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I don't like the new Star Chart


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I don't like it. I'm wasting more time looking for the missions I want to run than actually running missions.  Spinning wheels are efficient and small icons that i have to use a mouse to use to get to pick anything is not what I wanted.  The cursor is far off when I use a controller vs using a mouse.  I prefer using a controller in this game for better parkour, but I have to switch back and forth more and more just to get anything done.  At some point it stops being worth the effort.  

Also this junction thing is a needless grind for new players.  Before they got a key and could try for a void item right out the gate and now they have to unlock the junction before they even have a chance at anything but junk.  IE void system doesn't give you a higher chance at anything just lvl's out the chance of not getting junk all the time at best you have a 1:5-7 chance.

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Most of the annoyances I see here I would consider "minor tweaks". I was confused as all hell until I started seeing Earth as starting planet instead of Mercury and then a lot of stuff started making more sense (like the direction of the rails)

Some things could also be clearer, the Warframe in the background doesn't bother me much. Some tweaks to transparency to increase readability, bit bigger fonts/icons, maybe some other colours here and there (the white/blue is kinda not obvious enough in my book)

But I like the general direction and I don't think "zomg Star Chart 2.0 was so much better", yeah, except it wasn't and it was *way* worse when it was released than this one is right now.

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1 hour ago, Xaxma said:

I preferred the planets spinning around. 

What I mean by ease of use was that every node was a big rectangle that sat along the axis of the planet, and you could tell exactly what some nodes meant based on the coloration, like syndicates, alerts, sorties, invasions, etc. Higher level nodes sat further away from the planet. I just feel like all this zooming junk just overly complicates things.

I don't feel like this information is as apparent now.

100% agree. On this one i can't understand anything that is going on.

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All I ask is for the background (your Warframe) to be a lot darker. 

Its adds too much clutter. 

Also, would be great if we could determine the node's mission type, faction and etc through something else than mouse over. 

Maybe a filter, or a list?

Edited by jjpdn
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I really like the new starchart design and everything but the Warframe in the back may need some adjustment I always like my warframe following my cursor and my choice.But I feel like the mission icon need to be made just a bit bigger so we can tell what the symbol on it is and bam I am sold.

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Here is something to fix this.


DE gives us the option to switch between star charts, They both DO the exact same thing, they could spruce up the older one a little bit with junctions but it'd keep the players happy.

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3.0 is just messy and confusing to use. 2.0 was nowhere near perfect but at least it was very simple and user-friendly, the connections between nodes and planets were obvious and easy to select. In 3.0 all the nodes are closely packed together, the font size is too small to read and select, the connections between planets are just confusing and it's really inconvenient to repeat the zoom in-zoom out process. And I found that you cannot click to zoom in to the planet that you have previously clicked which is really weird. TBH I would rather have the old SC 2.0 over this.

Also please provide an option of white background, currently some planets like Ceres and Eris are near impossible to see under a dark background.

Edited by Marvelous_A
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This star chart is interesting.  I played when there was the first star chart and quit shortly after, came back mid last year with star chart 2.0 and it was easier to navigate, but the spinning planets were annoying to me.  Also it was simple to understand that you progressed multiple areas by unlocking one node at a time.  This one FEELS like a actual virtual map.  I'll keep exploring and then give a more detailed analysis on how I feel further into the game.

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36 minutes ago, hey_guess_what said:

I'm wasting more time looking for the missions I want to run than actually running missions.  Spinning wheels are efficient and small icons that i have to use a mouse to use to get to pick anything is not what I wanted.


32 minutes ago, jjpdn said:

Also, would be great if we could determine the node's mission type, faction and etc through something else than mouse over. 

And this! Very much this!

I love the design, I love the aesthetics but the icons are too small and they do not provide us with the information the old starchart used to. You had basic information: level, gamemode, warframe/archwing and type (alert, syndicate, invasion) easily visible. I'd like to have that with the new design. Make the icons bigger, so one can see gamemode, then add colour for type (or the other way around) and add superscript next to the node to indicate level and faction.

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With exception of suggestions about increasing font size or reducing background movement, I can't possibly understand how literally less clicking and mouse movement in general to choose your missions in a linear star chart is more confusing than spinning nodes that had very little indication of progression, especially for new players.


