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Thoughts on high MR toxicity?

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at this point I've run into WAY more people complaining about people judging them based on their mastery rank than the actual judgmental people. Now its starting to get annoying. Why not get over it? Like really? Unless you're purposely squading up with that guy you will probably never run into them again.

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4 minutes ago, Noble_One said:

tbh if you see "MR = experience" from people in chat and they are serious then mute/block them and move on.

#*!% i wish i had saw your comment up before i posted, i would had just seconded what you said. Listen to this guy.

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17 minutes ago, PR1D3 said:

at this point I've run into WAY more people complaining about people judging them based on their mastery rank than the actual judgmental people. Now its starting to get annoying. Why not get over it? Like really? Unless you're purposely squading up with that guy you will probably never run into them again.

I guess once players are MR20 and above, they just don't notice this as much anymore. WHEN I look into recruitment-chats tho, I often see people setting a minimal-MR-threshold to find groups though. And as long as a player doesn't match the most common thresholds such people set, they of course will think that high-MR-players are rather hostile towards newbies. The public chat-channels really give like a false impression of the community as a whole. Some think that the entire community is like that, while truly the people setting an MR-requirement to join their group are a minority.


In a way it's similar to the forums; some people think they have like the entire playerbase behind them if they have a popular opinion, but in truth, most players don't post in or even read the forums.

Edited by RedEyedRaven
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I've seen a lot less toxicity from high-MR players than lower ones -- I get the sense that a lot of the 20+ MR players are at the point where whatever is happening, they kinda shrug and think, "Yeah, whatever, I've seen most everything in the game and there's nothing worth getting overworked about."

Although to be honest I don't see a lot of toxicity at all. Or maybe it's there, but because I mute all players in public teams (blame Ubisoft and The Division's Dark Zone for that), I can't hear it. So as long as their not trolling me using whatever in-game tricks they can, they can talk trash at my deaf ears all they want. 

Edited by Ham_Grenabe
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58 minutes ago, (PS4)purpleskullgamin said:

As a MR18 with the 19 test sitting indefinitely in wait because I can't really care to do it. I spend most of my time reviving MR 20+'s and wondering why the hell they're so bad.

You think MR20+ are mythical creature or something? They're just as likely to make mistakes as a MR 0 cause you know we're human, and you know cause maybe there ranking up new gear. 

But going off on a tangent aside, a toxic person will most likely remain a toxic person, and most of the times using someone MR is always the form of insult. Move on and block them, cause high MR don't mean squat in terms of full blown experience. 

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It's true that everyone is toxic in general but I just think you can't justify it in this game. In other games they kind of have the right to act high and mighty because... they kind of are? lol

Their level shows the level/tier of their gear and their knowledge(KIND OF. For example a mission that has a level 60 requirement. A level 60 most likely wouldn't know what to do because he just hit level 60 but a level 100 has been there and done that)

Can you say the same for Warframe?

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1 hour ago, Miser_able said:

"high Mr toxicity" is a myth. All groups of players can be toxic. 

Its a myth to an extent, yes any grp of players can be toxic and the high MR toxic players were toxic prior to being high MR, they just didnt have the "MR" "EPEEN" to back them up in their minds.

Now you want to see toxic come play Monster hunter and deal with some high hunter rank players, swinging their big swords around

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Mythical Warden said:

It's hard to make a game that's PvE toxic, unless you have to make it toxic. The idea of people making the game toxic is dumb. 

Well not necessarily make the game toxic but yeah can see people that joined this game bringing over toxic behavior from other games they used to play. Especially with WF becoming more widely known it draws in new people, good and bad ones. So yeah seen quiet a bit of toxic low MR players who were disrespectful to say the least, but yeah not all of them are like that. As for high MR ones, there is one guy that me and my clan mates used to play and he was very toxic.We suspected that he boosted his MR up since he was purchasing everything which also showed that he wasn't as expirienced and eventually was always blaming everyone else for his own screw-ups.

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Players are judget based on what they do and sometimes what they say, for example asking if a certain riven mod is good or not , that shows that modding basic mechanics have been missed, you know tiny litle things  often indicate how the player is and to underatnd the full extend of it you need several missions where you actually see what the player is doing.

Without an actual mission and without bizarre questions, judging a player is a shot in the dark that pretty much misses most of the time, the issue there is that a player making such judgements is clearly the weaker player, regardless of the status or MR.

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MR = I took a bunch of weapons to Draco, Hydron or Akkad (slow clap) 

Experienced/Veteran Players don’t care what weapons or WF’s you bring, simply because they know that it really won’t matter if your terrible. They know they’re load out so well they can carry anyone through any mission, so there’s no point to be an elitist @5$hole about it.


