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Dev Workshop: Weapons, Mastery Ranks, and Stats!


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Lol wut....
Have fun mesas :P


Dual Toxocyst

Mastery Rank increased from 8 to 11

Damage increased from 70 to 75

Status chance increased from 35% to 37%

Frenzy buff on headshot can now be refreshed while it’s active

Frenzy buff duration decreased from 6 to 2 secs

Also why does Spira do 88 damage, while Spira Prime does 60 damage ?
Spira also has 30% base crit while spira prime only has 30% base crit as well ?

Also I am not too fond that the Boltor and Supras (and their variants) are turning into crit weapons.
Not everything needs to be crit reliant.

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Fantastic, a lot of older gear has been in need of a review, and as much as I love new content, breathing life back into some of the older stuff is very welcome. There's a lot of things that get shelved despite being cool and fun but are otherwise uncompetitive.

I can't wait to see the adjustments to beam weapons, they haven't worked very well for a long time, also are melee weapons going to receive a pass later on aswell?

Keep up the good work DE!

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In order of least hype to most hype...

So glad Karak Wraith can actually compete with Braton Prime's status.

Glad that Bows got a draw speed buff. Snipers were objectively better in every way if you could reach 100%+ crit chance.

Glad that Latron Prime can now be used as a crit Semi-Auto better than Latron Wraith, but Latron Wraith should defininitely have more status to compensate for its loss of crit chance.


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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Damage increased from 76 to 86

Status chance decreased from 15% to 14%

Crit chance decreased from 30% to 26%

Crit Damage decreased from 2.5x to 2x

Why tho? Why? ;-; Pandero has always been fine as it is


5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

high performing/popular weapons stats remain untouched outside of being placed into their intended MR group


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There are a lot of buffs, but the pandero nerf really rustles my jimmies. Only reason I even touch the thing is because I can use my riven to get it over 100% crit chance. Maybe allow the player to aim while using the alt fire so Hydraulic Crosshairs can work... or just make Hydraulic Crosshairs keep the buff over the alt fire.

Dunno. All I know is my jimmies are officially rustled.

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Mostly amazing, but the pandero change is... almost a flat out nerf, just make the MR Higher if you guys think its OP for mr 10. there are already weapons that are stronger. so why nerf the pandero?

5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Damage increased from 76 to 86

Status chance decreased from 15% to 14%

Crit chance decreased from 30% to 26%

Crit Damage decreased from 2.5x to 2x

maybe at least keep the crit damage above 2.0x

But massively buffing a lot of weapons is amazing, the akbronco prime crit chance from 2.5 to 6% is... was that even necessary?

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I'm sorry, but why is not one pointing out how anti-new player all these changes are? They literally doubling mastery requirements for a lot of weapons and moving iconic 0 Mastery rank weapons up to 9? Why exactly does the grakata and the dual grakata need to go from 0 to 9. The buffs are nice but not worth taking these weapons out of the hands of future players. Are you trying to make it less fun for new players?

Cause the biggest hurdle I have when trying to get people to try this game is the grind. Again, the weapon buffs are nice but I would rather not have them if it means new players and lower rank mastery players have less weapons to try and have less fun because of it.

DE PLEASE RECONSIDER THE MASTERY RANK CHANGES. At the very least don't move 0 rank weapons into mastery rank 9, maybe 4 or 5, but 9 is just insane. These kind of changes are unwarranted for a lot of these weapons and I doubt these buffs will turn all these former 0 rank weapons into "top tier" weapons used by the higher master rank player base. Think of the new players, the person trying the game out and finding that they can't get that cool looking weapon until 9 and are stuck with a much smaller pool of weapons to play with. One of Warframe's biggest strengths is having a large amount of unique weapons that all feel different from each other, please don't keep new players from experiencing one of the best parts of the game.

Hell, the only reason I stuck with the game up until rank 6 was to get the Opticor, if it was rank 14 I would have probably stopped playing.

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1 minute ago, eyf101 said:

Mostly amazing, but the pandero change is... well i guess my favorite secondary will become lower on my list. at least it still looks viable and pretty good, and a riven i have will keep it past 100% crit chance so it should be ok. but simply increasing the MR instead of buffing the status and base damage at the cost of crit multiplyer and chance

I'll take the 2x multiplier, and an increased MR, as long as I get to keep my riven bumping the thing up.

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2 minutes ago, eyf101 said:

Mostly amazing, but the pandero change is... well i guess my favorite secondary will become lower on my list. at least it still looks viable and pretty good, and a riven i have will keep it past 100% crit chance so it should be ok. but simply increasing the MR instead of buffing the status and base damage at the cost of crit multiplyer and chance

maybe at least keep the crit damage above 2.0x


I can understand the cc and status changes and the damage bump seems quite nice, but yeah the CD nerf seems pretty heavy.

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5 hours ago, [DE]Rebecca said:


Increased speed of projectile

Sancti Castanas

Increased speed of projectile


Increased projectile speed



Increased Projectile Speed



Increased projectile speed for primary and secondary fire


Supra Vandal

Increased speed of projectile


Increased speed of projectile


Projectile speed increased


Since your making it EVEN HARDER to find a weapon where navigator can be used without the bullet instantly hitting a wall when  taken over, I assume your redesigning ivara's navigator ability? right? RIGHT? R I G H T ?!?!? 

