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18 hours ago, Azamagon said:

As far as I can see, Khora is basicly our metalspider-frame, along with being a catsummoner.

Her 1st is a lash with her whip. Fits the metalspider theme well (using the web as a direct weapon)

Her 2nd groups up enemies with metal wires, kinda of liking having an automated cocoon. Also fits the metalspider theme well.

Her 3rd summons a metal cat. Bit odd animal to summon considering her theme, would've preferred it to be a spiderlike summon, but I can see why that's a bad idea (people with Arachnophobia), so I don't mind. At least, being a spider-esque frame, having a summon is at least very fitting.

Her 4th went from an exalted whip to a metalwire dome. Honestly, either one works fine by me, as they both fit that spiderlike theme. But if anything, I'm probably more happy with the dome-choice (if they can make it do something more unique rather than just being another CC like her #2), because If they had went with her exalted whip, her #1 could/would probably have been a possible waste of an ability. Now she gets both a whip (although not in an exalted form) AND a spiderweb-like dome.

Now... onto what the dome COULD be doing. How about:
The dome's inside is filled with web-like razorwires (DoT and slow to all enemies inside), and enemies can't see into the dome from the outside (i.e. it breaks their line of sight), meaning they have to get inside the dome to see and target Khora and her allies that might be inside / past the dome. Pseudo-invisibility, if you may. This would work well with her melee nature'd #1 and could pair extremely well with her #2's CC-nature. How it'd synergize with her summon, I dunno, but that would still have more uniqueness-potential than just being another (rather odd) CC-skill.

All of this, and I think making it so her pet can bounce of the walls of the dome to quick chain attacks that do more damage would make it by far one of the best ults and make have a nearly perfect kit overall.

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Having watched the latest dev stream, khora doesn't look half as exciting as she did before, mostly because her 4 looks so underwhelming and the rest of her kit doesn't really stand out.  She also seems to be more about bdsm and less about being the crazy space-cat lady.

Her 1 looks excessively like landslide, even down to it dealing bonus damage to enemies caught in her cc (just like landslide dealing bonus damage to petrified enemies).  It has the same basic effects as landslide, but doesn't appear to have any of the benefits: invulnerability window, rubble, a degree of mobility, etc.  Will it scale with rivens and the combo counter just like landslide does?  How will she handle not dying while trying to whip anyone and everyone?  Will there be some passive mechanic associated with it?

Her 2 is a unique-ish cc (kind of a cross between Inaros's dance party and Harrow's chains).  It appears to operate very slowly, though, as far as spreading and entrapping new targets goes.  The slowness will negatively affect her damage and her survivability if she has to stand around waiting on enemies to get finally ensnared before whipping them.  Given that it's a hard cc with a weak vortex effect, how will it interact with other hard CCs?  Will Bastille or avalanche completely prevent it from spreading?  This also works rather similarly to Atlas's petrify, except it's not half as snappy.

The latest demo of the kavat summon was pretty bare-boned and didn't actually show anything going on with the ai selection (offense, defense, heal).  This is a lot more passive on the player's part compared to the directed attacks from the last time khora was shown.  The kavat just seemed to disappear into the fray like any ordinary kavat would.  This may need a lot of play testing to find the appeal, but as of now it just looks like an ordinary pet that costs energy.

Her 4 looks pretty bad, though it is admittedly still undergoing a lot of code revisions.  Conceptually, it doesn't seem to offer anything different from Bastille, apart from a small damage boost to Khora's 1.  It's completely redundant with her 2.

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On one hand I'm disappointed her 4 was changed from being an Exalted Whip.

On the other hand we all know that the majority of people would just be using the slide attack macro current whip users abuse constantly, rather than actually playing to it's stance.

I'm all for the extra levels of BDSM fun though.
I highly doubt her 1 will scale with Rivens, since Atlas and Gara's 1s scaling with Rivens is a BUG confirmed by DE and it will be getting fixed "soon".

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I'm personally not a fan of exalted weaponry. I mean, use a normal whip! With the mods available you can get far more out of them then a glowing mess of dangly bits. And considering how IMPORTANT CC is to endgame content I am quite honestly baffled that people go "Oh no... she has too much CC" The Devs stated clearly that her ult is still WIP. And honestly I don't consider 4 abilities as ultimates. I mean on some Frames you actually use other ability more and it has a far more powerful effect on the game. Like Frost's globe and Rhino's Skin to name just two. 

