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Dev Stream 80: Carrier Changes feedback thread [Megathread]


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32 minutes ago, Demogarose said:

From the official Dev Stream Overview: 

What we're playing with right now is this idea: Vacuum will be transformed into 3 new mods that can be used by any sentinel, with 3 different types of Vacuum:

· Health and Energy

· Credits and Ammo

· Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous


So instead of 1 mod, I'll now have to use 3? This is a NERF no matter how you try to spin it.

Why do they need to split it into 3.... as said that is a nerf and another way to increase grind, there's no other way to put it. 

No one has ever complained about having vacuum pick up everything so why they've decided to make it into 3 mods I have no idea.

They need to stop playing with that idea and just go and do what everyone was asking for... make the current vacuum into a universal mod for sentinals (and kavats/kubrows ideally)

Turning Carrier into an ammo carrier is fine but if it has ammo mutation like they mentioned I'm not sure how that is going to stop carrier from being the most used sentinel. 

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Tactless_Ninja said:

The mistake was not fixing it for so long. Players now have choice which is an important dynamic for customization. Tell me was your first choice for a sentinel a giant sucking pear or that badass killer cube?

...Actually, it was the tiny dragon that is Wyrm Prime, but Carrier is my second because I think it's cute. And I can color it like BB-8.

In all honesty, though, I hope they have a 'vacuum all' mod, because otherwise I am going to be frustrated.

Edited by ArcaneSnowdrop
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8 minutes ago, blackheartstar_pc said:

You know as well as the rest of us that have been here awhile that enough backlash will convince them to revert or re-rework this idea. Nothing in this game is set in stone.

Welp maybe the 3 mod thing as it's turning out to be an unnecessary mess but this thread wasn't intended to be a doom thread. Carrier is not the go to sentinel anymore (yet still has a purpose) and more options are blooming outward.

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and now you see the weight behind an old saying: "Be careful what you wish for!"

1 hour ago, Culaio said:

People say they will use all three mods but problem is: CAN we use more then one at time....

I don't see why they wouldn't, since having all 3 mods is 3 slots less to put in a useful utility like Medi-ray or Guardian, then you have to factor in defensive mods and attack mods; it'll be a very tight squeeze to say the least, but i players are willing to sacrifice the capacity, why shouldn't they have what they want?

of course, they could just be evil and only allow one of these mods on at a time... maybe make it so that Ammo Mutation clashes with it like when you and your sentinel have the same weapon mod... *evil laugh*

personally I think DE have only gone and caused panic with this, and nothing is set in stone just yet. probably would have been simpler to just allow Vacuum on all sentinels and give Carrier a different benefit, maybe periodic ammo resupplies for your weapons, or even occasionally spit out a health/energy orb.

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honestly DE just has some issues with loot clutter right now, I mean look at any endless mission where you can force enemies into a choke point, it takes no time at all for that to fill up with ammo and resource drops that no one is using.

my suggestion is that DE should pull from Destiny for the ammo drop system, making all the primary weapons use the same ammo drop, just getting different amounts of ammo based on what sort of weapon it is, so a bow or sniper rifle may get 5-10 shots, but a full auto rifle like a Soma will get 20+, helps them cut down on the clutter of having to have so many ammo drops since now you would just have ones for primary and secondary weapons

second suggestion is to make resource/credit drops a bit less common but larger quantities, same idea, reduce the clutter but make the drops more meaningful and ideally having everything balance out to the way it is now numbers wise

because at least to me the the reason I use Carrier primarily is I don't want to be hunting around for the right ammo drop for my gun among the pile of 50 similar looking boxes on the floor while also trying to not get killed/kill the enemy, if I could just see "oh there's an ammo pickup over there, I should grab it" rather than "ok running low on ammo, are any of these pile of drops for my weapon type, well better run through all of them to make sure" I wouldn't feel like I basically need to use carrier/vacuum

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I'm in total agreement with OP.  I even remember as new player how cool I thought carrier was watching loot get sucked up...



