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Coming THURSDAY: Devstream #90!


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Join us THURSDAY for a special Devstream #90! We’ll be going live at 2 p.m ET on April 13th!  

Who: The crew is back – we’ve missed you all. It’s with pure excitement we return to the couch to bring you a special Thursday Devstream! 

What:  Viewers of Devstream #90 will hear answers to community questions and learn of the Thirty-third. 

Prizes? Why yes, we will be giving away 3 x 1000 Platinum Prizes and during the Livestream as well as a Banshee Prime Access! 

Where: Find us at: twitch.tv/Warframe

When: THURSDAY, April 13 at 2 p.m EDT (convert here: https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/ )

If you have questions for us please post them below! This thread closes at 10 a.m on Thursday, April 13! 

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I think there is a disconnect between what is considered fun and challenging by the devs and the community. Invulnerable enemies are not fun. Enemies that force us to switch our strategies, prioritize and think are fun. What portions of the community say they want isn't always what is positively responded to. 

I believe some of the current systems in place make it hard to tackle this. Spamming E on an enemy isn't fun or thought out melee but it's most effective. Using AoE weapons aren't always the most fun way to play but it's most effective (with no risk until now finally). Fighting slightly different variations of the same enemies isn't very exciting, especially when theres no complexity to their combat. 

What can the devs do to address this? What can we as a community do to help bridge this gap? 


 I believe one step in intuitive gameplay can be a revised melee system.

  1. With a two button melee system of light and heavy attacks combo will make more sense to use. Ambiguous timing that currently plagues the system with pauses can be removed all together. 
  2. Current charge attack can be replaced with heavy button press.

PC & PS4 player.

Regardless of the new enemies that are introduced to the game, if the way we approach the is the same then the experience will only have minimal impact.

Thank you for the hard work.

Edited by (PS4)RenovaKunumaru
The initial question is to be revised or the response will be "keep leaving feedback"
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⦁    Will we ever see a return of the original blade and whip idle stance?
⦁    I know this is an annoying topic for you, but give us some infos about Focus. What are you working on? What do you want to change/add?
⦁    Kubrow pack behaviour, any infos?
⦁    Will you rework the reward tables in the near future? Mods and 15/50 Endo doesn´t belong into mid to high level missins.
⦁    New augments for weapons and Warframes, when? They are way overdue.

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Any future plans on giving the players the possibility of gathering kuva from endless type missions with (maybe) even scaling rewards? Kuva fortress would be a good place to make it possible. Could give advanced players something fun to do instead of only doing the repetitive kuva missions while also allowing players the risk to go further for the price of gathering higher rewards (more kuva).



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Any plans on improving movement animations (running, sprinting, walking) by motion-capturing them and making them IK-based?

Also, could we have some alternate melee stances/movement animations? I'd really like something different for heavy blades.

And, last, got anymore good Earth remastering to show off?


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Any plans for limbo changes? His ability to troll teammates with stasis is contentious. Also cataclysm is the strongest instant nuke in the game with a pretty incredible range as well. 

I think cutting the range and removing the shrink would be enough personally. 

Focus changes? 

Any thoughts on faster holstering? The current holstering doesn't fit the game. 

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