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I'm not really looking forward to playing as the operator


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1 hour ago, Koldraxon-732 said:

@LazerSkink, The only reason I raised 'this BS rumor' about (The Sacrifice and) the option of pulling a Stalker/Rell and putting our Operator's mind into a Warframe (killing the Operator in the process, but keeping their power) was because there are actually people out there that want to be rid of them.

To me, however, the only logical route, more likely, is that it would be the Warframe (Excalibur) being traded out in some manner for Umbra. I would expect the same kind of outcome for every Umbra from that point on, with a quest tied to the exchange.


As for the Operators - the mind, the Tenno, my personal stance on Tenno as of this point is as follows:
Note that most of these are things I'd like to see.

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1: Re-enable the option to carry objective objects (power cells, datamass) and keep it on you even if you aren't out of frame. This would give them utility for those who want it. Could be even barred by an Arcane if they so will it.
2: Grant Tenno the ability to wield a Warframe's sidearm (but only one; if it's akimbo, half clip and fire rate, double reload speed).
3: Given the Focus Rework, I'm expecting passives to benefit the Tenno as well.
4: Hopefully, the Arcanes for Tenno will expand energy capacity. Can't have enough of that.
5: Maybe a Tenno Arcane in the future, but the optional ability to turn the Warframe into a specter who draws fire for you, but not enough to get rekt, would help expand the option for decoy gameplay (i.e: Chroma dumps Pelt, flees, Nekros drops Shadows, flees, Loki places a decoy, goes invis). Activated via interaction so it doesn't mess up your Tenno-only spy missions if you ever do those.
6: The ability for your current Warframe's mods and stats to lightly influence the Tenno's - one way they could've easily improved survivability beyond the 5th point.
7: Maybe at some point bring some elements of Parkour 1.0 (wall-running, for instance) into play to help getting around without having to Void-dash.
8: Somehow, someway, a means to add a few powers, based on the Focus School of your choice, to expand options for when you want/need to go Tenno on it.

Also, it would be nice if there was written lore somewhere - like the Codex - that became unlocked as soon as War Within is completed (because you'd have to go to the Codex as 'yourself' - the Tenno - to let it allow access) that helped elaborate as to how or why the Orokin were so greedy, how the Grineer built, some confirmation about Margulis (and Teshin, and the Queens' relation to them and us), and - after completing Octavia's Anthem - another hint as to what caused the Sentients to be Sentient in the first place from Hunhow Memory Fragments.


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-Let Tenno use Sidearms - or even equip one - as their primaries, with unlimited ammo at a cost of an energy drain upon reload.
-Let Tenno carry objects - like Power Cells, Datamass, and fuel cells, in their Warframes again. Was it really that good?
-Let Tenno point the Warframe around (second Gear wheel limited to Scanners, pizzas, Ciphers, and glyph projector, with half of it covered with an array of 'Warframe Orders'.
Orders include: Wake/Sleep (activates Specter status on Warframe), Attack attacked target (next beam attack marks enemy), Follow/Wait (same as Specter/Syndicate Support).
-Let Tenno be able to be influenced by Warframe (mods, stats, Aura are passed onto the Tenno, but all save for the Aura mod are scaled down to conserve the 'mind' variable the Tenno represent; the Warframes represent the 'matter' variable).
-Let Tenno roll and slide, running won't always help. 


Also, whoever's headcanon thought there were actual people in the Warframe and still hasn't played Second Dream may have a hard time sustaining that ever since 'frames like Inaros, Titania, Nidus, and Octavia came along, though Harrow looks anatomically sound.

On a sideways note, it should be said that there deserves to be at least one Prime-frame that has no non-Prime counterpart (perhaps a variant of, say, Chroma, because of his Conculyst pelt, since that is rather straightforward).

I agree with giving the operators more function.  Also i hold little stock in rumors normally

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24 minutes ago, Littleman88 said:

I sometimes wonder if the operators would have been more broadly accepted if they were visually adults in figure?  Certainly, they're tall enough (or our Warframe's are really short) to suggest mid teens at the youngest, yet they have the bodies of 12 year olds.


I honestly don't see a problem with being given more reasons to play as the operator.  I just want them to not feel clunky, slow and weak.  And have more decent hairstyles.  FULL heads of hair to be specific.

there concept was meant to be fragile.

DE wanted to get away from the overused super beef soldier that you see all over the place in space Sci-fi

i always find it funny how immature people act about the tenno being kids. 

like suddenly that some how makes warframe not mature anymore.


even though it makes it even more mature as its dealing with some very serious issues like child soldiers. the fact that the Orokin used children as weapons makes them seem more corrupted and more understandable of why the tenno rebelled. 

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13 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I've built a connection to my Warframes. Switching the focus to operator warrior mode feels like a bait and switch. I'm not sure how I feel about losing my focus abilities for my warframe. I was kind of hoping that the operators would've stayed as an npc.

