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So, how has the Design Council Alert been treating you?


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1 hour ago, (PS4)dursereg said:

Bugged out for me and randoms at the last wave last 2 enemies which became immortal. We sat there watching the moa slowly pick off the crypod till it was destroyed. Yeah, real fun.

im on my third try and its had something like that happen every time

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One of the harderst missions i have ever faced.

Team was composed of 2 newbies and one vet who recently started playing warframe again but was still experimenting with warframes and weapons. The newbies were a frost and an ash, my friend was a nyx and i was a nekros.

This goes average with my shadows, my senistar disk and my kulstar that i used at the start of the rounds to clear a few enemies here and there, at round 4 i pop a ancient eximus to make everything including the pod more tankier, deaths happen everywhere and eventually i'm unable to revive without getting killed, alot of micro movement management starts to happen, a 15 second timer to revive someone had tons and tons of decisions, where to go, when to aproach, what to fire, was zenistar disk on, where was the disk, how much health do i have, is the eximus alive, how much time do i still have......

At this point my heart beat increases and the last few waves both the newbies are gone for good, nullifiers flood my friend and he also runs out of revives.

Pod takes serious damage a few times, i go far away to try and take the nullifiers out with kulstar, nothing major happens, i lose hope and as a desparate move i go in at the same time as the pod takes more serious damage, pop another eximus and i go melee the remaining nullifiers, i kill them and i regain hope.

Sargeant appears and kills me in one hit, i revive and i finish him for good.

I often save the day for many, many players, but this was one of those rare ocasions where i went to have fun and ended with a major effort to try and pull of a victory, alone.

Could i do better next time? yes, for sure, i just didn't expect so many difficulties

I pulled it off and i can say for certain, not many could repeat my feat.

Edited by KIREEK
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My success only came at the 6th attempt, all the others, host left when things went south.

Then , in the 7th run, i went with Mag, my team mates, a Frost(with bubble popper), Octavia and a Valkyr. Went pretty smooth, probably all veterans like me. But i think what won the challenge was the Miter to deal with the bubbles.

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3 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

What did you think DE would have put? The moment I saw it was going to be Corpus and level 100 Challenge... CHALLENGE, the first thing that came to my mind was "Nullifiers" and "Sapping Ospreys".

The fact that they were Eximus was the part I did not foresee.

I had to laugh at the whole thing.  It was an obvious troll move that was interesting.   Take two of the most annoying enemies, makes them eximus, and spam the hell out of them at level 90+.  I do admit to going into the mission blind as a bat.  I might try it again later or a might not.  

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4 hours ago, KingOfNightmare said:

And if you check the poll in the design council, those are not the enemies we have voted for (except for the good ol sarge)

What did the Design Council vote for? Inquiring minds want to know.

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2 minutes ago, VentiGlondi said:

I'm trying to figure out how did any of you find this enjoyable.

Because DE rarely gives us missions with high level enemies because much of the community is boring and prefers to do wimpy endless missions so they give them missions that begin with level 5 enemies so they can 1hit useless weak boring garbage mobs for 5 hours before it reaches any form of difficulty so they can exit like pussies but still think they achieved something of E-peen value instead of just giving us missions that begin difficult forcing me to make long run-on sentences having to explain the obvious. 

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I ran Nidus with Ignis Wraith, Vaykor Marelok, and Secura Lecta. First join was bugged, Defense pod was not present and couldn't start mission. Second try, got a Frost, Rhino, and Nekros. Not counting the bugged attempt that never started, only took one try.

My job was mostly to burn nullie bubbles and clear sapdiscs. And revive allies as needed because Nidus.

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Effort ? :')

It was quite fun and reasonnably difficult if you do not bring any of your main frames and weapons, had a good time, the final and dreadful boss of eternal doom, A.K.A. The sergeant, gave me a good laugh to end this little event.

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