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Coming Soon: Devstream #96!


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I've looked at the animations of older warframes and well...they're not very fitting to put it simply, Limbo's agile animations fit Mag better than Mag's animations fit her. And when looking at the animations for older warframes with the new speargun weapons it has a very blunt contrast. Do you guys ever plan on revisiting old warframes and either remaking or releasing a seperate animation pack for them?

Edited by Zahnny
Changed animators to animations (typo)
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Hi Devs,

New Player Friendly

Am a new player who has joined this wonderful community after Octavias anthem quest.Now am doing sorties with help from friends of course but if this community isnt there or some players who like to be lone wolves will have an awful time in the beginning as nothing is explained in the game

Codex Scanner

There is no way to scan everything as many things were time limited so it would be great to make scans purchasable with credit maybe even plat. if some say they have earned those scans maybe put a mark above the scans to show they were bought so not to anger that community. Also it is never told that stalker wont be there after the Second dream which makes waiting for some player to face stalker remote chance of scanning him


Without stalker warframe is incomplete as was tennocon 2016 (joke). So maybe player kills stalker normal and if they do that then shadow stalker comes for them in the next game. Also distribute the drop tables such that stalker drops broken war bp while shadow stalker drops war bp and ....

Open World

I know warframe is gonna kick destiny 2s &#! as it is warframes destiny to do that... But my question is wont open world make quest sparce with a large world talking a lot of time to go about after the first month or so when fascination and exploration will end for that particular map


Can u please remove 4000 endo from sorties as the common ayatan anasa gives that much plus looks good in ship and also can be traded. Also making greater lens removed from the reward drop will boost platinum use for it and also boost sell and collection of the focus lens which is healthy for the player base as well bring more money for you guys

Thank you.... This community is like a family with great people here and there and also a great and ever evolving game. I have become such a fanboy that i have seen all uploaded dev streams. From the one and only Ktro (kate-row)

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  • The plain of Eidolon will probably be a fix map (Nothing has been said about it but randomly generated openworld is too much) and you talked about things like caves. Does these caves will be randomly generated to give it longer lifetime ?
  • Does Hok's anvil weapons will have any impact on the Mastery Rank system or will just be apart from it ? Because it would be bad to be forced to level up every single possible weapon for MR or even every single part (if each part get a separate rank system).
  • How long will be the day/night cycle ? 8h like the current earth or will it be something totally different ? Because with the appearence of sentient boss at night, having a too long cycle may be a problem.
  • Will we have some invisible walls or "out map" area like we currently have on a lot of tile ? (exept for the map borders, of course) Because they really destroy the immersion and could be bad for our liberty feeling. 
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1. Do you guys plan on reworking any other tilesets soon?

2. What happened to the sentient arm thing you showed us a while ago?

3. Are there plans to rework the Kubrows a bit. Most of them are kinda useless especially the Chesa Kubrow. Their AI and pathing isn't very great too.

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First, Eidolon looks freaking awesome! Just what the game needed in my opinion.

Second thing is my question: 

Will we ever get a sixht slot for when we trade in our dojos?

I have been having a hard time selling that extra Akstiletto Prime set because people are scared of getting ripped of, which is understandble.

Anyways, keep on rocking!

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plains related questions:

-is there a chance we will get more then one landscape per planet(at least on some of planets), representing different enviroments, like for example second landscape on earth in forest area. it would be great if we did get more then one landscape per planet since it would help better show different enviroments or cultures living on planet, for example one landscape on mars have "native" people(like baro's people) , another landscape could be in style of wild west(space western trope), something like what we see in trigun anime :D.

-is there a chance that we will get to craft other types of weapons on different landscapes, like for example crafting secondary (I would love to craft my own revolver) or primary weapons ?

-Are there any other activites other then fishing planned for for landscapes ? like for example: mining(but instead of mining directly we could drop mining device from our ship, and our role would be to protect it while its minging), its just an idea.

-During the video from plains you showed us being able to use normal weapons with archwing does that mean archwing weapons wont be accessible on plains ? if thats true than that would be very disappointing since plains is the best place to be able to use archwing weapons, I know that there would be problem with balance(because of regenerating ammo), but I think that archwing weapons would be great in plains with small changes that would make them more balanced, like archwing weapons having ammo on the plains(possible ammo that is more rare then ammo for normal weapons)

Edited by Culaio
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What is coming first? Plains of Eidolon or The Sacrifice?

Nox's drop rates seem significantly low considering how unique and tougher he is compared to normal Grineer, is this intentional? Will the new aura he drops ever go on alert rotation? Also that gun, a primary Stug? Me want!

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Regarding the console builds. Is it possible to have some sort of resolution scaling to help keep the framerate at 60fps? Unless you're playing solo or maybe playing with one other friend on the lower level planets the performance majority of the time is aggregious especially on the earth remaster, turning off all visual settings doesn't seem to help either. This has been a long standing issue. It's one of the reasons I also switched to PC and am now trying to regain my 3k hours of warframe. 

