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Coming Soon: Devstream #79!


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I'm long term player that's been playing since this game released on steam and I've recently come back from a hiatus and grinded my way up to MR 21. What's happened to the old "Edgy and Dark" theme that warframe used to be about? Also, I really do miss the "Ready to play" sound from the first launcher that had a blue button. Will we ever be able to switch sounds or at least be able to download those sound files? (I've been wanting to make it my message tone for years)

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Only got one thing this week:

Equinox's cloth physics? It's been broken for over 8 months now and definitely would love to see the cloth-related stuff get looked at again!

i.e. Syndanas going through Chroma's body (most noticeable in his Agile Stance) is another big one, just for another example~

Looking forward to this Friday! Cheers!~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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A lot of people have weapons have maxed weapons that they don't use for a lot of reasons

Will there ever be an "random loadout". a loadout that picks random weapons and warframe for your next mission or a pull of your selected weapons


Also sidenote: The new loadout features, could it be possible to make a sorting system, like weapon types, amount of forma etc.  also a way to mark your weapon as favorite, Done or a way to Show the weapon as fully maxed in your loadout.


Edited by Mcbadguy
Just came up with some ideas as soon i left the computer
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I have a number of questions, which began as one:

Firstly, Warframes that haven't gotten their secondary skin yet, when will they get it? Also for currently existing Warframes who haven't gone through the texture refinement - and their alt skins -, will they get the 'new texture' treatment? Examples include: Excal's Proto and Immortal skin, Nekros' default texture and Immortal skin, etc...

Secondly, someone mentioned vaulting (over objects), in correlation to this, is it possible to reintroduce wall-running from Parkour 1.0 as a 'sprint' for the current wall mobility (as the current primary wall-hopping thing feels like jumping, but sideways and shorter)? This would enable more creative means of mobility than sliding, bullet-jumping, then sliding again.

Thirdly, a simple thing: The ability to move, or crouch, while reviving in the revive radius could be a benefit for people in missions like Sorties. Perhaps allow them to use their secondary while they're at it, at a cost to revival efficiency?

Fourthly, an anomaly many of us, I say this truthfully, are confused. Where are our Nightmares? We can't just Dream, Lotus!

Fithly, a suggestion to do with throwing armaments, linking to people asking about Glaive damage being ineffective: Because of them being a throwing weapon, I have this suggestion:



You know bows; how charging them makes the arrow more lethal, until it hits it's maximum draw? Apply this to throwing weapons in a manner akin to this:

Charge (no first melee, begins ranged process, releasing now deals the current low damage). Maintaining this charge for a short timeframe (like the Paris' charge rate, but will vary per throwing weapon) will drastically stack it's damage, combining Status and Critical chances as raw damage % multipliers, based on length charged. Once the charge is maxed, any attempts to maintain the weapon's charge will result in a shimmer and the weapon threatening to cancel the process by launching in a random direction, like the Lunaro.

Once launched at this 'overloaded' maximum, it cannot be directed and when it returns, you will be knocked over.

Examples of chargeup:

Halikar thrusters flaring, Glaive starting to spin, and so on.

Speaking of throwing weapons, when will we have a throwing Basolk or a throwable spear weapon that would come with it's own stance, built in?


And then my last point I'll ask two things:


1: Will there be a Conclave mode that has two teams of eight against eachother; one defending a mobile or static objective, and the other attacking (Strike, with a Clan variant which would be in a 'Clan Warfrare' section of Conclave, could be implemented in the future?), another team mode where reviving is enabled ('No cheating Death' Team Annihilation?), then a pair of modes which allow non-Conclave sets to jump in and destroy eachother ('No holds barred' Annihilation and Team Annihilation)?

2: Will Chroma get a Battalyst skin, or Battalyst counterpart? Can his 1 be adjusted to be usable in higher-level missions, where foes shrug off the flames like Chroma was a mere radiator? Could his Pelt get an augment for remote control, like the new frame's micro-Archwing, wielding a pair of Conculyst staves, melting foes with his breath and swatting aside the opposition - I know this one's a bit much, but still? 

