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Quick Steel Event Feedback


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9 hours ago, ice.goblin said:

One more thing I want to add. I have noticed that some Nikana strikes which land pretty close to the target and visually look like they should deal damage (I mean, Nikana actually touches or barely touches the opponent) but still barely make a scratch. This may be addressed to latency which is not a great thing but compared to the issue i've described previously it's not a serious concern.

It also happens when you're hosting the match itself.  Hikou also go through people. Conclave is just buggy as all hell and I wish they didn't make it a requirement for event loot.

DE if you're reading this - you're not getting a valentine's card this year. I'm changing my facebook profile to single and blocking you. Also I lied, your younger sister is way prettier than you and I'm taking her on a date and we're going to bond with stories about how mean you were to us.


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7 minutes ago, Siideriu said:

Incorrect, PvP played a very minor part in the previous titles it was designed for. And that's exactly how it feels. EVO Engine is too inaccurate for anything but PvE hack 'n slashes. There's a reason why PvP in larger player quantities wasn't released until 2015 and we all know how much DE derailed off good game design that year.

Just FYI, Evolution Engine is a heavily modified Unreal 3. Many many PvP games use UE3, or nowadays UE4.

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To me, the matches I've played were pretty fun. I didn't melee much, especially after figuring out that the Hikou altfire was better than the Nikana in general, so movement and combat were all fluent for me.

I really do hope that DE find a way to make a future event as interesting as this one without completely removing weapon variety, though. My Grakata wants blood.

Edited by Cythphn
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One single question: who was that <sarcasm>genius</sarcasm> who decided to trade crisp and fast PvE gameplay for sluggish PvP like Quick Steel and Christmas event?

It's frustrating how sluggish all the moves are, to the extent they're painful. I'm not talking about a lot of hits barely registering, but the whole concept of "Oh, I've hit the ground with my Nikana, now I need to have some rest before sheathing it" is just plain ridiculous.

Quick Steel as it is now is nowhere near fast-paced. Heck, even Call of Duty Hardcore missions where faster paced.

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16 hours ago, Nazrethim said:

Ladies and gentlemen, this is what in my country (or any other) is called "Not making any godam sense"

What don't you understand ?

2 hours survival are a better entertainment than 10 minutes of Quick Steel.

And you don't even have only one game to do, for the reward. You have between 3 and 9 (for the first event), and between 4 and 10 (for the second). Likely 5 to 15 for the third one.

I'll let you make the calculations. If you're unlucky enough (because this gamemode is so random the victory/defeat is not at all based on any kind of skill), you have 34 games of 8 minutes each. If you're in the average, ~16. If you're extremely lucky, 12.

And this, my friend, is why people try to cheese the whole thing by AFKing or just jumping around while watching TV. And there are a lot of people doing Survivals without a cheese-comp, because people actually enjoy Warframe and its PvE.

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The need to quit devoting time and resources to a game mode that less than 1.5% of the populace even cares about.  Dump this garbage, give us PvE modes to get the things we want and continue.  Forcing players to do stupid PvP to get items they need to progress in PvE is asinine to be blunt.


Of course, I believe they also said in a devstream that they stopped reading these a long time ago, or at least caring about them, so wasted typing and breath I guess.  If they cared, they would have fixed the 600+ page Hema problem a long time ago.

Edited by Coalfax
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3 hours ago, Sneazle said:

If you hate Conclave, how can your feedback ever be not negative?

Perhaps I wouldn't hate it if my grievances with the mode could be fixed?

Negative feedback is still feedback. Dismissing it with, "but you hate it anyway," doesn't help anybody.

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Alright let's dive into your arguments:


10 hours ago, Chipputer said:

I hate how the melee feels, is really my problem.

It's clunky, it's sticky, and it doesn't flow well.

