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The War Within: Less wait, more update!


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11 minutes ago, Diaemus said:

Sad to admit it, but your “alterations” usually do not delight me in the slightest. Most of them are poorly thought of and show complete lack of knowledge about your own game. Like the recent Trinity “alterations” with lowering the strength of Bless with the number of players. Anyone who has at least 100 hours in Warframe knows that Trinity is mostly used on Raids. And that is the only place you have even more players than usual.

Volt after the late rework became more broken than ever. His Ult affects enemies randomly and does not affect any mechanical defenses at all. So you can Ult in the crowded Corpus room and have 0 effect on the defenses and close to a 0 (it is random, so pray to RNGsus) effect on the enemies.

The point is: You better really really really think about those changes. Because each one costs players real money (on formas/cores etc) and time (leveling the frame).

So each time you brake something we put tons of our time (and some money) on, you do damage that is hard to repair. Especially with increasing rarity of updates (U18was 6 months ago and IMO was horrible), a year without new weapons from Barro Ki, and general decline in quality (the “Long Lag Epic”, game breaking bugs on Raids, Void towers, God-awful conclave with teleporting Tenno 600ms lags and 4 vs 1 fights, slightly less awful Archwing, constant nerfs, cosmetics that clip few feet away and so on) Warframe suffers nowadays.

As a player with short of 3000 hours in Warframe, the last year burned me out far to much. Far more than any other. Far more than I would have forgiven to any other game. Same with my clan. Not a single person in it farmed for Vauban Prime (and we have lots of the first days plat-hounds). That was the firs time in our little history. A very sad time in our little history.

So if you are diverting your people on some other project, stop please, before it is too late. And get back to creating new stuff for Warframe and not breaking the one that you got (especially if it works).

i think you're main issue is that you've spent TOO much time playing warframe. even with updates, nearly 3000 hrs is more than most games will give you these days. playing one game that much even over the course of a few years will burn most people out and make them take breaks, and it only gets worse from there unless the game changes completely

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Well I thought that Umbra Warframes were just a myth and would never see the light of this world... are you serious?????? Did they say something about it??????

1 minute ago, Demoonic said:

You're gonna be pleased then



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2 minutes ago, Plataras said:

Well I thought that Umbra Warframes were just a myth and would never see the light of this world... are you serious?????? Did they say something about it??????


only fan speculation 

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1 hour ago, NightBlitz said:

i think you're main issue is that you've spent TOO much time playing warframe. even with updates, nearly 3000 hrs is more than most games will give you these days. playing one game that much even over the course of a few years will burn most people out and make them take breaks, and it only gets worse from there unless the game changes completely

Thats why he have a right to tell stuff, coz he a THAT dedicated to the game and so he don't wanna make it worse. Even more-there LOTS of peoples who have 2k-3k hours on warframe, people who know why something exist, what need to be changed, what need to be left untouched and yes, DE have little to zero knowlege about their own game (maybe only becca know something)

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9 hours ago, (XB1)C0gnitive 0n3 said:

An update in broken segments??

Why do I worry that by the time Cert is passed, it may mean that it will be another 2-3 months before THIS update hits consoles?!

Why worry, this is simply what going to happen. The only thing we can do is take a break for few months and come back later.

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3 hours ago, Plataras said:

Dude I hope so... like... literally... I WANT MY UMBRA EXCALIBUR!!!!

They dont talk about it cus "spoilers" yeah spoilers for who i wonder???? the new players that are so insanely frustrated they dont give a .... who are they just go to planet and kill mobs 

i bet we not gon get Umba even this year ;) they promiss to release it 1 month after chinese and what happened?? oh wait 

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3 hours ago, Diaemus said:

Sad to admit it, but your “alterations” usually do not delight me in the slightest. Most of them are poorly thought of and show complete lack of knowledge about your own game. Like the recent Trinity “alterations” with lowering the strength of Bless with the number of players. Anyone who has at least 100 hours in Warframe knows that Trinity is mostly used on Raids. And that is the only place you have even more players than usual.

Volt after the late rework became more broken than ever. His Ult affects enemies randomly and does not affect any mechanical defenses at all. So you can Ult in the crowded Corpus room and have 0 effect on the defenses and close to a 0 (it is random, so pray to RNGsus) effect on the enemies.

The point is: You better really really really think about those changes. Because each one costs players real money (on formas/cores etc) and time (leveling the frame).

So each time you brake something we put tons of our time (and some money) on, you do damage that is hard to repair. Especially with increasing rarity of updates (U18was 6 months ago and IMO was horrible), a year without new weapons from Barro Ki, and general decline in quality (the “Long Lag Epic”, game breaking bugs on Raids, Void towers, God-awful conclave with teleporting Tenno 600ms lags and 4 vs 1 fights, slightly less awful Archwing, constant nerfs, cosmetics that clip few feet away and so on) Warframe suffers nowadays.

As a player with short of 3000 hours in Warframe, the last year burned me out far to much. Far more than any other. Far more than I would have forgiven to any other game. Same with my clan. Not a single person in it farmed for Vauban Prime (and we have lots of the first days plat-hounds). That was the firs time in our little history. A very sad time in our little history.

