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Purging spy missions - a Sortie fail rant


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Today, I was running the sorties with randoms.

Normally, I only run with friends to avoid mishaps, but I was off doing something else and came home late, so I missed the party. Would be ok, I figgured and ran with a public group. The first mission was a rescue so that went well. The second was a spy mission.

I run Ivara with Infiltrate for Spy missions myself.


First group, some random runs in and fails B, sets off Purge.

Allright, one more attempt. Before we start the group, I ask if the can please avoid entering the area unless theyre equipped for the job. I dont mind doing it and allowing others to just join - just dont sabotage the mission.

I ended up in a group with three friends.

One of them runs off and dies to a bombarder. I stop to res, but probably shouldnt have. Once hes back on his feet, the bombardier takes me out oneshot.

One of the other groupmembers kindly res me, but someone runs off into A, sets off purge and dies.


Then, one of them spends the next 5 minutes yelling at me for messing up the mission. *sigh*

I repeatedly tell the confused soul that hes wrong - and he eventually apologizes, admitting one of his friends "came clean".

I sent the other two a whisper, only to inspect profile. At this point I was curious who these guys was. One of them had me on ignore.


What a strange thing. I suggest they hang back and let me do the job, they mess up, yell at me, and put me on ignore.

Internet I guess.

Edited by Sjelden
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Quick thing here: Not supposed to name names of people who you may have any negative story about, or who may not want their names shared, against the forum rules so you might want to edit it out. 

My suggestion? Do what I do. I got tired of randoms messing up public spy missions, so I only do them with solo or friends and clannies that are super well known to me, so I know they can even manage to get through still if they make a mistake -- and I have Life Support to slow it down for them. 

In PUG's, I just don't waste my time anymore. I suggest you do the same. 

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Thanks for the heads up - edited the post. And yes - will stay clear of public Spy missions in the future.

But its kind of sad you have to really.

I dont mind people not knowing what to do (most of the time Im that guy) - but I am anoyed people refuse to read chat.

Edited by Sjelden
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11 minutes ago, Sjelden said:

Thanks for the heads up - edited the post. And yes - will stay clear of public Spy missions in the future.

But its kind of sad you have to really.

I dont mind people not knowing what to do (most of the time Im that guy) - but I am anoyed people refuse to read chat.

I think some people are also just overconfident, they think: "I got this" *charges on in, trips the alarm* then wonders what happened. 

Very common trait in young gamers is undeserved and reckless overconfidence. 

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2 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

I think some people are also just overconfident, they think: "I got this" *charges on in, trips the alarm* then wonders what happened. 

Very common trait in young gamers is undeserved and reckless overconfidence. 

I do indeed belive you are correct, sir.

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Soo , you don't want Spy Missions in Sorties?

When a Spy Mission is next on the Sortie list , EXPECT to see the whole team disband which well , yeah it's better to run it solo rather than deal with what you just went through.

Otherwise if you choose to run it publicly with a group of randoms you risk "that"  just people don't bring the regular Liset Ordis Air Support thing to help assist for Spy and Rescue missions which will stall the purge / execution timer.

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4 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

So, you were ressing a downed teammate on Ivara and didn't bother to cloak yourself with invis arrow? So pro.

I never said I was. If your purpose of this post was to give a tip on how to avoid a mishap in the future - thanks.

If it was trolling, I dont mind you walk into another post (or forum for that matter). Your tone indicate it could be either.

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My post was a hint that being not as skilled as you want to present yourself you should not jump on the high horse and judge others who fail, naming and shaming them on forums.

'cos when you point a finger at someone, you point  three back at yourself.

Edited by SeaUrchins
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No matter what mission, you must do things on your own, a survival you need to have the fighting power of an entire team, do not be confused with prime warframes and high MR, as soon you trow them into a eximus sortie 1, you will quickly realise that many of these players can't hold on their own, yet many do request harder missions.

Spy missions due to the nature of it, don't allow you to hack all 3 before the others can mess things up, you can always go with a volt, but many players have mastered parkour very well and won't allow you to things by yourself, so the best solution is to solo, it greatly increases your skill and improves success %, tell me, 3 spys for 1 success is 33% success rate, imagine this over the course let's say 300 sorties, that will quickly add up.

Solo does take more time, so carefull with moon spys.

Edited by KIREEK
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2 minutes ago, SeaUrchins said:

My post was a hint that being not as skilled as you want to present yourself you should not jump on the high horse and judge others who fail, naming and shaming them on forums.

'cos when you point a finger at someone, you point  three back at yourself.

Then your point is in the lands of trolling in my opinion.


Not knowing all the mechanics and elegant tricks of the game - and failing a public spy mission that ultimately leads to a failed mission, is two quite different things.

It was never my intention to give the impression I knew or could more than I can. I even posted that I am often the guy who do mistakes (in a subsequent post) - it was a rant about peoples behaviour - not about peoples knowledge or skill in the game.

For the remainder of this thread, I will assume youre a troll, and ignore you as such.

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3 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

No matter what mission, you must do things on your own, a survival you need to have the fighting power of an entire team, do not be confused with prime warframes and high MR, as soon you trow them into a eximus sortie 1, you will quickly realise that many of these players can't hold on their own, yet many do request harder missions.

Spy missions due to the nature of it, don't allow you to hack all 3 before the others can mess things up, you can always go with a volt, but many players have mastered parkour very well and won't allow you to things by yourself, so the best solution is to solo, it greatly increases your skill and improves success %, tell me, 3 spys for 1 success is 33% success rate, imagine this over the course let's say 300 sorties, that will quickly add up.

Solo does take more time, so carefull with moon spys.

Very true, and thanks for the tip about moon missions. Have had the pleassure of running some of those outside sorties - they up the game abit there.

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1 hour ago, Sjelden said:

Would be ok, I figgured and ran with a public group.

yeah, it was at this point where you screwed up. no matter how desperate you are, NEVER do a Spy mission with randoms, it's the Warframe equivalent of putting a spoon in a microwave. just.... don't do it again in future, you'll be much happier.


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