I'm all for, "you swung and missed, now you're getting punished." What I'm not for is randomly doing 3 swings when I tap once. What I'm not for is bad connection quality causing that guy to hit the ground when I'm bullet jumping, yet somehow he hit me and I get killed in mid-air from a melee swing at waist level on the ground. What I'm not for is the amount of patience these issues require me to have.

I'm not a teenager anymore. I don't like dealing with these things. I don't expect it to be perfect. I just expect it to be a relatively smooth experience and it's not. It never has been. Track record is proving to me that it never will be.

You may have noticed, that no VARIANT allows equipped melee, therefor you can't get a "flow" by using just melee - since there is no "sword only" playstyle, it's not possible. In regular Conclave it is possible, but still involves a lot of risk taking.

The 3 swing for one E tap is post-hotfix, since it turned out that a 2 "swing" was heavily incouraging spam.

Arguing that latency issues are a problem of Conclave is ignorant (sorry for the harsh word!), it's a gamewide problem. Conclave has hosted servers, if you have bad latency you can join another lobby. If you encounter a "lagger", you can - especially in QS - pretty much shut the player down, by staying distant and shooting (well, throwing). They might get the occassional lucky hit, but it's rare once you know how to work around.

Not being a "teenager anymore" doesn't mean you have the right to expect anything because of your age.

The argument with "track record" is simply hollow. There was one chart that showed in a pie with percentages of players that played certain game modes for one weekend. That's all we know, one single weekend. Which also happend to be a weekend right after a bigger update - many were busy playing the new PvE content.

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On 3-2-2017 at 5:08 PM, Omnipower said:

3 Yeah afaik tactical alerts reward sigil/emblem(forgot which it is) progression for stratos.(and yes i do use it)

This event is labeled "Conclave", it is not a Tactical Alert.  The Snowball event caused quite an uproar when that one was labeled as TA (since there was nothing tactical about it and it wasn't PVE like all its predecessors) and it did give a Stratos Emblem point, which it wasn't meant to. They reverted the points back to before the Snowball Event.


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This whole event gets my blood boiling. here is why.

-Its a revamped event to minimize the amount of work DE needs to do to bring back events
-The amount of points needed to get the reward is increasing with each set (so far)
-This game mode promotes back biting. (PvP is why I left games like MW and Black Ops)
-they chose annoying weapon variants with crap stances and slow flight speed. Why not Orthos and mk1 braton variants?
-they are trying to force a crap game mode on new players with a type of play that is detrimental to Co Op game modes and has different mechanics.

Before you say just don't play then. Let me stop you right there I need the rewards because I refuse to spend my money on the god complex that DE has become. I have no expectation that DE will even listen to the forums anymore.

Edited by -Akeva-Banshee-
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4 hours ago, Coalfax said:

The need to quit devoting time and resources to a game mode that less than 1.5% of the populace even cares about.  Dump this garbage, give us PvE modes to get the things we want and continue.  Forcing players to do stupid PvP to get items they need to progress in PvE is asinine to be blunt.


Of course, I believe they also said in a devstream that they stopped reading these a long time ago, or at least caring about them, so wasted typing and breath I guess.  If they cared, they would have fixed the 600+ page Hema problem a long time ago.

I believe with the multiple threads its closer to 1k + pages

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Feedback.... ok...where do I start...


Matchmaking... really needs to be looked at on a basis of how much time you've spent in conclave, I may be a high level in PvE but if I don't touch PvP I'm likely not going to be any good at it so sticking me in with players who spent most of their time in conclave is just going to make it a painful experience.

Sync issues... all it takes is one player to be out of sync and they can basically run around killing us without even getting damaged because they're not actually where they appear on our screens.  The host, or lowest ping, normally has an advantage too and even on dedicated servers it's pretty easy to setup a certain IP to have a ping advantage using QOS services, let alone if you're on the same internal network (potentially 1-2ms pings to the server)... .   

