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So about the slide attack macro


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So Ive run several missions and noticed something weird, especially during akkad, people using slide attack macros to perform never ending slide attacks, almost seamlessly as there is no pause between the attacks, it was like watching a copter, at the end of the mission when the results screen was displayed and we were all extracting that person was still sliding around attacking like he didn't let go of the macro button or he was afk farming? Might be why he was sliding into the wall constantly, in anycase I was curious about this macro, if DE really has no issues with people using them then I wouldn't mind getting setup for this one for doing quick credit farms on Akkad.  Or if they are in fact against the games rules then why is DE not enforcing them?  Is this one of those...don't ask and don't tell? Seriously though Id like an official response so that I don't get my account banned or something @[DE]Danielle  hoping you can clear this up.

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8 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

So Ive run several missions and noticed something weird, especially during akkad, people using slide attack macros to perform never ending slide attacks, almost seamlessly as there is no pause between the attacks, it was like watching a copter, at the end of the mission when the results screen was displayed and we were all extracting that person was still sliding around attacking like he didn't let go of the macro button or he was afk farming? Might be why he was sliding into the wall constantly, in anycase I was curious about this macro, if DE really has no issues with people using them then I wouldn't mind getting setup for this one for doing quick credit farms on Akkad.  Or if they are in fact against the games rules then why is DE not enforcing them?  Is this one of those...don't ask and don't tell? Seriously though Id like an official response so that I don't get my account banned or something @[DE]Danielle  hoping you can clear this up.

DE are vague about using Macros, as far as i recall.

But people are pushing their luck, at this rate these people who are clearly abusing their leniency are going to make life miserable for others - Either those who use them for disability purposes, or those who like to use the weapons they abuse (nerf hammer). 

Something is coming, and these people really only have themselves to blame. Though it'll be interesting to see in what why they condemn DE for any changes forthcoming. 

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DE's stance on macros has always been kind of vague. They recognize that some people need certain macros for disability reasons, but they tend to frown on macros like what is described in the op, as it can lead to abusive gameplay like afk farming.

I think the reason they don't give a more concrete stance is because they don't want people to find out what the exact line is and then try to skate it like a razor's edge to get away with as much abusive use of macro's as possible. Better to leave the rules vague and just carve out exceptions when possible for people who truly have disabilities or other related issues. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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You can be banned for using any macro at all so if you're looking for some sort of comfort in dev responses then you're never going to get it since they always give the same intentionally vague response of "we don't want them playing the game for you". The way I see it people are really pushing the generosity of their "maybe" to the point that in the future it might just be a definite "no" and we get some sort of bot that bans for it.

That said as it is right now most macros probably won't get you banned (I don't think I've ever actually heard of people getting banned for them) but if you are DE probably won't care unless you have a legitimate reason for using them (your finger hurting from slide attacks isn't legitimate).

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Its my understanding that people are using software in their mouse and keyboard to do the macros? So that means 3rd party software is still not allowed? I am actually curious about that, where I do understand the uses of macros for people that have disabilities, however proving said person has a disability in that regard might prove difficult itself.

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So far there are macros that allow people to fire a slide attack with a key of the button, but they are still playing the game as per normal. What OP seeing is automation and it could be very well be considered botting.

Edited by fatpig84
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26 minutes ago, cxll said:

That still doesn't actually give a definite answer on a particular macro. We can apply everything here and say it probably is or isn't, but that would still be an interpretation.

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1 hour ago, ViS4GE said:

They are fine with simple macros and against full automation, aka botting.

What he said. Most devs deliberately have a vague relationship with macros. But arguably the best way to define if a macro is allowed or not is to consider if said function you are macrology could be implemented as a hotkey, if said macro exceeds expected human input capability or if the macro automates the game so the player is not needed.

Vague, I know, but basically if you create a macro that does a sequence of commands faster then a human ever could, then it's probably bad. And also if said macro basically frees up the player to go AFK and do something else while the game keeps doing actions, also bad. However if said macro simplifies the execution a single action then it's OK. 

Edited by Lakais
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DE isn't going to ban players with gaming hardware. Nor are any other dev outside of a competitve/tourney situation.

But anyway, if I want to hotkey an action I just set it as press to execute. That way it abides by vague DEs criteria and nothing I am doing is a toggle and always requires player input to function/ doesn't allow me to afk.

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It's real simple.

Makros like slide attack, autofire for semi-auto weapons (like akjagara) are allowed. These do not attack for you, they don't shoot, aim or move for you. They don't play the game for you in any automated way aside from saving your peripherials from being wrecked. We're dealing with thousands of enemies per mission sometimes.

