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The Index Preview: Hotfix #3


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Still no fix for:
(All my reports are important and easy to reproduce, please check them out!)

1.Ancient Disruptors' auras stack again

2.Carrier's ammo mutation problem

3.Heavy blade front finisher deals extremely low damage: (even Galatine P deals a lot less melee finisher damage than other weapons)

4.Mutalist Osprey Carrier can attack while stunned, blinded and sleeping

5.Blade Storm losing melee combo on all robotic and machinery type enemies

6.Fatal teleport bug:
 -If the targeted enemy is moving fast enough (such as a running Charger), the finisher will fail.
 -Some melee classes may fail to trigger finishers on certain types of enemies.
   *Nikana series will fail to trigger finishers against Infested targets.
   *Several melee classes will fail to trigger finishers against Corpus MOA type units.
   *Infested MOA type units can not be finished by most melee weapons.

7.When using overlay map, the player indicator is no longer at the top layer, it's on the bottom. It can be covered by enemies, allies, loots and interception towers... simply everything.

8.Aura stops working after access the arsenal in the Simulacrum:

9.Consuming energy orbs even at full energy:

10.Enemy proc through our status immunity abilities:

11.Hysterical Assault falls off the map:

12.Grineer Scorch damage and hit box bug:

13.Most primary guns and polearm weapons are still misplaced while holstered.
(The worst case is Ash Prime: most primary, secondary and melee weapons are still misplaced. They still use normal Ash's holstering positions, so most of them are stuck in Ash Prime's armor.)

14.Sobek's Acid Shells effect bug:

15.Grineer blunt is missing its health bar, and there is no damage number when you hit it with your weapon.


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In case you didn't know, I thought I'd give a shout out to the new weapon, the Caustacyst.  This wizards stick is BADASS.  I've been using it in lieu of basically any ranged weapons and loving every minute.  It gives me elements of damage AND CC simultaneously, plus it doubles as a wicked-looking walking stick.

Okay, to be totally honest, what I really love here is the way this is a status weapon that actually works very well without crit.  This hasn't been the rule of previous status weapons, and I've felt that was a real shame.  I'm quite glad to see this thing doing what it does and not needing anything else.

Spot on there.  Lets see more melee weapons that are as complex and as useful in the future, please.  This makes me feel like melee is evolving into something a bit more about skill and less about button mashing.  I'm quite happy with this idea, and this ugly clawed mage-stick.

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42 minutes ago, obnimashka said:

game ui hangs afer returning to the orbiter from the mission. occurs very often. please fix. ON0JApA.jpg

i do not think that is a bug. pretty certain that is normal behavior now as a lot of players have slow load times, long enough that they can look through their mission results while waiting to get back to the orbiter.


Edit...oh i see its a few players that have the issue...guess i havent seen it yet *knock on grate prime*

Edited by xcynderx
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40 minutes ago, obnimashka said:

game ui hangs afer returning to the orbiter from the mission. occurs very often. please fix.

On the screen attached we can't see the buttons [close/exit] and repeat mission, so the UI is completely broken, I watching this very often...

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6 minutes ago, xcynderx said:

i do not think that is a bug. pretty certain that is normal behavior now as a lot of players have slow load times, long enough that they can look through their mission results while waiting to get back to the orbiter.


Edit...oh i see its a few players that have the issue...guess i havent seen it yet *knock on grate prime*

1. all players playing in voice and reporting successful retirns to orbiter.

2. bug persist even after disband party by the party leader (2 min wait)

3. got this bug playing SOLO.

4. closing party before didn't helps avoid bug.


P.S. only one way to avoid it (its workaround) - initially move to the Relay (mercury) and start mission from there. in this case UI works well.

Question IS ?

Edited by ozveryashka
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On 10/22/2016 at 10:33 AM, [DE]Megan said:

Heavily reduced the frequency on "broker has a lot of points"and "point dropped!" sound clips because they were playing far more than everything else combined in The Index.

thank you, clap trap was being annoying :P

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On 22/10/2016 at 9:20 AM, BladeZerker said:

Very nice diversion with the double credit gain weekend and the new gamemode and mods. The mods are trash and the mode doesnt give the correct amount of credits if the goal is met, only the amount you wager in.

Haven't seen a post yet about the oh-so obvious conclave daily rewards nerf -50% (because you are trying to reduce the grind right?) and the QoL nerf on the Telos Boltace by removing the radial effect ftom quick melee. I mean in a game where utility is key to tactics and victory you nerf the very thing that made a weapon useful in scavenger hunts and applying status on enemies to get a little breathing room.

Also the damage was pretty overpowered and broken, nerf that too.

While you're at it nerf credit gain further and endo gain from ayatans. 

Btw, when you add dedicated servers you should consider adding a server list with names to choose from as well because right now the game tosses you in a random unpopulated server with no players and no way to choose to wait for players. Tried it over 30 times on all gamemodes at the different times of the day and had the same result.

Thx for all your hard work DE, keep them nerfs coming.

I wasn't able to play the whole time with the update breaking my game and making it to where I was unable to download anything for this game. missed the whole weekend because of this.


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13 hours ago, aerosoul1337 said:

Still no fix for:

1.Carrier's ammo mutation problem

2.Heavy blade front finisher deals extremely low damage: (even Galatine P deals a lot less melee finisher damage than other weapons)

3.Hysterical Assault falls off the map:

4.Blade Storm losing melee combo on all robotic and machinery type enemies

5.Fatal teleport bug:
 -If the targeted enemy is moving fast enough (such as a running Charger), the finisher will fail.
 -Some melee classes may fail to trigger Finishers on the certain types of enemies. Such as Nikana series which will fail to trigger finisher against infested targets.
 -Teleporting while sliding will fail to trigger a finisher on the target.