So what her whip would of been is just an energy drain weapon that uses SOME of the mods you put on your melee weapon and will most likely be devolved into a slide-attack E-mash spam weapon that for "maximum efficiency" would be tied to a keyboard macro with MAXIMUM SPEED. So basically the melee meta we have now. See Excal's Exalted Blade for a more exact example in practice. Her Dome on the other hand is something like a mix between Frost's Globe and Vauban's Bastille with a touch of damage enhancement thrown in. Personally I think the strangledome is a much more useful ability. Now as for synergy in her kit, we don't know the details. For all we know her cat could prioritize these strung up enemies for extra loot or something and besides, does every frame's kit NEED to be some synergized sequencer? 

Edited by Lakais
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@SteamlordD well true but it was already endgame viable as a world of fire build even if it was a glass cannon, i agree that it needs more survivability but its not fair to nerf one of the most expensive warframes in history like this just because some of us cant restrain ourselves on newb tilesets

@rune_me i dont think it really helps with endo much other than for players who didn't get a chance to get ez endo from the ascension altar, but i can see your point.. it would be nice if we got other benefits from it other than just endo and odd mods

@(PS4)Zero_029 lol i also think odd mods sound better but i guess they thought it sounded too plain, i think its good that we could have an alternate way to earn faction exp with cephalon simaris, scanning/capturing sanctuary targets is a real pain in the booty, i hope to god that her kavat has a smarter AI than our current kavat, like it should take advantage of the fact that it has invicibility and stealth kill more often or silence high priority targets like enemies about to trigger the alarm or disarming a bombard who's about to light my arse to deep space, maybe they can just add this AI behavior into the pets 2.0 update

also while it is true that gara is currently superior to frost prime in defense gara is definitely not endgame viable ever since the nerf she got, shes our newest non-prime warframe and she got nerfed faster than even nidus did, the only reason mass vitrify even works is because the enemies dont recognize the barrier as an enemy or even an obstacle and just keep walking into it, stay far enough away from the enemies and they wont even try to attack you through the barrier, which is a neat cheese..

well they did that with arcanes when raids got removed from the game to make the plains more relevant so i wouldn't be surprised if they did something similar to make the sanctuary onslaught long term relevant even if by force, i hope it isn't so..

@peterc3 lol xD

@Checht when you put it that way then it sounds reasonable, but a lot of people spent a lot of plat/cash or time for ember and then basically got kicked in the nuts for buying/farming her, it feels like betrayal when for so long ember was the go to frame for a variety of scenarios, also this 3 ember 1 trinity tactic has been around for so long but people would much prefer other tactics instead to protect ember and trinity from nerfs, it also seems that the devs have been on a crusade to nerf all S class warframes down to A or B while buffing C and D class warframes to B, while i welcome the buffs the nerfs left some of the best godframes lost to obscurity.

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13 minutes ago, renogaza said:

@(PS4)Zero_029 lol i also think odd mods sound better but i guess they thought it sounded too plain, i think its good that we could have an alternate way to earn faction exp with cephalon simaris, scanning/capturing sanctuary targets is a real pain in the booty, i hope to god that her kavat has a smarter AI than our current kavat, like it should take advantage of the fact that it has invicibility and stealth kill more often or silence high priority targets like enemies about to trigger the alarm or disarming a bombard who's about to light my arse to deep space, maybe they can just add this AI behavior into the pets 2.0 update

also while it is true that gara is currently superior to frost prime in defense gara is definitely not endgame viable ever since the nerf she got, shes our newest non-prime warframe and she got nerfed faster than even nidus did, the only reason mass vitrify even works is because the enemies dont recognize the barrier as an enemy or even an obstacle and just keep walking into it, stay far enough away from the enemies and they wont even try to attack you through the barrier, which is a neat cheese..

well they did that with arcanes when raids got removed from the game to make the plains more relevant so i wouldn't be surprised if they did something similar to make the sanctuary onslaught long term relevant even if by force, i hope it isn't so..

