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Dev Workshop Part 4: Hotfix 18.13.2 information & more!


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And now.... for Part 4! Dev Workshops: now officially with more parts than The Hobbit!

To continue from where we left off from Part 3, let's talk about enemy cheesiness.

Shovel in the ground on enemies: short term & long term.

In the short term there are enemies and enemy mechanics we are changing to reduce their cheesiness. These short term changes are coming in Hotfix 18.13.2 (should be tomorrow).

Enemy Plasma Grenades:

If you're like me and you have been playing a lot of Void Defense lately, it's more than likely you've had a mission failed due to one stray grenade from the enemy. These seemingly infinite-damage-scaling grenades of doom can be a death sentence, so here's what's coming:

Before enemy Plasma Grenades explode, they will live for 3 seconds after coming to a rest on the ground. Plasma Grenades can now be shot in air or when they are on the ground. When an enemy Plasma Grenade is shot and killed, it will explode and damage any enemies in range with no damage to you. A Tenno with a keen ear will be able to identify these threats and counter them with an accurate shot before it's too late.


Ballistas will have telegraphing when they are winding up to fire off a round from their deadly Vulkars. An observant Tenno will be better able to identify and prioritize these threats.

Hyekka Masters: 

For now this is as simple as fixing the Hyekka Master’s Ignis dealing damage through walls.

Should you have anything else in mind, leave a comment below linking to your existing feedback thread, or simply discuss here.

Long term:

The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here.

Warframe Feedback:

We've reviewed and made some changes to the following Warframe abilities. Everything is subject to change pending testing, but here are our current plans for Hotfix 18.13.2. Please note we also have a stack of fixes coming, but those are rooted in bug squashing and not principle design so aren't covered here.

Trinity: Blessing: Damage Resistance is no longer calculated based on an Average, but instead a flat value simply capped at 75% (which can be achieved via use of Strength mods). We are working on making the squad UI show who is in range with the Tenno Affinity markers, it might not be ready for 18.13.2.

Valkyr: Hysteria: Each kill reduces her Hysteria Aura by 1 meter, the aura will continue to grow but killing frequently will keep it tight around you so you can control its range.

The Forma'ing

We've received word from the Lotus that everyone will have 7 days following the launch of 18.13.2 to claim a free Forma via inbox simply by logging in.

With the power of all your Draco runs, we have intercepted this message:

 You have fought long and hard for our cause - learning to master many Warframes and Weapons in your Arsenal. Take this gift of Forma as a token of my appreciation for your willingness to bend the will of your equipment to suit your needs on the battlefield.

The Lotus.

June 1 Update:

Here comes another Update on Hotfix 18.13.2.

Starting Mod Capacity Changes:

When Hotfix 18.13.2 launches, the starting Mod Capacity for your gear (new or Forma'd) is now determined by your Mastery Rank and if an item has an Orokin Reactor or Catalyst installed.

For example, a Mastery 20 player would experience the following:

  • Claim a new Warframe from the Foundry with no Reactor installed.
  • Observe the 'Unranked' item and see the starting the Mod capacity is 20.
  • Install a Reactor, observe the Mod capacity has doubled to 40.

This is determined by the following:

Starting Mod Capacity = Mastery Rank (if Orokin Reactor/Catalyst installed: x2).

The cap on capacity remains unchanged.

Please note this is a slight deviation of our discussions on how Mastery Rank will reflect gear level, but by affecting capacity it fundamentally enables you to use Mods the moment you get your hands on new gear or Forma an item. Have fun!



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Excellent Ballista change.  Likewise with the enemy plasma grenades.  I have literally never seen one in the game but I do die 'randomly' from time to time.  The audio signature should help.

Bombards should either have super slow missiles that will follow you from room to room or have much slower turning circles.  They should also not punchthrough pillars.

I think Sapping Ospreys should be toned down and and Mine Ospreys seriously buffed.  I think the shields of Shield Lancers should be immune to punchthrough, and Grineer should use this as a tactic to get their melee units into range.

Re: starting capacity... nice but check out this solution.  I think it's a lot better:


I honestly like the current Bless better.  I think one frame should have  75% damage reduction as a main ability but it should be much shorter, around 8s and not spammable.  Nor should it be on the frame that is the best healer and only energy provider.

Even after the nerf, Trinity was the most powerful frame in the game.  Now you've buffed her.  How are the other healer frames supposed to compete?  If you're planning a nerf to Energy Vampire then good.  But rather than taking an axe to it, have a look at this suggestion:

Also, remake her first skill.


Grunts die in 1 shot in everything but Sortie 2+ and raids... and I can't even trigger a single shot.  When I first started playing Warframe, I had to be tactical.  I had to use cover.  I had to actually think how to approach fights.  Nowadays I can literally aim roughly at the floor with a Sonicor and everything dies.

The elite units are fine but the grunts need a serious HP buff.

Most of the people complaining about scaling don't know how to mod, or feel entitled to sit in endless for an hour and then complain about the enemy being too hard.

We need missions where enemies start harder but scale more slowly eg we want missions starting around level 100 (like Sorties but with a 2x damage buff instead) but that scale half as fast.  I know Void is being blown but but as an illustrative example:

T1 starts at level 40 but only scales to level 70 after an hour.
T2 starts at level 60 but only scales to level 90 after an hour.
T3 starts at level 80 but only scales to level 110 after an hour.
T4 starts at level 100 but only scales to level 130 after an hour.