This is just me prejudging it though. Hopefully PoE will make those operators more endearing.

I fear that playing the operator will be as much fun as Archwing..but they did manage to remove to entire focus system as a bonus !


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Operators......... as they are currently, I do not like them, Sam I am... 

I get they are part of game play, I get that they are part of the lore, and I get that they're not finished.  And you know what? I'm okay with that.  The operator can chill all he/she/it wants in the back of my ship, it can yap at me all it wants while i'm running missions.  But for the love of god, just let me play as my warframe. People were not drawn to the game because of little emo space children, they came here for the frames.  It's the name of the game ffs!  I do not enjoy anything about them - right now they are extremely fragile and clunky, and are as cringey as all hek to listen to when they speak.  And I really do not enjoy being forced to play them, even if their only real purpose (until PoE releases anyway) is for Kuva farming / disarming Kuva Guards. 

I know there are people who do enjoy them or are interested in seeing what they could be developed into. That's fine and all, but there are many people like myself who currently do not want anything to do with them in terms of gameplay.  All I want is to not have my frame be completely useless for operator-only tasks.  I want my frames to have an alternate way to deal with things that would otherwise require an operator.  I wouldn't even care if its less effective than using an Operator, in fact I'd prefer it that way so there is still a tactical advantage to using operators in those situations.  I just want the option to play entirely as my frame and not to be forced out of it to play a character that I have absolutely no attachment to whatsoever.  

Take the Kuva Guards for instance, instead of straight up being immortal/immune to everything until being disarmed by an Operator's void blast, I would love to see something like a frame going up to a guard and shoving / hitting them a few times to stun em (perhaps with the interact key?)  before grabbing their kesheg and ripping it out of their hands.  I understand its more wishful thinking than anything... but a person can dream. 

(On a side note, if they do eventually make it so that our warframes will fight along side us while in operator mode, I think it would be cool if we had the option to pass control between the frame and the operator so we'd have the operator fighting along side the player-controlled frame as well.   I think could lead to an interesting gameplay dynamic with being able to switch between the two actively fighting entities)


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The one thing we know is that it is going to suck, and no one wants it.  

I just wish people could see the DE that went from CB to about 2 years ago, they were great and a complet opposite of DE today....what the hell happened?


I would so love to have the old DE back!

Edited by Kyronz
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2 hours ago, Kyronz said:

The one thing we know is that it is going to suck, and no one wants it.  

I just wish people could see the DE that went from CB to about 2 years ago, they were great and a complet opposite of DE today....what the hell happened?


I would so love to have the old DE back!

They sold their shares for a chinese company which helps them with money. The changes are pretty much come from this and from the game should be casual friendly which itself not a problem but many type of players play this game and DE obviously won't be likely to equal among the community.

They changed because the game and the investors needs more content and profit and the players can feel these with each new addition and system implemented. They won't reduce the grind because the rng is works for them if they remove it completely or making fix drop rates with higher quantity then they won't be profitable anymore.

I never was a DE fan and nor I hate them but I can thank to them this game. Some changes will be likely some won't it is natural and he game never can be equal fun to everyone.

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1 minute ago, Fallen_Echo said:

We dont have faith in this dark place yound one, we only have the darkness covered with missing information, untrustable patch notes and the general distrust is what shroods this void.

are u done with star wars? -.-

or are u not a human? :l

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Just now, LankesterMerrin said:

Personally, I don't like the operator at all and would actually prefer this part of the game to be removed entirely. Especially the annoying random pointless remarks during missions. I know it won't happen - it's just my wishful thinking...

while its true that they wont remove the operators, you CAN disable their dialog, outside of scripted quest stuff anyways. not that they ever happen these days anyways, i get like one dialog over the course of a good 20 or so missions at least, usually longer. i can literally spend days between the times that the dialog plays

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6 minutes ago, LankesterMerrin said:

Personally, I don't like the operator at all and would actually prefer this part of the game to be removed entirely. Especially the annoying random pointless remarks during missions. I know it won't happen - it's just my wishful thinking...

Go in your settings and disable the operator transmissions. Problem solved. 

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19 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I've built a connection to my Warframes. Switching the focus to operator warrior mode feels like a bait and switch.

That's not what bait and switch means. 

Also this has been progressively happening for a long time. And they have been talking about it happening for a long time. 

Why are people acting suddenly so surprised about the operator taking on a bigger role? Are we playing the same game? 

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8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

That's not what bait and switch means. 

Also this has been progressively happening for a long time. And they have been talking about it happening for a long time. 

Why are people acting suddenly so surprised about the operator taking on a bigger role? Are we playing the same game? 

Because they are horrendous and their writing for their voice lines and their lines in the quests is so inane many of us get the urge to puke.

If there existed even a sliver of a hint that they actually had a mature mindset it could be possible to stand them. 

Due to how DE has written them in both voice lines and quests i rather feed them to a blender then having to use them ever.

