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Some People Will Never Forget


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i don't think I'll ever be able to forget the time they reduced the ammo count for explosive weapons and swapped them to sniper ammo pool (the amount of complaining never seemed to cease for a whole month  or two)

i'll also never forget when i first completed the second dream... playing ever since closed beta to lead it up to that was quite the mind blowing moment for me... (probably one of the best ones i ever had)


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When Mag's Pull was almighty: Perma-knockdown on Capture targets (via spamming), instant drone destruction (wish this was still a thing, those oxium ospreys are a pain), and ripping shields out of the hands of grineer.

Also, that moment when I finally began building the last Warframe needed to complete my collection (Vauban Prime)... And then Nidus was implemented ahead of schedule the next morning.

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I will never forget...

- how cool Operation Sling Stone felt

- all the pre-rework bosses, with their quaint palette swaps and dummy weapons

- when Scorpions used to make the hurt feel good

- when Vay Hek hijacked a devstream

- Pink. Shorts.




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I will never forget base Warframe slogan "this feature will be fixed soon". All this transmute, farm, buy, craft and other stuff. Last one is a ducat farm at Kuva. This is what actually make me playing this game TODAY, not tomorrow or sometime in this year.


And some other random S#&$:

  • Mag, her Majesty. I'm happy i was one of the first, who discover her meta (infinity scale of couse, not a Mesa slave). I even start with this frame. My forum avatar forever broken after she go away. I change it many times in game, but she want to stay.
  • Endless Void. Maybe even all Void. I love the flow of the game he gave to me.
  • Coptering. It was natually like bunny hop in CS. This make game alive, and too bad we lost it.
  • Some of tactical Alerts. Not all, but sometimes it is really fun.
  • First time at Jordas Verdict.
  • Synoid Gammacore crazy up for a glory new meta. At least now i have Quanta Vandal.
  • First man who catch me at low MR and give me some tips. Don't remember all, but one is "craft Carrier". Yes, he was right.
  • Some of my old clanmates, and all of current. It is good to have company, advice and some material help. Nothing really decent, but wery helpfull for newbie.
  • I will never forget this times i was Loki, Nekros, Frost and a little but powerfull magnet girl. Now im a bleardy-eyed kid, jumping like a CS-player in a clouds of Orokin blood.


Maybe i have some more, but this is what i can remember just now and what is actually in my heart.

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I'll never forget the 'Better-nerf-Trinity Wednesdays' meme. Gets me in the feels every time. XD I like their new way of doing things: making stuff underpowered and then buffing them later on. Except Rivens. That was completely unexpected. lol

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Won't forget

  • DE getting caught in a lie with drop rates, then encrypting them and the uproar that followed
  • Overheat removal RIP Ember
  • Valkyr without claws
  • the nova grind
  • Booben
  • the Trinity prime fiasco
  • RIOT, and the mass bans
  • John prodman
  • Clem
  • conclave
  • TWW disapointment
  • the "year of quality"
  • China frame
  • Nezha clogging up sorties
  • terrible events such as the cicero crisis
  • The DC war over Ivara's name, happy its not "artemis"
  • how bad Dark sectors were
  • Steve staring at Rebecca's butt on the dev stream
  • that time when everyone I used to play with quit
  • Hema and "honoring" the players
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46 minutes ago, Wolfdoggie said:

I'm still upset about item LoS being added to Gpull and the mess of a skillset she currently is.

Primed Regen will have me salty for a long time, as will no pet vacuumz.

Mag is one of the most quickly nerfed frames in the game hands down.

Greedy pull los

Greedy pull for team

 polarize scaling

Shield polarize overshield scaling (was brokenly good though)

Shield polarize sfx. I miss the bubble

Magnetize with beam weapons

Bullet attractor and radial javelin synergy



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I'll never forget The Forma Incident. I bet some of you guys think Hema was DE's first real screw up. Think again.

Back in I think U10, Forma suddenly became super difficult to obtain, and players started saying that the drop chance was stealth nerfed. One of the devs, I think Reb, came onto the forums and stated that they personally looked up the drop chance and that it was fine, it was just us players were unlucky.

The fact that a dev came on and told the entire community they were all unlucky is ludicrous in itself, but it gets better.

A dataminer chimed in and provided evidence that the drop chance was, in fact, Not fine. I forget what it was exactly, but i think it was around a 0.5% chance to drop. That's a 1 in 200 chance. For a Forma BP. Obviously the forums went into a blood crazed frenzy over this, worse than they did for Hema. Eventually DE fixed the drop rate on Forma BPs, but not before they made some changes. They did 3 things:

  1. Fixed the Forma BP drop chance so they would be more common
  2. Encrypted the Void drop table
  3. Made datamining and making the information public on their forums a punishable offense

That's right folks, they made the only thing keeping them honest against the rules. Innocence and total trust was lost that day. The details may have become hazy over the years, but that's something I'll never forget completely.

Here's the apology thread they made, if you're wondering.


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3 hours ago, Ker-Blammo said:

I will never forget that giant grineer tile they used to have... it was like a big confusing tower inside a cave. Or maybe im imagining things? Ive been looking for pictures of it for a while and havent had any luck.

I think this is the one you're looking for.


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