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DE, Please dont let this be it for Oberon, Ash, Saryn, or Mag


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Hey,  my perfect baby Saryn is fine. She works amazingly. Her 1st and 2nd are fine and amazing and her 3rd is fine. I maim Saryn with Regen molt and a good melee. She is my all time favorite melee frame. Her 4 isn't even needed. She's not meant to be a nuke. So don't ask her to be one. 


And Oberon is also really fine right now. He doesn't really need a touch up. The only thing I could mention Is that Oberon get a passive that makes him immune to energy drain.

Edited by Arniox
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Oberon and Ash are still in a meh place to me, yeah. But Saryn is great, and Mag just need a synergy between 1 and 4 (Example, any pulled enemy will stack static force while rolling on the floor, using 4 on "charged" enemies will pack them + debuff them)

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13 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:



The point of his rework was missed, his 4 is still an uninteractive cinematic, but now is clunky, slower, and costs more than twice as much as before, leaving him in the dust of octavia at this point.


While still better than before marginally, his healing now punishes you for playing with a larger squad, especially nekros and nidus, an idea that you should cost more to heal more allies punishing you for doing your job as a support, further more, I feel as though a paladin warframe should have atleast 300 base armor, not 150. His 2 should only require you to be on the AoE to buff allies and debuff enemies, as its too costs and inconsistent to wait for constantly moving thing to get onto your flame carpet thing. Also, why have it so the %hp damage of his smite is divided per projectile, but increasing strength add more projectiles, effectively making damage less consistent.



I love Oberon. I loved him before the rework and still love him, but having said that, I really agree with your statement about his rework. I guess I'm okay with the energy drain on Renewal, but it costs way too much as it is currently. It should just be a flat 1-2 energy per second, that's it.

I won't speak to the others you mentioned, though. I don't use Mag or Saryn enough to weigh in and I love Ash the way he is, so yeah...

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I can agreed with you OP, at least to certain extents.

He indeed needs a lot more tampering with. At the absolute least, his Shuriken needs (non-augmented) utility, like stagger struck enemies. But he needs a very thorough look at, and I'd recommend @Nazrethim's rework for that.

ONE thing I felt they did somewhat right with his rework was: All abilities have a distinct use.
However, their executions are all fairly poor.
* Smite - Role: Scaling damage. However, what's the point of that in regards for the rest of his kit? If there was a reason to, say, kill an enemy on HG for some kind of benefit, then I'd see the point of Smite getting the "scaling damage" role. However, Reckoning is the one that wants to get the killing blow (for health orbs), so that's odd. Also, the scaling is not exactly great, due to how Smite works with Power Strength...
* HG - I hate forced synergy, especially when it is done as poorly as on this ability. HG has a use (to combo with Renewal/Reckoning), but it's SEPERATE use is very, very limitted. It needs something else to it than to be the "bridge" towards making abilities be worthwhile.
* Renewal - Good healing, still really poor mechanics. Iron Renewal should just be innate to it. Energycosts shouldn't scale with # of allies healed. Why is its range so poor?
* Reckoning - Flat damage, yet one of its utilities relies on killing enemies. Good thinking /s. If it debuffed enemies for X seconds, so you could kill with weapons and/or Smite, it'd make more sense. But as is? That part is just stupid. Sadly, this is still one of his more useful skills (due to KD and reliable Rad procs).
* Passive - Is incredibly random, and has got NOTHING to do with his kit. Yay?

Oberon's rework was just... clunky all over?

Crush indeed needs more love. It could allow you to gather enemies into a ball of flesh and steel with the press of X button. Toss them at the end of it with Y button. It could be a really fun ability, but it was left untouched. Sad.
Polarize is still a boring ability. The whole "shard" mechanic is also nigh useless, when it could've been a far more useful and gorey route for Mag. But alas, another sad ability.
Magnetize and Pull are both good though, they just need minor polishing.
Passive is bad too.

