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Should there be auto HP regeneration in PoE?


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Not always regeneration but when you're out of combat. A lot of MMOs with open worlds either have a reliable amount of consumable drops to help the player regenerate HP after a hard battle or something. Should Plains of Eidolon have out of combat regeneration or some type of controllable regeneration? Health Orbs are good while in combat but since you pick them up instantly if you're health isn't max, it's not reliable to heal you when traveling to fight something else.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

Medi ray? That one for the pets from the index? Rejuvination aura mod? They aren't really event exclusive mods atm, i don't really see why inate rejuvinstion would be needed.

Because not having to rely on RNG drops or having to sacrifice slots for basic QoL is nice?

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10 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Because not having to rely on RNG drops or having to sacrifice slots for basic QoL is nice?

I really do think they're dubbed QoL mods simply because you don't really need them to survive, at all. But, then again, PoE is gonna be somewhat open world so i'm not really sure how that's gonna translate.

Other games i've played like dragon age works just fine with no health regen (and we have hundreds of pizzas more then their punny 12 vials of potions), and so is borderlands. But games like ghost recon and farcry do have inate health regen, so i'm a little mixed on the topic

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20 minutes ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

Because not having to rely on RNG drops or having to sacrifice slots for basic QoL is nice?

just a little tid bit of information, the gear wheel is going to be expanded from 8 to 12 with PoE, so fitting stuff will be easier, tho  most of that will likely be filled with PoE related stuff

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1 hour ago, VirtualViolet said:

Health restores are cheap and easy to build. Slap them on your gear wheel, bind them to a key and presto - instant on-demand healing. I really don't know what you're on about.

Consoles don't really have extras buttons. Plus, Health Restores don't move. They're nice and all but I want to savor every moment of PoE, not wait for the Health Restores to tick every 5 seconds. It would be nice if we get some small heals in between since we can do multiple missions in a single trip. Also, anyone wondered what would happen if you died in the Plains? Would you be put in bleed out? Would you need to revive in Cetus? Would you have 4 revives like in missions? 

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I've played many of games over my years, Skyrim and ESO are two more recent examples of games that had this as a regen, with other games requiring an action like sleeping and so on.

If it happens in Warframe, there should be two rates, Combat and out of Combat, so that one state the regen stops and when say exploring it beings to regen and stacks with existing elements, like the Regen Aura.


With that said, maybe a chance to add something new for Grineer and Corpus. Where they could carry a new type of Health 'item' (actual names be lore appropriate to factions) equivalent to HarJel or super glue, so we could see the Grineer and Corpus have some version being carried by certain troops like a field dressing.

And infested, Nekros and Oberon continue to be capable to convert certain matter into the red gelatinous nanite 'Health Orbs' we've all been using all this time. Since Warframe components are made from related tissues to the Infested, it is possible that some of their nano related matter could be used by Warframes to heal.

Since Warframes are unique super units, they are able to make use of any source of healing, so it basically adds two new item drops (one Grineer and 2nd Corpus), with the existing Orbs from Infested. And that can be a distinction with Corrupted units, that they don't have and such drops?


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Unless they make PoE super crowded horde shooter-ability spam style like the rest of the game meta there might be no need for them or Rejuvenation even, i will probably go with Dead Eye and pick off most enemies with little to no risk of health loss or Energy Siphon (then again the new arcanes might be better for that)for faster archwing energy regen for Itzal Blink, maybe i would use Rejuv if i just decided to go full Ignis+archwing and speedfarm (hope most enemies will be higher than Ignis-fodder level though), a melee with Healing Return or life leech should be enough.

That being said i don't think adding a little on user regen to Medi-pet kit (like 2 hp or so/sec)would make pets broken, sentinels already have that and have a better on user regen which is % based. (though not constant and RNG based)

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4 hours ago, Firetempest said:


dont even need large really, dirt cheap. Or they should go back over team gear and make some changes. Auto recharge out of combat for 30sec would be a nice quality of life change when they finally purge the loot crate/chests numbers that are freaking everywhere with little point to break.


2 hours ago, VirtualViolet said:

Health restores are cheap and easy to build. Slap them on your gear wheel, bind them to a key and presto - instant on-demand healing. I really don't know what you're on about.

The problem with Health pizzas is that they take you out of the moment gameplay. They make you camp up in some spot with two disks going BLOING under your feet. And even if it is only for 25 seconds or so, doesn't mater. You are breaking the flow of the game. Though we do have individual healing items that restore health instantly, but they are a b*tch to get reliably and in large numbers. Either hope for RNG in capture targets or craft them yourself using uncommon and rare Earth plant parts, one by one. 