3 (not too big of a thing?): Sentient Armaments: Battalyst and Conculyst weapons (and a Sentinel?), 'Chroma-forged' into Tenno-usable gun and staff? Blueprints could drop from them.

Battalyst Cannon: A cannon (which has a charge-up alt fire that fires a projectile that shoots lasers all over the place, which uses the entire magazine) that fires deadly projectiles.

Conculyst Staff: A intriguing staff which, with every successful strike, will swing faster until the combo counter refreshes.

Sentient Husk: A repurposed Sentient Fighter designed using Chroma, this Sentinel is capable of blinding enemies with it's weapon (which is, really, just a flashing light; like that witnessed by Sentient Fighters when fought) and can use all Sentinel augments (mods like Vaccum, but can only equip other mods of that Sentinel if that mod is mounted, like Looter), but cannot use any other weapons or powers. Unlike other Sentinels, this one can be revived (requires Regen to be mounted on it).

The drawback: This Sentinel's weapon is mostly harmless and cannot be swapped out, it cannot be modded. The mod is exclusive to the Sentinel and could be placeholder-named 'Sentient's Blink', upgrading it increased the blindness duration. It works on one target at a time, or any targets which are looking in it's direction. It does enough damage to break a crate open, and can knock enemies back. It cannot equip Sentinel Auras (like the Coolant Leak mod).

Furthermore, can we see the buffing of rarely-used PVE weapons?


Examples include, and aren't limited to: Bronco, and pretty much everything except Dread, Soma Prime, a large number of melees and secondaries, Tonkor, Penta (and it's Syndicate variant), and Simulor. The Lato isn't in a good spot, either.

The reason I bring this buffing thing up is because of the '2X base stat' agenda with Syndicate and Prime weapons as of late.


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With The War Within, Silver Grove, and all the rest of the parts of this large string of updates getting stung along more and more, and even broken up further as time  goes on, can we get some confirmation that this latest breakup of  content will be the last? I know we all appreciate the dedication and forethought that everyone at DE is putting into make all of this the best it can be as it releases, but there's a lot of frustration at the delays. Thanks.

Also, a rather niche question. With the introduction of Kavats, there seems to have been a fundamental change in the concept of how rarity of companion looks works. Kubrows have an entire system of unique colors that aren't available except through breeding, and a system of rarity that determines the percentage chance of certain traits being acquired. For example, Lotus pattern Kubrow are extremely rare, while Stripes are very common. Kavats have deviated from that by having no colors being unique to breeding, one coat pattern available without a Gene Masking kit, no height variation, and a seemingly even chance of all the head and tail options being chosen on a random incubation. Is this change something that you guys like better, and we can see more often? Or was this change done to more differentiate Kavats from Kubrows?

Now to the heart of things... When will we get to find out what's being the Infested doorway in our Orbiter? The suspense is killing me D:

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1 minute ago, Mcbadguy said:

A lot of people have weapons have maxed weapons that they don't use for a lot of reasons

Will there ever be an "random loadout". a loadout that picks random weapons and warframe for your next mission or a pull of your selected weapons

I believe we already have that. Or atleast at one point we did and specifically remember them showing it off during Devstreams/Prime Times before~

Edited by HalfDarkShadow
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So Sedna is gonna get a tileset of its own. Will you also consider adding a rare resource to its list of resources by replacing alloy plate or one of the others? Neural sensors maybe considering every other rare resources has a chance to drop in multiple planets or tilesets while neural sensors only drop in one planet? 

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Ahoy thar!  Quick questions if yall find time on zee stream:

1. Nightmare! missions tend ta... not exist anymore. Invasions weren't a thing for a day or so in StarChart 3.0, when are we getting them back outside of alerts?

2. I keep getting comments about when that PC to Console transfer is getting the thumbs up as yall mentioned that back in December and again in February or so, but no word on it since :(

3. CLEM!

That is all, enjoy your day, Couch Crew!

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With Titania incoming will we see some changes about Oberon?

He's got a fabe skin but with his actual utility and chances of survival he can't get to lategame.