Makros that play the game for you = bannable offense. Any complex actions that questionably reduce player's personal participation are off the table.

While there are no set rules about makros and it's a gray area, don't do anything ridiculous.

Edited by Acersecomic
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I played during the old copter days that muscle memory is still there I can do it as seamless ly as any macro and I regularly do it farming for mutagen samples...  Still farming and farming.


Just saying it's possible it's the same with them,  I actually watch tv while I do it barely paying any attention for an hour at a time.

Edited by (PS4)Eluminary
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Most people are clearly using macros and personally it kinda triggers me. I have played the game for nearly 4 years (on and off) and i am so used to ctrl spamming (especially back in the day of bottom-sliding and ground/air coptering) that i am fully capable of executing slide attacks even at volt speed with relatively low % fail rate.

I can do it just fine, but it seriously annoys me when there are other people who clearly use macros - run into walls and like keep on sliding for 5 seconds or when they execute perfect inhuman slides with volt or valkyr buffs. It feels like an insult to my skill. Because of them i've been accused of using macros, it's also because of them that everyone is so annoyed with slide attacks. And also it just makes me angry that i have to do it manually while those scrubs just keep on macroing (there is no definite answer on this matter so i don't feel safe to start macroing) It will probably be because of macro-abusers that we will see slide attack nerfs and changes. At this point i'm about 80% sure that the changes are coming. 


EDIT: I never liked macros out of principle. It's cheating no matter how you look at it. Using macros to fire faster than you can humanly click? It's cheating. Using macros to increase your effective damage out with massively reduced execution strain - It's cheating. Might as well just turn on Aim-bot while we are at it because some people feel like it's too tiring and unimportant in warframe to aim and fire. 

Statement to DE: Ban third party macros and support own macros within official means - allow people to bind slide attack as an separate key or allow semi-auto weapons to be used as full auto. 
If you think that you cannot support it official because it is kinda cheaty and beats the purpose of semi-auto and makes melee slide damage too abusable then why don't ban macros already ? Support it officially or ban it for good - you cannot give some players more advantage than others that know how to abuse third party software. 

Edited by WingsOfGryphin
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Still seeing allot of maybes, and people claiming that DE accepts this, do we have actual proof of DE actually stating that they are ok with a slide attack macro? Cause it seems with what Ive been reading that they are dancing around the subject, and frankly I'm not gonna risk losing my account because of a technicality.

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Personally I wish to see a strict policy regarding macros instead of what we have atm. And personally I HATE slide macro spammers with Telos Boltace, because they usually pick a bright color for their energy, forcing me to either abort the mission or having to deal with physical pain, thanks to my eyes having extreme light sensitivity (bordering on photophobia). 

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macros are fine as long as it doesn't play the game for you. No macros where you press one button and it does endless slide attacks in a circle without you having to move your mouse or stuff like that.

But macros that make the game easier on your hands are okay. Like fast clickers that make it so you don't have to spam click are okay, I have a macro that reloads the weapon after every click for my vectis (because the vectis auto reloads slower than if you manually reload), auto slide attacks is also okay although you are probably pushing it a little if the macro auto slide attacks and doesn't stop until you press a button to stop it. so if I were you id just stick to *press button to slide attack once* macros.

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2 hours ago, kgptzac said:

It's you who needs to get a grip.  It's cancerous as people see others doing it can start doing it themselves, and it's effects on human eyes are quite a disease if you ask me.

If people with cancer could overcome it by aborting a mission, closing their eyes, changing some settings in their video settings then maybe. But the can't can they?

Come on guys, cancer is no joke. It's not something to make light of. It's a horrible HORRIBLE condition. If you think equating a mere annoyance with this is acceptable you're actually a worse human being then the few people that are using slide macros.


And on the point of the macros. Seems to me the macros aren't at fault but how their visuals are disturbing. Like those of SimulorMirage. Or the myriad of other headache inducing particle effects. You know what would solve this? Not banning these thinhs but giving us, the users, more control over how these are displayed (on our systems).

As a melee player who wants to still use my hands after some hours of play I'd hate for DE to ban macros outright. It would pretty much stop me from being able to play and enjoy this game for longer then two hours. Which pretty much means I'd probably stop playing alltogether. As a founder who still plays abt 4 to 6 hours every day that would be a huge downer. And to think this would be only because of some lame particle effects and a few people abusing the system... that's just sad..

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