Spores is great. Miasma and Molt are both ok, but need some more to them (Corrosive procs for Miasma? Better survivability on the molt? Stuff like that)
Toxic Lash however... man it's so bad. It's the only ability in the game that is also 100% useless if you forgo a certain weapontype (your melee). It could be a good survivability buff, but it got related to blocking (sigh). It could also do some cool and unique stuff, like summon an snake/vine of energy that orbits around her, which lashes out on nearby enemies (helping to pop spores, for example). But no, it's 100% a meleebuffing ability. Lame.

Sidenote: I feel that EVERY Warframe needs polishing though. Every single one of them have at least one of the following issues (and this includes their PASSIVES too):
1) Kit redundancy - Often some ability in the kit is completely overshadowed by another ability from the same kit. One of the worst problems a Warframe can have. Many abilities can have this issue due to the issues mentioned below.
2) Poor scaling - Purely flat damage with zero / very limitted utility is horrible to have in ANY Warframe's kit. Just like Ash's Shuriken.
3) Overly niched ability(s) - Ivara's Noise Arrow is a prime example of this. It's not bad, but it feels too limitted for general gameplay. You could even say that (to a lesser degree) about Loki's Switch Teleport.
4) QoL issues - Tidal Surge unable to traverse most little bumps in the way (along other issues), Tornado being more of a hassle to the team than it's worth + not being endable early. Spectral Scream generally being worse than just attacking with ANYTHING else, due to all of its restrictions. Et cetera. Almost all abilities have QoL-problems in some way or another.
5) Poor ability combined with limitted # of targets affected - Good examples would be: Iron Jab. Fireball. Freeze (and it's still far from the worst!). This can get even worse when combined with point #2, the poor scaling. Once again, Ash's Shuriken fits here as well.
This problem can often lead to kit redundancy too.
Now, limitted # of targets affected by itself doesn't necessarily make an ability bad, as long as the ability's effects are useful. Examples: Limbo's old Banish. Ash's Teleport. Nyx's Mind Control too (but AI is an issue - that's not the ability's fault though). Those all see uses, despite their target limits.
6) Boring abilities - This is a far more subjective matter ofc, but imo, if an ability is not fun to use, for one reason or another, it doesn't help its useage. However, this only truly becomes an issue if the ability is also bad in FUNCTION. Iron Jab is a good example of this. Imo it's both boring AND bad, making me ignore it completely. It's unversatile, it's not all that great-sounding, it doesn't have any cool effects (it's just a POKE!), it has limitted range. All it has is good single target damage and meager CC. Yeah... no. It really stinks.
On the other hand, the "fun" of an ability is what can (somewhat) save even limitted abilities. Ivara's Navigator is fun to mess around with, and so can her Noise Arrow. Loki's Switch Teleport let's you do some interesting stuff.

Aaand, I rambled too much again xD

Edited by Azamagon
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I think Oberon and Ash are in a good place. I actually like the cutscene on Ash and I think Oberon is good at his Jack of all trades role. Yesterday's sortie was a good example of where I was healing, stripping armor, some cc and providing team with healing and defense. 

That said, if DE wants to buff Oberon im fine with it... But PLEASE dont turn Ash ultimate into a stance or WoF clone.

Mag is not a bad frame, but I feel like her other skills could still use an upgrade in functionality. mainly, I think her augments should be standard.


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52 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

3) Overly niched ability(s) - Ivara's Noise Arrow is a prime example of this. It's not bad, but it feels too limitted for general gameplay.

This one was a bad example to use to make your case.  Why, because it is just one of 4 possible uses for the same ability which is really just one power itself.  Same with Vauban.  In this case, having one out of 7 abilities being niche isn't bad.  Now having one completely niche ability out of 4 would be.