The first star chart was very simple and completely functional but DE wanted something immersive and interactive able to fit the liset, unfortunately they went too far with 2.0 and forgot about practicality. However, they brought back the original design along with the detailed, lore-based interaction that was proposed in 2.0 and absolutely nailed it.

Maybe some players are immediately rejecting it because of the initial adaptation moment, which is completely normal when user interfaces are restructured even when some elements are just removed or simplified, and the funny thing is: the majority of players had the exact same reaction when Star Chart 2.0 came out, some complaints are so similar it's ironic.

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1 hour ago, RoboticApplesWithLasers said:

there was nothing bad about the first one, it was perfect, this new one is good too.

The first one? You talking about the actual first one, or the second spin-the-wheel one?

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My issue with the new star chart is that it essentially changes nothing. 

The rework Steve spoke about at first was suppose to give us a dynamic map, with a loose narrative behind what was active and what was not. it was suppose to feel like Grineer and Corpus were actually actively doing something in the solar system, and we chose missions based on that...at least thats what i hoped Steve was getting at.

What we have now is the same static node level select from before. This is my biggest gripe with new SC, it doesn't solve any issues.

I would at least like the option to make only "active" nodes (alerts, syndicate, void, etc) to be visible to vet players.

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22 minutes ago, Polterghozt said:

With exception of suggestions about increasing font size or reducing background movement, I can't possibly understand how literally less clicking and mouse movement in general to choose your missions in a linear star chart is more confusing than spinning nodes that had very little indication of progression, especially for new players.

Your progress was when you completed a node, the ones perpendicular to it got lit up.


And I think the "less clicking" is the other way around.

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I think this new chart is miles better than the previous. Seeing my own Liset flying around brings a smile to my face.

As others also have noted, though, I wanna start zoomed out.

And I was hoping for a chart with less nodes.

Edited by Wonderfrog
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I really love the design of the new road-map star chart, but I agree that the symbols and text are way too small. It's hard to find what you are searching now and you have to zoom in a lot. While it's certainly nice to be able to see the overview and then zoom in to every planet, I would also say that this doesn't need to be so slow. It's definitely better than the old wheel, but it also feels somewhat slower... but this can be improved!

What bothers me the most however, is the warframe in the background. It's so distracting and makes it even harder to read the nodes on the planets.
It would be better if the warframe didn't move when you move the star chart.
It would be even better if the warframe wasn't there at all!

I don't really understand why you can see it in the first place, doesn't make sense to me. It would be more immersive if you just would see the map - and the transition between kneeling down before the star chart and opening the star chart, where suddenly your warframe appears in the background, doesn't feel smooth to me at all :o

Also, starting zoomed out would be a lot better! Maybe with an indicator on what planet you currently are instead of zooming there?

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Yeah... I just... I uhh........ my instinct is to blindly white-knight DE and defend them against all this 'whatever'...

But after playing it for a few hours, my new instinct is to "errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... W...........T......F." with ocassional tendencies towards "What. The actual F." Ok, with here and there tendencies towards the "HOLY MOTHERF*** wHAT DID YOU DOO*

Yeah, so all in all. Grea*HAHAHA*t update! Well done, no* Criticism(*OMFG WHAT DID YOU GUYS D**)--looks great! KEEP ON KEEPIN ON!


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Based on first impressions (between other bugs) I can live with the new star chart but it's got some serious UI/UX issues in my view (My background is in design).  I keep getting 'auto start' on an event when all I want to do is 'zoom in' onto a planet which can only be done at the fully 'zoomed out' size.  

Then there's no 'order' to the planets and it seemed to keep going back to Earth as the 'start planet' every time I loaded it up


In terms of 'ease of use' the last one we had was considerably easier and quicker to navigate than this, I'd almost go as far as saying this is style over function. 


Edited by LSG501
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New starchart hasn't even been out for 24 hours yet people are alreadycomplain. Just add the the suggetions to feeback believe or not DE does look.

Also there is a tone of bugs with it so give them time to make adjustments to it since it just came out.

Edited by Gravefire
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my stance on the prev chart always was that it didnt give any sense of traveling, location, nor progression, ultimatelly it want that easy to use either, the new one has smaller buttons but recovered everything else

im not really convinced with the tenno behind, i think it should be more melted with the background

during the zoom in and out the name labels appear too soon, when they are all cluttered like a japanese train, maybe those labels could appear when the camera is closer

also when trying to drag things around missions are started by accident

Edited by rockscl
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