I only use carrier even though I have multiple forma sentinels / companions.  It is a quality of life choice.  


Whenever I play another sentinel / companion, I regret it and go back.  


Honestly, this will be enough for me to walk away from warframe.  I've played and supported DE for 2+ years and seen ups and downs but this choice is only going to be followed by worse choices if the developers are that far off from their fan base.  


All companions should do this automatically (or just all warframes).  Because they dont, most players use carrier.  Those that don't just like cats or dogs to much to admit they are at a disadvantage.  At worst, 1 mod slot, 3 is way extreme, especially with all bugs in game (I've had a rare crate spawn behind wall I could collect with carrier).


If I'm thinking it and stuck with DE so long, I imagine hoards of players will get fed up as well.


It's a nail in coffin for their game.

Edited by Educated_Beast
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universal sentinel vacuum - an improvement although I'd prefer my warframe to just have an innate vacuum.... hopefully this new universal mod will at least work with kavats/kubrows as well

3 mods for vacuum - doesn't sound good, not even sure why it would be considered when all we've been asking for is a straight up change to a universal mod instead of just for carrier. 

Realistically there is no real way of splitting vacuum other than by splitting what it can suck up and that is in no other terms a nerf and increasing the grind....didn't the dev's say they were reducing the grind....it's really going well...:rolleyes:

My basic build on sentinel doesn't have any spare slots when you add in things like medi ray, sanctuary, guardian, animal instinct and the essentials like health, ammo, shield and it's standard precepts.  So if I need to use 3 mods to get back the old vacuum features I need to take 3 other mods, so which three should I lose..... I can give up one like most people I'm sure but 3...



Edited by LSG501
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after hearing about the upcoming carrier changes i was ; What 3 mods! expletive    expletive  expletive , typing in all caps for an hour .  But, 

But then i thought about it and  this 3 mods ; 3 types for 3 groupings of pickups is too terrible of an idea for it to even be real  ; let alone for it to be seriously considered . It was just a troll   after all , All player feedback on the carrier has been Make it universal ,  make it innate to Sentinels ,  make it innate to warframes  and so on and so forth . No way that DE wouldn't understand that making this Vacuum into 3 mods wouldn't just reduce every Sentinels mod space to 5 slots .  After all this game is all about the loot .  An scott talks alot of not breaking people's builds .  

This was just something they did to rile up the Tenno  so they can actually come out with  1 universal Vacuum mod  and say that they listened to the community .  A way of distracting a community that  is really frustrated with the delays and the promises of SOON @tm.  And all the problems of the New relic system ,  this way just  away to stop people from focusing on things to do when you bored in warframe Vids and the recent loss of Mugomu .  There's just  No way DE  would implement such a flawed idea , but they would troll . 

So i'm call it a troll until i see otherwise.

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After seeing this I would rather keep carrier / vacuum the way it is rather than having it split into 3 mods and can be equipped to any sentinel.

With this nerf I wouldn't even be able to use carrier in the same way I already do if I completely ignored the 2 new precepts. We would have to sacrifice 2 mod slots just for it to function the exact same way it does now. Carrier has 1 precept aside from it's attacking one, how many slots are even available on other sentinels? It doesn't even solve the problem of not wanting to use kubrows / kavats because you have to manually pick up drops. With our abysmal pick up radius it's the most tedious thing to do in the game. Staying glued to the floor to pick up items when we can bullet jump meters into he air, or even fly with Titania is such a horrible feeling IMO. 

If breaking it up into 3 different options is the route you want to go I offer 2 solutions.

1: Make it 4 mods not 3. The current Vacuum and the 3 newly proposed mods you guys thought of. That way people who like the current Vacuum can use it as is. The people that want to be picky can be picky. Win Win

2 (the one i prefer and think is much better): Make Vacuum a feature of the game that can be turned on / off via options. And your 3 mod idea can be put into these options. 

