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Current Dev build overview of ALL Focus Schools


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So, Naramon's invisibility was OP, so it was removed.  A reasonable move, all things considered....

Then, they give Unairu the ability to make your allies invisible instead - cause making 3 people invisible is certainly not OP, but making yourself invisible is.  And Vazarin gets the ability to turn other players flat out immune to damage - as if we hadn't tried that and had it go so badly "Nerf Trinity" became a weekly thing.

I do not understand.

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22 hours ago, Shichibukai88 said:

Still in love with naramon after all. Melee life.

I will be moving to naramon. I have arcane energize and mostly efficient builds on all my frames, plus I've played for years before zenruik meta even was out. I'm used to not having insane energy regeneration 

Edited by Arniox
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9 hours ago, Sebastianx said:

They'll probably increase focus gain by quite a lot, they just added those high costs initially so people with maxed out current focus trees can't instantly max out the new ones.

We getting cap incrase from 100k to 250k   the orb give x8 instead of x6  and they adding 1 bigger lens.  So if you cap out each day its 4 days per unlocking.  My question was to to learn what cost the previous comment talk about.  As I seen all the streams myself i know the costs and upgrades just can't answer the person if I dont know if its about the 1mil nodes or the regular nodes.

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10 minutes ago, Arniox said:

I will be moving to naramon. I have arcane energize and mostly efficient builds on all my frames, plus I've played for years before zenruik meta even was out. I'm used to not having insane energy regeneration 

I will stay with Zenurik, pulse might synergies nicely with Arcane Energize.

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46 minutes ago, Phatose said:

So, Naramon's invisibility was OP, so it was removed.  A reasonable move, all things considered....

Then, they give Unairu the ability to make your allies invisible instead - cause making 3 people invisible is certainly not OP, but making yourself invisible is.  And Vazarin gets the ability to turn other players flat out immune to damage - as if we hadn't tried that and had it go so badly "Nerf Trinity" became a weekly thing.

I do not understand.

You have some piont, but if think twice...

But babysitting ally with 25m range not the same like take any frame and lazy punch everybody with a melee. Loki and friend are still OP, but taking sonar Banshee can make you lord of desrtuction.

Same with Trinity. Infinite (good Trin was focused at fast recast) immune to all team is answer for all question (for a few hours, untill 2000+ lvl atleast). And dashing across each ally every 6 sec is just a joke. i have no idea why i need it. I can say to revive somebody, but i can just revive em by myself, that is Vazarin for.

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9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

I will stay with Zenurik, pulse might synergies nicely with Arcane Energize.

oh it 100% will synergise really nicely with energise. But I don't find it super worth it anymore. I personally hate operator combat and whilst focus 2.0 is cool, it focuses too much on the operator. Because of this, I want a school that focuses the most on really good passives. Zenurik for me is not worth it for its passives with focus 2.0. The best school for me is now naramon due to its very high melee damage passive. Some of the other passives like vazarin are also good, but imo, the zenurik passives are no longer super worth it.


I will obviously be maxing them all this time round, unlike last time, and trying them all out. But imo, I love melee, and naramon's passives seem the best for my styles.

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3 minutes ago, -JT-_-R3W1ND said:

each ally every 6 sec is just a joke. i have no idea why i need it. I can say to revive somebody, but i can just revive em by myself, that is Vazarin for.


Ask yourself the question; would you rather dash accross an enemy in operator mode every six seconds to grant a single person invulnerability, OR, would you rather have a passive that activate every time you use your operator that makes the next four revives instant?

Basically, would you rather struggle to keep someone from dying, OR let them die, and revive instantly with no cost to you or your ally?

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Having serious doubts about Madurai, the only reason it was useful was the increased slash proc chance (from the increased slash damage, which by itself would be useless), which is now fused with the other physical damages, and then the whole thing nerfed to less than a third of the original numbers.

if it doesn't at least increase slash proc damage proportionally (albeit pitifully), then I'll probably be moving on to a new focus.

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8 minutes ago, Arniox said:


Ask yourself the question; would you rather dash accross an enemy in operator mode every six seconds to grant a single person invulnerability, OR, would you rather have a passive that activate every time you use your operator that makes the next four revives instant?

Basically, would you rather struggle to keep someone from dying, OR let them die, and revive instantly with no cost to you or your ally?

Oh shi~ i just realize i can no longer activate operator, so no more infinite fast revive.  Not a big deal, but make long events a bit more trivial.

P.S. You still have 4 inst-revives for a mission. I guess it is enough most of time.


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1 hour ago, Arniox said:

I will be moving to naramon. I have arcane energize and mostly efficient builds on all my frames, plus I've played for years before zenruik meta even was out. I'm used to not having insane energy regeneration 

If ppl had issues with energy before all this focus stuff came, stop playing then.

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12 hours ago, Shichibukai88 said:

If ppl had issues with energy before all this focus stuff came, stop playing then.

My only problem with energy is that you can go through entire missions without a single energy orb dropping from enemies.

Just last night I went through a high level extermination with over 250 enemies.  I got zero energy orbs the entire way meaning that without Pizzas I honestly couldn't use any of my abilities.
Some frames don't care about that as they can survive without abilities, other frames find that a death sentence because they rely on their abilities to survive.

Going through missions without energy orbs dropping at all isn't that uncommon.  I've had it happen as a Frost in an MDef before on numerous occasions.

Honestly they could stand to make energy orbs a bit more common so as to prevent situations where entire missions can pass and if you don't have any pizzas then you're just SOL when it comes to using abilities.

