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Finally a REAL Menace: The Nox


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Noxes are like bursas. Even if a bursa has its armor stripped, if you shoot its front plating it's not going to damage him. But if you shoot the back plates, then you'll kill it right quick.

Noxes get damage mitigation on all parts of the body except the head. So, unless you have a melee which targets the head for finishers, and I don't think those exist... just shoot him.

It's worth noting that it takes 20-30 of my opticor shots to kill even a moderately levelled nox, but the same opticor only needs around 1-2 headshots to kill him.


So... maybe you should use some non-melee weapons to kill nox? idk.

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14 hours ago, Teloch said:

...People with decent accuracy stats (45% and above on auto and 70% and above on non-auto weapons) are quite rare.  

Account accuracy stats don't mean a whole lot in Warframe.  Weapons like the Simulor, Kohm, Ignis, Quanta, Zarr, Pox, Sonicor etc do extremely good damage just aiming in the general direction of enemies.

I can't count how many times I've done the most weapon damage but had 0% accuracy according to the stats.

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I really like the fact that they see through any form of invisibility after they're aware of you. Yeah, the basic design is okay, hits to crit spots are well telegraphed, and he doesn't instantly kill you in one go because of the low proc chance of his weapon, but spotting cheese that would usually render him a non threat like everything else is where his strength lies. Also, Hyekka Masters seem to have gained the ability to aim at cloaked units with their napalm grenades as well.

Looking forward to more changes like that.

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The only problem I have with the Nox is with Toxin damage (at higher levels). It's the same issue I have with Toxic Ancients and Mutalist Osprey at those level (140+). Where after a certain point, three or four ticks of Toxic damage is enough to drop you. Or even just 1 tick, and you suddenly are downed or dead with no counter play option.

A Level 145 Nox is functionally un-melee-able for my Volt Prime because of the passive Toxin cloud. If it wasn't for long standing issues with Enemy Scaling, these would be great additions to the Grineer. In fact, we really could use more of these kinds of enemies, that have "destroyable" parts that open up vulnerabilities. If we had this style of enemy over all, we wouldn't need the kind of Armor and HP pool scaling that we do.

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17 minutes ago, Brasten said:

A Level 145 Nox is functionally un-melee-able

Not quite true my fellow Tenno.  There is the option of having a high status melee and Healing Return.  This combo can be used to face tank quite a few things.  I used this very combination with Venka Prime on Ember to face tank a Juggernaut solo.  :D 

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2 hours ago, Unus said:

Wait, these s.o.b.s are difficult to fight? First time I met one at the shipyard, I melted it in ten seconds with my Cycron headshot beam. Do a large portion of the population only aim for center mass on all the enemies they meet or something?

Most don't aim at all. 

Edited by Legion-Shields
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22 minutes ago, Brasten said:

In fact, we really could use more of these kinds of enemies, that have "destroyable" parts that open up vulnerabilities.

I love the Nox. Having said that, I find it rather hilarious how the player base made such a big deal about DE's proposed rework of Eximus units when the Nox has been generally well accepted and is essentially that exact same idea repackaged in a Grineer body.

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Just now, Jobistober said:

I love the Nox. Having said that, I find it rather hilarious how the player base made such a big deal about DE's proposed rework of Eximus units when the Nox has been generally well accepted and is essentially that exact same idea repackaged in a Grineer body.

You fellow Tenno deserve many upvotes for this awesome observation.  LOL. 

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18 minutes ago, Jobistober said:

I love the Nox. Having said that, I find it rather hilarious how the player base made such a big deal about DE's proposed rework of Eximus units when the Nox has been generally well accepted and is essentially that exact same idea repackaged in a Grineer body.

The major objection was over the size of the target areas. Little tiny wiggly noodles vs big obvious domes. The other objection was that the Eximus would be invulnerable  until the tiny noodles were gone.

None of which apply to the Nox. You can, if so inclined, shoot him in the chest until he dies. He will take damage. His weak point is also fairly accessible, even as he lurches about.

As I point out back in the Eximus discussion, there are ways to do these kinds of Weak Point systems correctly. Mass Effect 3 hit most of them. The big example is the Big Atlas mech, with its Knee, Shoulder, and Groin armor plates that could be shot off for extra damage. It also had a weakness to damage if shot in its big glowing fan port on its back. With a bonus double weakness for Punch-Through weapons if you shot through the cockpit and in-line with the engine. The Atlas isn't the only example of "destroyable" enemy parts that impact the weaknesses and behavior of enemies. By far the most fiddly was the Phantom's sword, which if broken prevented the Phantom from having auto-kill melee moves.

The Exmius Noodles that were pitched were on the level of the Phantom Sword in terms of difficulty to hit, but you also HAD to hit them before you could do any damage to the Eximus.

I would very much like to see more of the Mass Effect 3 style (that the Nox is). I'd also like to see less Super-Armor and more behavior changing destroyable parts. Collector Scions and Praetorians, Geth Pyros, and Reaper Ravagers.

The change to the Corpus Nullifier, adding the shield drone, is another good start to using this style of design.  

Wiggly noodles on fast erratically moving chargers, that make them damage immune? Not so much. Think Lich Krill's tubes, but with smaller hit boxes on faster moving targets. Lich Krill's tubes work on Krill, because he's big slow and keeps fairly stable aim points. Although it would be nice if Krill wasn't 100% invulnerable.

The Nox is exactly that. Krill's tubes (but with a bigger hit box), but on a Damage Reduction base instead of full invulnerability.