Other than what I mentioned, I agree with most of your post.  :D

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I remember back in Devstream 63 Scott said that he did want to do more with Saryn after her rework was released but he wanted to get some tracking from public before taking her back to the shop. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCa3MPs6byQ&t=35m)
Not sure if he even remembers or might've been pretty busy to go back - he had a bunch of other reworks down the pipe after that. The same can be said for the others honestly.

  • As a Mag player I'm glad Magnetize has been made better but I'm definitely feeling a bit salty about Polarize but also Crush. I'd have even taken a magnetic version of Discharge.
  • The rest of Ash's kit could use some looking at.
  • Oberon? Numbers could be better on the abilities. Ability syngery really shouldn't have to rely on each other to get a result. They should compliment one another.
  • Saryn? Numbers could also be better.
    Energy consumption isn't a problem in my build but I do remember some people complaining. I wonder how many people even know you can regain energy using Toxic Lash with Spores? Is that even very effective in higher demand when things get crazy? 



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17 hours ago, Lucavee said:

Which means she is bad against Infested, Corpus, and Corrupted. Kinda sad, dont you think?


This one line invalidates your entire post.


As for the rest of you, spend some time with these frames and get to know how to play them. Ash, Mag and Saryn are all powerful. Oberon is still a jack of all trades and thats what he is meant to be. And as for energy issues? Try a different build, i have zero energy issues.

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1 hour ago, (Xbox One)RevenantRequiem said:

This one line invalidates your entire post.


As for the rest of you, spend some time with these frames and get to know how to play them. Ash, Mag and Saryn are all powerful. Oberon is still a jack of all trades and thats what he is meant to be. And as for energy issues? Try a different build, i have zero energy issues.

I've spent A LOT of time with Mag. Girl needs help. She's powerful because of one ability, Magnetize. Meanwhile, Polarize doesn't scale worth squat against enemy armor, and is useless against an entire faction. Crush is total garbage. And she also has a tiny energy pool for a caster type frame that needs to spam her abilities. 

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12 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

- Ash's rework was not intended to make him more powerful, it was intended to stop Bladestorm spam, and in this regard, it succeeded. they did however break their promise of removing the cutscenes. if they made it so that only Ash's clones did the Bladestorming while the player themselves is still free to run around, that would have solved the problem. they could have made it sort of like the trainee Assassins in AC: Brotherhood: you call them (or in this case, cast your power) and the clones go out and kill whilst you do whatever. it wouldn't encourage spam because it would still take time and a lot of energy to do.

This true but i feel that if they took the AC approach, it would become what it was going to be according to Scott. It was going to be like what you said, kinda like World on Fire. But with clones. I personally would really like it all that much cause, 

1) Ash would basically become like Ember with another skin on his ability.

2) Ash would then be seen as a caster frame instead of a raw DPS frame.

3) Players using Ash (casual ones) would just turn to Ash for "lazy runs" instead playing as him for fun.

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21 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:

All 4 of these frames have had either half finished or in mag's case, very lack luster reworks, and the majority of the warframe community have viewed them as such. Before you move forward with starting other reworks and what not, can even 1 person at DE read this knowing that these 4 frame still need proper reworks:


The point of his rework was missed, his 4 is still an uninteractive cinematic, but now is clunky, slower, and costs more than twice as much as before, leaving him in the dust of octavia at this point.


While still better than before marginally, his healing now punishes you for playing with a larger squad, especially nekros and nidus, an idea that you should cost more to heal more allies punishing you for doing your job as a support, further more, I feel as though a paladin warframe should have atleast 300 base armor, not 150. His 2 should only require you to be on the AoE to buff allies and debuff enemies, as its too costs and inconsistent to wait for constantly moving thing to get onto your flame carpet thing. Also, why have it so the %hp damage of his smite is divided per projectile, but increasing strength add more projectiles, effectively making damage less consistent.


Crush does nothing, her animations are too long and CC her more than enemies, the armor and shield stripping on her 3 doesnt scale so it does effectively nothing, and pull should be 1 handed. her 2 is fine though, and her passive is pointless since it moves the items to where you just left.