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July 28th is my birthday!

As for questions: Could we explore the tower the Cetus are salvaging from? Make it like the plains, a bit of open world as we explore the tower and all the different rooms.

Will there be multiple eidolons? Perhaps make them (and only them) procedurally generated? Make each one unique so it seems like you're fighting a different sentient each time?

Perhaps a way of making the modular weapons that we craft more unique to us is give those little link pieces a special effect. Like say... additional attack speed or movement speed, or invis for a short time? But make the requirements to activate these effects possible. (Not like the Arcanes. Arcane Trickster: Only 10% chance is not enough to apply those stacks of invis and keep them going long enough to make the arcane useful)

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Me and my best friend (a fellow tenno) were watching the PoE reveal on the projector screen at his house,  we screamed and hugged eachother when the door opened.  


as for my question,  without giving us any spoilers,  how much work is there left to be done on PoE?  can you give us a checklist on the things you need to finish before finally rolling the update out to us?

additionally,  have you ever considered a "chase-esque" mission, with a large enemy barreling through a tight tileset at you?  like how the large robot showed up in the dark sector tech demo.

Edited by Shurikenbomb
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Looking forward for PoE, really excited about it!!

Also, status on hydroid (and posibbly zephyr) rework? since after hydroid prime, i assume zephyr would be next in line..


I hope we wouldn't wait for PoE as long as we did with The War Within last year..

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Just four questions (or more):

  • 1: How will the new weapons for the Operator affect them/their abilities? Will these be crafted by us with Hok, or built with blueprints?
  • 2: Is Plains of Eidolon related to the 34th Warframe?
  • 3: While this is unrelated to PoE, is the Syndicate Assassination system still in progress, and is there an approximate release date/time for it?
  • 4: And most importantly, will our Operators get to pet our Kubrows? Maybe I can command them to bite a certain person in a wall....
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With Hydroid Prime coming, can we hear any early specifics about the Hydroid rework? Will the random nature of his abilities, and the difficulty targeting foes affected by Undertow and Tentacle Swarm, be addressed?

Plains of Eidolon has a lot of players excited to use Sniper rifles again, but many of the underlying issues remain. The innate time limit on the current combo system encourages players to line up shots quickly rather than accurately, which works against the design of Sniper weapons. Likewise, the current accuracy penalties to hip-firing and "realistic" sway while aiming make them more painful to use than other rifles in all other tilesets. How will we see Snipers reworked to accompany PoE?

Presently Magnetic is one of the weakest elements players can access due to the limited availability of Shielding outside of Corpus missions. Simultaneously, the only unit that can be summoned by Red Veil Charger Specters is the Parasite Eximus, whose aura provides no benefit to players. In both cases however, energy drains are massively effective against players, which is oddly stilted. Might we be able to see an impact from draining an enemy's energy in the future, so as to make these effects as useful to players as they are against us?

Imagine this everyday scenario for Tenno:
Your Sentinel is your only source of Vacuum; without it, you spend the entire mission staring at the floor. When your Sentinel dies, the only way to get it back is to die and spend a Revive. Trouble is, you keep running into players who won't read chat and keep picking you up, preventing you from getting your Sentinel back; you can't simply force your own bleedout.
As developers, how can you address this scenario?

The in-game descriptions for Oberon's abilities do not mention important facets of his kit like the interactions between Hallowed Ground and his other abilities, the bonus damage Reckoning receives from Radiation, the bleedout buff for Renewal, etc. As a result, many players are unaware of the full breadth of his abilities and must use out-of-game resources to inform themselves; his Warframe Profile video still hasn’t even been updated. Is there any concern that Oberon's execution may be too complex?

Since the last time you mentioned addressing “mandatory” mods like Serration and multishot, you’ve added Primed Point Blank, Primed Pressure Point and Riven mods to the game, which simply contribute to the issue. Have you officially gone back on plans to address these mods?

What exactly is the point of allowing Volt to pick up Electric Shield if it costs him extra energy to move while active? It directly penalizes the synergy it creates with Speed, and actively discourages charging his passive.Simultaneously, do you have any plans to update Discharge? The damage cap on the ability means it can burn out almost as quickly as it is cast, especially in a large crowd or against armored targets. His lack of scaling means Volt still isn’t a “potent alternative to gunplay”.

Is it possible to receive a toggle option for the grass/ferns from Oberon's Hallowed Ground, or perhaps allow them to be COMPLETELY colored by energy? Presently the static dark green overlay on an eerie glow makes them unappealing to look at with warm energy colors.

In last year’s Reddit AMA, you were asked if you'd considered adding an extra color tint option for metals on the PBR Prime items (including the frames post-Nova Prime)... and Sheldon missed the point when he answered. Would someone else care to revise?

Akvasto Prime: When?

Edited by Archwizard
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Will we be able to use experimental flight system for archwing in PoE or will we be locked to the old archwing system? I love being able to loop and fly upside down in archwing. Also can we have nightmare archwing missions? Nightmare exterminate in the free space tileset is alot of fun.

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