Actually, since you have kinked in-game scaling now, difficulty should ramp up in the first few minutes (as a warmup), then slow down as above.

With a 2x damage buff instead of 3x, they should be doable by every veteran player and every frame.

I've been trying to get some feedback on my idea to change the EHP and damage curves:

Lastly, think about how to make solo easier.  They have to face up to 900% more armour, get no free revives, have to kill twice as many enemies per player and get half the rewards.

Edited by Fifield
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I think these are fantastic changes, especially the Trinity and Valkyr ones.

The Trinity Bless buff will keep her useful for Raids but will not keep Raid easy and in a broken-ish state so this is fantastic.
The Valkyr ones were hardly necessary but will reward aggressive melee play which is how Hysteria Valkyr should play, so thank you for these changes!

As a thought in case any are required, enemy scaling only becomes ridiculous because of damage and armour, so if the armour were to be capped for each enemy at around level 150 as well as the damage then with scaling health still applying, there would be far more counter play and ability to stay in missions past this level.

Edited by Orthelius
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Thanks I guess, at least y'all can calm some trinity players, tho 75% is still gonna get you killed in higher level missions, better than the usual 20% Damage Reduction have been getting since friday from trinity players tho...

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Any words about the useless passives? Since you ignored pretty much any feedback we gave prior the launch, have you bothered to reconsider our suggestions now that you've seen the outcome of your decisions?

PS: When I read "The Forma'ing" I genuinely thought that you would add the MR Forma suggestion: When you forma something it starts at the level of your MR. How cute of me to think something like that.

Edited by residente
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1 minute ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

Uh... what's with the free Forma? I mean, for the people that actually needs it, having one for every day after 18.12.2 for a total of 7 Forma sounds much more reasonable.

Is it because these changes may ruin some builds?

Most likely, most frames are heavily built around using one ability.

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As always, thank you for the information, Rebecca.


27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Enemy Plasma Grenades:

Nice changes, but the problem isn't neccessarily hearing them so much as finding them. They're small, don't stand out, and are visually drowned by just about everything.

Edit: As per carnaga's vid.

18 minutes ago, LazerSkink said:

(by @carnaga)

Wow, that was beautiful.


27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


What's the telegraph's visual range? Will I still get insta-shotgunned walking through a door 7m from a Ballista/Sniper/Nullifier?


27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hyekka Masters: 

I assume this won't apply to Scorches, though? 'cuz honestly, they're much more dangerous.


27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Long term:

Cool. Look forward to hearing what comes out of the discussions.


27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Trinity: Blessing:

Valkyr: Hysteria:

Trin: Honestly, this is what I expected to happen in the first place. I'd wonder if 75% DR (1/4 incoming damage) might not be a bit much, from a balancing perspective. (i.e. it's a significant difference in enemy damage if you have Blessing or not.) And yay for UI markers, if the Blessing/Affinity range connection remains.

Valkyr: Interesting, though LoS checks have always been somewhat wonky. We'll see how this works.



27 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

The Forma'ing

... what?  Am I missing something here?

I mean, a free Forma is a free Forma, but...?

Oh, for reformaing builds; I assume. Thanks for the gesture.

Edited by Chroia
Added carnaga's vid.
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17 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Hyekka Masters: 



For now this is as simple as fixing the Hyekka Master’s Ignis dealing damage through walls.

I don't remember having much trouble against them, but the Scorch unit is rather obnoxious when it comes to their Ignis melting everything, even through obstacles and certain abilities.

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19 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

now officially with more parts than The Hobbit!

Why did this burnt me?

19 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Enemy Plasma Grenades:

If you're like me and you have been playing a lot of Void Defense lately, it's more than likely you've had a mission failed due to one stray grenade from the enemy. These seemingly infinite-damage-scaling grenades of doom can be a death sentence, so here's what's coming:

Before enemy Plasma Grenades explode, they will live for 3 seconds after coming to a rest on the ground. Plasma Grenades can now be shot in air or when they are on the ground. When an enemy Plasma Grenade is shot and killed, it will explode and damage any enemies in range with no damage to you. A Tenno with a keen ear will be able to identify these threats and counter them with an accurate shot before it's too late.

Can we get a prompt that allows us to use our melee weapons to "deflect" these grenades like QTE or?

  • Rather than we pick it up we can deflect it with our melee weapons, either when its about to land near us or after it landed (this require Visual cues) even when we spin attack.
  • When we pick it up, we do front roll and while we in it we get 6 dimension control (new archwing control by papa Steve) where we can gun enemies while flipping.


19 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

Long term:

The bigger picture is the way enemy damage and EHP scales in the higher level content. We are discussing a few options at this time on the way scaling works, but ultimately we will preserve increased difficulty over time that demands a 'be careful and get out or get killed' set of stakes the longer you spend in a mission. The long term of this will demand a greater Dev Workshop as we make decisions on the topic - more to come here.

IF our abilities scales with enemies by % instead of just flat numbers then am ok otherwise give enemies the aim of these guys 



Edited by Prinny13
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