6.When using overlay map, the player indicator is no longer at the top layer, it's on the bottom. It can be covered by enemies, allies, loots and interception towers... simply everything.

7.Aura stops working after access the arsenal in the Simulacrum:

8.Consuming energy orbs even at full energy:

9.Enemy proc through our status immunity abilities:

10.Most primary guns and polearm weapons are still misplaced while holstered.
(The worst case is Ash Prime: most primary, secondary and melee weapons are still misplaced. They still use normal Ash's holstering positions, so most of them are stuck in Ash Prime's armor.)

11.Sobek's Acid Shells effect bug:

12.Grineer blunt is missing its health bar, and there is no damage number when you hit it with your weapon.

Wow, that's still a lot ((

But thanks for the fixes!

Edited by hanzivo
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On 10/23/2016 at 9:26 AM, aerosoul1337 said:

Can you fix carrier's ammo mutation please?

Due to its ammo mutation delay, if you need more than 1 pickup (for example, 2) to fill all your ammo, sometimes it will consume more than enough ammo pickups in range. Carrier will continue to suck in ammo, despite having enough to fill you up already in the queue.

Sometimes multiple ammo pickups will be consumed even if you need just 1 bullet.
Especially for bows, every shot potentially consumes a lot of ammo pickups within 12m.

I feel that this is intended. The delay and the vacuuming just for one more bullet/bow/shell. Ammo mutating has always been for the ammo-hungry weapons anyways.

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9 hours ago, LunarEdge7 said:

I feel that this is intended. The delay and the vacuuming just for one more bullet/bow/shell. Ammo mutating has always been for the ammo-hungry weapons anyways.

Intended? seems very wrong to me... you either pick up a lot of ammo or waste most of them, you can't control it. This is not good for long fights.

But mutation mod on weapons doesn't have this issue. And it leaves a lot more ammo pickups around for longer fights. You only pick up when you need.

The bad thing is, if you use both ammo mutation and ammo case, it will consume unneeded ammo within range.

Edited by aerosoul1337
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 Needs more of a fix and balance for endurance runs of the index. I'm sadden they dident do a group/party pool so when someone gets one index point the whole groups get it. I mean, the endurance suppose to be endurance but some or most tennos can't get the right party, group, mods, or gear for this endurance trail. Maybe some updates to corpus wepons YES!?

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Please, remove scopes from sniper rifles and let us to enjoy them. Actually it is ridiculous to have sniper rifles in such a fast game like this one. Just rework them and make them a powerful and slow single shot rifles with their caracteristic low fire rate, but remove scopes, they make them unplayable in almost all kind of stages.

Take this thing seriously, plz. Snipers actually are useless.

Edited by Raddet
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Z simulor still picking up stars, and after explode its falling to unreachable place like a roof. See images:


1. Z simulor don't allows pick up star



2. waiting for explode. BAAHHHHH!



3. where is my star? jump, jump, jump... no success!!!




Dear DE, why!!? Why  you can't prohibit this for stars be picked up like green indexes on the Index event?

Same problem exists on the Excavation missions with energy cells. :(

As a solution for the fix, make some gravity for stars and cells, lets simulor attract them to itself, to its rotating sphere, but do not tighten it. Instead, let these things are strictly passively on the floor, under the sphere rather than revolve inside her... so after attracting to itself, stars and cells should be immediatly dropped (as a variant).



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DE, when are the Summus Prime sentinel accessories, the Verlorum Prime sigil, and our two Prime sugatras Vala and Daman going to be PBR'd? I would seriously love to use them, but the gold trim of the sugatras and sigil, as well as Summus Prime's inability to be colored at all just clash with all of my color styles.

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5 hours ago, ozveryashka said:

Z simulor still picking up stars, and after explode its falling to unreachable place like a roof. See images:


1. Z simulor don't allows pick up star



2. waiting for explode. BAAHHHHH!



3. where is my star? jump, jump, jump... no success!!!




Dear DE, why!!? Why  you can't prohibit this for stars be picked up like green indexes on the Index event?

Same problem exists on the Excavation missions with energy cells. :(

As a solution for the fix, make some gravity for stars and cells, lets simulor attract them to itself, to its rotating sphere, but do not tighten it. Instead, let these things are strictly passively on the floor, under the sphere rather than revolve inside her... so after attracting to itself, stars and cells should be immediatly dropped (as a variant).



I have run into the same problem time and again it really needs to be fixed.


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Super annoying bug:

Currently,  Ancient Disruptors' auras stack again.
The energy drain stacks, the ability resistance stacks.
Most CC durations become 0 (such as Nyx's Chaos) if there are 2~3 disruptors nearby.

And toxic ancients auras stack too =(


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10 hours ago, 01thanatos10 said:

so any one else getting punished for useing bere for rep farm im being told i dont get the round based reward do to inactivy this really how you do things de?

move once in a while between reward phase, sticking in one place repeating same skill all over (like volt max range discharge near c and d, and near or between a and b, or RQ banshee with high range on max stack in one spot) makes the game recognize you as if using script. Devs dont want you to grind your gears too conveniently.

The punishment already in the game for a while, afaik, already there when i first tried Bere as RQ Banshee with an EV around.

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