To sum it up their writing is below 12 year olds writing fan fiction, everything about them is clunky as hell and nothing about them is polished or even usable in its current state. 

We probably do not play the same game as i am trying to actively not use the operators other then to start my focus passives. 

That we soon get to play dressup with the dolls might be fun for many of you who like them but for others like me who loathe everything about them.

I count on DE to make focus only work on the physical operator which i wont use.

Only the ghost operator and the new arcanes might be of use for me.

If its not boosting my warframes its useless for me personally. 

So instead of making me use the operator more it will most likely end up with me never using them again after plains has been released. 




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5 hours ago, Kyronz said:

The one thing we know is that it is going to suck, and no one wants it.  

I just wish people could see the DE that went from CB to about 2 years ago, they were great and a complet opposite of DE today....what the hell happened?


I would so love to have the old DE back!

You are aware that this statement is incorrect, though, right?

You think this is going to suck, and you don't want it. There are also other players who share that position, so you're not alone.


However, you really cannot presume to speak for everyone. Outside of this thread and a couple of others, most folks just seem cautiously optimistic. I'm just hoping they redo the Operator speech system.

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That's what many people on this thread do sadly, assume everyone has their opinion...

"I don't care about Operators, I want them removed and screw those who like them".

Well, guess what, they are here to stay and I just hope DE doesn't listen to you and keeps improving them. I agree one feature must not be superior to the other, Warframe and Operators, a balance/medium must be found, but do as many here suggest? No thanks...

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41 minutes ago, Raniver said:

That's what many people on this thread do sadly, assume everyone has their opinion...

"I don't care about Operators, I want them removed and screw those who like them".

Well, guess what, they are here to stay and I just hope DE doesn't listen to you and keeps improving them. I agree one feature must not be superior to the other, Warframe and Operators, a balance/medium must be found, but do as many here suggest? No thanks...

I don't want them removed,  but I don't want them encroaching on WF territory... which is combat.  

I was fine when they were just a way to manage our passives. It was an awesome idea actually....i don't like them becoming physical and fighting enemies, it's just weird.   That should be the WARframes job.

I did hear Steve mention that we would be fighting alongside our WF as a spectre. That sounds cool.  What's done is done though.  

Edited by Hypernaut1
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9 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I don't want them removed,  but I don't want them encroaching on WF territory... which is combat.  

I was fine when they were just a way to manage our passives. It was an awesome idea actually....i don't like them becoming physical and fighting enemies, it's just weird.   That should be the WARframes job.

I did hear Steve mention that we would be fighting alongside our WF as a spectre. That sounds cool.  What's done is done though.  


Which is dumb. Cos player controlled Warframe stats don't scale. Your trick out excal will remain the same in level 5 to a level 300 content.
A vapor specter, when summoned with enemies at level 300, will get the same armor, health and shielding as of a level 300 enemy.
And better since Warframe specters have stronger base stats.


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I dont like 2 playe with kids but what if in the game there are like some cool badass warriors that when you playing with them,you forgot that are kids and that you have filling like its some new sci fi rpg game. For example they have cool powers like in star wars force unleashed. When you like to use them in more and more possible way because its more fun to playe like that then with warframe. Because maybe you can now create you own power and playe in your unique style.... And if DE go in all that trouble just because they know that we are going to be in the end more obsession with new focus/operator playing style then we are before...

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1 hour ago, fatpig84 said:


Which is dumb. Cos player controlled Warframe stats don't scale. Your trick out excal will remain the same in level 5 to a level 300 content.
A vapor specter, when summoned with enemies at level 300, will get the same armor, health and shielding as of a level 300 enemy.
And better since Warframe specters have stronger base stats.


Its still better than the frame just standing the like a fatpig Nº84 waiting for slaughter.







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7 hours ago, Hemmo67 said:

are u done with star wars? -.-

or are u not a human? :l

We are not humans anymore, just lost voices in the void waiting for the salvation brought by the Man in the Wall. This place were always gloomy, we simply dont trust the developers especially as they continue to show us we have nothing to hope for.

This update is going to kill a lot of build diversity and as OP im not looking forward it.

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4 minutes ago, Fallen_Echo said:

We are not humans anymore, just lost voices in the void waiting for the salvation brought by the Man in the Wall. This place were always gloomy, we simply dont trust the developers especially as they continue to show us we have nothing to hope for.

This update is going to kill a lot of build diversity and as OP im not looking forward it.

Just gonna point out, "Literally everyone uses Energy Overflow, so this is gonna kill build diversity," is an oxymoron.

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7 hours ago, GhostLacuna said:




This is nothing more than your personal preference. 

The fact of the matter is that the majority of people like the operator or DE wouldn't have been steadily growing the game since they brought in operators and continued to increase their role.

You might as well just get over it. They are here to stay and will continue to be more important. 

Edited by Tesseract7777
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