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

DE, as a company, we the fans enjoy your work, but are begging you look back at these 4 frames and help them..!


I'm sorry but, Ash is fine. Saran is fine. And I've had a mag compete with me for top dmg while playing both equinox and banshee (top dmg dealers in game.) The Oberon rework actually made him both usable and viable to a team. Now Im not disappointed to see an oberon in team..it's whatever. I honestly don't see anything wrong with any of the frames you've listed. Again I stress, Ash is fine. Ash is still awesome. Only thing I want from DE is to keep doing a great job on such an amazing game, and bring me the hydroid rework. #masterrace4life

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Saryn is overwhelmingly my favorite frame, so I am naturally opposed to her receiving major changes. Toxic Lash did seem very underwhelming to me when I first started playing her, but I have taken a shine to it since my playstyle on all frames shifted toward a melee focus. I have never really had energy problems on her, since I rarely use Miasma, and generally run with Rage and a high-range melee weapon to take advantage of the energy return on Toxic Lash. That said, I wouldn't mind if she was given just a little more defensive utility or a more intuitive toxin spreading mechanic on her spores, so long as those changes don't inspire a larger rework.

I would like to see more work done on Mag, but she is far from being the weakest frame in the game. A high-efficiency, high-strength build makes her an efficient damage dealer, even if you just spam pull and go ham with melee, as I do. My main complaint with Mag's kit is that it is slow. Crush has an absurd casting time with fairly little reward, Polarize travels slowly enough that I often find myself charging ahead of it, and Magnetize has a tendency to linger and get in the way much longer than I would like. I have found Mag to be perfectly usable in high levels, but I don't find her to be as much fun as she used to be. I often joke that all of her abilities should just be Pull in different directions, but I would honestly find that more entertaining than her current kit.

I haven't played Oberon or Ash, but it does sound like both of them could use some more attention to make them satisfying to a broader range of players.

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Man the amount of reworking demanded is starting to get surprising. I expected as much ever since Excalibur was revised, everyone is going to expect major changes from here on out. I see these frames all the time do perfectly fine. It's just all opinions now.

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22 hours ago, Trickst3rGawd said:


Crush does nothing, her animations are too long and CC her more than enemies, the armor and shield stripping on her 3 doesnt scale so it does effectively nothing, and pull should be 1 handed. her 2 is fine though, and her passive is pointless since it moves the items to where you just left.


Much like oberon, is energy hungry but more so in the fact in order to deal the "big damage" with her 4, you'd need to use up way too much energy for what is just easier and more damaging with a gun, her 3 is still rather useless and should give the damage bonus to all her guns

Are you okay? Maybe you're confused about how to build/play these frames? It's true that Crush needs something more, and it'd be great if Pull were a one-hand cast, but beyond that there's nothing wrong or unfinished with either of these Warframes.

With Mag, long animations are a weakness of several frames, easily accounted for with a mod or two or by using careful positioning. Since Mag can create zones of being near-completely immune to damage, she can pull this off pretty well. Polarize is flat damage, yes, and it does fall off in damage, but it does three things: it weakens enemy defenses, it adds damage to Magnetize, and it restores ally shielding in a wide radius, good for quick saves on allies and gives her some serious survivability if you use the augment. Her passive carries the items along with you in Bullet Jump. (Mobilize might make the items fall a little short, if you still have this problem it might be lag on your end? Mine works fine.) It's not perfect, but far from pointless. I get to forego a Sentinel and bring my Kavat without missing out on drops.

I don't even know where you got these ideas about Saryn not being good, so I'll just leave you this video

With both of these Warframes, I can run full-positive builds (no minmaxing) and still earn top damage (and also top kills with Saryn) at Sortie levels without really trying. If you need help with playing these Warframes, I'm here for you Tenno.

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23 hours ago, Tesseract7777 said:

You hurt your own case here trying to claim that Saryn's rework was bad. 