Weapons... my god they are so unresponsive it's just stupid.  Then after you've stabbed your melee button a few times hoping for it to actually do something you end up getting stuck in a melee queue (same issue in PvE, would love that to be fixed there too).  Combine the slow responses and getting stuck in a melee animation after you've stopped pressing your melee with the completely random triggering of the 'slam' attack, either all the time or not at all, while on the ground and the temperamental ground slam while in the air and it becomes incredibly frustrating to play.    You also seem to have erratic damage output and hitboxes too which really don't help.

Oh and then there's my favourite part, the score sheet is biased towards oro which instead of being given to the person who kills the other player gets left as a loot drop meaning if you manage to make a kill and it's from a distance with say the hikou you then have to hope you can get to that oro before you get killed or another person steals it.

Length of each match is also far too long, it makes it drag out the process even mores considering the issues I've experienced. 

Amount of effort spent rehashing the snowball fight... well it was to be expected we'd get another version of the snowball one but it didn't really need it's own event IMO.  I'd have rather seen some of the older events re run, events that bring back things that we just can't get any other way like the snipetron (pretty sure I don't get the normal bp with the vandal) or the atrox kubrow skin.  According to the wiki (I wasn't around when they were first run) atleast some of them did something a little different and mixed up the game format a little, there was the vampire kubrows and the red desert skates for example.


In terms of a PvP game conclave still needs a lot of work and the dev's need to spend some time playing some dedicated PvP games (unreal tournament is a benchmark title imo) to see just how it should be done. 

As it is now I can't be bothered to waste my time trying to get the potatoes or other aspects, it's just not worth suffering through the issues. 

While I can understand the dev's wanting to cater for the minority of players in warframe who enjoy PvP, and even trying to get more to play it, making the majority who don't enjoy it suffer through a game type that is clearly unsuitable for mass adoption to get 'limited edition' or rare items is not a way to encourage us to play it. 

As a sidenote: I don't mind PvP games if they actually work properly, but I can't stand to play conclave because EVERY time I've tried it I have a bad experience and it's not because of winning or losing, it's down to the experience of playing it. 

Edited by LSG501
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7 hours ago, Cythphn said:

I really do hope that DE find a way to make a future event as interesting as this one without completely removing weapon variety, though. My Grakata wants blood.

I think it is the soul purpose of these events, to give everyone equal ground: same weapons, same speed, no mods. If you want to play your own build, welcome to regular PvP.

Also daily and weekly challenges seems to be a good idea but I'm just not sure how popular they are and how many people go out of their way to complete them.

Edited by ice.goblin
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9 hours ago, Siideriu said:

Obviously I tried the event mr. Sherlock.

This is a direct quote from you:
"I've never played conclave before nor will I."

Don't try to blame me for your own contradictory anecdotes.

9 hours ago, Siideriu said:

Funny you can't come up with anything related to the topic but instead go full ad hominem on a person giving feedback. I'll see you in decade when you hit puberty.

f36fce754f.png (689×179)

Please explain again which part of my post questioning your credibility, based on your own assertions, constitutes "full ad hominem".
If anything is ad hominem, it's your statement here: "I'll see you in decade when you hit puberty."

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8 hours ago, Chewarette said:

What don't you understand ?

2 hours survival are a better entertainment than 10 minutes of Quick Steel.

And you don't even have only one game to do, for the reward. You have between 3 and 9 (for the first event), and between 4 and 10 (for the second). Likely 5 to 15 for the third one.

I'll let you make the calculations. If you're unlucky enough (because this gamemode is so random the victory/defeat is not at all based on any kind of skill), you have 34 games of 8 minutes each. If you're in the average, ~16. If you're extremely lucky, 12.

And this, my friend, is why people try to cheese the whole thing by AFKing or just jumping around while watching TV. And there are a lot of people doing Survivals without a cheese-comp, because people actually enjoy Warframe and its PvE.