Said that a last question: with all these hammers we've got there's anything about a new hammer stance? I hope so because it's one of my favourite weapon class :)

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i hope they have an idea for the health decay  for nekros, 3% of drain , 7 soldier only, 100 of energy, only duration mod for reduce decay, this is a bad situation....have U see all mine solutions in the last topic DE? this solutions are only 2 mine the rest is from all comunity  

Edited by Matt89Connor
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3 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:
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PLACEHOLDER IMAGE for y'all! 3VxNjQZ.png

What: (Hopefully) hot off the release of major Update Part III: The Silver Grove, it's time for us to take a look at the list of content just shipped on PC and discuss it!



also, question:

"Unarmed" skin for Kogake when? I'd love to see my warframe kicking &#! with their fisticuffs.

Also, any chance that Ambulas can get a rework? He's way too easy too kill, even the level 100 Sortie version  



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Question: Have you ever thinked of making some kind of auction house in Waframe? Sometimes reading and spamming Trade Chat 24/7 to sell or buy something is boring and usseless. Doing it in the relays for example would be great for the community, so we wouldn't have to use external media or the trade channel (although they will be there as an option also)

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Just now, HellsSapper said:


Also, any chance that Ambulas can get a rework? He's way too easy too kill, even the level 100 Sortie version  



ambuals rework? XD  why you want this?the corpus for me are too strong now, they have units very very strong vs players ....maybe the infested need a rework, and maybe we see a mission with only sentients someday?

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I dont know if the DE staff you see this, but i would like to know if we gonna see some rework on bow weapons, better physics (wind compensation?), or maybe new bow weapons? I also would love to see some stealth bonus (credits maybe?) in the end of the mission. Just some reward for peple (like me) who sometimes likes to play in stealth mode exterminations or spy missions.

Sorry for any mistakes, english is not my native language....

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3 hours ago, PookieNumnums said:

we just barely got kavats!


sandskates are next in line! (not really)

Proposed bird companions predated kavats and possibly even kubrow but we got them first.
As for Sandskates, those were rerquested ages ago.

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Archwing and Archweapon Slot Limitations

Telling us about the limitation on Archwing gear and slots to be bought for platinum 11 hotfixes into Specters of the Rail was NOT a solution to disingenuously sneaking it in without adequate, fair forewarning in the first place.

What do you intend to do to give players a fair compensation or opportunity to acquire the free slots they could and often would have had grandfathered in if given proper notice of the change?



Previously Unanswered Questions:

Polarisation and Forma

Q: Separate to the issue of relevelling after Forma use, will there be any change to Forma and Polarisation to avoid 'wasted' forma in future?

A lot of posters seem to bemoan the lack of Forma drops, while some like myself rarely end up using it at all because of the downsides of removing build flexibility. Is there any chance of a Polarisation quality of life change so we don't have to suffer our obsolete polarity builds when balance changes and new mods happen? Body Count and Blood Rush gave melees more reason to want Madurai slots, while the upcoming removal of 'mandatory' base damage and multishot mods might ruin heavily Madurai polarised guns. Times change, and while we have to relevel our gear for every Forma we use, even if less in the proposed new Mastery Rank relevance change, making our efforts, our time and our resources wasted is not a satisfying element of the game.

Here's my original thread on the subject and a solution, with more discussion from another player's similar suggestion here.

Another thread here as well. Threads keep popping up about new Forma, better Forma, different Forma on a regular basis. The system needs overhauling.

Now: We have 'lower limit' modding capacity, making it more comfortable to level weapons by using them after Forma.

However, some still recognise that there's a bigger issue than just "when do I get to use a polarised item again". The growing mod load with Primed and other high-drain mods demands a lot out of our very limited drain, as often do Sorties for most weapons to perform adequately. The user-unfriendliness of polarisation impacts negatively on flexibility and fun, and I doubt I'm the only one who tends not to use it where possible to not lock myself out of half my mod collection.


Q: Is there a possibility of an ammo rework to fix bugs and aid balance of several weapon classes?