And I think thats the main reason people are complaining about the change:
Before the focus system it was either: "Rely on pizzas, or you just might not get any energy to use any abilities if you're unlucky".
With Zenurik around people didn't have to pray to RNG to get energy orbs and didn't need to spend pizzas every mission to use their abilities.
And now with these changes making things more annoying its like we're going back to the "Rely on pizzas as energy orbs might never drop.....or go through a few annoying hoops every 30 seconds!"
IF DE doesn't want players to rely on pizza spam or trinity, or a single focus tree, then maybe they should make energy orbs a more common drop.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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31 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

My only problem with energy is that you can go through entire missions without a single energy orb dropping from enemies.

Just last night I went through a high level extermination with over 250 enemies.  I got zero energy orbs the entire way meaning that without Pizzas I honestly couldn't use any of my abilities.
Some frames don't care about that as they can survive without abilities, other frames find that a death sentence because they rely on their abilities to survive.

Going through missions without energy orbs dropping at all isn't that uncommon.  I've had it happen as a Frost in an MDef before on numerous occasions.

Honestly they could stand to make energy orbs a bit more common so as to prevent situations where entire missions can pass and if you don't have any pizzas then you're just SOL when it comes to using abilities.

this +9999

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3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

Ok, did notice that...
Marudai's passives are not locked to weapon.
Not primary, secondary, melee or whatever, just flat increase of Physical and Elemental output. 


Is this supposed to effect Warframes as well?

This saddens me.

Looks much like every ability progression tree from every ARPG ever made: A few abilities. Weaker than they need to be, so that you can spend MORE points making them either as strong as they need to be (ie, they were gimped for this reason) or stronger than they will ever need to be (because the devs couldnt think of anything better to add to a tree than additional damage). And besides this: Magic regen and damage boosting perks. Wow, how original.

Seriously, if this is what years of dev time for a skill tree look like, perhaps the best question you could have asked yourselves 360 or so days ago, was whether needed another skill tree or not.

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18 hours ago, Shichibukai88 said:

If ppl had issues with energy before all this focus stuff came, stop playing then.

Well in older times you did not need to cast 3 skills to get damage, The newer frame "synergies" cost alot of energy, I run arcane energize, But I would like to see people running Saryn spore build or etc, w/o zenurik/arcane energize(not everyone owns it) and not having to go to farm polymer after 10 missions.

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On 10/8/2017 at 8:08 AM, Sebastianx said:

They'll probably increase focus gain by quite a lot, they just added those high costs initially so people with maxed out current focus trees can't instantly max out the new ones.

But why? It's not an entirely new system like it was 2 years ago when everyone new or vet had to start from scratch. It's a rework. A big rework, yes, but still a rework. They don't delete forma off reworked frames to make us regrind them, so why this? 

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Sorry, this looks totally INSANE. Why should I even care farming all these points? There's hardly anything of real use or impact. Unless it's the only way to damage certain enemies. So we're back to Focus 1.0. Pick the best passive, ignore all the other crap...


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It takes roughly 12.1m Focus to max one school according to the footage.

With each unbind from the other schools costing 1m each, adding up to 20.1m.

That doesn't include having to increase pool in the other schools and and unlocking your way to the max rank unbinded passives.

I've played quite a bit and even I only have around ~17m Focus. Wew lad.

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My take on this is to invest in naramon on a frame then create 4 focus sticks(renamed melee weapons) and get my focus by solo ext missions. 

that way i can avoid having convergance orbs in normal game play and still put enough points into Vazarin, Naramon and Vazarin.


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On 10/7/2017 at 10:25 PM, fatpig84 said:


You mean you guys don't have at least 3 schools opened ?
 Most people I know open at least 3 on average (cos Zenurik and Naramon OP then 1 more of their choice).

Heck I know of Founders who nearly maxed all 5 schools.
4 just seem pretty common on the PC side.

Nope. I finished The Second Dream over a month ago and never did anything with it until after The War Within. Even then I've just been passively gaining points when I bothered to run the frame I slapped the lens on. I haven't touched Focus at all. I bring out my operator to deal with the Stalker when he shows up or to help on the handful of Kuva Siphon missions I have done. I haven't done any Sorties either so I only have the one lens. Most of the talk about 'ERMAGERD MA ZENURIK' just has me shrugging. I'll bother with this stuff after the update comes out. 

Basically I've been playing and enjoying the game just fine without all of these shenanigans that has everyone else in a tizzy.

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19 minutes ago, Illithar said:

Nope. I finished The Second Dream over a month ago and never did anything with it until after The War Within. Even then I've just been passively gaining points when I bothered to run the frame I slapped the lens on. I haven't touched Focus at all. I bring out my operator to deal with the Stalker when he shows up or to help on the handful of Kuva Siphon missions I have done. I haven't done any Sorties either so I only have the one lens. Most of the talk about 'ERMAGERD MA ZENURIK' just has me shrugging. I'll bother with this stuff after the update comes out. 

Basically I've been playing and enjoying the game just fine without all of these shenanigans that has everyone else in a tizzy.

Good for you.

No, no sarcasm. Its good you are doing this at your own pace. Just enjoy the game.

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2 hours ago, SharkPot said:

Well in older times you did not need to cast 3 skills to get damage, The newer frame "synergies" cost alot of energy, I run arcane energize, But I would like to see people running Saryn spore build or etc, w/o zenurik/arcane energize(not everyone owns it) and not having to go to farm polymer after 10 missions.

I do? Totally fine? I honestly never had ANY issues with saryn, I hardly use energy pads, enough orbs drop to sustain me for 20-40 minutes solo. Im sorry but that arguement doesnt hold. All those new arcanes and what not and now ppl think they are meta, they are not.

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