Though I do think we can do without innate health regen, we need options. Like maybe outposts because in the Devstream they did say that we can clear areas for the Ostrons to establish camps or Supply Caches hidden around that when interacted provide ammo, health and a little bit energy. 

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3 hours ago, Corvid said:

Honestly, I think it's about time DE added health orbs back into the enemy drop tables.

The practical answer.

I'm rather surprised they were ever taken out tbh.  They rarely drop from chests/lockers in our current claustrophobic mazes for tile sets as is, so we're forced to take on some measure of self-healing.  Really, the game should be following DOOM's example - push forward combat: get rewarded health for butchering the enemy, not stopping what you're doing to raid some containers or to eat a health pizza.  

Hell, it would be nifty to have frequent ammo boxes and health packs lying around like resource nodes in said tilesets, instead of just praying to RNGesus with every container and locker for stuff (the former anyway) we get from enemies anyway.  Might help solve our ammo issues with the more bullet hungry weapons to find ammo nodes that yield 100+ rounds.

Edited by Littleman88
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No regen, thank you, who really wants it can sacrifice a mod slot.

Regenerating HP would make shields even more useless than they already are, that's the whole point why shields even exist, they regen and health doesn't.

We should also specify what kind of regen we are talking about, slow constant regen like Rejuvenation or fast out of combat health-fills-in-3-seconds regen?

The first would break the flow of the game way more than throwing down a health pad, as it encourages people to just stand still after each fight and wait 1-2 minutes for their HP to Fully regen.
The second would make health 100% identical to shields, but with the benefits of armor. You can see how this renders shields a totally useless part of the game.

There are already enough mods that let you regenerate health in combat if you are willing to sacrifice a little of power in favor of suvavibility and that's how it sould be. Plus we have health pads so you only really have to sacrifice a bunch of common materials.

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Passive HP regen IS completely unnecessary IMO. Let's say the average time a person spends in the Hills/Plains is an hour. Similar to a not so long survival. How do people get their HP in those? Not by regenerating it. Let's list all the ways one can get health back:


Hema, sankti Magistar, Hirudo, broken sceptre.

Syndicate procs:

Sankti castanas and Tigris, vaykor marelok and hek, Hexis ones as well iirc

Melee mods: 

Lifestrike and healing return

Secondary mods:

That furis one from loka

Frame mods: 

Rejuvenation, equilibrium





Consumables :

All 3 hp restores, the hp pack, mantis air support


Inaros, Nidus, Oberon, Nekros, Trinity, Equinox, Hydroid with augment. Saryn with augment, Limbo with augment, Harrow, Chroma.

Quite the list of options. 

I think the best way to solve this possible issue is to add health orbs to enemies. That way the hp crisis for new players will be alleviated as well. Or add a healing station to grineer camps which we can hack and heal ourselves AND the surround Grineer.

Edited by vasvaska
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1 hour ago, Dobroazur said:

No regen, thank you, who really wants it can sacrifice a mod slot.

Regenerating HP would make shields even more useless than they already are, that's the whole point why shields even exist, they regen and health doesn't.

We should also specify what kind of regen we are talking about, slow constant regen like Rejuvenation or fast out of combat health-fills-in-3-seconds regen?

The first would break the flow of the game way more than throwing down a health pad, as it encourages people to just stand still after each fight and wait 1-2 minutes for their HP to Fully regen.
The second would make health 100% identical to shields, but with the benefits of armor. You can see how this renders shields a totally useless part of the game.

There are already enough mods that let you regenerate health in combat if you are willing to sacrifice a little of power in favor of suvavibility and that's how it sould be. Plus we have health pads so you only really have to sacrifice a bunch of common materials.

An alternative option would be when you start a mission, you would gain Full Health so that you can do multiple missions side by side without having to go back to Cetus every mission. 

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Imo health regen makes the whole HP/shield system redundant. You have 2 frames without shields and both of them can heal themselves. In Warframe, like in the original Halo, your health is split in 2 parts - one that regenerates over time and one that doesn't. Want regenerating HP in PoE? Take Harrow. Problem solved. He has like no HP and massive overshield.

Again, this suggestion is made while ignoring the game's mechanics - you have health restores. Craft them, take them. It's dangerous to go alone.

Also, Warframe is a co-op game. If you don't want to craft health restores, and if enemies kill you - get a buddy to come along. There's a great selection of frames that can heal you one way or another. 


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