With static ammo pickups and certain restrictions, high ammo consumption weapons often fall short, not in raw DPS which they compete evenly in, but because they just can't keep going for long before they're completely dry and relying on pickups/Restores. We also see such bugs as the Sniper+Castana ammo restriction issue, recently addressed by a half-application of my own suggestion for the issue overall, using Pistol ammo for 'special' secondaries but with a different actual restoration numbers.
My suggestion here attempts to address all of that, as well as opens up balance levers by allowing any ammo type to be used for secondaries. There's also a chance for this to bring currently unused Max Ammo mods up to a functional level by allowing them to improve ammo gained per pickup (while not making Mutation obsolete either).

Using Mod Ranks Below Fusion Level

Q: Why force users to potentially hold many mods of lesser fusion, instead of being able to use ranks up to the fused maximum?

This has been mentioned in passing at times, but it's still ridiculous that we can't have this quality of life with the current modding system. It seems like something that would be an inherent part of a system where drain ranges so wildly and precise values are so aggressively tweaked (Corrupted Mods, looking at you).

Can the data load of a handful of extra bytes per loadout (to identify the rank of the slotted mod to use) really be higher than the load involved with having an actual incentive to hold multiple mods all with their own fusion levels? Can it even be anything but a drop in the bucket in comparison to simply holding thousands of instances of mods?


Things mentioned in a previous stream, but no changes yet seen:

Weapon Balance

Q: What changes might we see in the not too distant future to bring down outliers / bring up underperformers?

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A lot of guns are completely outclassed in their field, such as the whole Gorgon family versus Soma. Since Mastery Rank Restriction appears to be tied less and less to the power grade of a weapon, is there any hope for more tightening of the 'tiers' of weapon power, as happened with such as the Supra among LMGs?

Players feel like weapons are often "missed" in a wave of buffs (e.g. secondary-shotguns as a whole during shotgun buff wave), or have suffered nerfs as outliers in the past (such as the Brakk and S.Gammacor) which may be outdated in today's Warframe. Are any of these on the radar for getting their fair share of buffs, or reversions of outdated nerfs?

Tonkor and Launchers

Q: Can the Tonkor get fair risk/reward rebalancing, and a tweak to r/r balance of other launcher weaponry, to bring back legitimacy of using other weapons and especially other launchers?

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More damage, more blast radius, less risk. The Tonkor is an obvious outlier, and not even locked behind a high MR. Its no-worry, highest-damage nature while also being AOE means that it detracts from the contribution of other Tenno in a squad. Like a fully modded Ember Prime running through Mercury, people barely get to play the game in comparison. Usage statistics speak for themselves - almost every Sortie, and even most Void missions still feature at least one Tonkor.

Here's a long thread of arguments for and against.

Personally, I would prefer not removing self-damage from other launchers almost-entirely to bring them to the Tonkor's level. Part of the fantasy of using explosive ordnance is Danger Close - don't be reckless and hit yourself.

However, the self-damaging paradigm at the moment appears to be lower base damage, but full mod scaling. This brings untriggered ordnance launchers such as the Ogris into a position where they pose a greater risk to the user than to enemies, and because of a lack of optional detonation, mistakes are guaranteed to be deadly to the player.

I'd suggest the following to start with:

 - As per the Elytron Archwing, grant a UI element projectile beacon for launcher weapons to help guard against mistakes (and helps triggered explosives be used more effectively).

 - Alter the paradigm of self-damage so that players (with appropriate effective health mods) are protected from instant suicide until much closer to an upper limit on modding for power than current functionality.

 - Give the Tonkor this tamer, more balanced self-damage.

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With the rework of the void fissures changing them to a relatively run-of-the-mill mission with the corrupted spawn, some of us feel the intensity and thrill of the old fissures has been taken away. Are there any plans to somehow make both systems work or is a new, more thrilling system in the works?

Edited by aSmileyLemon
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Will the Dual Toxocyst's headshot buff be changed to be refreshed when the buff is active, similar to Valkyr's Eternal War Augment? I really like the look of the weapon and the special buff mechanic makes it stand out compared to other secondary weapons ,but not letting the buff refresh during its duration seems unnecessary as the unbuffed recoil makes it harder to re-enter the buffed mode.

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