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1000-9000 for Riven mods & salt


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I see people selling riven mods for 4 digit numbers, seen it all 1000 all the way to 9000, as someone who buys plat and supports the game i know how expensive that can be, that's a lot of real life money for the prices these people want for what the thing actually is and some really aren't that good at all either and some have such low disposition its barely better than a regular set up

Am i just salty? do you agree with my opinion?  do you sell Rivens for those prices and disagree? have you supported this by paying their prices? 


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personally i avoid using plat on rivens (trading riven for riven FTW)

but the time i do pay i don't go above 250 no matter what stats or what gun it's for

but then again i understand the high prices because chances of you finding another seller with those exact stats are extremely slim c_c

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Don't pay attention to them. Very few actually sell at those values unless it's the hot new thing, most just post for weeks until they give up. In a free market you can sell whatever you want at whatever price you want. If someone chooses to buy, it is entirely their choice. 

Edited by aligatorno
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Yup, the amount of people who actually probably sell well above 1k plat is probably very minimal. Because I see these people constantly posting over and over again for lengthy periods of time over several days of watching trading for rivens I may want.


Its more hilarious when people have like 1-4k riven price, then at the end they have. WTB unrolled good gun, but S#&$ty riven for 50p

Edited by Cmdr-A
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19 minutes ago, Fezeal said:

I see people selling riven mods for 4 digit numbers, seen it all 1000 all the way to 9000, as someone who buys plat and supports the game i know how expensive that can be, that's a lot of real life money for the prices these people want for what the thing actually is and some really aren't that good at all either and some have such low disposition its barely better than a regular set up

Am i just salty? do you agree with my opinion?  do you sell Rivens for those prices and disagree? have you supported this by paying their prices? 


Adapt to what the Riven system gives you and try them out.  

I'm not sure what you are looking for but anything above 300-500 plat is just a trader who bought lower and is looking for a sucker's payout on the flip.

NOTHING in the game requires these high demand rivens if you have invested a little time.

It's also a sales tactic.  If I start a Riven you really want at 1k, when you "talk me down" to 400...wow, what a "deal"!  60% off!!!!!!

Get it?

Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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Free market, sellers sell for the price they want and you decide to buy or not.

Everynow and then i see players like yourself, who believe the mods should be sold for those to give less, if that's the case you do it, you grab the mods and you sell them for miniscule prices, the rest wants profit.

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8 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Rivens were a mistake. Still not using one and STILL one shotting everything.

Kind of agree but it can make some lower tier weapons like a braton more viable in sorties, i mean if you enjoy a certain weapon that just isnt strong then it can help

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1 hour ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Rivens were a mistake. Still not using one and STILL one shotting everything.

If you play a meta weapon yes. Because rivens are not made for it ?

Your mistake is to put a riven on something already good.

Edited by Xgomme
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1,000 :platinum: should been the LIMIT, NOT going over 2,000 for ONE MOD (break Legendary Core).

This is literally why Auction House is not Officially named, this is one of the symptoms of a Inflated Market.


3 hours ago, Dreadwire said:

Or you can just ignore it all.

Curing is a Better Idea most of the time.


3 hours ago, (Xbox One)FCastle74 said:

To me Rivens are a investment opportunity. 

Example: bought a Zenistar Riven for 700p, rolled it for status, range, damage then few days later sold it for 1200p and a Nikana Riven. Now we roll the Nikana Riven and sell it esc esc..


TOO MUCH GREED, can MAKE YOU CRAZY (suicide/dead inside).



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1 minute ago, DesFrSpace said:

1,000 :platinum: should been the LIMIT, NOT going over 2,000 for ONE MOD (break Legendary Core).

This is literally why Auction House is not Officially named, this is one of the symptoms of a Inflated Market.


Curing is a Better Idea most of the time.


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TOO MUCH GREED, can MAKE YOU CRAZY (suicide/dead inside).



If DE put capped ammounts then it wouldn't be a free market now, would it? How much other people trade is none of our business. 

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My view on rivens is that they were added purely for the 'plat value' in trade, relics devalued prime parts dramatically so DE added rivens to 'compensate'. 

Do I think they're worth excessive amounts of plat...no, hell I disagree with the whole pure rng nature of rivens in the first place, and the fact we basically are being 'forced' to pay for additional storage space because of the decisions that DE made if we actually want to hang on to a few more than 15 (too low a free limit). 

To be perfectly honest apart from weapons which are unpopular (one of major defining aspects of disposition...) AND close to meta they'll make very little point in using over a normal choice of weapon, especially if you've already forma'd the 'meta' weapons.  Some of the rivens I've had have been for weapons I just MR foddered and I'm not rebuilding a weapon that was completely useless just to see if it's now worth using with a riven (that usually needs rerolling before I could use it anyway).  Throw in the 'pleasurable' experience called kuva farming and well they're not exactly high on my list of things to worry over... it's not like I'm struggling with my usual weapons without a riven anyways. 

In essence I can think of better ways to spend 1k+ plat or even better the real money that it may take to purchase said plat.  I might think differently if I'd have had a riven that I could sell for a decent amount but the rng system is pretty consistent in giving me mods for weapons I either don't like or aren't very good/popular. 

Edited by LSG501
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17 minutes ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Thing is, im not using meta crap oO Im using w.e the hek I like to use. So dont go assuming some bs. Geez.

Yeah, Hek is so bad :clem: (Free joke because you avoid telling your weapon)


But if you can "one shot" everything without any riven, you are either playing meta or you don't play against HL content. Not assumption, just fact. 

Edited by Xgomme
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