Nothing will ever be perfect, I'm not arguing she's perfect. But that's the point. No rework will ever be perfect, and Saryn's was a good rework. Perfectly good enough. 

The rest, Oberon doesn't need as much attention as the others. I still think a lot of the complaints, while a few are valid, are mostly from noberons who have no idea what they are talking about. 

The complaint about Ash is spot on of course, I don't know enough about Mag too comment too much, but I know many others, like MagPrime, find her very useful and powerful still. 

Also, Saryn's nuke didnt' scale before at all really, and now she isn't one dimensional. 

Oberon is stronger, whether you agree with all the changes or not. The question that people can't agree on is, is he stronger enough? 

Mag had the ridiculous scaling of shield polarize nerfed, and I think that's the main reason why many people feel she was "nerfed too hard", but that should have been expected. That easy button was always going to be nerfed eventually. 

Ash is the real loser here. His rework didn't fix the main issue, which was that you spend most of the time with the game playing the game for you. Now it's a little more interactive, but you spend even more time with the game playing the game while you watch the game play the game for you. And it costs way more to do. So yeah, Ash was the real loser here. The rest of this perhaps isn't so well thought out. 

Oberon could maybe use a tweak or too, but the truth is he is in much better shape than all the noberons keep claiming. 

I agree with basically all of this.

I think that Ash was also quite annoying for other players as well. The fact that you couldn't kill a marked target was exceedingly frustrating. While the rework isn't fully there, the experience for normal Ash-users and squadmates has been improved.

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As someone who been playing ash ever since he dropped from tyl regor, the rework was a nerf, no doubt about it, but c'mon do you really expect DE to make bladestorm, an ability that deals extremely high finisher damage and slash procs which also scales off of the combo multiplier all while ignoring armor/shields making it effective against all three fractions at high levels, to be spammable like any other damage ability? Ash is fine IMO.

Edited by (XB1)CFE Angry
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Saryn still needs work but less than the others. She still requires so much energy and if they're going to keep the toxic lash ability, I wish they would do something to make it worth your while to make a build dedicated to it. Otherwise I would change that entire ability because her stats really don't support her going the melee route. 


Had they done Oberon good I would have actually been excited to get his prime variant but seeing as I've never been a fan of him and keep hearing mixed things about the state he is and mostly negative, I'm pretty meh about him. If people keep talking about him he'll get some changes hopefully for the better. 


Mag and Ash are probably done lol, I wouldn't be surprised if they never go back to them. I just use mag for magnetize and it's strange to just completely ignore her ult. I have absolutely no idea what they were doing with ash's ultimate as they didn't change the main problem people had with it. All it got was a welcome change to his invisibility and a change to his teleport I don't use unless I have fatal teleport equipped. 

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14 hours ago, DataThief said:


Oberon has always been a bit of a niche-play for me but overall I enjoyed playing him in the past. (bad memories as the "Dracobuffer" still makes me twitch though) I love the changes to his Hallowed Ground and overall I feel like the changes are headed in the right direction. That said here are my 2-cents.

1) Smite - Update this ability to be a group buff with a duration that spawns a burst of "Smite" orbs whenever an enemy is killed. The spawned orbs apply Impact damage and a 100% rad proc when they touch living enemies. Reduce the number of orbs spawned to 4 at max per enemy killed.

2) Hallowed Ground - Change this to a toggle (like Nekro's Desecrate) that pulses an aura of low-damage radiation in an area of effect around the Oberon. This aura travels with the warframe. Make the base range the same as Reckoning. Any enemies killed in the range of the aura have a greatly increased change to drop Health orbs and all status effects against the Oberon and his teammates in range of the aura are nullified. Update Hallowed Eruption to reduce enemy armor by 15% when in range of the aura and any Melee kills by the Oberon extend the duration of the Smite buff by 4 seconds.

