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Octavia's Anthem: Update 20


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3 hours ago, Pegasy said:

Someone make this please 

Also, could you please add some kind of unique id to a player so 3rd party trial trackers can support player name changes. 

Also, will the date always be in gmt+0 and that format or can that change at any time? 


The 4k support was only meant for people who play at 4k at a 27"-28" monitor with higher dpi? Not for those that use a 40" 4k with almost the same dpi as a 1080p 22" or 1440p 28" monitor... The "new inbox message" is 2-3 cm in size on my monitor now. Please add a hud scale for the menues too. 


Most of the text looks upscaled too, lots of jagged edges still on it, and it s more noticeable now that its that much larger. 



Having the same issues except I'm on 1080p. My UI is scaled all wrong even when I changed my settings to make sure it was 1920x1080 and 16:9 aspect ratio. It's much worse in windowed fullscreen as well.

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UI scaling is totally screwed, sorry. 1440p is ultimately littered with either too big, or too small pieces of UI. Just give us plain base UI + slider to adjust it either way, it's simple and works on other games.
Limbo 2, and 3, they don't work well for nonhost, and even as host you can stumble on them.
Weapon changes... Really, there was NO need for them, since this is almost only sponge enemies game.
New frame. Welp, I hoped for something more like WH40k style Noise Marine, not a clown with a rollerferry. 
Thanks for trying tho'.

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after doing what im guessing is the last mission of the octavia quest, i am returned to the relay and met with an infinite "Please Wait..." notification overlay with the spinning loading icon. i can see other players roaming around the cephalon suda room in the background. I have been on this screen for 5 minutes. What should I do? I don't want to mess up my quest and not get the rewards or something bad.

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4 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

As a result of these changes, “Host” will be removed from the Clan Roles list since any and all Clan members will now be able to access the Dojo at all times.

Why DE why you do this?!


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Snowball shuriken skin?

When will we be able to color each part of our warframe separately?

Could we please have a third sigil slot that is on our helmet?

Please buff Machete and Machete Wraith.

It would be cool if we could have our liset's appearance as part of our warframe's loadout, 
so we can have matching warframes and ships at all times.

Any chance for a Prisma Machete sold by the Void Trader soon?

Any chance we'll have Syndicate cosmetic skins and/or helmets one day?

Detron got a Void Trader variant, will Brakk be getting one too?

Will Machete receive a Augment mod or buff?
It's currently the weakest weapon in the game, and could use some love.

Will there be Vandal skins for Warframes?
I like the designs of the Vandal weapons, 
but they don't really match any of the warframes.
Would be cool if their colors where changeable, 
or at least there where matching Warframe skins.

Will we ever be getting a male Grineer themed tank/combat warframe with tons of armor?
Hopefully with a Rocket Punch power.

Would be cool is there where optional secondary missions during your main mission.
Like, during a spy mission, a officer could spawn,
and you could go capture him.
If you fail or choose not to do the optimal mission you don't fail your main mission,
it's just a chance at getting extra affinity,
and something to freshen up the game-play a little.

Would be cool for each Relay to get their own Bar where the Void Trader could go.
(he's always talking about wanting you to come to parties he's throwing.)

Would be cool of the Relays could have an Arcade, 
where you can play the different mini games like Happy Zephyr and Wyrmius.

Would be cool if the Relays could have a fighting pit where anyone in the relay can fight each other.

Also, could we get a smaller Kubrow body type?
I want to make a tiny dog, but even the smallest one isn't small enough.

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Alright, having played a few rounds at various levels as limbo since this update, I can now honestly say that I'm less than impressed.

The primary reason for that is the fact that bringing enemies into the Rift is now egregiously complicated.  Previously, you could just hit a button and bring them in, but now you have to come out of the Rift (flying uncontrollably across the room, no less, skewing your aim), hit the button, then come back into the Rift (again, flying across the room for no reason), and then you can fight the one enemy that you wanted to fight, along with several that were just there.  This was clearly done to balance the new lack of time limit to your being in the Rift, but ultimately it just makes the whole system fail.  Additionally, I would consider the multiple enemies banished at once a fair compensation for that, since you're now bringing the whole battle into the rift, as opposed to just one or two selected enemies that either interest you or look like they'd be trouble for your friends.  Sure there's a knockdown effect on banishing, but that's not helpful since by the time you get back in the Rift, and situated with your new position, they'll already be back up and raring to go.  I understand that there's some concern about Limbo never exiting the Rift, and never doing anything to help a team, but with this convoluted Banish setup, that's precisely what your're encouraging.

I've implied an additional problem with the 'dodge-to-enter-the-Rift' system.  That was a good idea, in theory, and the lack of time limit and energy cost is nothing if not enticing, but when you're not moving, and you want to hop to the other plane of reality it's rather annoying to suddenly be thrown to some other point on the map.  Now, since I almost never roll in most of my frames (the slide does about the same thing, but more controlled) using this button would be fine.  However, if I"m not moving, I...don't want to move just to enter the Rift.  So, if pre-existing motion could be considered in that setup, that would be much better. a stationary shift would also reduce the problems with Banish, as it would make more efficient shifts, and therefore the necessary shifts to conduct a banish would be much more doable.

As far as Stasis goes, I definitely dig the idea for it; time-stopping is always fun, but it feels a touch at odds with the rest of his moveset.  Also, the enemies under its effect can still turn, which is odd, but I think that's a glitch more than anything else.  Those are really my only issues with this, and ultimately I don't put too much weight on the first one.

The new Rift Surge is interesting; it's supposed to be a way for us to get people into the Rift even if we're still in the Rift.  The trouble I have with it is that to use it, we still have to go through the whole process to get someone in the Rift before we can do this.  And with Banish now effecting multiple targets, most of the targets will already be in the Rift by the time that Rift Surge is used.  Perhaps this problem changes form in extremely high levels (I've yet to do any sorties), but from what I've seen, this Rift Surge isn't the most useful of abilities.

Limbo has always been about control over who can and/or will do battle with him, and I feel that he's lost quite a bit of that in this update.  I think these issues could be fixed with either a stationary riftwalk, or by allowing Banish to work on enemies in the other plane.  Or both of these solutions.  That would work too.

Thanks, and I look forward to trying out the rest of the new material.

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8 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

Get Octavia today by purchasing her in the Market for Platinum, or by completing Octavia’s Anthem to get her Blueprint. Her parts can be found in the following ways:

  • By facing your fears of the Infested: Rotation C of Orokin Derelict Survival

Quoting for visibility! One of her parts drop in the C rotation, not B, of ODS!

So sorry if this caused any confusion, Tenno, but we sure to stick around for that extra rotation if you are farming her.

EDIT: Corrected an error! Reading comprehension is important, kids. So sorry again!

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2 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

Quoting for visibility! One of her parts drop in the C rotation, not B, of ODS!

So sorry if this caused any confusion, Tenno, but we sure to stick around for that extra rotation if you are farming her.

Thanks for the heads up (heh, HEADS UP) Taylor ^__^



I'll show myself out kthxbai


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13 minutes ago, CY13ERPUNK said:

ok for real this time

this might be the longest update/patch notes ive ever seen for WF

and ive been around since U5 =P

Expect the Hotfixes to be the most as well :P Still waiting for the UI issues to be resolved.

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