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I'd say it is an indicator of experince up to a certain extend. Game is out for 5 years and if you see a Mr 10 guy, he either recently started playing, or he only played with a limited content of the game. 


After a certain point it doesn't mean much though. 3k hours, only MR 21. You really can't judge my experience through my MR.

Edited by White_Matter
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MR means jack-diddly-squat, and most played frame/weapon most of the time means nothing. 

I'm pretty sure it still says nova and boltor are my most used things...I haven't touched boltor since dmg 2.0...and normal nova been MIA from my inventory for years now.

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4 hours ago, Noble_One said:

tbh if you see "MR = experience" from people in chat and they are serious then mute/block them and move on.

I think this has just become a misconception by the majority of the players, seeing one high MR player #*!% up in a mission or not knowing something, and immediately MR means nothing. You only remember those times when a high MR player #*!%s up, while at other times when a player does good you just ignore it as it is expected of them.

Higher MR means more time played in the majority of cases. More time played means more experience. Are high MR players all knowing? No. Do they make mistakes? Yes, and that's good. Warframe is like life, every now and than you learn something new, even when you think you know everything about the game.

If you round up all MR 20+ and compare their knowledge to all players bellow, who do you think would win? Lets face it, getting every single weapon and frames in the game takes dedication and hard work. Those players that have dedicated so much time into warframe are more likely to stay and play the game for longer than lower MR players. I'd like to see some statistics of players time played and their MR. Those players that have been playing for years, what MR do you think they are? I'm certain that in the majority of the cases the MR scales to the time played, and the time played scales with experience. 


From my experience of meeting high MR players i meet skilled, knowing, very nice and kind people. Players that love this game and want to share their knowledge and their passion for warframe. There are a couple of bad apples now and than, but when i see a high MR player my first toughs are ones of respect. While if i look at my experiences with lower MR players i'm mostly greeted by stupidity and toxicity.


But in the end who the f gives a S#&$. Being higher MR doesn't make you a special snowflake in a way you could act like a snob and look down on other players. At the same time being a higher MR player doesn't make you a noob. Don't generalize! 

Just play the game and have fun.

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some high MR's are like that. I'm MR 25 and I say play what you want. MR never has and never will be an indicator of skill. i still have moments where I really should know better, but while we're magic space ninjas in-game, we're only humans in real life.

6 hours ago, RedEyedRaven said:


personally I prefer the Disturbed Cover. it also doesn't have those hideous Spitting Image puppets lol.

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

but while we're magic space ninjas in-game, we're only humans in real life.

Speak for yourself. I just did a test to access a website. It said, pick all the images with a street sign on it to prove you're not a robot. 

And I failed.

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4 minutes ago, rune_me said:

Speak for yourself. I just did a test to access a website. It said, pick all the images with a street sign on it to prove you're not a robot. 

And I failed.

wait, so if humans make mistakes, but the mistake proves you're a robot, then what are you? a cyborg?

I've failed one of those before, they put about 3% of a Street sign in the corner that you might miss when you're trying to get past the check quickly.

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9 hours ago, (PS4)OerbaYunFangSta said:

Their MR restrictions, their "MR = Experience" thoughts, their arrogance.

Someone just judged me off my most played Warframes: Excalibur(I speedrunned all the way to Sedna only using him. I wanted mama Saryn badly back then), Mesa(I actually play her) and Volt(I use Volt a lot because I can't be bothered to bullet jump in POE and quick missions like Rescue, Cap etc). That comment was so dumb I couldn't even respond to it.



"all it says is that you popped a booster and ran hydron for 3 days"

-A wise clanmate.

My thoughts: 

I'm a high mr; I never create nor see any toxicity at all.... I'm in the oceanic servers, so maybe it's America, Europe or Asia that are being toxic, but I think we know the answer to that... 

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13 hours ago, (PS4)OerbaYunFangSta said:

Their MR restrictions, their "MR = Experience" thoughts, their arrogance.

Someone just judged me off my most played Warframes: Excalibur(I speedrunned all the way to Sedna only using him. I wanted mama Saryn badly back then), Mesa(I actually play her) and Volt(I use Volt a lot because I can't be bothered to bullet jump in POE and quick missions like Rescue, Cap etc). That comment was so dumb I couldn't even respond to it.



"all it says is that you popped a booster and ran hydron for 3 days"

-A wise clanmate.

How to play warframe truly: build creatively.

To play this game masterfully you need to simply acquire all mods and start playing as a mad scientist. This is how you earn respect in warframe. By teaching new players how to build setups based off of your vast knowledge of mods and how to theorycraft effectively.

Edited by Vladimir
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