3) Renewal - Update this ability to slowly drain Health instead of energy while toggled on. Remove the initial burst heal and increase the heal-over-time by 100%. The Oberon cannot receive direct heals but can pick up health orbs while this ability is toggled on.

4) Reckoning - Remove the blind effect. Targets of Reckoning that are effected by Hallowed Ground take increased damage and reduced armor values. When an enemy dies from Reckoning the Oberon gains an flat armor buff with a max value based on targets killed. All enemies killed by Reckoning have an increased chance to drop Energy orbs. (instead of health) Update Hallowed Reckoning to extend the Armor bonus Oberon gains from Reckoning kills to his teammates as well.

I just wanted to add or, rather, respon to this by saying I'm not totally against some of this.  I don't like the moving Hallowed Ground though.  I like it as a "carpet" that you can put down and say "This is MY land, tread it at your peril" and mean it.  It scales decetly now and I was killing things in the mid 20s and early 30s just yesterday with my build that is only the easily obtained strength/range/duration mods with nary a corrupted mod to be seen.  Also, the Blind on Reckoning is to allow the Confusion proc from the Radiation to kick in.  If anything it should be longer.  Not Excal long, but longer.  Also, to play into Oberon's use of Radiation procs as his CC, Reckoning should do at least part of it's damage using the affected mobs as the source, so they get blinded, take damage from behind or whatever, and attack the nearest hostile target in that direction.  The Blind has to be there to reset the agro so that when the Rad procs the confusion sets in properly.

No, all Oberon needs, truly needs, is another numbers pass that takes a look at his Rejuve energy consumption in larger groups and the power strength scaling on all his abilities.  He needs to scale better with less strength.

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I agree with everything except Saryn.

Let me explain why...

I find that Saryn, after 20 minutes of spreading spores, seems to permeate then entire map to the point of saturation and less work needs to be done to keep up this dispersion.

This translates to less energy use. Also, my findings with Saryn are that her power range should be the main focus, this kind of build provides great crowd control and leaves your squad mates plenty of enemies to kill.

I agree, though, that Toxic Lash seems kind of weak and I wish that Saryn was not so squishy. In order for me to take her to the Mot, I must spend the first five minutes in cover waiting for my Naramon to kick in, otherwise it's almost instant death. I run her with Regenerative Molt, but at that level it only takes a few shots from the enemies to take out her molt.

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On 5/22/2017 at 9:09 PM, Tesseract7777 said:

Oberon could maybe use a tweak or too, but the truth is he is in much better shape than all the noberons keep claiming

This is how it is is and this is how it's going to be for the rest of this game's life span. I've said it in a deleted thread and I'll say it here, again, because I stand by it: I'm glad Sybaris Prime is coming out with Oberon Prime. Now all of the, "I get all of my opinions from knee-jerk youtubers," nerds will have that to fanboy over so I won't have to deal with as many poseberons.

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All frames need at least 100 armor to imitate some damage reduction so frames below 100 needs at least 100 armor. That is not hurt peoples and it helps a lot on frames with said armor. For example Vauban passive basically mean more armor if mates are near. This is really annoying and it is a waste on a good passive. Give him 200 armor then he is fine.

Now on the topic. Mag scaling polarize needs to readd but lowered form. Her second is fine maybe a stronger pull would be nice. Pull need to be one handed otherwise it I fine. Her crush slow and need a speed up animation plus some armor stripping. Maybe it could be some scaling but the major problem is the slow animation. She needs a flat 100 armor and maybe plus 25 extra energy because she is caster.

Saryn currently fine but she also needs her health and armor back. She needs 250 flat armor and more base health plus 25. Her first scales well and annoys enemies. Her molt is fine. Contagion not useless but would be nice to apply to all items and maybe given some instant toxic proc when hit enemies. Her ultimate is mostly okay. I want only back the old animations when she kill with her ult.