You forgot how the post he/she/it was replying to mentioned having only 1h of playtime, and you can't play for 2h if you can only play for half as long. The poster is contradicting their own established time limit.

Now for the rest of the post: if people actually tried to play instead of afking/running around like headless chicken without using their weapons, they might actually get some kills, or accidentally steal oro, landing them in third place. I for one am usually complete garbage in warframe PvP, but in both the snowball event and this one I'm doing quite well, as are some of my friends who are like this too. On a side note, even if you don't run a cheese loadout on a survival, unless you're running with friends only and none of you are using cheese(highly doubtful, unless you don't own any cheese gear), someone will always bring it, guaranteed, and doing a solo several hour survival is boring no matter what, cause it's the exact same gameplay vs the exact same (S#&amp;&#036;ty) AI for the entire duration. I'll admit I may be slightly biased though, but in general repetitive gameplay comes off as boring.

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16 minutes ago, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

You forgot how the post he/she/it was replying to mentioned having only 1h of playtime, and you can't play for 2h if you can only play for half as long. The poster is contradicting their own established time limit.

Now for the rest of the post: if people actually tried to play instead of afking/running around like headless chicken without using their weapons, they might actually get some kills, or accidentally steal oro, landing them in third place. I for one am usually complete garbage in warframe PvP, but in both the snowball event and this one I'm doing quite well, as are some of my friends who are like this too. On a side note, even if you don't run a cheese loadout on a survival, unless you're running with friends only and none of you are using cheese(highly doubtful, unless you don't own any cheese gear), someone will always bring it, guaranteed, and doing a solo several hour survival is boring no matter what, cause it's the exact same gameplay vs the exact same (S#&amp;&#036;ty) AI for the entire duration. I'll admit I may be slightly biased though, but in general repetitive gameplay comes off as boring.

^This sums it all up pretty well.

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8 hours ago, Chewarette said:

What don't you understand ?

2 hours survival are a better entertainment than 10 minutes of Quick Steel.

And you don't even have only one game to do, for the reward. You have between 3 and 9 (for the first event), and between 4 and 10 (for the second). Likely 5 to 15 for the third one.

I'll let you make the calculations. If you're unlucky enough (because this gamemode is so random the victory/defeat is not at all based on any kind of skill), you have 34 games of 8 minutes each. If you're in the average, ~16. If you're extremely lucky, 12.


22 minutes ago, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

You forgot how the post he/she/it was replying to mentioned having only 1h of playtime, and you can't play for 2h if you can only play for half as long. The poster is contradicting their own established time limit.

Now for the rest of the post: if people actually tried to play instead of afking/running around like headless chicken without using their weapons, they might actually get some kills, or accidentally steal oro, landing them in third place.

Thank you.

22 minutes ago, DragonSkllzz_of_OG said:

I for one am usually complete garbage in warframe PvP, but in both the snowball event and this one I'm doing quite well, as are some of my friends who are like this too. On a side note, even if you don't run a cheese loadout on a survival, unless you're running with friends only and none of you are using cheese(highly doubtful, unless you don't own any cheese gear), someone will always bring it, guaranteed, and doing a solo several hour survival is boring no matter what, cause it's the exact same gameplay vs the exact same (S#&amp;&#036;ty) AI for the entire duration. I'll admit I may be slightly biased though, but in general repetitive gameplay comes off as boring.

The only way I can stomach a 2h survival run is on solo, so I can take a pause every once in a while, watch a 15min video or eat something and then continue. If only I could bring several melee weapons to switch combo during battle it would be more entertaining, I come from DMC3/4 after all. I also only do survival fissures, as I found a little fun quirk: the relic switch pause is perfect for taking kickarse screencaps, so I just cast a Blade Storm when that pause arrives. Here's a sample:

#ExtremeFashionframe xD

8 hours ago, Chewarette said:

And this, my friend, is why people try to cheese the whole thing by AFKing or just jumping around while watching TV. And there are a lot of people doing Survivals without a cheese-comp, because people actually enjoy Warframe and its PvE.