So if you are diverting your people on some other project, stop please, before it is too late. And get back to creating new stuff for Warframe and not breaking the one that you got (especially if it works).

I think you're putting your own perspective of what you're used to versus what WF is trying to become. It's currently in a transitional period as it tries to re-balance things in line with a greater transformation coming soon, and to be completely honest, some of the steps taken are heading in a very bright direction. Now, some of the content lately feels rushed or off, but that's because U19 is demanding so much manpower. Even if DE was full steam on every little detail, somethings need to be thrown through the public players hands to find the best feedback. What could take 50+ years of testing can be seen with about 30-45 minutes from the playerbase at large. Sometimes, things will break. Sometimes, what seems like a small glitch is actually the symptom of something That is very very very complex, like the Jordas Raid. Do you honestly think that if things were simple fixes, De wouldn't just patch it and roll out a hotfix? 

Now, DE has goofed up sometimes, and we shouldn't fan boy and lose our objective judgment. WF has reached it's level of success because of how active the playerbase is in feedback, but sometimes we acted spoiled. We expect DE to cave to our demands with every nerf, or for them to release something way before it can have a proper entrance cough cough Excal Umbra cough cough. At the end of the day, DE is the one coding and creating the game, bringing to life their vision that so many of use love to enjoy and play. Not every game is for everyone, and if WF is headed in a direction that you don't like, maybe it isn't for you any longer. You may have the most valid input in the world, but if DE wants to do something with their game and you don't like it, tough luck. 

For my own personal opinion, I think the direction WF is heading is great. Sure, it's in a rough spot now as it churns and roils like an angry sea, ready to billow forth with the rage of a storm, but many of these smaller changes upsetting people are just things that can be done quickly, so they can devote more energy to guiding the metamorphosis to it's true goal. 

Fact is, DE is hesitant to touch Volt atm because armor and enemies in general are getting updated in u19. They could toil over trying to fix him to a system that will be outdated in a month and delay these major updates even more, or they can leave him in the rather decent location he's in now. For Conclave lag, we have a system coming for that in u19, for Void fatigue, we have the void rework, for Archwing, DE is adding some new content, including a healer/support archwing and new mission types, Cosmetics are always gunna have some issues, as with how physics based WF is, and how violently those are thrown around, what drapes softly is gunna have an occasional issue firing through the air like a missile. New content layered on old content isn't devoid of bugs, so 'creating new stuff for Warframe and not breaking the one that you got' is still liable to break things. It's just part of coding and gaming. With DE's fairly constant stream of content, they simply aren't going to have the YEARS that pay to buy games have as part of their development process. 

Is every thing fine as it sits? No, but it isn't like DE is simply letting things flop on the floor and leaving it that way. It's just that their so close to a utterly massive update that we're seeing slight cracks form in quality assurance. Once DE pushes u19 out, and gets it running right, you can bet your bottom that they'll jump back to fixing things as best they can. For now, I'm content with the few minor bugs we have waiting for u19 to drop. 

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I'm not really sure that more pvp modes will work: try playing Warframe with a friend on side by side PCs and you can see just how odd the networking is, with the player and mod positions being radically different regardless of host. Now compare it to another online shooter (we tried Battlefront and Overwatch) and see the difference.

It is a result of the network and host/client system compared to dedicated host servers and results in some wierd issues - a lot of which will not really be helped by adding a fast moving objective.

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13 minutes ago, SquireAngel said:

Fact is, DE is hesitant to touch Volt atm because armor and enemies in general are getting updated in u19. They could toil over trying to fix him to a system that will be outdated in a month and delay these major updates even more, or they can leave him in the rather decent location he's in now. For Conclave lag, we have a system coming for that in u19, for Void fatigue, we have the void rework, for Archwing, DE is adding some new content, including a healer/support archwing and new mission types, Cosmetics are always gunna have some issues, as with how physics based WF is, and how violently those are thrown around, what drapes softly is gunna have an occasional issue firing through the air like a missile. New content layered on old content isn't devoid of bugs, so 'creating new stuff for Warframe and not breaking the one that you got' is still liable to break things. It's just part of coding and gaming. With DE's fairly constant stream of content, they simply aren't going to have the YEARS that pay to buy games have as part of their development process.

1-We DON'T gonna get void rework, we goona get key rework, grind gonna stay the same or become worse, de NEVER EVER will reduce da grind, it's become only worse with every update\new resource. 2-players don't play aw and conclave not because there ain't any support aw, or coz of aw movement system, or because they don't like killing fellow tenno-they don't play aw\conclave coz it have zero impact on main game, one that on da grounds and PVE. And it gonna stay the same, even with all new aw changes and lunaro, unless somehow de implement those game mods in to real warframe game (they don't gonna) those game  mods will be abandoned just like now.

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An update on updates......my head hurts....its like having 2 mirrors facing each other and the reflection goes on forever......


On a serious note though...awesome at least they can do hotfixes with less down time and bug fixing on the fly will be easier instead of as he said "one big update."

Edited by (PS4)kombatchamp
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