I'm going to be a rebel & call them "Odd Mods". Peculiar just doesn't have that wacky tone.

I really want to see the "Epeen" mod they mentioned.

And...I totally want (judge me I don't care) a poop themed one.

If I can shoot an enemy, cover them in crap & watch them sulk around with cartoony stink lines emanating from them then I'll have endless amounts of fun.

Hopefully we can more advanced Odd mods that alter death animations.

For example, you kill an enemy with Melee so they hold their knee and...

Till they despawn...

As for Gara. Like Nidus, Gara's 90% damage reduction does make her endgame viable impo.

Just learning how to keep it up & it's synergization with other abilities is the issue. She can be a handful to maintain.

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Yeah CC is important...

But her 2 and 4 don't seem like they are good CC-Skills

They need some seconds to work and that's too long. Maybe her 4 will change but if I have to wait for 5 seconds until her 2 really works and enemy's are next to each other I should have killed them already. And the dome looked like it needed some seconds to work too... While inaros (eg) casts his 1 (!) And all enemies in a wide area arent dangerous anymore...

So maybe there could have been a better solution as a exalted whip although I like the idea. But there could have been many better solutions than this dome...

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13 hours ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

Khora isn't out yet, we should hold our opinions until we can fully realise her capabilities, as there could be synergies we don't yet know about. she is also subject to change.

personally i disliked the Whip as we have more than enough Exalted Weapons already.

True.  I'm just trying to give a more positive look since most feedback so far seems negative.

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11 hours ago, Arkanno said:

We all do Tenno,we all do...


I cant see why people are throwing the spin to win bs on the exalted whip,since none of the acolyte mods works on exalted weapons an if she ships with the whip they can and will fix her (remember Exalted Blade not having damage fall off from the energy blades?or no energy cost for the free radial blind on spin attack? - it got fixed and the only bs for me on exatlted weapons are the invencibility on valkyr's hysteria.)

If anyone claiming the exalted whip could be bs for sliding attack,it just will be fixed,period (and no I dont use whips you can just check my profile ingame lol)

Beastmasters are also tamers,Lion tamers from circus also uses whip,its a nice thematic.

and the whip changing aspects to fit the damage type its just so cool.

This is true.  But summoner has a different feel then tamers.

My issue with the exhalted whip was that it just seemed to over shadow her kavat.  If there had been synergies with the whip and her kavat on top of having the interactibility this new kit has with the kavat I could have gone for it.  but on paper it just looked like damage switching gimmick, a set and forget AI, and an exhalted weapon to crowd please easily.

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I dont mind the lose of changing the damage types and exalted whips. I would like her for the kavats and the other abilities also sounds useful at least, depend on her stats. About the whip it is not imposible if they later make a real tenno whip because we have each faction except our tenno whip so as a signature weapon to her but she already got a secondary. Maybe later we can get a nice whip.

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Outside of her kit not being liked by many around here, let's actually talk about her looks.

Her original looks and 2017 concept looked, imo, A LOT BETTER than what we've been shown recently. Why do I think this?

Spikes. Having 5-inch knives pointing out of every crack in her body makes her look terribly overloaded, which doesn't fit her overall smooth and "rounded" design. Same to some degree applies to her other "forms", which look almost equally bad.

I know this is incredibly subjective, but it looks like ideas about her kit/theme were jumping back and forth, without anyone knowing what to do with her. Even if "IPS" gimmick was dropped we still have these weird knives/bulges all around her body. 

Anyone else thinks this doesn't make her look good at all?

Edited by Voghelm
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I think she will be fine. Animations alone doesnt make a frame similar to another, mechanics tied to said animations do.

The similarities between Harrow and Khora as far as I can tell are cosmetic since they both use chains. The small similarity in mechanics would be the CC in said chain skills. But in the end, Harrow will be purely about CC and buffs while Khora will be about CC, damage and a unique pet.

If they had changed Khora's animations from chains to wires, ribbons or anything else non-chainy no one would draw comparisons to Harrow. 

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I'm very happy the exalted weapon is gone. I only use one melee exalted weapon and that is on Excal. Wukong I avoid completely and Valkyr I play with Eternal Warcry since it gives me alot more melee options. Her Hysteria immortality simply doesnt make up for pigeonholed weapons and major lack of reach when you can already get close to immortal without it being used.

