. Could have a slew of new trident/spear weapons if they had their own stance. I know you guys can pull it off. Tonbo could also be put in that category.


And generally, most of the Tilesets are bit more compact and the like, will we see a new Tileset that embraces large open pieces more so than the others? Or we will the older ones have bigger pieces added? I think it could be really refreshing to have more of those. Some of the larger ones you've done are some of my favorites.

Edited by (XB1)DeadlyxElements
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Hey DE. Long time no see :)


Any plans on adding different Crosshairs depending on the weapon type and faction used?

For weapon faction

  • Grineer getting gritty steampunkish crosshairs themess. infested getting "living/pulsating" crosshairs, The tenno getting the classiest.

For weapon type

  • Launchers get round circle crosshair. Bows Get a bow like crosshair indicating range...., Melee weapons  crosshairs should even include some component of the combo system, I think it could help performing difficult moves a bit easier when attack speed mods are used.



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The addition of Focus Trees and the interesting changes and opportunities they brought really livened up the gameplay. But I am still wondering if you will ever touch up on some unlocks or in case of Unairu, entirely scrap the current design and go for something that actually plays to the concept that is advertised? 

I chose Unairu because it really went with my style and mindset. But I was very disappointed at what I was offered by it: a sub-par CC ability with a negligible connection to armor. I was expecting something along the lines of armor and elemental damage resistance buffs. Resistances to CC procs. etc.

As a personal opinion and vision of what Unairu should be, the main ability should to be centered around Iron Skin. And the armor-resistance buffs would come in small stacking parts. Playing to the point that you are supposed to survive longest, thus: the longer you play, the more powerful the ability and/or it's passives become. Up to a point at least. 

Edited by Lakais
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Two Question for the Price of One... so lucky!

1. Streamline.  What is the pros and cons of doing a major update that focuses ONLY on bug fixes, streamlining the UI/UX, and Warframe reworks?

Warframe is a massively complex work of exquisite, interactive art.  I fear one day it may collapse under its own weight when we learn to live with things like '/unstuck', a poor new user experience, and Limbo's needed rework becoming more and more distant.  As someone who works with code I can only imagine there is a back and forth between the needs of DE as a business and deadlines and the clamoring of engineers and programmers who yearn for this type of update.

2.Offline Play. What is the reasoning behind online onIy play?

I can control when I play and how I play.  However, what I can not control is if an internet connection will remain solid throughout my play experience. I know most players act self-entitled.  And I get it... feedback is usually just swimming through an ocean of first world problems.  But to me who has spent quite a bit of money on this game I don't feel it's fair that it should require an internet connection.  This also discourages long haul missions because why risk losing all your drops when the connection can cut at any time?  And that's part of the reason we have this 'to 20' meta.   Can we compromise and just play in the Simulacrum offline and go from there?  Hackers and cheaters will pop up I'm sure but to punish everyone for the actions of a few scrubs?  Hell I'd gladly play for the 'Offline Play Nav Segment'.  Get my identity, my money, and if my account ever hacks Warframe take me to court or something.  There has to be a compromise somewhere.

Other than that I love this game and all of you for making it what it is.  Thank you.

Edited by lihimsidhe
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Is there any plans, or do you think that there's any need, for group finding improvements or changes that change the way we currently do it, which is spamming recruit-channel? For example a group-finder tool, or selecting wanted void mission in star-chart and joining public void game.

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