Ash needs something new as ultimate and he needs a flat 175-225 armor plus some hp plus 20. I didn't played with him a lot and it seems his other abilities needs tweaks mostly but those aren't that bad.

Oberon is much much better than before but he still needs tweaks. Hg need to be altered into an aura with range of 30-35 meter and with a circle form. His smite needs 25-50% bonus damage plus 30% scaled damage depend on enemy hp-shield-armor. Renewal is better now maybe it could be the armor buff added to the hg and the renewal just heal you. The ulti is okay ish and the energy pool is fine now. He needs 250 flat armor because his prime will be better in armor. I know already the stats but won't share because that was data mined.

Titania needs 125 armor and her lantern position fix in mid air. Her first is okay more or less the tribute is okay and her ult is scaling well but her mobility in AW mode needs some tweaks.


Volt needs 150 armor. Zephyr needs the same and her first two merged into one then add a new ability. Her turbulence is the only well working ability. Her ultimate could be altered into one massive storm which can occasionally deal electric damage and the area could be great like a 30*30 circle or column. Hydroid need 150 armor plus some tweaks on his first two but I feel these abilities not bad and need to keep them. The puddle is good panic ability but could be much stronger. His ult needs tweaks maybe a new ult. His passive is need to go and need some new instead.

Others will be continued.


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All frames need at least 100 armor to imitate some damage reduction so frames below 100 needs at least 100 armor. That is not hurt peoples and it helps a lot on frames with said armor. For example Vauban passive basically mean more armor if mates are near. This is really annoying and it is a waste on a good passive. Give him 200 armor then he is fine.

Now on the topic. Mag scaling polarize needs to readd but lowered form. Her second is fine maybe a stronger pull would be nice. Pull need to be one handed otherwise it I fine. Her crush slow and need a speed up animation plus some armor stripping. Maybe it could be some scaling but the major problem is the slow animation. She needs a flat 100 armor and maybe plus 25 extra energy because she is caster.

Saryn currently fine but she also needs her health and armor back. She needs 250 flat armor and more base health plus 25. Her first scales well and annoys enemies. Her molt is fine. Contagion not useless but would be nice to apply to all items and maybe given some instant toxic proc when hit enemies. Her ultimate is mostly okay. I want only back the old animations when she kill with her ult.

Ash needs something new as ultimate and he needs a flat 175-225 armor plus some hp plus 20. I didn't played with him a lot and it seems his other abilities needs tweaks mostly but those aren't that bad.

Oberon is much much better than before but he still needs tweaks. Hg need to be altered into an aura with range of 30-35 meter and with a circle form. His smite needs 25-50% bonus damage plus 30% scaled damage depend on enemy hp-shield-armor. Renewal is better now maybe it could be the armor buff added to the hg and the renewal just heal you. The ulti is okay ish and the energy pool is fine now. He needs 250 flat armor because his prime will be better in armor. I know already the stats but won't share because that was data mined.

Titania needs 125 armor and her lantern position fix in mid air. Her first is okay more or less the tribute is okay and her ult is scaling well but her mobility in AW mode needs some tweaks.


Volt needs 150 armor. Zephyr needs the same and her first two merged into one then add a new ability. Her turbulence is the only well working ability. Her ultimate could be altered into one massive storm which can occasionally deal electric damage and the area could be great like a 30*30 circle or column. Hydroid need 150 armor plus some tweaks on his first two but I feel these abilities not bad and need to keep them. The puddle is a good panic ability but could be much stronger. His ult needs tweaks maybe a new ult. His passive is need to go and need some new instead.

Others will be continued.


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Hmmm the delicious salt of people that don't know how to play Saryn. 

Mag: not the greates frame for sure but very good nonetheless. 

Ash: boy am I glad he is dead. How I hated those Ash players with their horrible builds that only spammed BS, turned all the enemies invincible to real damage and made the whole squad wait a million years for them to finish. 

Oberon: haven't played him enough to be able to judge him

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