Something like: Options / Gameplay 

Vacuum: On / Off

  • Health and Energy orbs: On /Off
  • Credits and Ammo: On / Off
  • Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous: On / Off


This topic on the Dev stream oh man. I can't even. . .Taking one of the most convenient things used in the game (backed by your own #s) and chopping it up into something that seems almost not worth it just breaks me :(


Edited by xXRiomaXx
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The way I see it, there are two viable solutions to this issue. Creating three new vacuum-ish mods is overkill.

Do with all companions what was done with Warframes a while back, where ability mods were removed and made so they were unlocked by levelling. Give all companions their individual abilities / precepts, but also on top of that, give them innate vacuum but without the visual effect (because it'd look weird on Kubrows + Kavats).

This would make ALL companions just as desirable to use as Carrier is right now. Without the extra cost and without having to change builds.

In regards to the two mod slots not used by the abilities / precepts anymore. Just simply depolarise them and make them open to other mods without needing to be forma'd (unless you want or need the extra capacity by polarising of course).

Or, instead, simply give all Warframes a passive "vacuum" ability, where lore-wise, Warframe's manipulate void energy to pull desirable items towards them. I mean, it kinda makes sense. Warframes are cybernetic space ninjas, they don't wanna be stopping to pick things up every five minutes, they want / need to be able to jump around as fast as possible whilst simultaneously killing things, so it makes sense that they'd have some kind of built-in system that enables them to collect loot that their systems deem desirable.

Edited by Master-Nachash
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1 minute ago, xXRiomaXx said:

1: Make it 4 mods not 3. The current Vacuum and the 3 newly proposed mods you guys thought of. That way people who like the current Vacuum can use it as is. The people that want to be picky can be picky. Win Win

Who would pick one of the three nerfed vacuums?

2 minutes ago, xXRiomaXx said:

2 (the one i prefer and think is much better): Make Vacuum a feature of the game that can be turned on / off via options. And your 3 mod idea can be put into these options. 

Something like: Options / Gameplay 

Vacuum: On / Off

  • Health and Energy orbs: On /Off
  • Credits and Ammo: On / Off
  • Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous: On / Off

Who would turn off any of the vacuums? 

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Look at their overview. They weren't trolling.

Link to the overview: https://warframe.com/news/devstream-80-overview?hootPostID=182779e019a42a0afab0fc2ddb578c03

Quote from the overview:

Universal Vacuum

This overview is guaranteed free of vacuum puns. Those who watched the Devstream were not so lucky. Why all the Dyson jokes? We’re adding Universal Vacuum, of course.

What we're playing with right now is this idea: Vacuum will be transformed into 3 new mods that can be used by any sentinel, with 3 different types of Vacuum:

· Health and Energy

· Credits and Ammo

· Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous

Carrier and Carrier Prime will now be given a new precept, which buffs your Ammo Capacity (increasing with the precept level). Unused ammo types will be converted into the ammo of the currently equipped weapon over a small period of time.

See? Not trolling. They are serious.

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Universal Vacuum

This overview is guaranteed free of vacuum puns. Those who watched the Devstream were not so lucky. Why all the Dyson jokes? We’re adding Universal Vacuum, of course.

What we're playing with right now is this idea: Vacuum will be transformed into 3 new mods that can be used by any sentinel, with 3 different types of Vacuum:

· Health and Energy

· Credits and Ammo

· Mods, Endo, and Resources/Miscellaneous

Carrier and Carrier Prime will now be given a new precept, which buffs your Ammo Capacity (increasing with the precept level). Unused ammo types will be converted into the ammo of the currently equipped weapon over a small period of time.

- From DEV Overview.


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5 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

Who would pick one of the three nerfed vacuums?

Who would turn off any of the vacuums? 

why would DE chop it up into 3 options in the first place? Obviously they think it's something people want. I'm trying to offer a solution that DE might like and caters to both the people that like Vacuum as is and the picky people that they're trying to cater to.


straight from there own dev stream overview https://warframe.com/news/devstream-80-overview

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