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less people can use boltor prime and supra vandal is broken as all hell. i'm so happy uwu. also i think vasto prime should get more damage then less. it doesn't do too well as it is now and even with the small buff it's getting i don't think it'll be any more viable than it is right now

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Why the need to make the reload on the akmagnu slower then it already is makes no sence to me. Also the only thing the akmagnus have is its fire rate. Also there is no need to increase the dmg of the akmagnus the fire rate and the dmg they have are suficient the only problem they have is the reload speed which by these dev noted you just made worse. Good job listening. I dont see how these weapons need to have a slower reload speed then the lex prime.


If you're going with the logic that the dual version needs to have 2x the reload of the single one make it so that the aklex has a 4.7 sec reload.

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I like the kulstar changes but, why do the bomblets of the kulstar deal self damage when the bomblets of the zarr don't? I understand the initial explosion dealing self damage, but its almost impossible to not get hit by the bomblets in semi close range

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I am now going to beg, DE PLEASE DONT NERF PANDERO, PLEASE. I dont mind if you guys delete my riven just keep the pandero's stats as it is currently in game. PLEASE. Its not a massive nuke like the telos boltace or tonkor were, its just a pistol with good crit chance and damage but medium base damage. its not a broken weapon. Just increase the MR if you guys think its too powerful for the MR. PLEASE

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This is actually really nice. Thanks DE! Refreshing the weapons, giving them all a dose of power creep and making them all make sense relative to each other as part of a larger effort to make the mastery rank mechanic more integrated in the game.  Negative feelings about power creep aside, I do have some important feedback I hope you will consider while also thinking about the Warframe rework thread.

As a veteran player, I have come to appreciate the different builds that each weapon caters to.  Some have heavy status, some have no status.  Some crit all the time with large multipliers, some crit sparingly with reasonable multipliers, and some don't crit at all.  These differences all have their advantages.  There are some builds and situations where I would like weapons that are as least critically dependent as possible.  Several abilities and game mechanics do not recognize critical strikes when calculating incoming damage, including but not limited to, nullifiers, Arctic eximus, and Mag's Magnetize.

All but two of these weapons with critical changes have increased critical strike chance.  Of those, some of them paid for it in damage.  I did this by hand so I may have missed some.  
Lato Vandal 50 to 46
Burston Prime 39 to 36
Tiberon 60 to 44
Prisma Gorgon 25 to 23
Telos Boltor 50 to 30
Boltor Prime 55 to 44
Supra 45 to 36
Supra Vandal 45 to 36
Secura Penta 375 to 300
Daikyu 500 to 420

Sicarus 40 to 30 (mastery balance)
Akzani 13 to 12
Secura Dual Cestra 30 to 28
Vasto Prime 70 to 66
Telos AkBolto 50 to 47

Some of these, notably the Tiberon, needed to lose that much damage because of the critical buff that they got.  The problem the Tiberon now has is it is competing with every other teen-crit burst fire rifle.  Also others, such as the Supra and Boltor series including their pistol cousins, were characterized by their sub 5% crit and pure spam of white damage.  They are now mathematically similar to the other weapons in their class and I find it boring.  Its a loss of diversity.  I cannot think of a high tier weapon that cannot be critically modded. That is, I cannot think of a high tier weapon that does not lose noticeable damage when it cannot critically strike.  This is my primary motivation for writing.  

I understand that there are internal and external pressures to enable critical builds on the high tier weapons to offer that choice.  However, I offer the other perspective that I do not want to pay for that capability with white damage on weapons I do enjoy without critical strike.  There are already very few of such weapons.  Critical strike is a problematic stat for balancing because simply having it enables an additional multiplier for Rivens and mods to disrupt.  It requires weapons to have their base stats tuned so they are not overpowered overall, there by making them weaker without critical strike mods especially compared to other weapons.  By having this much crit on these weapons, it encourages those who stick with only one mod build, to stick with only the critical strike and status builds (weapon dependent).  Critical mod builds, on compatible weapons, are simply more powerful especially when head-shots are taken into account.  

I don't view these changes as an improvement to weapon diversity as I need to go down to the Dera Vandal and Prisma Tetra to find a weapon not dependent the critical mechanic for their DPS builds with these changes.  Even if there was no utility to maintaining some white damage in your arsenal, I would still consider it a loss to to game not have end tier pure white damage options available.  


Please reconsider changes to the weapons that had to lose significant damage to accommodate their +10% critical strike buffs specificity the Daikyu, Supra, and Boltor types.  There has got to be a way to make these weapons fit in the new system without reducing their white damage.

PS Thank you for working hard to make these subtle changes to your awesome F2P game.

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so, although a lot of weapon is buffed, many's MR is greatly changed. including some weapon what player will never acquire like braton vandal, lato prime. so if people can't get these weapon anymore, what's the point of changing the MR? also, some weapon only received minor change like twin viper wraith, the MR is greatly improved. i feel like if this update is really lunched, it will create a real hard time for new players. 

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