People cheese or afk it because they don't like it, just like people who don't like sorties do it too. And both tend to be a fly on the soup for those who actually enjoy playing the game. Survivals are the only endless gamemode I enjoy (cause I don't have to defend a useless piece of garbage) but I can't stand them for more than 20min doing exactly the same, only times they get Fun is if Stalker, G3, Zanuka or a Synd Squad shows up to spice things up. If we faced different, more complex enemies over time, or a miniboss that isn't a single manic showed up (I avoid Infested Survival and Corpus because I loathe the insane amount of Disruptors, energy leeches, Nullifier and Sapping Ospreys spawns)


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7 hours ago, MystMan said:

This event is labeled "Conclave", it is not a Tactical Alert.  The Snowball event caused quite an uproar when that one was labeled as TA (since there was nothing tactical about it and it wasn't PVE like all its predecessors) and it did give a Stratos Emblem point, which it wasn't meant to. They reverted the points back to before the Snowball Event.


Ahh i did not know that good to know guess i went through this thinking i getting stratos' in vane XD

Either way the collectionist in me probably will compel me to do it regardless for you know free rewards despite my disposition towards pvp. 

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Calling a 12 point alert a "grind" is just silly.

Nobody is forcing you to play anything. The thing popping up at PvE console is just play bait, and so are Rivens and many other things out there. If you can't handle your own OCD urges you will suffer but that's in your hands, DE just wants us to play and buy plat if possible.

And those "exclusives" (which I have not seen atm) apparently are for those who accomplish the daily/bi-daily tasks; with the AFKer "i hate conclave" mindset you will never achieve them.


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58 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

Calling a 12 point alert a "grind" is just silly.

Nobody is forcing you to play anything. The thing popping up at PvE console is just play bait, and so are Rivens and many other things out there. If you can't handle your own OCD urges you will suffer but that's in your hands, DE just wants us to play and buy plat if possible.

And those "exclusives" (which I have not seen atm) apparently are for those who accomplish the daily/bi-daily tasks; with the AFKer "i hate conclave" mindset you will never achieve them.


It's at this point I must remind you that if you keep losing because your host has decided to run some artifical lag into the server, or everyone is teaming up against you, that's twelve games, at eight minutes long per game...

THAT'S 96 MINUTES.  You say it's not a grind?!

And no, you don't get to make the argument that it's "only cosmetics" or "nobody's forcing you." The moment they tossed in those potatoes, ESPECIALLY the catalyst, this stopped being optional for a lot of people who need potatoes, but don't have any money to spend or any of the uber-rare commodities Trade runs on, but still needed them to get their things in gear for PvE.

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  • Everyone has the same move set and capabilities so there's no Meta-Build to ruin the match for everyone else.


  • The point scale should offer a greater reward for placing above 3rd place. For example, 3rd gives 3 points, 2nd gives 4 points, and 1st gives 6 points.
  • The netcode feels really janky. Many of my deaths (and even a lot of my successful kills) felt undeserved. Like I only lost or won because the other person had a better or worse pipeline to the host.


  • The Match times are too long. With such a fast and frenetic gameplay mode, playing for more than 3-5 minutes at once can feel fatiguing and just makes me want to stop. 
  • Oro Stealing. If I score a kill, I should get the oro. If both I and my opponent die at the exact same time in an even exchange, we should both get the oro. Scoring a kill and not being able to claim your rightful oro just feels bad. It feels like I'm being cheated on a regular basis. 
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If you want to rant but don't have any constructive feedback to offer, please post it in this thread.

Rants look like:

  • quick steel is a $h1TT mode
  • garbage
  • repeating the above points in separate threads across several boards

Constructive criticism looks like:

  • Throwing stars need to be more accurate to reduce luck based victories
  • Nikana needs to use a different move
  • Remove Oro
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