So I'm super happy that Khora comes without an exalted weapon. The Kavat is the cool part of her kit anyways. Plus if her #1 skill is effected by Natural Talent like Gara's, then it will be a viable AoE skill aswell. So far her kit looks good.

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Her old build was a snooze fest as well.  Gimmicky damage switching.  People would just pick the best of the 3 and use that.  Her kavat was summon and forget.  And her exhalted whip was pandering 100%.

Her new kit fits the dominatrix/summoner vibe they first pitched with her.  You interact with her kavat more and it's going to be more central to her gameplay compared to her old build.  That alone makes it hands down better than her old kit.  It attacks, has disarm, and heals.  She also gets 2 cc abilities.  And her 1 gets extra damage from 2 abilities as well as using your melee mods.  So she'll have respectable damage for most content.  and when her damage falls off she's got CC.

The 2 being a slow CC is a good thing.  it means less nuking of enemies.  which means staggered spawns.  which means better flow over the combat pace.  It gives allies the ability to actually help kill as well compared to say atlas's petrify or nidus's spaghetti ball.  Which means allies won't feel left out of a fight and want to bounce early.  Disarm only exists on 2 other frames and is a very good effect that's not used enough.  If both the disarm and heal are AOE the kavat will be very good.  Strangle dome already is better than bastelle.  It conforms to the environment.  making it easier for it to catch people compared to boobens ability.  and while we don't know 100% for sure the fact that the enemies are grabbed by points on the ability itself means strength probably has no baring on how many enemies it can hold  Again better than booben.

And because khora has another cc ability her 2, she can forcefully drag enemies within range of the dome.  Meaning if for whatever reason the target isn't dead when her 2 is over they can get trapped again.  We also have to consider potential hidden synergies like gara had.  like maybe her kavat has some interactions with khoras cced enemies.  I can agree that she's not particularly flashy visually in any department.  and i'm a bit worried about her survivability.  But this kit seems far more cohesive and thematic than her old kit that was a mish mash of poor mechanics and one fan service ability.

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21 minutes ago, Ferah_Frithu said:

Her head bugs me the most, to be honest. It looks too chunky/bulky. Not a fan of the current visuals.

But it's probably going to be an alt helmet and vice versa in comparsion to the "old look". 

Edited by Kuez
I see that moderators are trolling us again. I don't even know where I am at this point. x'D
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I don't really care, her old skillset was boring and her new one is just as boring.

For a Frame that took over 6 months to be released, am i disappointed with her current abilities? yep. Do i think DE will rework them? nop.

Do i hope that Khora will surprise me just like Nidus did? yep. Am i that hopeful? nop.

Edited by Midrib
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В 14.04.2018 в 02:31, Blade_Wolf_16 сказал:

Titania's Razorwing, Mesa's Peacekeeper and Wukong's Primal Fury are also Exalted weapons. In total, there are 3 Exalted melees, 1 Exalted Bow/Primary, 1 Exalted Secondary/Pistol and 1 Exalted Archwing (which includes an Arch-Primary and melee).

The only 2 that actually feel like exalted weapons are exalted blade and Valkyr's claws.

Sorry but tinny winny pistols that Mesa and Titania use are out of the picture that's why barely anyone uses the as examples, also Ivara too. Not that they don't do damage but it feels like nothing special is happening. You literally just fire pistols or a bow. Wukong - don't even start. No one uses his primal fury that's how much it sucks.

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il y a une heure, -Temp0- a dit :

The only 2 that actually feel like exalted weapons are exalted blade and Valkyr's claws.

Sorry but tinny winny pistols that Mesa and Titania use are out of the picture that's why barely anyone uses the as examples, also Ivara too. Not that they don't do damage but it feels like nothing special is happening. You literally just fire pistols or a bow. Wukong - don't even start. No one uses his primal fury that's how much it sucks.

You might think that those abilities are bad or what not, but in Warframe, if an Ability replaces your weapon with one that is unique to the frame itself, it is called an Exalted weapon. How good they perform and how you personaly feel when using them has nothing to do with the fact of being an Exalted weapon or not.

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