Edited by Brasten
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15 hours ago, tarfeef101 said:

Pretty much. makes me sad (cause IMO melee is the most boring, skill-not-required, cheesy way to play)

How? If you are not stealthed and using maiming attrax sliding then Its less cheese then any gun. Guns are RANGED. You can shoot fomr FAR AWAY, for the same, if not more damage. Melee makes you take time to get to the enemy and be in a much dangerous position. Ofc theres stealth, life strike and melees can hit hard with blood rush builds and There are some good status melees, but melees are not more boring then guns at all and not a more cheesy way to play. Go melee againts guns in simulacrum or even in regular conclave. You get ur &#! kicked, CUZ GUNS ARE RANGED. Samurais witzh their swords dont stand a chance againts modern soldiers with guns. Its the same with warframe ninjas. 

Edited by HUNDarkTemplar
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28 minutes ago, HUNDarkTemplar said:

How? If you are not stealthed and using maiming attrax sliding then Its less cheese then any gun. Guns are RANGED. You can shoot fomr FAR AWAY, for the same, if not more damage. Melee makes you take time to get to the enemy and be in a much dangerous position. Ofc theres stealth, life strike and melees can hit hard with blood rush builds and There are some good status melees, but melees are not more boring then guns at all and not a more cheesy way to play. Go melee againts guns in simulacrum or even in regular conclave. You get ur &#! kicked, CUZ GUNS ARE RANGED. Samurais witzh their swords dont stand a chance againts modern soldiers with guns. Its the same with warframe ninjas. 

Um... SO many reasons

  • ranged weapons require aim. melee requires you pressing e
  • ranged weapons don't have scailing damage, melee does
  • you can't infinite stealth-cheese with naramon
  • you have to be vulnerable to shoot enemies (the have to see you cause you gotta see them).
    • this is in contrast with people melee-ing from another side of a door. you can shoot guns with punch through through a door, but not with the same efficacy


You say you get your &#! kicked with melee in different environments than normal PvE gameplay, but that's just it. THAT'S NOT THE SAME SETTING!!! In normal gameplay, melee requires no skill, scales, and can be used to cheese anything with no real challenge.

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4 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

I'm not surprised that Nox laughed at your Sancti Tigris - you used a weapon that's poorly suited - or at the very least is extremely inefficient - against it.

More specifically, you used a Slash-based weapon that spreads its damage across several projectiles that fan out over distance...against an enemy that heavily RESISTS Slash damage due to lots of Alloy Armor and that also has a damage cap for its entire body (except the head). That being said, a Nox necessitates a Puncture-based weapon that allows you to headshot with decent reliability and focuses its damage onto a single projectile.

Good to know.

I'm just not used to having to bother tailoring my weapons to specific enemies.  Outside of the newer boss fights and events, my Sancti functions perfectly fine. 

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1 hour ago, Jobistober said:

I love the Nox. Having said that, I find it rather hilarious how the player base made such a big deal about DE's proposed rework of Eximus units when the Nox has been generally well accepted and is essentially that exact same idea repackaged in a Grineer body.

It was all knee jerk reactions. Anyone with some foresight could've seen that an enemy when weak points isn't an inherently bad idea and is one way to help mitigate boring armor/damage scaling

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2 hours ago, MagPrime said:

Good to know.

I'm just not used to having to bother tailoring my weapons to specific enemies.  Outside of the newer boss fights and events, my Sancti functions perfectly fine. 

I understand where you're coming from - and I'm glad I could offer some useful info to help tailor your loadout and tactics when dealing with Grineer.

Some players don't take kindly to being informed they're "doing it wrong" even when it's been done politely and tactfully and with the best of intentions, so it's nice to see a response like this. Cheers mate :smile:

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13 hours ago, MirageKnight said:

I understand where you're coming from - and I'm glad I could offer some useful info to help tailor your loadout and tactics when dealing with Grineer.

Some players don't take kindly to being informed they're "doing it wrong" even when it's been done politely and tactfully and with the best of intentions, so it's nice to see a response like this. Cheers mate :smile:

I've noticed the same.  Tbh, your post lacked the usual provocative language and phrasing that is common on the forums, and I've seen you posting in other topics, it was easy to tell you weren't going for the insult.

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23 hours ago, Brasten said:

The only problem I have with the Nox is with Toxin damage (at higher levels). It's the same issue I have with Toxic Ancients and Mutalist Osprey at those level (140+). Where after a certain point, three or four ticks of Toxic damage is enough to drop you. Or even just 1 tick, and you suddenly are downed or dead with no counter play option.

A Level 145 Nox is functionally un-melee-able for my Volt Prime because of the passive Toxin cloud. If it wasn't for long standing issues with Enemy Scaling, these would be great additions to the Grineer. In fact, we really could use more of these kinds of enemies, that have "destroyable" parts that open up vulnerabilities. If we had this style of enemy over all, we wouldn't need the kind of Armor and HP pool scaling that we do.

Like DDO said, I'd recommend trying Lesion w Healing return  w. volt prime.  Slash and toxin PROCS bypass armor and shields and on successful hits the weapon has a passive where it speeds up.

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On 8/3/2017 at 6:20 AM, DatDarkOne said:

So very true.  When I first ran across the Nox I found out a few interesting things.  You can't stealth melee kill them.  A spread weapon will work but only at close enough range for most of the blast to hit the helmet.  It isn't good to stay too close to the body as it dies.  Even with all that, I still like the tanky mofos.  I have to actually think about how I want to face and take them down. 

Wait, what? I've definitely stealth killed them before?!

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6 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Like DDO said, I'd recommend trying Lesion w Healing return  w. volt prime.  Slash and toxin PROCS bypass armor and shields and on successful hits the weapon has a passive where it speeds up.

Incorrect. Toxin procs do not bypass armour.

(Sorry for double post)

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